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Sexy Bachelor by Maggie Monroe (13)


Chapter Thirteen



I pushed myself harder. The sand crunched under my feet. I dodged to avoid the waves rolling up on the beach. I knew my pace was faster this morning. It needed to be. I didn’t sleep well last night or the night before. Not like I had in San Antonio.

The phone rang, and I groaned when I saw the number.

“Luis, good morning,” I answered.

“Blake, hope I didn’t wake you.”

“Not at all Commissioner.” I stopped running for a moment.

“Good. Hey, I wanted to give you a heads up.”

“What’s going on?” I turned from the water. The sun was blaring off the ocean.

“Commissioner Fernandez is holding a press conference at the trailer park this morning. She’s brought in an environmental group. Thought you might want to know about it.”

I wished I had worn a shirt. The sweat was starting to roll toward my eyes. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand.

“What time?” I asked.

“Ten o’clock. Can’t be sure what she’s got up her sleeve.”

“I’ll check it out. Thanks for the call, Luis. You have any idea who the group is?”

“No, but she works with about ten different ones. I’m sure it’s on her list.”

“Sure. Not really the time for her to bring in new advocates.”

“You and I both want the same thing. Jobs for the island. A development like yours could make all the difference for the residents here.”

“I’m not worried about Commissioner Fernandez, but I’ll stop by and see what she has to say.”

“I might poke around too, and if I hear anything else, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks for the call.”

I hung up, anxious to hear the music again. I needed to finish this run. The sun was starting to climb towards the clouds.

A girl in a pink bikini smiled as I hopped over the corner of her beach towel. My first question was why someone on my team hadn’t alerted me to the press conference. I didn’t like unexpected information coming from Luis. It looked bad. It gave him an upper hand.

I ran past my usual turnaround spot. I needed the extra burn today. It had been almost a week since I had returned from San Antonio. Since we had returned.

My calves started to ache and I made a U-turn at the next boardwalk. The Dune Escape was twenty minutes behind me.

My phone buzzed again.

“Paul, what is it?”

“Good morning, sir.”

“Calling about Commissioner Fernandez’s press conference?”

“Yes, sir. You already know about that?”

“Damn it, Paul. You are supposed to tell me before anyone else. That’s what I pay you for.” I was irritated.

“We just found out,” he whined.

I didn’t need excuses. The team had failed. “Do you at least know who the environmental group is she has partnered with?”


I smiled. “That’s something. Who are they?”

“Not one we’re really familiar with. The Custodians of the Dunes.”

“Who in the hell are they?” I could see the boardwalk for the Escapein front of me. I ran faster.

“A group out of Galveston. They preserve the seaside dunes.”

I rolled my eyes. “Great. Find out everything you can about them. Send it to me in an hour.” I felt out of breath.

“Yes, sir. We’re on it.”

“Good. I’ll look for your email.”

I jogged up the stairs. I debated whether to stop by the office and chat with Lea, but I already knew how that would go. She would try to convince me to call Alyson. Urge me to try to work things out. Lea didn’t understand a two-day relationship didn’t need fixing. Walking away was the best thing I could have done.

I chugged the rest of the water in my water bottle then turned to the coffee pot to fill a mug, and walked onto the balcony.

The beach was starting to come alive with tourists. Striped umbrellas. Plastic buckets filling with sand to build castles. I leaned over the railing, studying the people on vacation.

I sipped my coffee. My body starting to cool under the shade of the balcony, and the breeze whipping off the ocean.

I heard a knock on the door and left my mug on the balcony. I opened the door. Caleb stood in front of me.

“What’s going on, man?” I made way for him to enter the condo.

“Saw you run up from the beach.”

“Yeah, good run. Have to do it before it’s too hot.”

“I hear you. I’ve been running the past few nights. It’s the only way I can get it in.”

He walked inside.

“Want some coffee?” I offered.

“That’s all right. I’m good.”

He followed me onto the balcony, where I picked up the mug again. “How’s Lea?”

“She’s working in the office.”

A family set up for a day on the beach in front of us. Caleb looked on the horizon.

“A bunch of us are getting together tonight for a bonfire. Think you want to stop by?” Caleb asked.

