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Unprepared Daddy: A Second Chance Romance by Bella Winters (72)

Chapter Two - Stephen

“It’s going well, Mom!” I declare with a giant smile on my face. “I’m really happy.”

“I’m happy for you,” she replies cautiously. “I just wish your dream didn’t have to take you half way around the world. New Zealand misses you, that’s all. We all miss you, it isn’t the same without you here.”

“I don’t think New Zealand does, I think you do,” I chuckle, ignoring the comment about everyone else. I don’t want to think too much about my life back home right now. I’m not in the best frame of mind for it. “And you know I’d do it from home if I could but there are just so many more opportunities in America.”

Okay, so maybe I’m not fully living the rock and roll lifestyle I thought I would be when I left home for the US. I naively assumed that I was good enough on the guitar to get a music contract right away. I thought I’d be playing Madison Square Garden to hundreds of thousands of screaming fans. I imagined I would be living the dream.

It didn’t take me long to be brought back to Earth with a thump. No one get sighed right away, people don’t have it easy. Everyone needs to struggle to make it to where they want to be in life. I’m just in the struggling phase right now, that’s all. I know I’ll make it big, I just need to be patient.

“So, when does the cruise start?” Mom asks, genuinely interested. This is why I always ring her with news first, even if it’s small news. She always makes me feel good about it.

“Tomorrow actually.” I glance around the dive bar I’m in, watching the clientele thin out now that my set has finished. Inside there’s a hope that just one of the people who came to watch me knows someone important in the music biz. It hasn’t happened yet, but it has to happen eventually. “Once I’m finished up here I’ll head home to pack. I’m looking forward to it.”

“These rich people are good to get on side. One of them will have connections.” Mom has the same thoughts as me. “I bet you’ll come out of it with everything you ever want.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

I catch a glance of my reflection in the mirror and my hand automatically goes up into my hair to smooth it down a little bit. It got a little ruffled while I was up on stage. While I can rock the ‘just got out of bed look’ well, I can’t stop trying to make myself look better. My green eyes sparkle brightly, but even I can see a little bit of mischief within them. I know that as soon as I’ve had a drink I’ll be trouble… and despite the thinning crowd there are a lot of beautiful women left behind.

Hey, I might not be living the rock and roll lifestyle, but I get plenty of attention and I might as well take advantage of that. Maybe these girls never really know me, but it helps to ward off the loneliness.

“Right, Stephen, I have to get going.” I can hear Mom yawn. “The time difference is killing me. I need some sleep but I’ll speak to you later.”

“Yep, bye.”

I hang up the phone rapidly and lean across the bar to get the attention of the foxy red head who works behind the bar. She smiles at me and slides across to take my order happily.

“You were good up there,” she flirts while batting her eyelashes at me. She presses her arms closer to her chest revealing her plump, ample cleavage to me. I don’t directly look, but I can spot a tattoo of a snake travelling down there which I wonder where it ends. “I’ve always had a thing for boys in bands.”

“Oh yeah?” The rest of the room is instantly forgotten, including all the other women in it. The red head with the tight waist has all of my focus. “Well that’s lucky because I’ve always had a thing for foxy barmaids.”

She giggles and slides a pint my way, without even asking me what I want. She doesn’t charge me either which is an awesome plus. I pull the glass up to my lips and take a massive glug while staring intently at her. She’s definitely up for it, she wants me bad. She’s hot enough for me to want her too.

This is why the cruise will be a good thing, I think happily to myself. There will be women a plenty there.

“So, what does a sexy chick like you get up to when she isn’t at work?”

The girl blushes and glances at the ground. When her eyes travel back up and I see her through her eyelashes my cock strains in my trousers. Fuck it, I wanted this chick too. She was hot and available, what more could I want?

“I’m finishing in an hour,” she practically whispers as a reply. “Why don’t you stick around and find out?”

“Hmm.” I glance at the clock. Of course, I want to but I’m very aware that I have to pack for the cruise tomorrow. “I would, but I’m afraid I’m off on my travels tomorrow.”

“Back home?” She looks disappointed. “Australia, right?”

“Actually, it’s New Zealand.” Everyone always mixes up my accent. “But no, I’m away for a little while for work.”

The girl glances around the bar, noticing that the few people scattered around seem very happy for the time being and she reaches out to take my hand. As she bites down on her bottom lip and she gives me a cheeky grin, I know exactly where this is headed. I’ve scored without even trying. I don’t even know her name… that doesn’t usually happen.

