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Sexy Bachelor by Maggie Monroe (145)





One full set and an encore later, I retired to the bar to enjoy a well-deserved beer. Or five.

“You were great tonight, man.” Cole slapped me on the back. “The girls were loving it.”

“Thanks.” I settled onto a bar stool and swigged the cool liquid.

“I think I have your two newest fans here. They might want autographs.”

“Seriously, Cole? Enough with the fan boy stuff.” I saw Sierra and Emily from high school approach from behind my tall cousin.

“You were amazing, Blake,” Emily exclaimed. She leaned in for a hug. I hadn’t seen her in a long time. I remembered she knew Sierra’s secret and had kept it. I didn’t know whether that made her a loyal friend or someone I should be wary of.

“Thanks. Good to see you.”

For some unexplainable reason, Sierra seemed a tad tongue-tied and nodded her head in my direction.

“Come here, darlin’.” I pulled her between my legs. “You look like you could use a drink.”

“No Long Island Ice Teas though.” She cracked a smile.

“What do you say we have one drink and hit the road?” I asked.

“If we can make it past your adoring fan club,” Sierra quipped. “You’re quite the local celebrity. Or national celebrity. I’m sort of confused right now.”

“Don’t get so testy, darlin’,” I battled back. “I just like to sing some songs every now and then. No big deal. I didn’t even know you were showing up.”

“I didn’t either. Emily suggested it.”

I nodded at her friend.

“Maybe I should head on back,” Emily piped in. “You can take care of this one?” She pointed to Sierra.

“Of course. I’ll take care of her.”

Emily stopped to hug Sierra before she left. I heard them exchange something about trying to keep in touch. I drank my beer and ordered Sierra a drink.

I placed the glass of wine in front of her.

“So are we ok, Blake?” She looked at me.

“Why wouldn’t we be?”

She took a sip. “Because of this morning.” She stared at me.

“Let’s have our drinks. Listen to some music.” I brushed the hair off her shoulder. “And then I’m going to take you home.”

“So we can finish having this talk?”

I laughed. “No, so I can fuck you properly. Now drink up.” I tapped at her wine glass. I was ready to get the hell out of here.

“Well, look at you.” I spun on my barstool and came eye to eye with my cousin Alex.

“Hey, man. How’s it going?” I slapped him on the back. “Ready for tomorrow?” I asked.

“Wait, is this Sierra Emory?” His eyes landed on her.

She blushed. “Hi, Alex. I haven’t seen you in a while. I think you were in middle school last time.”

“Yeah, and tomorrow I’m getting married.”


“That’s right. My little cousin is tying the knot.” I hadn’t thought much about the wedding. I had the invitation plastered to the fridge with a magnet so I wouldn’t forget it.

“Oh, wow. Congratulations. Who is the lucky girl?” Sierra asked.

“You wouldn’t know her. She’s not from the island. But she’s a sweetheart.”

“That’s good to know. I hope it’s a beautiful wedding.”

Alex grinned widely. “You’re taking her aren’t you, Blake?”

I balked in my seat. What the hell? “I didn’t think it was a date kind of thing.” Nothing on the island was fancy. Clam bakes at Shirley’s were as sophisticated as it got around here.

“Oh, no. That’s ok. Thanks, Alex. I’m sure your fiancé wouldn’t want to add a last minute guest like that,” Sierra hurriedly assured.

And with that subtle hint, I felt Sierra slipping back into her shell. Slipping back into that place that made her feel like she didn’t belonged here. That somehow she didn’t deserve this place and the people who lived here.

“Of course I’m taking her,” I spoke up. I grabbed her hand against her knee and grinned. “Sexiest date on the island belongs to me.” I winked.

Alex laughed. “Then I’ll see you there.”

Sierra twisted her full lips together. I could tell I had taken her off guard.

“Yep. You’ll see us there.”

Alex walked away to join the guys in his bachelor party. He was going to be a groom with one hell of a hangover tomorrow.

“Wedding?” Sierra cocked an eyebrow up.

“What? He looked disappointed. And I need a date.”

“And you’re sure you want me to be that date?”

My palms lifted to her face, drawing her to me. “I want you, Sierra Emory. You hear me?”

She nodded as I took her lips. I didn’t care if everyone in this damn bar saw me kiss the hell out of her. She was mine. And it was time I made sure she knew exactly how I felt. Things had been off today. We had fought. We had fallen back together.

And tonight we would love each other until the sun came up.




I walked with Sierra up the steps to the back door. She had been quiet on the way home. I knew she wanted to talk. But that was the farthest thing on my mind. I stood next to the swing while she fiddled with the keys.

I brushed her blond tresses from her shoulders so that her hair cascaded down her back.

Sierra’s eyes closed from the contact.

I looped my fingers through her hair, feeling the silkiness. I breathed into her neck. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do out here?”

Her eyes fluttered open. “What’s that?”

If she thought we were going to have some big talk, I had to shut it down. Talking was not on the menu.

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise me something first.”