“I haven’t been to one of those in a while. Is the usual group going to be there?”

He nodded. “Yep. Cody, Madison, Aaron, Lea, and me. I’m not sure who else is in town this weekend.”

“All right. I’ll stop by.”

“And don’t let Lea give you a hard time about that girl. She’s just trying to help.”

“I know. She wants everyone to be happy.”

Caleb smiled. “Yeah, she is on a mission. Sorry things didn’t work out for you.”

“Who said they didn’t work out?”

He shrugged. “True. I guess we all have different goals.”

“I had a good time. I’m not looking for anything serious. I’ve been pretty open about that.” I didn’t need interference in my personal life.

“You don’t have to explain it to me. If I hadn’t met Lea, I’d be doing the same thing. I wasn’t interested in anything else.” He told me as if I didn’t know his history.

I thought about it. I wasn’t sure we were the same kind of men when it came to women. Caleb was certainly more domesticated than I was. Before Lea he had lived with a girlfriend. That had never happened to me. I made sure of it.

“Hey, man I’m not trying to rush you, but I’ve got to head out soon. I have a big day lined up. I’ve got to run over to the site.”

Caleb stepped back inside, and I closed the sliding door. “See you tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. I’ll bring a case or two.”

“Sounds good.”

He left and I realized how normal that exchange had been. It was possible we were actually becoming friends. I jumped in the shower.




I adjusted my collar and the sleeves on my jacket. A crowd had already gathered near the picnic tables. I stayed close to the road, out of sight. The sun beat down on the crowd. I noticed Commissioner Fernandez moving to the front of the group.

Next to her were two men and two women. Their T-shirts were decorated with pictures of sea dunes. I assumed they were from the activist group. This should be interesting. I folded my arms and waited for the press conference to start.

The microphone squeaked and the onlookers pressed their hands to their ears. It was already a rocky start.

Felicia smiled. “I’d like to welcome everyone today. I have a few people I should introduce. If you’re not familiar with the Custodians of the Dunes, a few of their representatives have joined us today. Cecilia, Bailey, Hamp, and Darrel.”

“You all know this piece of land we’re standing on has been purchased. And some of you are probably thinking this is a good thing for our island. You’re thinking about the jobs it will bring in. But what I want you to think about is what the development of Conch Cove will do to the beach. Do you know how many species of animals live in the dunes that border this tract?”

This is the part of the speech that always irritated me. Felicia started throwing out statistics about animal endangerment, beach erosion, and tossed in the number of accidents that occurred on construction sites. That one was unnecessary, but I knew what she was doing. She needed to build citizen unity. The message was clear. The development was dangerous and unsafe for everyone.

I hung my head and started back for the car. I didn’t need to hear the words from the Custodians of the Dunes to know what the pushback was going to be. They were going to fight the development.

It wasn’t the first battle I would face against environmentalists.

I heard the ding on my phone and pulled it from my pocket to check the email. From the corner of my eye I saw her. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was late to the press conference. She didn’t see me. She rushed to the group, her bag slung over her shoulder, her reporter’s pad clutched in one hand.

The skirt she was wearing showed off her tan legs and the taunt muscles in her calves. I scowled. Not for me. I had my taste. It wasn’t going to happen again.

I hesitated. I wanted to walk over. But why? I had cut her loose. It was best this way. Within a few seconds she was buried in the crowd. I started the engine and slowly drove away from the trailer park. I tried to forget I was leaving Alyson behind. I turned up the radio as I picked up speed. Yes, this was best.




The condo was cool the way I liked it. I typed out an email. I needed the preliminary numbers on a warehouse in Fort Worth. I would fly out in a few days. I wanted the information before I was back in Dallas.

Early on, people told me I grew my business too fast. They said Davenport Corporation wouldn’t be able to sustain the rate of growth I pushed on it. But it didn’t stop me. I kept the pace I wanted. Followed my instincts. Ignored the warnings.

If the next purchase went through I would be closing in on my thirtieth acquisition. It felt good to know I didn’t let the concerns stop me. I kept going regardless of the resistance.

My phone buzzed next to the laptop. It was Paul.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Have you seen the article in the News & Report?”

I closed my email. “No. Which one?”

