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Torn: An Alpha Billionaire Romance by Tristan Vaughan, Ellie Danes (11)

Chapter 11


I, for once, took the lead, walking toward the bar.

“I think this disaster is shot worthy. What do you think, Mr. Zahn?” I forced a smile through the confusion I was feeling.

“Only if it’s tequila,” he responded, not missing a beat. “Salt, limes, and the whole deal.”

“It’s seriously as if you’ve know me forever,” I said with a laugh as we took our seats.

The bartender, another beautiful blond, the type that always seemed to keep showing up around us, came over with a huge smile. “Hi, guys. I’m Lexi. Looks like you all have had quite an afternoon already. I heard you talking about tequila—and the owner just ordered a couple of bottles of the best tequila I’ve ever tasted. It’s pricey, but if you don’t mind fifty-dollars shots, I’m happy to bring out the good stuff.” She put the bottle on the bar.

“Casa Dragones Tequila Joven,” I read from the label. “Sounds good, but I think it may be a little much for just a shot.”

“What my beautiful date means is that we will take two.” Caden paused and smiled a conspiratorial smile. “Two each.” Looking at me, with my mouth open as if to object, he added, “Cara, there is no expense I would spare on you. I can tell that anything I could ever buy for you would be more than worth it.”

I couldn’t really object to such flattery, so I just blushed, as Lexi shook her head.

“Sounds like a keeper to me. You’re a lucky girl. My boyfriend would say the same thing, I think.” She rimmed our shot glasses with salt, poured in the tequila and set two limes on a plate to the side. “Here’s to feeling good tonight.”

Caden and I raised our glasses toward her and then threw back our heads and let the liquid warm our throats. This tequila was definitely worth the fifty bucks. The taste disappeared from my tongue the moment it got to my throat. No aftertaste, no real need for a lime. By the time we set our glasses down, Lexi was making our second shots. I wasn’t sure this was the best idea, but it sure did feel good to worry more about how tequila tasted than what was going on in the mess my love life had become.

Lexi handed us the food menu. “Here. I think this may be of some assistance tonight. What else can I get you to drink?” Eyeing the taps, I saw that they had Pocahoptus, and ordered two. Caden looked surprised as I placed the order for us both, but just chuckled and got ready to take the next shot.

“Cara, you are perfect,” he told me, shaking his head, but his eyes twinkling the whole time. He ordered some more appetizers, to keep our stomachs full as we allowed our guards down for tonight.

“All right, Cara, how do you feel about cats?” Caden asked, more serious than I thought the questioned warranted.

“Cats?” I laughed, “Well, I prefer dogs, but I’m not allergic to cats.”

“So, that means you do not have cats, right?” Caden continued.

“No, Caden, I do not have cats. Is there a reason you ask?” I looked at him quizzically, trying to figure out why in the world he was asking about cats.

“I think they’re crazy,” he admitted. “I didn’t used to, but now, I am convinced. And also crazy, is the woman who has twelve of them.”

I laughed out loud. “Bad relationship with a cat lady, huh?”

“You have no idea. Cheers to no cats.”

We clinked glasses and took our next shot, which was at least as good as the first. The wonderful Lexi brought our perfectly-poured beers to us as we put down our emptied shot glasses.

“All right, Caden, give me more,” I said. “I want to hear all the stories about any crazy dates you’ve had.” I noticed he was holding his beer, but not yet taking a sip. I nodded toward his glass. “What are you waiting for?”

“You. I wouldn’t drink without you.” He waited for me to pick up my glass and sip. He took his sip, and began, “Well, I haven’t dated a lot, but I have had my share of relationships that turned crazy. If you’re sure you want to hear, here goes….”

The next few hours were filled with us comparing stories of bad dates, horrible relationships, and the outrageously stupid mistakes we had made, all with a light-hearted humor that allowed us to make fun of ourselves. We never had an awkward silence, we never judged the other’s stories, other than to laugh right along with each other. Our barstools had moved closer and closer to one another as the time went on, and at some point during the evening, his hand had moved to my knee. Everything was so easy with Caden. As the hours passed, the sun got lower and lower until we found ourselves looking out over a dark ocean, stars and the moon showing in the perfectly clear sky.

“Caden, do you think we should maybe go back to the hotel?” I asked, even though I really didn’t want the evening to end. I could feel myself falling for him, and my head was too foggy from the drinks for me to process it.

Lexi was smart enough to have us drink waters between the beers, all the while snacking, but, it was long enough of a time that we were definitely not okay to drive. “Hey, guys, I called you a taxi.” She handed us the taxi driver’s card as she took Caden’s platinum credit card. “He’s a friend of mine, so you’ll be taken care of.”

