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The Artistry of Love (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 2) by C.J. Scarlett (16)

Chapter 6


I woke up in my studio the next day. How did I get there? I didn’t remember coming back there.

The last thing that I remember was the whole thing at the pier. I was talking to Jives, he seemed like he wanted to tell me something, and then, I got attacked by that strange tentacle monster. I immediately froze, remembering that he turned into that giant… thing that didn’t look like the normal Klanden aliens. Why did I get attacked? Why did he do that? I needed answers, and I wanted them fast.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen though. I tried to call him, desperately dialing him in hopes that he would respond. But there was nothing, and I immediately froze. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. I started to wonder just what I should do. I mean, he couldn’t avoid me forever, and neither could I.

But I was scared. I didn’t want to think that he did something bad. It’s obvious that the reason why he avoided this whole mess with me was because he feared something was wrong about it. I mean, why did he hide that form of his? What did he suppose he’d get from this? I didn’t know, and frankly, I tried to get my mind off it the moment I saw it.

But I couldn’t. It started that day when I tried to call him, he left me a voicemail, and then I continued to paint. I couldn’t get the sight from last night out of my head. So I painted it, drawing him and how he looked, along with that tentacle monster. I even drew myself, though it might not be entirely accurate. But I couldn’t stop thinking about the mess with him. I couldn’t stop thinking about all that was going on. I wanted to know, I truly did, but I feared he wouldn’t tell me.

Would he let me know? I don’t know. I tried the next day to call him again, but there was nothing. I did so again and again for the next week or so, but to no avail. This meant one thing.

He was trying to avoid me. He was ashamed, scared of what I saw, and feared what he could’ve seen at that moment.

I did understand the fear. It was justified. I mean, I could tell this was something he hadn’t shown anyone else. From the moment he hesitated, I could tell immediately. But, why did he refuse to talk to me about it after all was said and done? This was bizarre.

Maybe I should go see him? After yet another week of silent treatment, much to my dismay, I finally did. I got the address to the embassy, I hopped in my jalopy, and headed over there.

When I got to the building, I immediately marched to the reception hall. The Klanden man that was on duty there, some little young guy that probably wasn’t into chicks at all, stared at me.

“You all right there, miss?” he asked.

“Been better. I need to see someone though. If you could help me, that would be awesome,” I said.

“Who?” he asked.

“Jives. It’s important,” I said to him.

He dialed the number, stepping away into the corner to discuss with the other person on the line. Immediately, he came back, looking at me.

“He says he’s busy.”

“Bullshit. Tell him I know. I remembered what happened, and I’m not going away until he comes here, and gives me a goddamn explanation. I’m serious,” I told hm.

I didn’t think Jives would be so worried. But the receptionist shook his head.

“I’m sorry, but he’s got meetings booked through the afternoon.”

“Then tell him I’m going to sit here, wait until he gets out of those meetings, and he and I are going to have a little chat,” I said to the other.

The young man nodded, sitting back down at the reception desk. Time passed, about three or four hours, and it was soon the end of the night. People were leaving, and I just sat there, looking at my phone, and a few of the magazines in the area. I started to shiver, wondering if it was worth it to try here. Would he hide in his office until I left? Was he really that ashamed?

After a while though, I noticed that he was at the entryway, going down the grand staircase. I stood up, looking at him with a glare.

“Fancy of you to finally come down. I’ve been waiting all day,” I muttered, annoyed.

“You didn’t have to, you know. You could’ve just left,” he stated.

“But I didn’t want to. I want the truth, Jives. And I’m not leaving until you give it to me,” I said.

He looked terrified. Was he really that ashamed of me to the point where he feared even uttering the truth, not just some half-baked lies that were put there to make himself feel better?

“Are you… sure?”

I paused. I could tell he wanted to say something, but was hesitant.

“Of course I’m fucking sure. I waited here for hours, you know. I could’ve painted today, worked on commissions, but I wanted to see you. I’m sick of your hiding, sick of you feeling like you can’t be honest with me. In fact, I just want you to be honest right now, or else I’ll leave, and we’ll never speak again,” I said.

That did it. He looked at me with widened eyes. All the talk of him saying that he could live without humans was utter bullshit, and the look on his face immediately showed that.

“Are you terribly certain that you won’t leave? Because, I just… I don’t know what to think,” he said.

“Jives, I just told you that I’m not leaving until I get answers. You don’t scare me. You never have. Yeah, you’re an alien, and that whole debacle the other week was a bit… worrisome for sure, but I want answers, and I want you to know that I’m not leaving, and I’m not going to leave you,” I said.

The conviction in my voice was certain. I think that’s what he wanted to hear. He relaxed, looking at me, his gaze unwavering.

“Come with me to my office. We’ll discuss this matter there,” he said.

I did so, following him as I felt the shiver ghost up my spine. What was he about to tell me? What sorts of secrets was he hiding? I didn’t even know.

The embassy was quite different from what I expected. I never even came here when Audrey was still on this planet. I just never made the effort to come out this way, and I guess that’s just the way that I roll. After a little while, I finally saw the door at the very end of the hall open, and soon we were in a huge office.

This office was as big as my apartment and my studio combined. I looked around, seeing a small little meeting area that probably was used for more private and informal discourse. Then there was the desk, which was stacked with papers, and a computer that looked different from the ones on Earth. I saw the towering bookshelf, filled with books that were both in alien languages and in human dialect. He looked at me, and I looked at him.

“Well, where do you want to sit? I can get you some coffee as well?” he said.

“Don’t treat this as some sort of diplomacy meeting, Jives. Just get some coffee and let’s sit on the couch. Remember, we’re friends, and I’m not going to betray you,” I said.

Even though I was still pretty fucking pissed about the whole mess back there, I could see he seemed to be fighting his own battles. I felt for the man, and I could tell that he needed someone to talk to, a force that would listen to his problems, lend an ear and, in the end, would actually help. That’s what I wanted to be, and I wanted to prove to him that I wouldn’t leave him.

I sat down and he sat next to me. The tension in the air was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife and the knife would just bounce back like it was jello. I shivered, trying to put the words together. Then, he spoke.

“What I’m about to tell you is private business. And… if you really do need to leave, I understand. I just hope… maybe you don’t hate me after what I’m about to tell you,” he said.

“It’s going to take a lot for me to do that, you know?” I muttered.

“You say that, but I don’t know if I can believe you,” he replied.

Oh geez. I mean, I was pretty annoyed, but I wanted the truth. I then smiled at him, giving him a gentle grin.

“Then tell me. Allow me to shoulder the burden with you. Because I know it’s too much for one man,” I uttered.

He looked almost relieved, and as he sat back, I moved closer to him. I wanted him to tell me everything, to explain this whole mess, and to tell me the truth about what I saw there that night.