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The Baby Mistake (A Winston Brothers Novel #2) by J.L. Beck, Stacey Lewis (51)

The rest of the week has gone by fairly quietly. After I admitted that I’m a virgin, it seemed to have a calming effect on the guys.

I admitted it!

How the hell did this happen?

Your big mouth is how.

Micah has been by with a donut every morning, then somehow, Trevor would be right there with my latte. So after some jokes and small talk they both would be on their way.

Now, Jake has had lunch brought in everyday this week for the entire floor. So, I didn’t have any lunch dates either.

Maybe the newness of me has worn off. So, now this would be the normal pace at work. Am I disappointed? Sure, but I cannot date any of them anyway, so it is for the best.

It didn’t stop my journal writing though. Oh, there are now entries of the dreams I’ve been having at night. Explicit dreams. So the effect these men have had on me hasn’t gone away. What is odd is in each dream of each of them, the sex is so different. Just like I guessed about them at the start of my journal writing. I’m not so sure of it helping me much though. I still get flushed and some Greek god side effects whenever any of them do show up at my desk.

So now, it’s Friday and I will have a whole weekend without any male eye candy. I sigh. I need to get a grip on myself. This is a job. A JOB. To be professional and act right. Not lust after your boss and coworkers. I keep reprimanding myself over this.

It has helped that Jake is practically ignoring me, except when we have to speak. He’s the one that really gets to me. Maybe it’s because he is just so intriguing, and gives off this vibe I cannot seem to pin down.

Well, I do have the art exhibit tonight. That may distract me for a bit. I got tickets for it weeks back and I love the artist that they are showing.

I turn off my PC and check around to make sure everything is in order for the weekend and the start up on Monday.

I finally head to the elevator.

As I get closer, I almost stumble, as there they are…all three standing at the elevator.

Maybe I can back up and run back to the office before they see me. I mean it wouldn’t do for them to think I’m scared to be around them. One at a time is almost too much, but when they are all there, and god forbid, if they all look at me at once…Yeah, shivering wet panties.

I slow my walk and almost stop when Micah turns his head and sees me.

“Hey Jenna!”

I take a deep breath and see the other two turn and look a me.

Whew, dizzy effect. Baby Blues, dark and deep and emerald beacons all on me.

I mean I dream about these eyes. These eyes have haunted me for a week now.

Trevor smiles as I get to them. “Hey sweet Jenna. Ready for the weekend?”

I nod.

“Have plans?” Jake asks.

Trevor looks over at him. “Kinda personal there, old man.”

Jake rolls his eyes. “She does work here. It is a normal question.”

Micah laughs.

The doors open.

I suddenly realize I will be in close confines with my fantasy men. I also remember I had a dream about this.

The three of them step aside a little for me to go in first.

I have no choice… I walk in.

The three of them step in after me.

A secretary runs up and stops before getting in.

Jake smiles at her. “Sorry full.” Then he taps the button.

I gasp.

Micah chuckles. “The old man can be a rude one.”

Trevor laughs. “Yeah, old man.”

Jake shakes his head and looks at me.

Oh, god. Those eyes. And I cannot like just look away, unless I look at one of the other sexies in this box. I can smell all three. Their scent mixes to be like some kind of male pheromone ambrosia. I could die from this effect. Then I even feel the heat off their bodies.

“So, I hope you aren’t just staying in all weekend,” Jake says to me.

I open my mouth to answer.

“What is it with you?” Trevor says as he looks at Jake.

My brows furrow. What is happening here? I am sort of glad because it keeps my mind from the elevator fantasy. I mean to think about that one WHILE in here with these men? “Um, yes,” I answer as calmly as I can fake it. “In fact, tonight, I’m going to an art exhibit.” There, he can now rest easy that I do have some sort of social life.

They all turn their heads to stare at me.

“What?” I ask. “You didn’t think I liked art?”

Jake bites his lip.

Trevor smiles and shakes his head.

Micah speaks up, “So what kind of art do you like?” He truly looks curious.

I think to myself, Adonis gods like you, naked and shining under the lights, yeah that kind of art. I blink my eyes. “Um, this artist is new. I mean I do not even know who they are. It has sorta been kept a secret for some reason. But it isn’t that. I saw one of the paintings three weeks ago and I bought tickets to the exhibit immediately.”

The three men all look a little stunned.

I feel nervous as again, I do not know what is going on with them.

“Well, why would the artist hide their identity do you think?” Jake asks.

I shrug. “Maybe they are like famous, or maybe they don’t like the limelight?”

They all smile at me.

I am again taken by surprise. What did I say?


I jump a little.

Trevor laughs. “You did that the first day when…” His voice fades away.

The other two turn to look at him.

“Okay guys,” he says changing the subject. “You need to let Jenna out.

Jake looks at him, then at me. “What if I don’t want to?” He raises a dark brow.

I look between the men, confused and I am also surprised by this statement.

Micah takes my arm. “Come on, guys. Be nice.” He leads me out.

The warmth and tingle from Micah’s touch seems to make the confusion go away and brings heat to my body.

They all three walk me to the door.

I turn and smile at them. “Thanks guys for an interesting week. I will see you on Monday.”

They all give me smiles. Even Jake.

I wave and go out to the parking garage. I am so relieved to be out from under those hot sexy scents, sinful heat and closeness of those men. God, one more minute and I might have torn my clothes off and—I stop and shake my head. No, I wouldn’t have. But it sure would have surprised them right? I laugh all the way to the car.

I get in and start it up. Driving around and out, I glance over at the front.

All three hot gods are getting into a limo.

I shake my head. What is that about? I mean it has to be Jake’s limo as he is a Maxwell and has the money.

Never mind, Jenna. It is none of your business.

I sigh and think of the elevator fantasy again. I just have to go over it. I do. I mean after I just rode in one with all three? It is such a coincidence, too much of one to ignore.

Then what Jake said. “What id f I don’t want to. Oh, my god, I nearly peed my panties!

He said something just like that in my dream.

We get on and they all crowd me. I’m wondering why they are, but I also know they are all pretty big guys. Next, Micah says, “Guys, don’t you think you should give Jenna a little room?”

That is when Jake replies, “What if I don’t want to?” He moves up really close to me.

Now, Trevor seems to want to get it on that and he moves in.

Micah then smiles and moves in.

Jake grabs my face and kisses me hard. God, could this man kiss your breath from you. I am melting into a puddle of goo.

Trevor unbuttons my blouse and reaches in to thumb my nipple.

I moan into Jake’s mouth.

Next, Micah gets behind me and grips my ass, squeezing and caressing.

Jake breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. “What do you want, Jenna?”

I am panting as I answer, “All of you, in me…”

His eyes get even darker.

Trevor grabs me and kisses me.

Then Micah pulls on the waist of my skirt and tugs it down.

Jake rips my blouse open, lowers his head, and sucks on my nipple.

Oh, god. I can’t breathe!

Micah slips his strong fingers into my panties, flicks my clit and shoves two into my pussy.

I am being kissed, fingered and sucked all at once and I come hard as I cream all over Micah’s fingers

A car horn blares into my ears. I grab the wheel and swerve the car a bit, as I realize I am wet between my thighs and I almost went off the road.

Damn, these men are going to be the death of me yet. Only they don’t v even know it…I shiver. “And they never will,” I say aloud.