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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance by Bella Winters (75)

Chapter Five - Tia

What am I doing? Am I really going through with this?”

Sure, I told myself to throw caution to the wind before I stepped onto this cruise, but now that’s actually happening I’m not so sure. It feels good, I’m really excited about it, but I’m just not a one night stand sort of girl. I mean, I barely know this guy. What I know about him I do like, but that doesn’t mean… that’s not a sign that I should just go for it, is it?

Then again, it’s been a long time. Maybe this is exactly what I should be doing. I barely know anymore.

My fingers tremble as I find the keys to my room and I push them into the lock. With a little kick to get it moving faster I pushed the door open to reveal the room inside. I left the curtains open by mistake when I left for the night but now I’m glad because we can enjoy the massive expanse of the ocean in front of us.

“Wow, your room is incredible!” Stephen gasps with shock. He drops my hand and spins around as he walks through the room. “You have so much room here. I’m so glad that we came here instead of my room. You would have been disappointed.”

I smile to myself and close the door behind me with a click. This is fine, if I didn’t do this right now I would always kick myself for passing up on this opportunity. I need to get over what happened to me in the past, once and for all. Sleeping with this random hot guy is just another step on my journey.

“Do you want a drink?” I ask while moving through the room. “There’s a mini bar, you could get something from there if you like…”

I don’t get to finish my sentence because Stephen steps towards me with giant strides because of his long legs. With him close enough to me for me to breathe him in, I feel that electrical sensation, the buzz that I’ve been searching for forever. My heart thunders against my rib cage, my breath balls up in my throat, I feel the fire ignite in my belly.

“You are stunning, you know that,” Stephen comments as if it’s fact. “Really beautiful, and that dress looks amazing on you.”

“It… it does?” I’m acting like I didn’t spend hours picking it out earlier, like I didn’t examine my body in the huge full length mirror to see me from every angle. “Thank you.”

With that, Stephen dips his head down to kiss me, and boy does he kiss me. He literally claims me with his mouth, stripping the remaining air from my lungs, leaving me panting and breathless. Fireworks explode inside of me, I feel like I’ve been dead for a very long time and now this is the kiss of life, bringing me back.

This man is fucking incredible. I like him so much.

I circle my hands around his waist and I pull him in closer to me. My body molds into his, feeling like it’s meant to be there. His strong grip keeps me fixed in place and I freaking love it. I feel safe and protected, happy and exhilarated all at the same time. There’s nothing quite like it.

“Sorry,” he murmurs, taking a step back from me. I instantly hate the cold, lonely sensation I get when he’s gone. “Maybe I shouldn’t have done that, I just find you irresistible. I’ve liked you from the very first second I laid eyes on you.”

I stare up at him, loving the dark, hooded desire in his eyes. This guy is a sexy musician.. He could have anyone he wants, he probably does have anyone he wants. Yet tonight he’s here with me. There’s something extremely thrilling about that. I like that he wants me, it makes me feel truly desired in a way that I haven’t done in a very long time.

“I like you too,” I whisper back. “Now come here, will you, I’m not done kissing you just yet.”

I wrap my fingers around his tee shirt and I tug him hard bringing him back to me. This has started now, I’m nowhere near ready to let him go. Not when I feel like I might explode if I don’t have him.

Stephen walks me gently backwards until I tumble onto the bed. The soft sheets beneath me cushion me and allow me to feel comforted and warm. As he climbs across me and hovers over me, I beam brightly. I feel good, really good. Better than I have done in a really long time. I even might just feel sexy.

This time when Stephen kisses me it’s softer. There’s more romance in it, more love. I really like it, it’s kinda sweet. It makes my back arch and my hips roll towards him. I cup his cheeks in my hands and I hold him there, keeping a little bit of control myself.

But then Stephen hooks his fingers around the bottom of my dress and he slides it upright. I half expect him to leave it at my waist, but he doesn’t. He pulls me off the bed slightly and slides it right up over my head leaving me just in the stark black silky underwear I brought from the lingerie shop – this boat really has everything – this afternoon for tonight. Maybe I didn’t fully know that it would end up here, but I’m glad that it has.

“You look even better with less clothes on,” Stephen says while pressing his lips into my hypersensitive neck. He runs kisses down my collarbone, flickering his tongue over my perspiration on the way. I groan and slam my hands down into she sheets, clinging onto them for dear life as Stephen uses one of his hands to slowly slide down my bra strap. “The more of you I see the more of you I like.”

