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Sexy Bachelor by Maggie Monroe (88)





Who wore fucking tails anymore? I shirked the jacket off and searched through my closet, banging hangers together looking for a different tuxedo. I reached for a fitted coat, but Sutcliffe’s voice nagged in my ear. If I didn’t show up ready to present the new Royal Consort in true Galona style, I’d essentially be slapping everyone in the face.

I didn’t know if I was willing to do that. Molly was the goal. The reason the palace had turned into a circus today.

Guests were arriving. Champagne was being poured.

I threaded one arm through the jacket and then the other, grumbling as I buttoned it together. When the fuck had I become this man?

There was a knock at the bedroom door. I turned to see Sutcliffe glance over the tux with approval.

“Your Majesty.” He bowed.

“Did you pull it off, Sutcliffe?” I smirked, knowing he was containing his anger.

“I believe so, sir.”

He walked over, brushed the front of my lapel and took a step back. There may have been a time when Sutcliffe could have been a fatherly figure to me. A man I could look up to after my father’s death. But the minute he started to try to control my decisions, any chance of that was eliminated. I wasn’t going to let an advisor manipulate me.

His agenda was stuck in the past. He was aligned with my father’s philosophies. My uncle wasn’t far from their ideology either. I had wrested with him the first two years and finally realized I may be a young king, but I was their king.

A king who had served his country in the military. A king who had been groomed for the crown. A king who was going to do whatever the hell he wanted.

“Good,” I responded quickly. “Is my Royal Consort ready?” I looked at my watch.

“She is getting dressed, sir.”

I hadn’t seen Molly since the morning meeting. I was sure she had been briefed on the vote, but I wanted to talk to her about it.

“What is the order of events, Sutcliffe?”

“The royal family will be introduced. Your arrival will be announced, followed by the presentation of your mother.”

“She’s here?” I was stunned.

“Of course.” He flicked his mustache.

She hadn’t made an official royal appearance in months. If there was one person Ayla couldn’t prepare Molly for, it was my mother. Damn it.

“Then Molly will be introduced?”

He nodded. “Yes. First to the government. She will go through cabinet introductions, and then to the opposite side of the ball room to meet the royal family.”

“Standard,” I muttered.

“It is, sir. Except that we are doing this for a woman no one knows.”

“And that bothers you, doesn’t it?” I straightened my cufflinks one last time. I only had a few minutes before I needed to be downstairs.

Sutcliffe pressed his lips together.

“You may speak freely. What is it about Molly that you don’t like?”

“I am to speak freely?”

“Yes.” I didn’t have time for this, especially if he was going to make me repeat myself.

“I’m not the only member of the palace household who knows where she came from.”

“You have something against Americans?” I questioned. I didn’t need political issues along with family ones.

“No, Your Highness. I’m talking about The Titan.”

My eyes darted across the room. “The Titan?”

He folded his hands behind his back. “A woman who would participate in the gala is not someone I would choose to be our next queen.”

“Queen?” What the fuck was he talking about?

“You’ve moved her into the palace, given her a title, and tonight she meets the entire royal family and every member of government. Do you not want to marry her?”

I balled my fists at my side. “That’s none of your damn business.”

“It is my business. I am a citizen of Galona. I serve the crown. And if that gold digging harlot thinks she has the right to rule next to you, I’m going to have a say.”

“Is that so?” I arched my eyebrows.

“Your Majesty, you asked me to speak freely.” He wasn’t backing down. There wasn’t an ounce of fear in his eyes.

“I did.” I walked toward the bedroom door. I turned before I exited. “You are the last of my father’s advisors.”

“I am, sir.”

My eyes set on him. “Did you ever question his decisions as you have mine?”

“Your father was king for years. He was much older when he had the crown.”

“Don’t confuse age with wisdom. I’ve learned they aren’t synonymous.”

Sutcliffe puffed his chest forward. “She’ll do the same thing to you that Sophia did to Dominic. I’m only trying to protect the crown.”

I glared. “I’m the one who protects the crown.”

I walked toward the elevator, not giving a fuck how rude or abruptly I ended our conversation. Sutcliffe was here because I allowed him to be. If he didn’t embrace the new Royal Consort, he would not remain for long.