“It came out about fifteen minutes ago. It’s an in-depth feature on one of the residents in Conch Cove. A mother and little girl who will be displaced when the demolition begins.”

I typed in the website. “Who wrote it?”

“Same reporter who released your exclusive. Alyson Covington.”

Fuck. I breathed into the phone, gripping it tightly. “I’ll find it.”

It appeared on the front page. I scanned the headline. The picture was of a young woman looking on while her daughter played in an inflatable pool. The dunes were behind them.

I knew what it would say before I started reading it. Bridget Hawkins, a young mother barely making ends meet working at the Pancake Palace, was scrambling to find a place she could afford for her five year old daughter, Jennilee. I shook my head. This was going to hurt. Not only did the article make it sound like they were going to be homeless, but also that the millionaire mogul who had bought the land hadn’t made any conditions for the residents to move.

I ran my hands through my hair. Damn it. This wasn’t the first time people had to move because of rental property I purchased.

I grabbed my keys from the counter and jogged down the stairs. I wanted to ride with the top down. I started at the end of the island closest to the Escape, searching the side streets. I turned around in every cul-de-sacs and drove to the next grid of roads. After an hour, I started to think my plan wasn’t going to work, but then I saw a gravel road half-covered in vines and brown grass. I slowed the car and turned onto the path. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t perfect. It would work.

I dialed the Dallas office.

“Paul, I need our broker to purchase a piece of land today.”

“Today, sir?” I hated how he always repeated what I said.

“Yes, today. Can the team handle it?”

“Of course. What’s the listing number?”

I groaned. “It doesn’t have a listing number. I’ll shoot you the address. Make an offer, get it done today. Also, start the permit application to have the land zoned for water and electricity. It needs to be completed in two weeks.”

I stepped out of the car. It was basically a wasteland. I estimated how many trailers I thought could fit. “And make that for ten trailer hookups. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” He hesitated.

“What is it, Paul?”

“Why are we buying this land, sir? Did I miss a report or an email?”

“It’s for the residents of Conch Cove. We can’t get everyone moved, but ten should be enough. Take care of it, and let me know when it’s finished.”

“Will do. I’ll have Ruth start immediately.”

“Thanks, Paul. I know I’ve put a lot on everyone in the office this past week. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.”

I surveyed the field. I hoped like hell this would work.

Five minutes later I pulled into the Pancake Palace parking lot. It was a local favorite on the island. The kind of place that served breakfast twenty-four-seven. I slid into a booth near the back of the diner.

“What can I get you?” A waitress, who looked as if she were still in high school dropped a glass of water on the table, spilling it on the floor. “I’m sorry.” She stooped to the floor. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

Another girl rushed over to help her. “We’ll clean it right up.”

“Not a problem. Everything I’m wearing can dry.”

The second waitress looked up. “I know who you are.”

“Funny. I was about to say the same thing to you. Bridget Hawkins, right?”

She nodded. “Carrie, I’ll take care of this customer.” She directed the young girl back to the register, carrying wet towels. “I didn’t expect you to be in here.”

“I’d like eggs, bacon, and two pancakes.” I handed her a menu.

“You’re in here for pancakes?”

“It’s the Pancake Palace.”

“Of course. I’ll get that order in for you.”

Ten minutes later Bridget returned with a plate of hot food. I smiled. “Thank you.”

“Can I get anything else for you?” she asked.

“Well, I was getting ready to ask you that.” I peeled the paper wrapper from the silverware.

She looked around. “Are you here to say something about the article? The reporter asked the questions. I just answered them.”

“I understand. I’m not upset.”

“You’re not?” She looked surprised.

“Why would I be upset?”

She sat across from me. “Do you know I have less than a month to find a place to live? There aren’t any open campgrounds on the island. Besides that, how am I going to haul that trailer?” Her voice started to rise.

“I think I have a solution for you.”

“And what is that?” she asked.

“What if I told you there is campground where you and Jennilee can move?”

She shook her head. “There’s nothing on the island. Conch Cove was the last one that allowed for full-time residents.”

I grinned. “Until the new one opens”

“But how? Where?”

“You know on the sound side near the bridge, there’s that vacant lot?”

“The one with rusted cars and boats?”

I nodded. “That’s the one.”

