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Sexy Bachelor by Maggie Monroe (146)





I didn’t know whether to be more nervous or excited that Blake and I were going to this wedding together.

The entire island would be there. And they would see us—together.

I knew what they must have thought about me. The same things that Blake did before he learned the truth. That I had abandoned my roots. Skipped out on my family. Left my aunt when she probably needed my help the most.

I clasped my necklace around my neck, catching my reflection in the mirror. Where was that girl they used to know? Was she still in here somewhere? Did I have it in me to remember what it was like to count on people? To lean on friends and family? I had been on my own for so long I didn’t know if I could let myself fall completely. It was one of the things I was still trying to figure out.

I grabbed my clutch and carefully walked down the stairs to wait for Blake. I wore my hair up tonight. I thought I’d try something different. I hadn’t exactly packed for a wedding, but I wore a light blush dress that had thin straps and fell at the tops of my thighs.

I heard the knock on the screen door and looked up as my date walked into the house.

My jaw dropped. There was over six feet of sex-on-a-stick grinning at me. I didn’t think I’d ever seen him in a suit. It clung to him, showing off his athletic frame. He had to be the most gorgeous man on the planet.

He whistled. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you. I think you look pretty amazing yourself.” I brushed the lapel on his jacket. My palms rested over his heart.

“Ready to do this?” He winked and I felt the fluttery sensation zing through my belly. How did he do that? How could he keep doing it? Make me go weak? Make me feel as if we had met for the first time?

“I’m ready.”

He threaded his fingers through mine and led me out the door.

We parked in an empty lot across the street from the wedding. There were white ribbons dancing in the wind.

Blake stepped from his truck and walked around to help me out. He looked out over the water.

“Fall is coming.”

I thought I saw sadness or maybe it was just realization that reality was headed our way. Fall meant football.

I followed Blake around the side yard to where I could get a glimpse of the party under way on the lawn facing the sound. The event seemed to stretch across three adjacent yards with a white tent at the center as well as a steam pit to the left and a series of round tables to the right. Lanterns were strung from the gnarled island oaks and along three piers that jutted from the three houses.

“This is beautiful.” I stood in amazement. I couldn’t remember the island ever looking so magical before.

“Let’s get some drinks.” He pointed to the bar.

Apparently, things had really changed on the island. There was a full cocktail hour before the ceremony even began.

“Champagne?” he offered.

“One glass should be ok, right?” I took the glass from his strong hands.

“I’ll make sure you get in the right bed tonight, darlin’.” And there it was again. The tingle. The sensation that only Blake could give me. I had it so bad.

We carried our glasses and I followed Blake toward the pier. There was a group of men gathered, smoking cigars. I was skeptical whether I should tag along. I stopped short of the first step on the boardwalk.

“Maybe I should just get our seats,” I suggested.

“Come on. I want to show you off in that dress.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“It’s just.” I felt self-conscious about the whole thing. What were they going to think seeing us together again?

“What is it?” His eyes were dark and smoldering. Holy hell. I’d follow this man off the pier if he asked me to.

I shook my head. “I’m fine. Let’s go say hello.”

I pulled my shoulders backed and inhaled the salty air. My heels clicked against the wood surface and the men stopped talking to look at us as we approached.

“If it isn’t the island quarterback.”

“Hell, it’s the off season.” Blake slapped an older man on the back. I froze. I recognized him. It was his uncle, Roger’s brother. Shit.

The two men had looked a lot alike. Blake was more handsome than his father, but there was a definite good-looking gene in the Wyatt pool.

“Uncle Billy, you remember Sierra Emory from high school don’t you?”

The pit of fear dropped into the center of my stomach. He reminded me so much of Roger. The gray over his ears was more white. And he had more wrinkles around his eyes, but the similarities were eerie.

My hand trembled as I extended it forward. My teeth rattled as I tried to spit out my hello.

“Nice to see you again.”

He took my hand between his calloused palms. “So good to see you, dear.” His smile was warm and generous.