When Caden signed the credit slip, I glanced over to see what type of tip he was leaving. I knew it was silly, but I always judged a man by the tip that he left. Having spent time as a waitress for two years, I could read people’s personalities by their tips. If it was under 20 percent and the service was good, I had to assume they were stingy. If it was 30 percent, they were over-spenders who were trying to show off. To my delight, he was right at twenty-five percent. One crisis averted.

Caden pulled out my stool, and then led me to the door, where the taxi was waiting outside. “Your chariot, my princess,” Caden said, opening the door to the taxi. “Back to the Hilton, please,” he instructed our driver, who nodded and made his way the short distance to the hotel. Caden had his arm around me the whole ride, letting me rest my head on his chest. I felt so safe there, like there was nothing in the world that could hurt me. The driver took us to the too-bright entrance to the Hilton as the valet opened our door, with Caden only a second behind him to lead me inside toward the elevators.

My head was spinning as Caden walked me to the door of my hotel room. I was checking out tomorrow, and I didn't know exactly what I was going back to. Would LJ be at our home? More importantly, would Caden and I see each other back in the real world of our home town? I fumbled with the room key card, and Caden smoothly took it from me and slid it in and out slowly until the light turned green and the door unlocked. How in the world that could even seem sensual to me, I wasn't sure, but I knew that there was no question of me inviting him in.

“My knight in shining armor, please come in and let me reward you with treasure from the mini fridge,” I said in measured speech, trying to not let him know the effect those drinks from dinner had on me. Those drinks had been necessary, though, in helping to dull the horror and drama of LJ showing up. I was a little disappointed in the force Caden had used with LJ, but at the same time, I had never had a man want to fight for me like that. And it wasn't like he had done anything drastic like hit LJ. After LJ lied about Caden paying the tab and leaving, he deserved to be put in his place.

I fell into the couch, “Wow. I think that maybe those drinks are hitting me. I may have to drink water, but you feel free to see what's in there.” I motioned toward the fridge.

“I think water may be the best thing for both of us.” He stared right through me with those beautiful eyes. The traces of white circles around the blue even more mesmerizing now. He was facing me on the couch and began to lean forward, placing his hand on the top of the couch to hold himself above me. The palm of his other hand was tilting my jawline up toward him.

My insides were like fireworks as I realized he was finally going to kiss me. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine. Soft. Tender. My body arched toward him as I wrapped my arms behind his shoulders and pulled him further in to me. Our balance a little off and he fell toward me, but it was still smooth, and we adjusted so that he was lying on top of me. His kisses began to grab at me, his tongue slipping gracefully in and around my mouth. I couldn't pull him close enough or kiss him hard enough to make him feel the desire that had been building. His chest and mine pushed the air away between us.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We both bolted up, startled back to the light of the room. Another knock.

“Room service,” a gruff male voice came through the door.

“Come back later,” I managed to say, as I held back a school-girl giggle at getting caught making out. Caden’s eyes were intense on me. My insecurities came back as to what I was doing, and I sat a little more upright, adjusting my clothes back to untwist them.

“Um,” I started, but didn't know what I was going to say. There was so much of him that I wanted. And, I wanted it all. I had never been one to have sex without commitment, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop when I should if we kept kissing.

“Cara, your kiss is amazing,” he said, keeping eye contact with me. “It seems like you're uncomfortable now, though. We can just talk for a while. I have no hidden agenda,” he said, a bit out of breath. Maybe his heart was pounding as hard as mine.

“I probably should get some sleep. Today has been a weird day for me, and I need a little time to process it,” I replied, although I didn’t really want him to leave.

“Okay. We're okay, aren't we? I would hate if I crossed any lines with you,” he said, his eyes full of concern.

“Oh, yes! We’re fine. I had the best time with you today. This is probably the longest date I've ever had in my life. It's been twelve hours of wonderfulness,” I reassured him. I smiled, remembering all of the details of the day, from the shopping trip, to Caden taking up for me with LJ, to laughing so hard my abdominal muscles hurt as we sat for hours watching the sunset and indulging in fruity summer drinks.

“Okay. Then, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. Please message or call me any time tonight. I’ll just be in my room. And, Cara,” he took my face in his hands, “please tell me you’ll see me again tomorrow.”

“I would love to,” I said, getting up and heading toward the door with him.

Opening the door, he turned toward me. “Cara Lauren, you are an amazing woman. Thank you for one of the best weekends of my life so far.” /he closed the gap between our lips with one last tender kiss, and turned to walk out.

I watched him, wanting to beg him to come back, but knowing I needed to figure out what was going on with LJ first. I closed the door, locking the extra lock, and walked back toward the small couch, plopping down face first. I could still smell Caden’s cologne. I never wanted to move. The conversation and joking with him at the bar after LJ had left had been so easy. He was kind, but edgy. He never let me get up for the restroom without also standing up. He always asked me first what I wanted, or knowingly ordered for me. He wouldn't touch his drink until I’d had my first sip. He paid for things as a matter of a gentleman’s duty, and not an obligation of a first date. I finally understood the word “chivalry.”

