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The Artistry of Love (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 2) by C.J. Scarlett (20)


Dating Jives was interesting to say the least. I gave him his space, especially since he seemed on edge a lot. I wanted to help the guy, but he always seemed so out of sorts. I didn’t get it. I mean, I knew that working as an ambassador, having to clean up everyone else’s goddamn mess, wasn’t fun for anyone, but at the same time, was he really just going to be like this the entire time? I didn’t even know anymore, and I wanted to believe that things would calm down after a while. But, when he started to ignore my messages and calls once again, I started to worry.

I visited him at the office one day, not because I was obsessed over him, but because I wanted to help whenever I could. When I got there, he seemed out of sorts, almost ill at ease. I wanted to talk to him about it.

“You okay?” I said embracing him. He seemed distant, cold, and unsure of what he wanted.

“I’m fine. I just… have a lot on my mind,” he said.

“I can tell. You are unnaturally cold. I mean, you’re always pretty distant, but today you look like someone stepped on your kitten or something,” I told him.

He grimaced. “I’ve got a lot going on, Tracey, not that you’d understand,” he said.

“Maybe I can understand. I mean, I’m always willing to listen. That is, if you tell me,” I replied.

We’d been dating for a little bit over a month. I mean, I didn’t expect everything to be sunshine and rainbows, but I thought that he at least had the decency to tell me just what the hell was going on.

“It’s a long story. I’m just… worried, that’s all. Remi called, and he told me about how there are some attacks, and it’s just… I want to keep you safe. I want to protect everyone. I just worry that I might not be able to, because of who it might be,” he said.

“Who do you think it is?”

He paused, trying to put the words together. “My father.”

I immediately understood the fear that he was feeling. I felt bad for being pushy the moment I realized just what the hell was going on.

“Oh. I’m sorry for being pushy,” I told him.

“You didn’t know. It’s fine. I’m sorry, I’m not the best with explanations. But I found out that he might be behind a few things that are going on here. I don’t like to think that this is true, that this is only going to get worse from here, but I fear it’s the case. I don’t want a war between the humans and these alien people. It’ll get you and the rest of us embroiled in it. I mean, if I have to take out my father personally, then so be it,” he said.

“I think that might have to be done. But you don’t have to face this alone,” I assured him.

He looked at me, seriousness obvious. “You’re saying you’ll help?”

“As best as I can, Jives. I know, I’m just a human. I don’t have cool powers like you do. I’m kind of bland and boring, but I’ll try my best. I don’t want you to feel scared or to think that telling me things will hurt me. Because, chances are, I’ll be there listening to you. I’ll be by your side Jives, and I’m not going to leave you behind,” I told him.

He listened to me, shock settling in. I could tell that he seemed a bit worried, but at the same time, he understood. He could see the sincerity there.

“It’s weird, but I trust you more than I have Remi sometimes. I can tell you’re a good person, Tracey. I don’t know how you can help, but, if you notice anything fishy, let me know,” he said.

“I’ll do my best. Do you have an idea of what your father might look like these days? I don’t know if he’s changed much or not.”

“No idea. I haven’t seen the guy in years,” Jives uttered.

“Well, that’s certainly going to make our lives harder. Well, tell you what, if I see him, I’ll call you right away. I’ll try to help. I don’t want you to see me as a burden, as a mere human. I know that I’m not like you guys. I’m not physically strong, but I do want to help. I mean, I’ll try my best,” I said to him.

“Thank you, Tracey,” he said.

The look in his eyes told me he appreciated it. While I couldn’t do much now, I hoped that maybe, just maybe, I could put my talents to use and hopefully get this mess sorted out fast. I knew that the future was on the line for both this planet, and for the aliens here as well.

I hugged him, hoping that this would help with the situation. I wanted to be there for Jives, even though I didn’t honestly know what else I could do. I mean, how do I help with stopping something like this? I felt a bit nervous, mostly because this was a figment of his past, someone that was there once before, and now could come back. I wondered what he had planned for this as well, what he planned for me, and for himself.

After that, the two of us spent some time together, but I knew he was anxious. I don’t blame him. The fact that his father could come back with a vengeance would bother the hell out of me as well, but he stayed strong. He kept his composure exact and without any falter. It made me wonder just what might become of us, and what might happen next.