I reach behind me to unhook my bra. It’s only in the way of my attention grabbing nipples. I want him to run his tongue all over them, I want him to taste me everywhere. As it pops off and I throw it to the floor, Stephen’s eyes light up with glee. He reaches his head down and he devours me, desperately and needily. I moan louder and louder with every flick of his tongue. He’s already sending me to Heaven and back…

“Oh shit!”

Then his fingers slip into my panties. He doesn’t even wait for permission, he just takes what he wants which I freaking love. His hand runs along my soaking wet slit gently, but with an urgency too. I can tell he’s as eager to be inside me as I am to have him.

“Fucking hell, Tia,” he gasps , his breath tickling my body. “You are so fucking wet for me. Did that happen when I was playing up on stage?”

I bite down on my bottom lip. “Yes,” I admit. “Yes it did.” Seeing him up there, in a position of power, driving the crowd wild, it really turned me on. I didn’t know that I like music, but as it turns out I freaking love it. “You were so fucking hot up there on stage.”

His finger plunges into me which sends a shock of sensations racing through my body. I buck and writhe which encourages him to slip in another finger. Just as I settle into the rhythm of what he’s doing to me, he mixes it up by using his thumb to flick all over my clit. The combination is almost too much to bear. I practically bite my tongue off trying to keep quiet.

“This whole damn boat is sound proof,” Stephen whispers into my ear. “You want to scream, you go for it.”

I never let go like that, it’s hard for me. I guess at some point in my life I became something of a control freak and I can’t seem to let that go. I do moan a little louder, but I don’t fully let go yet.

“Tell me that you want me,” Stephen commands. “I want you to tell me that you want me.”

I can’t do that at first, much as I want to I can feel myself holding back. Inside my brain I’m begging him to fuck me, especially as the patterns he’s tracing over my clit become more intense, but soon the need becomes too much. I can feel the pressure of bliss building within me and if I don’t speak soon I’ll lose it here and now.

“I want you,” I whisper. “Stephen, I want you.”

“Louder,” he hisses, working me harder and faster. If his fingers aren’t replaced by his cock soon I might go crazy. It’s time for my fantasy to finally come true. “Tell me louder.”

“I want you,” I repeat, just a little bit louder.

“No. Command it.”

I roll my eyes but through my panting, labored breaths I know that this is what I have to do. “I want you, Stephen,” I say in an almost shouting tone of voice. “I want you to fuck me.”

With that he pulls back from me and he grabs a condom out of his pocket. I don’t even worry that it’s handy for him to have it so close, so easy to grab. Instead I’m just excited that he’s got one. In all my thoughts of doing something wild and getting my itch scratched, I didn’t much think of being prepared. It’d be killer if we got this far just to lose it on the lack of condom.

As he pulls himself free to cover him up, I groan with sheer joy. He’s so huge, so much bigger than anyone I’ve ever seen before which leaves me gasping and breathless. I can’t help but wonder what I’m supposed to do with that… and more, what it’s going to do with me.

“Come here,” Stephen growls while grabbing onto my thighs. He yanks me down to the bottom of the bed so my feet dangle onto the floor and he stands between my legs. I can feel him there, rock hard and begging for entrance. My needy pulsating core wants him so desperately that I roll my hips again. My chest swells, my heart races, my brain buzzes.

And finally he slips in, causing me to see stars. The rest of the world melts away to nothing as this incredible man thrusts hard and fast, sending my body flying.

The heat starts as a tingle in the tips of my toes and it slowly travels down the rest of my body at a million miles an hour. As it does my screams and pants get increasingly loud until I can’t even hear myself think anymore. I’m letting go without even realizing it and that feels phenomenal. My toes curl over as the tingling sensation reaches my heart. Every thrust that Stephen gives me brushes past my clit, and I’m standing on the knife edge of desire, just waiting to be pushed over the edge.

Any minute now…

When it happens, when I finally tumble into the abyss of desire I do so wholly. In the heat of the moment I feel myself give everything to Stephen, I succumb to him entirely. His fingers dig into my hips, my head flies off the bed, the pleasure crashes over me in waves that feel like they’re never going to end. The release is incredible, it’s so much better than anything I could get on my own, it’s wondrous, amazing, I never want it to end.

“Oh, Stephen,” I yell out desperately to him. “Stephen.” I love the way his name feels in my mouth, even now. It’s the sort of name I could imagine saying for the rest of my life, should the opportunity arise.

No, I scold myself. Don’t fall too fast again, Just enjoy this moment for what it is…

But I can already feel myself going. It already feels too damn late.