“I’m sorry, I might be desperate, but I’m not that desperate.”

My hand reached across the table, pressing against her wrist. “I wouldn’t suggest that. I know you’re trying to find a place for your daughter to live.”

“Then how is a junkyard going to be a suitable place for us?”

“What do you say you meet me there after work and I’ll show you? What time is your shift over?”

She still looked skeptical. “The shift change is at three. But I have to get my daughter.”

“Bring her with you. I’ll see you there.”

She stood next to the table. “All right.”

I finished my pancake breakfast, left change on the table, and headed to my car. It was a more expensive solution than I wanted, but in the long run it would be worth it. I didn’t need any more stories bashing me for kicking out a single mother.

I scowled thinking about the reporter who had taken a swing at my character and motives. It didn’t matter. I had a way to fix it.

I peeled out of the parking lot.




A few minutes after three, Bridget pulled up behind me. You could hear the bridge traffic as cars passed over the sound. I tried to tell myself it wasn’t terrible. Any kid could sleep through that.

“You made it.” I walked toward her, while she unbuckled the little girl from a booster seat.

“Yes. Now what is it you’re proposing?” She eyed the weeds growing around tires and through the windshield of a rusted out Mustang.

“I should be able to have water and electric hookups run out here in two weeks. We’ll have all of this cleared.” I waved my hands toward the abandoned vehicles.

“You own this?”

“As of this morning, yes.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and surveyed the small lot.

Bridget took Jennilee’s hand, and they walked through a path in the weeds.

“I’ll even throw in a swing set and slide. What do you think?”

She was considering it. That was all I needed. She didn’t have to have the vision I had for the place. People rarely could see what potential there was in land or a dilapidated building, but I could. I only had to paint the picture for her. As long as she believed the picture, it would work.

“And picnic tables and grills?” She turned toward me.

“Yes, over there near the trees. Much better than what you have at the Cove.”

Jennilee squealed. “Mama, look! Cats!”

A stray cat jumped on the hood of one of the cars.

I smirked. “I’ll make sure you have no problems with ferocious attack cats either.”

I heard Bridget repress a giggle.

“But Jennilee can’t see the ocean from here. She loves the ocean.” She turned toward the road. The beach was on the other side of it as well as a row of houses and hotels.

“There’s swimming access to the sound. And you know you can access the beach anytime you want to take her. There are places all over the island for that.” She didn’t look convinced. “Ok, I’ll add a pier with a swimming platform, ok?” I tried not to sound irritated. I was slowly adding costs to this low-budget project.

She folded her arms, allowing Jennilee to move freely in front of us. “A swimming platform sounds decent, but how am I going to get moved?”

“Leave that to me. I’ll set up the new campground and get you moved.”

The cat was joined by a friend. I wondered how many other animals lived in the hollowed out engines and trunks.

“And my neighbors? Frank and Carla? There are a few others who are year-round residents like me.”

She pushed her sunglasses on top of her head. I knew Bridget was a young woman, but there were lines around her eyes, and the smudged mascara running around her lids made her look tired and older than she was.

“I have enough room for ten spots. I can’t get permits for more than that. You are on the top of the list.”

“Only ten? But what if more people want to move?” She was trying to hold Jennilee back from chasing one of the cats. She glared at her daughter to stand still.

“Bridget, I have a team of people who can help them find new lots for their campers. I can help ten of you right here. What do you say? Are you interested?”

I knew the lot was small, and I wasn’t going to be able to move everyone, but they weren’t all in Shawn’s situation. She needed a place she could afford so that Jennilee could continue to live on the island and go to school. Most of the other residents stayed for four or five months out of the year. The snowbirds only resided at the Cove during the winter. Those weren’t the people causing my PR nightmare. This woman and the cute little girl were.

“All right. We’ll move.” She bent down so she was squatting next to Jennilee. The girl was about to snatch the tail of a striped kitty. “What do you think, Jennilee? Would you like to move here?”

She nodded. “Can we have the kitties?”

I laughed. “That’s up to your mother.” I began to walk back to my car.

Bridget stood. “Thank you, Blake.”

“I’m glad it’s going to work out.” I drove toward the Escape, leaving the mother to survey her new home.




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