My hands slipped to her hips. I pulled on the edges of her short skirt.

She nodded. “What’s the promise.”

“No talking.” A mischievous grin spread across my face.

Sierra laughed. “You don’t want to talk?”

I pushed my finger to her lips and eyed her. “Do you promise or not?”

She tried to arrange her face to make it look serious. “Ok. I promise.”

“Good girl.”

My mouth pressed against hers, willing her to part her lips for me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as the kiss in the summer night turned into something primal. She bit at my bottom lip, and then sighed when I crashed my lips harder against hers.

“I’ve always wanted you on that swing.”

She opened her mouth to tell me no. But I cut her off with one glance.

“And tonight. You are mine on that swing.”

I didn’t know what happened this morning. Why we argued. Why I let feelings get involved. What I did know was that I loved kissing her. Loved how she felt in my hands. Loved sinking into her. I wasn’t going to let this night go to waste. Not when I had two left.

My hands gathered the edges of her tank top and tugged them over her head. She lifted her arms. Her eyes met mine as the shirt slid against her stomach, over her breasts, and along her arms. I dropped it on the porch.

My tongue hungrily sought hers, needing to taste the sweetness of her mouth. The tighter I pulled her against me, the more I wanted her. Maybe it was because she wasn’t staying. Maybe I was desperate to memorize everything about her. If I kissed her enough. If I fucked her enough. Everything would change.

I wanted her now.

With one hand, I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to the floorboards. Did she know what she was doing to me? I felt my whole body ache to possess her, to show her exactly what I could do for her. My fingers reached between her legs, sliding the lace on her panties to the side. She whimpered at the contact and bit her lip.

I pushed the skirt up around her hips. The straps on her bra fell to her shoulders as I pulled the lace down to expose her perfect nipples.

I grabbed Sierra around the waist, lifted her, and positioned her until she was fastened around my hips. Without taking my mouth off hers, I carefully stepped back until I felt the edge of the swing hit the back of my legs. Her kisses had become more feverish, and I was doing everything I could to steady the building need I had for her.

“Blake, we’re going to fall.” I felt her grip tighten around my neck.

“Shhh, no talking,” I growled.

I glanced down at the swing. It was plenty wide, almost like a swinging daybed. “I’ve got you,” I said as I steadied myself on the cushion.

I had to be inside her. I had to bury myself in this woman. The need was overwhelming. Consuming.

I gripped her lower back and watched in awe as she arched away from me, thrusting her breasts forward and sliding down on top of my rock hard cock.

The swing floated along the porch. Tomorrow didn’t matter. This morning didn’t matter. This did. I held Sierra as the swing carried us back and forth, slowly slicing through the hot August night.

The edge of her thong rubbed against her clit as she bounced over my dick. I took one nipple in my mouth, sucking fiercely.

She whimpered, but she didn’t say a word.

“Fuck, you’re hot, darlin’,” I groaned.

The swing swayed as I pushed inside her, feeling her clench around me.

I twisted the other nipple before having a taste. My tongue flicked back and forth until I felt Sierra jerk. She was coming swiftly.

“Oh yeah. Like that, baby.”

She came undone. I watched her revel in it. Her body pulsing with the rhythm of the orgasm. Her tits perked as her pussy soaked my cock.

I needed more. I wanted more. She clawed into my neck, riding it out.

“Is your pussy still mine?” I growled.

She nodded. “Always,” she whispered.

I took her lips between mine, kissing her with everything I had. It was never going to be enough. She was the one who had sent me over the cliff and always would.

I lifted her off the swing and walked her over to the railing. I placed her hands on the flat surface and scooted her hips backward.

“This is mine, isn’t it?” I pushed a finger inside her.

“Yes,” she whimpered.

She was soaking wet. Her folds, glistened from her honey. Her clit was swollen from want. I groaned, wanting all of her at once. Needing to bury myself in her mouth. Needing her sweet pussy to hug my dick with all its force.

“It is. And I’m not done with you. I’m never going to be done with you.”

I pushed her back flat, while I positioned her entrance. She gripped the railing. Good girl. She knew exactly what was coming.

My cock nudged between her heat and I groaned.

“Fuck, Sierra. Every time. Every fucking time you do this to me.”

I slammed into her almost taking both of us to our knees.

She cried my name, holding on to the railing for life as I pounded into her harder than I ever had.

My hands imprinted into her ass as I thrust into her. And then my orgasm gripped me. I lost my breath. The world went black. I reared back, slamming into her as I called her name.

“Sierra. Fuck.”

I was buried so far inside her I didn’t know where my body was in space. She had me. She had all of me. I spilled myself in her. Claiming her. Making her mine again. I’d do it as many times as I had to until she knew we belonged together. We fucking belonged together.

We dropped to our knees out of breath.

“Oh my God.” She fell backward. I caught her against my chest.

I kissed her neck. “You’re going to figure it out, darlin’.”

“What’s that?” she whispered.

“One way or the other you’re coming with me.”