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Sexy Bachelor by Maggie Monroe (6)


Chapter Six



It was manipulative and conniving, but I was out of options. I didn’t expect him to actually fall for it. I pushed down the guilt growing in my stomach. This wasn’t the kind of reporter I wanted to be, but I couldn’t afford to be an out of work journalist either. I was surprised when the tears surfaced. I blamed the heat and the fear of losing my job.

I dialed the after-hours number at the office. Christine was still there. She answered after a few rings.

“Christine Blum speaking.”

“Hey, it’s Alyson.”

“You’re late. Over an hour past deadline. I’m afraid you didn’t take our earlier conversation very seriously.”

“Wait, Christine I have an exclusive.” I smiled at the bartender. He was busy polishing pilsners, but I thought he had an ear extended my direction.

“What kind of exclusive? You already missed the scoop on the land sale. Two other sites beat us to it,” she vexed.

“Blake Davenport has agreed to an interview.” I held my breath. This was the only card I had to play to keep my job.

There was silence on the phone.


“He’s going to let you interview him?” She laughed. “I don’t know if I can believe that. He never does interviews. Believe me. We’ve tried.”

“It’s true. I’m with him right now and we’re getting ready to start the interview.” She didn’t need the exact timeline. She also didn’t need to know he had invited me for drinks. I had entered a murky gray area where my journalistic ethics were concerned.

“You’re serious?”

“Yes. I’m staring at his monogrammed cufflinks now.” They were far away, but within view.

“Holy shit. This is big, Alyson. How did you manage that?”

I breathed for the first time realizing she wasn’t going to fire me tonight. “I’ve been working on it all day. That’s why I missed the first deadline. I’ve been following a few leads to get to this.”

“I’m impressed you could gain access to him.”

She wasn’t the only one. I was still reeling from his surprise. “Thanks. I’m going to work on the story tonight, and I’ll have it submitted in the morning. First thing. I promise. I need time to work through the interview.”

“I expect to see it in my inbox before I have my first cup of coffee,” she warned.

“Not a problem. I won’t sleep tonight until I have the full story.”

“That’s what I need to hear. Good luck.”

She hung up before I could promise an amazing article. I turned my ringer to vibrate and shoved my phone into my bag. I didn’t want any distractions. I couldn’t let anything ruin this chance.

I walked out onto the patio with a smile plastered on my face.

Blake was sitting with Caleb, who I had met earlier, and the girl he had mentioned.

“There she is.” He stood. “Alyson Covington, meet Lea and you’ve already introduced yourself to Caleb.” I heard his admonishing tone.

The tall blonde stood to shake my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too. Blake said you write for the News & Report?”

“Yes, the online magazine. I started there in May.”

“Cool. I was a business major at Carolina. I try to keep up with business trends when I can. How did you get that beat? Did you double major in business?”

God, that would have at least made some kind of sense. I had nothing under my belt other than a terrible economics class sophomore year.

I sat in between Blake and Lea. I gave the quick backstory. “When I graduated I started applying everywhere. The online business journal at the Record was hiring so it just kind of worked out. I drove down a week after graduation with nothing but what could fit in my car.”

She laughed. “I get that. You could say my current job just kind of worked out too.”

She looked at Caleb, and I caught the emotional current passing between them. It was tangible. The hues from the sunset caught the corner of her ring and the sparkle landed on the table.

“That’s a beautiful ring,” I admired.

“Thank you. Caleb proposed at New Year’s.” She held it out so I could examine it more closely. “It was a complete surprise.”

I looked at her fiancé. I could see the family resemblance between him and Blake. They both had broad shoulders, defined jawlines and I wasn’t sure I had ever seen piercing eyes like that before. The Davenport men were a dangerous combination. I blushed, knowing my mind was traveling to some dirty places.

“When’s the wedding?” I asked.

“October. It’s going to be in North Carolina. That’s where I’m from.”

“Alyson just graduated from Radford,” Blake added.

