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Flawless Perfection (A Timeless Love Novel Book 2) by Kristin Mayer (21)



Chapter Twenty-Two



Taking my seat near the window, I saw Hastings talking to Mickey at the car. Head bent, she nodded. He moved a little closer. Yuck. Hastings was putting the moves on her. Imagining them together…No, just no.

“Is the man you were dining with coming back?” Marlena asked.

“Yes, he’ll be back soon.”

“Is there anything else I can get you?”

“Not right now. The burgers are delicious. How’s Kimberly?”

She paused for a second. “You remembered. She’s good. Thank you for asking.”

“Of course. I’m glad she’s doing well. I knew you were worried about how she’d adjust with you working.”

“Knoah, how the hell are you?”

Behind Marlena stood Edwin Greggor. He had been a client of mine when I worked for As You Wish Event Planning. “Hello, Mr. Greggor. It’s been awhile.”

Marlena gave me a slight nod. “Is there anything I can get you, sir?”


“I’ll be right back.”

Sitting in Hastings’ spot, Greggor pushed away the plate of food.

I said, “Has—”

“I missed you at the fundraiser event this last weekend. It wasn’t the same without you.”

I hadn’t thought twice about his Thanksgiving fundraiser. When I left As You Wish, I’d focused solely on my future. “I’m sure Mickey did a great job.”

In all honestly, his wife had been a bitch the year before. She made all the event workers stay backstage. In her words, the help needed to remain separate from the guests.

“Cammie and I separated a week ago.”

This was becoming a little too comfortable for my liking. Or maybe I was reading more into it than I should. Glancing toward the doors, I saw Hastings walking back inside. “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you guys work it out.”

“Maybe we could do dinner. Catch up.”

“I’m sorry? Dinner?”

Greggor gave me a grin I’m sure made some women go weak in the knees. Not me. Though he was attractive enough with the bit of silver in his dark hair, he did nothing for me.

When he leaned forward, I scooted backward. “You know…catch up. Eat. Have a few drinks.”

Dinner. Catch up.

Suddenly beside me, Hastings introduced himself. “Hastings Monroe.”

“Edwin Greggor.”

I stood beside Hastings, hoping this would end amicably. However, big-brother mode had apparently kicked in, with the stiff stance and less-than-welcome facial expression.

Greggor spoke to me again. “Are you two together? Last I heard you were single.”

“I’m her brother. But here’s someone you’ll want to meet.” Yes, full-on brother mode had kicked in.

My eyes swung in the direction Hastings pointed. Garrick strolled out of the elevator, decked out in a business suit. Hungrily, his eyes raked over me before he fixed his glare on Greggor. This wasn’t going to go well.

“Edwin, how are you?” The ice in his voice chilled me, and it wasn’t even directed my way.

“Good, Garrick. I was catching up with an old friend. This is Knoah Knox. We were trying to find a time for dinner. Give me just a second.” He turned back to me. “Wh—”


The one-word response spoke volumes. Garrick had gone all possessive. His jaw was set, his face locked down.

Greggor turned back to Garrick. “Excuse me?”

“Her name is Knoah Shaw, formerly Knox. My wife.”

His eyes swung back and forth between us.

While Greggor sputtered, Garrick leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Hello, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late.”

Late? He wasn’t supposed to join us today. In fact, I knew he had a meeting with the board from another company.

“Wait. You two are married? She married you?”

I wanted to shake my head—Greggor was only making things worse.

“Yes, I would think the ring on her finger would signify she was unavailable.” His arm wrapped around my waist. Though I thought this dominant display was a bit over the top, I would address it later in private.

Greggor’s eyes flicked to my hand. “I’d simply suggested dinner to catch up.”

All of a sudden, Garrick took a menacing step forward. “Try your bullshit on someone who doesn’t know how many times you’ve stepped out on your wife.”

My eyes grew wide. Greggor straightened. “I think Knoah can decide for herself.”

“Yes, she can. But one of my jobs as her husband is to make sure arrogant pricks like you stay away. If you see my wife, walk the other way.” Garrick turned to Hastings and me. “You guys ready?”

