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Through The Woods by Myers, Shannon (30)

Two Years Later




Sweat beaded on my brow before dripping into my eyes, stinging them, and I found that I didn’t even have the strength to reach up to wipe it away.

I closed my eyes with a groan when a cool washcloth touched my forehead. “You doing okay, honey?”

I panted heavily. “Does it look like I’m okay, sweetheart?”

Charm patted my back awkwardly. “You got this, Neve. Just—uh—just keep on doing what you’re doing.”

I winced as another wave of pain washed over me and cried out. It was like my body was breaking apart from the inside out. Once the contraction subsided, I forced out between clenched teeth. “I should’ve been graduating summa cum laude right now. Instead—” I let out an anguished howl. “I’m in friggin’ labor. You promised me that this baby would stay in until I graduated—you gave…me…your…word.”

Charm looked like he was fighting a small smile until I gripped the front of his shirt and yanked him down next to me. His eyes widened. “Babies do what they want to do, honey—including showing up two weeks early.”

I let out a small sob and released him. “I wanted to walk across the stage…I haven’t packed my bag for the hospital…the book said I should’ve done it already. I’m already failing at being a mother.”

Something settled on top of my head and I looked up with a sniffle. Rooster stepped back and grinned. “It’s perfect, Darlin’—really brings out your eyes.”

I looked past him to the mirror hanging on the wall opposite my bed. I didn’t want to think about why there would be a mirror there. Who in their right mind would want to see that?

Rooster had placed my graduation cap on my head—my black graduation cap. I exhaled slowly. “My eyes are blue, jackass.”

He shook his head. “Nuh-uh. Right now, they’re black, like a cave. Speaking of, is your pain getting worse? Are you leaking fluid? We’re supposed to note the color of the fluid—not sure why—maybe pink for girl and blue for boy? Anywho—”

Guardrail chimed in. “I think we need to boil some water—maybe cut up some sheets. What if we put a knife under the bed? My mama said it would cut her pain in half.”

Another contraction hit and I moaned. “Charm—if you love me at all, you will get them the hell out of here,” I paused as the vice around my abdomen tightened before ordering, in a voice that sounded nothing like mine, “NOW!”

He reluctantly left my side and stood up. “Outside—go!”

I cried out and he immediately came back over to me, his eyes narrowed with concern. Maybe I should’ve taken the nurse’s advice and gotten the epidural.

He re-wet the washcloth and held it to my forehead as I panted like a madwoman. “I’m gonna call a nurse—you shouldn’t have to feel like this.”

I shook my head and he glared at me. “Dammit, honey. Ain’t no one gonna give you a shiny medal for going through this without pain meds.”

The band around my belly tightened, taking my breath away. I attempted to sit up, kicking the blankets off my legs because I just knew that I would feel better if I could sit up and push for a second. Charm gripped my hand and helped me into a sitting position. I leaned forward and grabbed the backs of my knees, letting my body take over. He was right; I was going to get the damn epidural and sleep until this baby decided to show up

“How’re we doing in he—Okay, let me just grab your doctor,” The nurse quickly said before trying to slip back out.

Charm stopped her. “She’s in a lot of pain. Can we get that epidural now?”

She shook her head and said with a laugh. “Honey, I can see the top of that baby’s head; we’re past the point of medication. And unless you want me to deliver, then I better grab Dr. James.”

I made the mistake of glancing toward the mirror and could definitely see a head of dark hair peeking out at me. Charm’s eyes followed mine and then he went into full-blown panic mode.

“Jesus—I can pay you. Name the amount—just help her…please.” He pleaded.

She began explaining why they couldn’t administer anything and I zoned out, envisioning myself unzipping my skin and running from the room. I was not having any more children. Charm would just have to deal.

“Baby, look at me.”

I looked up into his amber eyes as he stroked the side of my face with his thumb. “I want you to think about the ledge—just imagine sitting and watching the sun come up. Nobody else is awake; it’s just the two of us. Do you see it?”

I nodded before bearing down into a push again.

The doctor and several more nurses rushed in and began prepping the room, but he kept talking, keeping me calm.

“The sky begins to lighten to purple and then pink.”

I held onto the sound of his voice and pushed through the pain, imagining myself curled up outside in his arms.

“Neve, we need you to push on the next contraction. Give us everything you’ve got,” Dr. James sat down on a small stool near the foot of the bed.

Charm had one hand wrapped around my shoulder and his other tightly clenched in mine.

“Kane—I’m scared.”

He kissed my temple. “Not my girl—you got this. Where are we right now?”

The contraction was like a band wrapping around the top of my stomach and forcing its way down into my pelvis. I ground my teeth together and pushed, but it felt as if the poor baby’s shoulders were hung.

What if they couldn’t get him or her out?

“Baby, focus. Where are we?”

I took a deep breath. “On the ledge. Just us.”

Dr. James looked up at me. “This is it, Neve. One big push.”

I held my breath and gave it my all, feeling a sense of emptiness the minute my body gave the baby up. It was quiet—the only sound in the room came from the suction the nurse was using.

Just as I began to panic, the baby started wailing. “It’s a boy!” Dr. James exclaimed as he clipped the cord and handed him off to a nurse.

With a relieved sigh, I fell back against the pillow. Tears fell onto my face, but I couldn’t distinguish which ones were mine and which ones belonged to my husband.

“What about Clarence?” Twitch offered.

I shook my head. “Clarence? What does he look like—an eighty-year-old man?”

Rooster peered down to the bundle in my arms. “Well…he’s got dark hair, but he seems kind of wrinkly. He could pass for seventy easily, but I think eighty is pushing it.”

I stuck my tongue out. “For your information, he has a name—Axel Kane Ryan.”

Gunner nodded approvingly. “Amber will love that. She said to tell you that she’ll be up here later—Shiloh needed a nap.”

It seemed only fitting that a man whose name had meant ‘father of peace’ would have a daughter whose name meant ‘tranquil.’ I didn’t know when it happened exactly—maybe when he asked her to move in with us; but somewhere along the way, Amber and Gunner had gotten together.

Grumpy had found love.

He was by her side when she gave birth to Shiloh and hadn’t wasted any time adopting her either.

I caught PD’s eye and winked before mouthing, ‘you’re next.’

The color drained from his face as he mumbled, “She told you already?”

I shook my head with a grin. I hadn’t known a thing, but it appeared our biker family was going to be getting even bigger in the coming year.

The hospital door opened and Charm slipped in, carrying bags. “Amber packed your bag and the diaper bag—said this was everything you should need. I also snuck out and got you some dinner too.”

Axel opened his eyes and blinked several times, obviously awakened by the sound of his daddy’s voice. I patted a spot next to me and he set everything down before joining me.

The men were sprawled lazily across the furniture in the room and my heart felt as if it could burst. I was surrounded by my family—after losing my parents, I didn’t think I’d be able to say that ever again.

I thought I was running for my life when I was in those woods; and in a way, I was—just not the life I expected. I was running for my future. Every step led me closer to them—men who would sacrifice their own lives for mine, without hesitation. Men who would prove that family isn’t always blood—it’s the people who keep showing up.

When you least deserve it.

When you’re at your absolute worst.

I nestled into Charm’s body and smiled. I knew that we would be able to overcome any obstacle that life threw at us. And there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind that we would live happily ever after.


The End