Lea looked impressed. “Wow. Virginia. You’re a long from home too. We Southern sisters are going to need to stick together, don’t you think?” She passed a beer to me.

I nodded. It was the closest gesture of open friendship I had had since I moved here. “Definitely.”

I could feel Blake’s eyes on me. Those sparkly, bright blue eyes. The guys didn’t seem to mind that we talked about bridesmaid dresses and hairstyles. They drank their beers, and we all watched the sun go down.

I missed this—nights filled with conversation instead of my DVR. I had started to worry I wouldn’t meet people on the island, although technically meeting the family of a source didn’t qualify as me getting out in the social scene. I had to remind myself of that. No matter how edible he looked, Blake was a source.

The sky around us grew dark. “Darlin’, what do you say we head home?” Caleb’s hand landed on Lea’s knee.

“That sounds good to me.” I saw her throw a glance at Blake. I needed an interpreter. “Nice meeting you, Alyson. We’ll have to get together later.”

“I’d like that. With my schedule I haven’t had a chance to meet anyone here,” I explained.

“Well, we can definitely fix that.” She jotted her number on one of the cocktail napkins. I did the same and handed it to her.

She reached for Caleb’s hand. He looked ready to get out of Buddy’s Bar.

“See you around, Uncle.” He patted Blake on the back.

“That’s right. I’ll catch you two later.”

“You’re not leaving Padre right away are you?” Lea asked.

“No, I’ve got enough to keep me busy here for a while.”

“Good.” She grinned. “Bye, Alyson.”

He waited until they had left before he spoke. “So, what do you think about a round of shots?” He waved the waitress toward us.

I tried to protest while he ordered a top shelf tequila.

“I-I-we still have the interview. I can’t do shots,” I warned.

“Sure you can. I insist.” He placed the glass in front of me, brimming with tequila. “One round.”

“Only one.” I held up my finger. I don’t know why I thought he would take the gesture seriously.

He laughed at the face I made when I swallowed the shot. “That’s good stuff. What a face. It’s not like I made you drink vegetable oil.”

The tequila warmed me from the inside out. I was hot enough already after trying to stay out of the sun, chasing Blake Davenport around, and now in dangerous territory with a professional flirt.

I tossed the lime on a napkin. I wasn’t sure if it made the tequila better or worse.

“Ahh, this is nice, isn’t it?” His eyes were focused on the horizon. Sailboats glided past us. Their lights brighter now that the sun had dipped below Port Isabel.

“It is. Do you spend a lot of time here?”

He relaxed in the chair. “I split my time between all of my assets. I’m based out of Dallas though.”

“And what do you do when you’re in South Padre?” I was certain the tequila had reached all the way down to my toes. Everything felt tingly.

“A little bit of this. A little business.”

“And which do you prefer?” The stubble along his chin darkened under the sunset shadow. It gave him a rough and athletic look. A twist after seeing him polished and professional all day.

“It sounds like you’re trying to interview me.” His gaze moved from the sailboat to me, and my breath caught in the back of my throat.

“I’m only trying to have a conversation. How do I do that without asking questions?”

“How about I ask the questions?” he teased. When he smiled like that I could see the straight lines of his teeth.

I laughed. “You want to interview me?”

He shrugged. “Until it’s your turn.”

The way my cheeks flushed was involuntary. I didn’t know how he did that. Everything he said was dripping with sex, without even mentioning it. I pressed my knees together.

“Ok. Let’s test your reporter skills. What would you like to know?” I asked.

He ordered another round of shots, and I waited for his first question.

“Why would a pretty girl from Radford move all the way to this island for a job at an online business journal?”

It was the way he said pretty that made me smile. It was the second time he had mentioned it today. “That’s an easy one. I already told you. I needed a job.”

“Hmm. I think there must be more to it than that, Miss Covington. How about this one?” He paused as if he was thinking hard about the next question. “Was there a guy involved?”

I tipped back the second shot of tequila. This one went down smoothly and I knew why Blake liked it. “You think I moved here for a guy?” I balked.