“Yes.” I grabbed my coffee and threw enough cash on the table to more than cover our meal. Apparently, lunchtime was over.

I internally groaned when, as we were walking away, Greggor stupidly added, “We’ll catch up later, Knoah.”

Garrick went still, which meant things were about to go from bad to worse. So I jumped in. “I don’t believe there is anything else we have to discuss, Mr. Greggor. I hope you and Mrs. Greggor can work things out.”

Garrick took my arm and led me to the elevator. Hastings was close behind us. Then Garrick stopped. “Hastings, take Knoah to my office. I’ll be right back.”

I grabbed his arm. “What are you doing? Please don’t make a scene. He’s not worth it.”

With a measured breath, Garrick’s hand cradled my face. “I’m making sure the message is crystal clear. I’ll be up in just a second. Remember our conversation about how people will come circling if I don’t protect what is mine?”

It was something he’d said when we were first dating. “No. This is the big leagues. I’m worth billions, Knoah. And people will stop at nothing to take a piece of it or manipulate their way to the top. As soon as Vivian realized who I was, she gave me no choice. If I hadn’t, she would have made phone calls, and I’d have a hundred assholes circling by morning, wanting a piece. You would be used against me in business deals and who knows what else. People play dirty when they sense a weakness.”

“Yes, I remember.”

He quickly gave me a kiss. “This is me keeping my promise.”

In the end, he wasn’t asking for permission but wanted us to be in agreement. I liked how possessive he was toward me, but sometimes…he went a little overboard. “I’ll go with Hastings.”

Garrick strode to Greggor, intent in every step. Hastings pulled me into the elevator. “Man, you bring out the possessive side of him.”

The doors closed. “How did Garrick know Greggor was there?”

“I texted Garrick when he approached you. That man wanted you. And Garrick needed to know.” He paused. “Why are you smiling?”

“I always wondered what it would be like to have a protective big brother. Now I know.”


“I wish I’d reconnected with you sooner.”

“Me, too, Knoah.” Hastings put his arms around me. “I always wondered what you were doing. If you needed my help.”

The elevator doors opened. “Now we don’t have to wonder anymore.”

We walked back to Garrick’s office, greeting the people we passed. This was the first week Garrick had been at the office every day since we’d started dating. His employees probably thought he’d been abducted.

Annie, his assistant, greeted us. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Shaw. Thank you so much for the cookies yesterday.”

“You’re welcome. I’ve been on a bit of a baking spree lately.”

Baking and other meaningless tasks helped keep the cabin fever from setting in too much. So far it was working. But at the same time, I felt a little restless. There was nothing to be upset about—I was married to Garrick.

We walked inside his office, and I looked around. Garrick had a lot of paperwork on his desk. A few minutes later, Garrick walked in. To most, he might have appeared unaffected, but I could tell he was pissed.

“Everything handled?” Hastings asked.

He took a deep breath. “Yes. Bastard. Last year we were at an event together and he mentioned Knoah. I didn’t put it together until just now.”

“What did he say?” I asked, shocked.

“That he’d ‘found his latest flavor,’ among a few other things I will not repeat.”

What a wretched man. Definitely a Grade A asshole, which had been my initial response. “Disgusting. He’d asked me to lunch a few times as a thank-you, but I always declined.”

Hastings cocked his head to Garrick. “Do you think he’ll listen?”

Why are they giving more weight to this than it deserves? I’d ask later.

“Yes, I do. If not, I’ll take everything he owns and dismantle his legacy, company by company.”

The steel in his voice told me he was absolutely serious. “Isn’t that a little aggressive?”

Garrick leaned against his desk. “Not where you’re concerned.”

I leaned into Garrick, and then I remembered where Hastings had gone. “What happened with Mickey?”

“We’re having dinner tomorrow. I’ll let Garrick know what happens. Thanks for smoothing that over. She may take my calls now.”

“Are you glad to be reconnecting?”

Hastings put his hands in his pockets and contemplated my question for a second. His face was blank. “There’s no future for Mickey and me.” He paused. “This is going to sound harsh, but she fucked you over and who knows what else. That will never get a second chance. But I’ll get whatever information I can out of her.”