I slide my fingers into hers and grin. The strain in my pants gets even harder, I’m rock solid as she drags me behind the bar and into the stock room around the back. We’re surrounded by barrels of beer and lager, it’s quite cold and smells weird but who gives a shit. Without even thinking too much about it, I crash my lips into the girls and I press her up against the wall behind her. She squeals with glee and giggles, absolutely loving it.

“Ooh, you don’t hang around do you?” she gasps as I move my mouth down to her neck. I kiss her all over, moving slowly towards her collar bone and that incredible tattoo that runs down her body.

I rip her shirt apart, tearing off one of the buttons on the way down but the girl doesn’t care. She groans louder, loving the heat of the moment, and she tosses her head back allowing her hair to flow further down her back. I grab a handful of it and tug it playfully as my mouth finds her breast and her nipple.

Thank God for girls who don’t wear bras.

Her nipples feel like Heaven in my mouth, I suck and lick and tug with my teeth as my hand dips into her jeggings and slowly into her panties. The lace brushes against my fingers which is a pretty awesome sensation… but not as good as the intense wetness I find when I drag my hands along her slit.

“Oh shit, Stephen,” she gasps eagerly. “That feels good, but I need you to fuck me.”

Nice… I like a girl who isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants! It feels good. I hate the ones who whimper and purr but don’t actually tell me what they like. It makes things that much more exciting.

Taking her command, I yank her trousers down to the ground and kiss her while she kicks them all the way off. The lace panties remain, but that’s okay because I can push them to one side. They don’t need to be gone for us to do what we’re about to be done.

As I dip my hand into my pocket to grab the condom out, the girl has other ideas. She grapples with my zip and pulls it down, dragging my jeans with it. My underwear comes too which frees me from my material prison. I spring to attention which causes her to gasp with glee. Her eyes widen at the sheer size of me. I love this reaction, it always comes… girls love the girth I have to offer them.

“Fuck,” she whispers while running her hand up and down my shaft. “You are something else, Stephen.”

I push her off me, eagerness getting the better of me, and I tug the condom over my length. My fingers tremble, I’m too keen for words, I’m about to lose my shit if I’m not careful.

Next, I have her pushed against the wall and I buried myself deep into her with my fingers curled around one side of her underwear. She feels so fucking good as her walls contract around me that my eyes close with happiness. I don’t know the woman’s name and now I’ve forgotten her face too. She’s just another notch on my ever growing bed post. Maybe it’s a shitty way to live my life, but all the women are as eager as this one so we’re all consenting adults here.

As the pleasure started to claim her, I grabbed her legs and raised her off the ground. She gasps and screams as she buckles and thrashes, getting her own release. I held her so one she wouldn’t fall and two so I could get in deeper. I wanted to lose myself completely and judging by the way my thighs were shuddering it wouldn’t be long until I did.

“Oh fuck,” I grunted as the pleasure built up. It was a pressure, swelling and building up, and any minute now it would explode…

Fireworks burst, waves of desire crashed over me, I got full satisfaction with this mystery woman. As I dropped her to the ground and we both stood panting next to one another, a cold sensation settled in the pit of my stomach. Much as I loved my life there was always a small element of guilt that came with it. I was always very open and honest with the women before we had sex, but I couldn’t seem to stop it from coming.

“I suppose I better go,” I commented quietly, hating myself for banging and leaving. I wouldn’t be so quick to go if I didn’t have stuff to do. I would at least stick around for a drink. “Erm, like I said I have a trip to pack for. Sorry I have to go like this but…”

“No, don’t worry about it, hun,” the girl replies with a bright smile. She tugs her jeans on with ease, acting as if this is normal. Maybe it is for her, maybe this is the sort of thing she does all the time. Maybe she’s the female equivalent of me. “It’s all good. Maybe you should just come back here when you get back. We can go for round two.”

“Sure, sounds good.” I know I won’t. I have no intention of setting foot in this bar again unless I have a gig to play but there’s no way I will tell her that. There’s honesty and then there is just being a dick. “I shall see you soon, okay?”

“Yep, bye, Stephen. It’s been great having you around.”

I leave the cellar rapidly, needing some fresh air. I hang my head low as I walk through the bar, I don’t want everyone to stare at me knowingly as I leave. I just need to be in my own space now, to prepare for the next stage of my life. I have the cruise tomorrow, which I’m hoping will change everything for the better.

My big break is coming, I just know it. I just have to be patient and wait for it.