He smirked. And damn it, if it wasn’t sexy. “It would make sense. What’s down here for someone like you?”

I didn’t know whether to be insulted or complimented. Did he think I was the kind of girl who moved because I had to follow a guy? Why couldn’t I follow my own career instead of someone else’s?

“I told you I moved for the job. It’s not really the time to be picky in the job market, especially for someone who just graduated from grad school. I can’t stay a student forever. And no, there was no guy,” I added with some southern sass.

“Was there a guy in Virginia?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Not for a while. We broke up before the holidays,” I admitted.

“Was it serious?” His eyes gazed heavily on my lips, and I couldn’t resist drawing my lower lip against my teeth.

“Depends on how you define serious, I guess. We didn’t date very long if that’s what you’re asking.” I didn’t know why I was even answering these questions. It was as if the tequila was some kind of weird truth serum. When had this turned into a relationship inquisition? I should be asking all the questions, no matter his game.

He grinned. “So you didn’t move here for a guy, and you didn’t leave one back home?”

I shook my head. My chest rose with deep breaths. “No,” I whispered.

“Sounds like you are unattached.”

I didn’t know if it mattered to him what my answer was, but I nodded. “Completely single.”

“I guess that makes two of us.” He grinned, and somehow I felt as if I had just told a wolf my secret hiding spot.

I didn’t know much about his personal life. He didn’t grant interviews so what I found online were gossip articles and the occasional picture from a groundbreaking of one of his developments. He had no social media accounts, which I guess made sense. He obviously worked hard to keep a low profile. He was busy taking over the world, not adding friend requests.

But there were rumors—plenty of rumors. He was a womanizer. A fun-loving, perpetual player who never got close to settling down.

I wanted to ask him about the women in his life, but it wasn’t my turn. I’d have to wait.

“I was wondering if you’d like to see where I live when I’m visiting Padre.” His eyes had turned playful. “Maybe you could add it to the interview.”

“Your place?” I wasn’t entirely sure my voice hadn’t cracked.

“Mmm-hmm. Come on.” He stood from the table, waiting for me to join him.

I felt the sweet hum of the drinks circle my veins when I met him. “I don’t know that I should drive.” I looked up at him, suddenly aware at just how broad his shoulders were.

“That’s ok, Miss Covington. I live right across the street. We can walk.” I didn’t expect him to take my hand. It fit over mine, warm, smooth, and strong. I exhaled as he tugged me through the bar.

We emerged in the parking lot of Buddy’s. He pointed. “I live right over there.”

Of course. I had forgotten the Dune Escape was practically next door. I followed him across the street, his grip against my palm firm and reassuring. The tequila was working through me with electric magic.

I could hear the waves crashing against the sand as we walked closer. Blake’s condo was the last one in the row and the closest to the beach. We climbed the stairs and I could make out the surf pounding the shore while he punched in the combination on the lock.

“Why do you have a combination lock?” I asked.

“This unit is for sale.” He opened the door for me. “Although, after today it looks like I’m going to be spending more time here so I might need to find a new place to live.”

I took in the condo. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of something personal. Something that would tell me more about him. But it was a perfect model unit. Nothing was out of place. The only thing that looked like it belonged to Blake was the laptop glowing on the glass dining table. There was a short pile of folders stacked next to it.

“Nice.” I admired the furnishings.

“Lea did the decorating. But check this out.” He pulled me toward the balcony. “I get credit for this. You can see the entire beach from here.”

I leaned over the railing. He was right. On the right the famous South Padre hotels jutted out over the beach. On the left were a few cottages before the park began.

“You get credit?” I teased, feeling tipsy enough to lean too far against the railing for my balance. Blake slipped his arm around my waist in a protective way.

His hands were large and strong, making me feel safe and warm in his hold.

“I get credit for seeing something worth taking.” His voice was deep and sexy.

“It’s beautiful here. Why don’t you keep it?” I asked. I’d love to wake up to this view every day.

He had that faraway look again. “Nah. I’m not meant to stay here. I’m here for business. Besides, this is the most expensive unit on the entire property. It’s worth what I’ll make on it.”