A knock on the door again. My grin was wide as I lifted myself back off of the couch, elated that he had come back. I hurried to open the door.

“Hello, car-a,” Graham grimaced as he enunciated the “car.”

I stumbled back, my thoughts a jumble. “What—what are you doing here?”

“Is Caden here?” Graham asked, letting himself into my room.

“Um, no, he, um, went back to his room,” I answered, not sure what was happening.

“Good. I think it's time you and I had some private time together without him always ruining everything.” In one swift motion, he had closed the door behind him, was standing within a few inches of my face.

“Graham, we don't have anything to talk about.” I stumbled backward, inching away.

“Oh, I think we do. Obviously, you don't mind going behind guys’ backs with other men. And, I'm obviously the better-looking brother, and I have more money than Caden. I’m pretty sure that we can find something to talk about,” he snickered, as he looked me up and down, “or not talk about.”

He threw his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, only missing my lips with his because I turned my head away. One hand around me, he grabbed my hair with the other and swiveled my head toward his face.

“Please stop,” I begged, as I felt tears start to fill my eyes. I wondered if I really had brought this on myself. LJ had left me, but he hadn't officially broken up with me, and I had still agreed to go out with another man. After first accepting an invitation from Graham to meet him at a bar.

Graham again forced his mouth toward mine, and I could feel the slight rip of hairs from my scalp as I turned my head and pushed my hands against his chest with all my might. He was obviously stronger than me.

Another knock. “Caden!” I yelled, hoping against hope that he was back to save me yet again.

“Cara?” his concerned voice came through the door.

Graham let go of my head, still blocking the door.

“Caden, please, help!” I cried out, tears freely pouring down my face now.

Graham’s hands had made their way to my wrists, pushing deep and stinging.

Caden banged on the door. “What’s going on in there? What’s wrong?”

Graham, obviously at a crossroads, stared at me and back at the door. His fingers dug in even deeper until a noise came from my throat that I didn’t recognize.

“Cara! Open the door or I am calling the police,” Caden called through to me.

“You're a dumb bitch,” Graham said as he turned and opened the door to face Caden. He had barely opened the door before Caden’s punch flew in to Graham’s nose, sending him reeling back. His nose was bloody, and Caden stood there, looking around, trying to assess what was going on.

“Caden, dude, it's not what it looks like. Cara invited me to come to her room after you left.” Graham looked over at me with a glimmer of a private joke, a confidence that his stepbrother would believe him over me. Because I was just some woman he had just met this weekend.

“Caden, I promise you, I never...I wouldn't….” I couldn't even think to finish my sentence. I was shaking. Scared. Scared it was my fault. Scared of what Caden would think, and who he would believe. I crumpled to my knees and brought my hands up to cover my face.

Caden stared at Graham with such hatred that I was scared for Graham. Caden was breathing heavy and his whole body was clenched.

“I don’t believe you,” Caden spit out to Graham. “You asshole. I can’t believe how low you would stoop! What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up just now? Sexual assault? Rape?”

He lunged at Graham again, knocking him over and pinning him down. Graham struggled to get up, pushing with legs and arms, but Caden’s anger clearly gave him the upper hand over any physical advantage that either of them would have had. Caden pulled one arm away, fist clenched.

“Stop! Caden! Stop it!” I screamed, unsure of why I was taking up for Graham. Caden looked over at me, and Graham used the opportunity and pushed Caden off of him. He struggled to his feet, and then ran out of the room without another word.

Caden went to the door, slamming it and locking the deadbolt. The one that was supposed to keep anyone out that I didn’t want to get in. My blind hope that it was Caden at the door earlier had caused me to not look out of the peephole to make sure. I had been stupid. How could Graham have done this to me? To his own stepbrother?

“Cara, I am so sorry. Did he hurt you? I will kill him, Cara, I swear I will kill him if he hurt you.” Caden’s voice broke as he finally unclenched his body.

“No, I’m all right.”

“We could call the police right now,” he said.

“No, it’s okay,” I said, as tears spilled past my eyes. “He doesn’t deserve another second of my time, and there’s got to be some good in him, somewhere. One mistake shouldn’t send him to jail, especially when no harm was done.”

“I just feel so bad, Cara,” he said.

The hurt in his eyes was making me cry even more. I couldn’t speak. He came over, wrapping his arms around me as I continued to cry. I cried because I knew what could have happened if Caden hadn’t come back for me. I cried for what I thought about myself. I cried out of confusion of my feelings for Caden. I cried for what seemed like an hour, a big ugly cry with my body shaking, my nose running, and throughout the whole thing, Caden simply sat and held me. I was pretty sure he was crying with me.

At some point, I had fell into a half-sleep. He had picked me up and put me in the bed, not leaving my side, but holding me tight all the while.




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