Cole popped up behind us. “Dad, you’re supposed to be seating guests.”

“Oh, am I?”

“Yeah, come on.”

He looked at me then Blake. “Maybe we can catch up after the ceremony.” He squeezed my fingers lightly and walked off the pier.

“Gotta go,” Cole announced. “People around here act like they’ve never been to a wedding before.”

As soon as they were out of sight, I reached for the railing. I took a big breath.

“What the hell is wrong?” Blake asked. “You ok?”

“He … he looks so much like your dad.” I stared off into the horizon. A few late boaters were coming in for the night.

“I guess I don’t see it.” He put an arm around me. “Are you going to be ok?”

I nodded. “It was just a surprise. That’s all. It made me feel like I was eighteen all over again.”

Blake spun me toward him. “Did you hear what I said to you, Sierra?”

My eyes tried to follow his.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you. Ever.”

His strong arms wrapped me toward his chest and I relaxed against his body. He was like a solid wall, daring anyone to pass through him. And in that moment I knew that if someone tried they wouldn’t make it through. Blake had me. He would make sure no one hurt me again.

“Want me to take you home?”

“No. I want to stay for the wedding.”

“Good.” He tipped my lips toward his.

“I guess we should take our seats.”

“Come on.”

He pulled me from the railing and helped me down from the pier. We walked across the grass and waited for Cole to escort me to our seats while Blake followed behind us.

“Glad you came,” his cousin whispered, depositing me in one of the groom’s family seats.

“Thanks. Me too.”

Blake sat next to me. He pulled my hand into his lap.

“Did I tell you how sexy you look?” he asked.

I nodded. “I think you mentioned it.”

He looked over his shoulder. “Do you remember that little beach down there?” he whispered.

I was trying to read through the program. I recognized some of the names from high school.

“Yeah, I think so. Isn’t that where we…” my words trailed off. I wasn’t about to say what we had done there. We were surrounded by wedding guests.

His teeth grazed my ear. “It’s where I—”

“Shh … don’t say it,” I warned him.

He smiled. When he did that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stop him.

“Why? You don’t want anyone to hear about what a naughty girl you were?”

I eyed him. He couldn’t be serious. “Blake, the ceremony is getting ready to start.”

He squeezed my hand. “Just having a little fun, darlin’.”

Before he could torture me further the music started and the first bridesmaids walked down the aisle. I sighed with relief. I was dangerously close to letting him push me to the edge of the fire. To that circle where the flames danced in my belly and I couldn’t help but the let the combustion take hold.

We stood when Alex’s bride appeared. Blake held my hand through the vows and afterward when the bride and groom kissed. It was sweet, but quick. We moved to the cocktail area to let the staff breakdown the ceremony seats and convert it into the reception site. Everything was all in one place.

Blake handed me another glass of champagne.

“I don’t know if I should.” I eyed him. I wasn’t exactly tipsy, but there was something about the night. Something in the air that was making me buzz with excitement.

“I think you should drink it.” He knocked one back. “I like it when you’re a little more daring. You let down your hair and let me do all the things I dream about doing.”

My core burned at the suggestion.

I touched the glass to my lips and felt the fizzy bubbles slide down my throat. It was sweet. It warmed me to my toes on a surprisingly chilly night.

The band started up. We watched from the sidelines as the bride and groom took to the dance floor and went through the obligatory list of dances with each other and their family.

“Come on.” Blake tugged me by the arm.

I thought he was trying to coax me onto the dance floor, but he was headed in a completely different direction.

“Where are we going?” I stumbled behind him. It was hard to keep up in my high heels.

“You’ll see.”

We moved through the guests until we were on the other side of the tree line.

“You’re not serious?” I looked up at him.

His mouth crashed against mine. “I’m fucking serious.”

I melted in his arms and surrendered every last sensible thought in my head as Blake stripped me in the moonlight on the same beach where I lost my virginity to him.