“But you have family here. You could keep it,” I argued.

“The family situation is complicated.”

I hadn’t begun to digest how Caleb was Blake’s nephew. There was a story there I wanted to know. I was supposed to focus on the business aspect of this man, but every time I looked at him, I wanted to know a little more. I wanted to know things beyond his acquisitions and mergers. Like how he kissed. How he tasted. What he could do to me in his magazine-perfect bed.

“I’m ok with complicated,” I whispered.

He turned toward me, and I felt the heat of his stare burn against my lips. I took a slow step back, feeling the wall block my movements.

“Good. Because there’s nothing simple about me.”

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. Blake’s eyes locked on me and all I could think about was being kissed by him. I ran my tongue over my lips, wetting them slightly, anticipating the move he was about to make.

He took a step closer, and I felt my heart hit the back of my ribs, it was pounding strongly. He was sexy as hell. He was smart. Conniving. Powerful and controlling. And if he didn’t kiss me there was a chance I would never recover.

His hands cradled my face, and I tilted toward him as his lips lingered against my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pressing him closer, urgently, forcefully. The kiss was reckless and breathless as our mouths devoured each other with hungry strokes. I eased into his hands as they coasted down my shoulders and entwined at the small of my back. He slowly worked my shirt from my skirt, sliding his hands along my skin.

I tasted his lips and his tongue. The tequila was sweet on his breath. His teeth grazed over my bottom lip and I gasped. His hands had worked up my back and landed on the clasp of my bra.

The air around us was salty and heavy from the sea, but it hummed from the warmth building under our skin. A curious kiss had turned into an electric current that was firing so rapidly I wasn’t thinking anymore. All I knew to do was to give my body over to Blake Davenport as he began to unbutton the front of my blouse.

His head dipped to kiss below my throat, and he carefully moved the shirt off one shoulder and then the other. His movements were deliberate—intentional. Powerful.

My heart beat rapidly against my chest. I stood while he slid the bra off my arms and tossed it on the chair.

His blue eyes, now dark on the balcony, drank in my skin. The look he gave me sent shivers along my arms and between my legs. God, he had to know what he was doing to me. My panties were soaked. My core was already aching.

He was silent as he bent to kiss my neck and collarbone. My head reeled back at the sensation. His tongue was hot and lethal. I gasped when it flicked over my breast. He looked up at me, smiling wickedly. His mouth covered my nipple and I groaned as he sucked and grazed his teeth against the tender skin. He held me against the wall, exploring my flesh, kissing me, until my knees were trembling with want and weakness.

The sound of the waves echoed off the walls, and I immediately braced myself when I felt his hands wrap around me and lift me from the floor. He settled me on one of the chaise lounges. I hadn’t noticed them when we first stepped on the balcony, but there were two side by side. He worked the button on my skirt and began to shimmy it over my hips. It was enough to jar me back to reality.

“Wait,” I breathed. My head spun.

He tossed the skirt on a table. “What is it?” He kissed behind my ear as he lowered his body against mine. He was warm.

I tried to find words. “T-the interview. You promised me an interview tonight.” I tried to steady my voice. Nothing in me was calm. Every part was raging to touch him.

His fingers inched over my hips and were roaming the inside of my thigh. I tried to read his expression in the dark.

He sat forward and I helped him with the buttons on his shirt. My body was reacting one way, while my mind was trying to latch onto the idea that I still had work to do. I traced the lines of his chest, taking in the way his body was sculpted and athletic. There were ridges under his ribs, and his muscles flexed along his torso. God, he was sexy.

“Interview?” His mouth was on mine again and I settled against the chaise.

I nodded, although not convincingly. There was a heat burning between my legs which was taking over all rational thought. Logic was drowning and sinking helplessly against his skilled hands. I started to rock lightly as his fingers moved closer.

“Yes.” I tried to still my hips. “I have a deadline,” I pleaded uselessly.

“Go ahead.” He hooked the edge of my panties on his thumb and was working them down my thighs. His eyes unyielding. “Ask me a question,” he dared.

“I can’t interview you like this.” I tried to sit forward, but realized I made it that much easier for him to finish his task. He flung the panties across the deck.

I was completely naked.

“Why not?” His hand ran along my ankle, crossing over my knee until he had pressed my thigh to the side.

I groaned as his fingers dug into the soft flesh of my leg, sending pulses to my core.

“Afraid you can’t concentrate?” He bent to blow air across my breast. It was delicious torture the way he kissed me before moving on to the next part of my body. It made the tightening feeling in my stomach lurch with pleasure. Too much pleasure.

I reached for the buckle on his pants. To hell with concentration. I needed this man. He was driving me wild, teasing and toying with me.

“I don’t want to concentrate,” I whispered. I slid the leather belt from the loops, and freed him from his slacks. I watched in awe as he shed his boxer briefs on the deck floor.

This was a man who could have been sculpted from a block of stone. I stared in disbelief at the symmetry of his body. His huge cock bobbed in front of me. What did I expect? He was ripped everywhere.

My palms pressed against the flesh over his heart. He was warm and solid.

“Good. Because this is all I can think about. Concentrate on me, baby.”

His tongue parted my lips and I greedily sucked and kissed him, desperate to stop the burning that was raging through my body. It had built to a peak that was so consuming I thought the pain would start to rip me apart if he didn’t fill me. I pressed my nails deep into his back, urging him to take me.

He hovered over me, his eyes piercing even in the dark. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

His hand moved between my legs, settling over my heat. His fingers swirled between my slick folds as he pushed a finger inside me.

I hissed as he sank another finger in my pussy. I clenched against him, bucking for more.

“Oh yeah, baby. Fuck my fingers.”

I couldn’t stop the need tumbling through me as my hips jutted back and forth. He flicked my clit and I whimpered. It felt good how he threaded pleasure and pain together. He thrust inside me again, withdrew and pinched my clit with a twist and I moaned.

“Oh God.”

“Spread your legs for me,” he demanded.

My knees fell wide and I watched as he slid past my stomach, settling over my clit. He nipped at it and I jerked toward him, hungry for more.

He drew a long slow lick, his eyes landing on mine. “Such a sweet pussy.”

“Oh shit,” I whispered as he buried his face in my heat.

I was lost. The world spun as he drank me in. His tongue darting in and out of my entrance. His teeth nipping. His thirsty moans vibrating against my thighs.

He lapped forcefully, sucking at my clit while I pressed his head between my legs without shame.

I was going to come like a rocket taking off a launch pad. Full of explosive force and loss of control.

“So damn sexy,” he growled.

My fingers twisted in his dark hair. I had nowhere to go but pressed hard against his face as the orgasm hit me with violent shocks. I pulsed and vibrated, shaking from the intensity.

Blake sucked harder, clamping my clit with the sweetest pressure I’d ever felt.

“Oh my God. Oh my God.”

My body hummed as the quivering started to subside.

Blake leaned forward, kissing my stomach and pulling my nipple between his teeth.

I wrapped one leg against his waist, pushing him toward me. I arched forward ready to take him, needing to feel him, wanting him to rock my body into total oblivion.

“See?” I grinned. “I can turn off the reporter side.” I searched his eyes. “Is something wrong?” I asked completely breathy.

He rested on his palms. His movements slowed.

He sat back on his heels. He shook his head, running in hands through his hair. “Damn it.” He reached for his boxer briefs and stood to pull them on over his toned legs. “Fuck,” he cursed.

“Blake?” I sat forward, realizing none of my clothes were in arm’s reach. I was naked on display on the balcony. I tucked my knees to my chin, unable to look at him.

He dropped my clothes in a pile at the end of the chair. “Yeah. Thanks for the reminder. We have an interview to do. I’m sorry. Get dressed and meet me inside.”

He was cold and distant. How did this happen?

Before I could protest or wallow in my utter humiliation, he walked inside the condo, sliding the glass door behind him.




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