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Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata (9)

Chapter 10


March 3, 2009

12:08 p.m.

AHall80: you awake?

RubyMars: Yes?

RubyMars: Aaron?

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Holy crap.

RubyMars: Hey. You caught me off guard, sorry. How are you?

AHall80: All rightyou?

RubyMars: Still alive, I can’t complain too much. :)

RubyMars: I can’t believe you actually messaged me.

RubyMars: I’m still trying to catch up on some work.

AHall80: If you’re working, I can let you go

RubyMars: No, don’t worry about it. I’m tired and my eyes are starting to cross. I should take a break before I mess up so bad I give myself more work to do fixing it.

RubyMars: Is this really you?

AHall80: Yes lol :]

AHall80: What are you working on? Costume stuff, day job, or wedding dress?

RubyMars: Day job. Can you sense my excitement?

AHall80: All the way over here. Got a lot left?

RubyMars: Define a lot.

AHall80: You got days left of work?

RubyMars: Not as much as I should, which is stressing me out, but I think I’m just being paranoid. Who complains about not having enough work?

RubyMars: I’m rambling. Sorry.

AHall80: Heh. It’s all right. How you feeling?

RubyMars: Compared to how I was feeling three weeks ago, a thousand times better. Compared to how I felt two months ago, still like crap.

RubyMars: :)

AHall80: You eating?

RubyMars: Yes, Mommy Aaron. I’m back up ten pounds.

RubyMars: Am I being too… familiar with you? I don’t want to make you feel weird.

AHall80: No. You’re how I expected

AHall80: You’re packing on that weight quick.

RubyMars: ……

AHall80: I’m messing with you. Glad you are

AHall80: Am I being too familiar now?

RubyMars: No, you’re just like I expected.

RubyMars: :)

RubyMars: How’s the constipation?

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: No? You didn’t like that question?

AHall80: …..

AHall80: Did you finish your dating website profile?

RubyMars: I’ll take it you’re still constipated.

AHall80: Who are you?

RubyMars: I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping much. My sister says I get feisty when I’m tired.

AHall80: I see. Now I know for next time. I’ll be prepared.

AHall80: Why can’t you sleep?

RubyMars: Stress from catching up. I went to bed late. The ice-skater I’m doing a dress for wanted me to personally measure her after she was done practicing for the night and didn’t want to pay for my hotel room, so I had to drive to Austin to measure her last night and drove straight home afterward. By the time I got back and managed to fall asleep, I only got a three-hour nap in before my little sister started banging on my door to get me to go have breakfast with her. I got back and went straight to work. I’m not made for early mornings.

Ahall80: What time you usually wake up?

RubyMars: I plead the fifth.

Ahall80: I see how it is.

Ahall80: I thought this was our no-judging zone.

RubyMars: It is

Ahall80: Then you know I’m not going to judge you. What time do you usually get up?

RubyMars: 11 a.m.

Ahall80: I thought you were going say 2 p.m. or something. 11 isn’t bad.

RubyMars: I only wake up at 2 p.m. on Sundays. :)

AHall80: Lol. That’s more like it.

AHall80: I’ll drop it. What’d you do for breakfast?

RubyMars: This Mexican food place close by. I had a couple of barbacoa tacos. She annihilated two burritos on her own. I didn’t know she had that appetite in her. Maybe it’s years of watching her diet so closely that now she’s making up for it.

AHall80: She’s still not skating?

RubyMars: No. Her coach has been calling her every day to see when she’s going to hit the rink again, but she’s ignoring her calls.

AHall80: You think she’s going to quit?

RubyMars: I hope she doesn’t, but who knows. Most figure skaters have really short careers. She already started years later than the majority of them do, and I told you she’s a sore loser.

AHall80: I thought you were gonna give her the tough-love treatment?

RubyMars: My mom asked me not to.

AHall80: Why?

RubyMars: Because she thinks it might go the opposite way we want it to. I’ll make her mad and she’ll decide she really wants to quit. Then the whole dream is dead.

AHall80: Hmm

RubyMars: Yeah… I still think I might do it even though I’m worried, but I’m not sure I can talk crap to her. She’s just getting more and more pissy. I’d love her if she skated or if she’d didn’t, but it would be a shame if she quit. Everyone knows she has a gift that not many people have. You have to watch her skate to know that’s what she was born to do.

RubyMars: I know that sounds corny, but it’s true.

RubyMars: I’m rambling. Sorry. How’s Ax?

AHall80: You’re not rambling, and I like hearing about your sister’s skating. Hope she figures it out on her own though.

AHall80: Ax is good. She’s taking turns sleeping by all of us. I think I’m her favorite.

RubyMars: Aww.

AHall80: Every time I see her, she makes me smile… Didn’t realize how much I didn’t smile until she started hanging around more often

RubyMars: Do you guys need a collar or a leash for her? I’m sorry I never got around to sending the flea shampoo, but the pneumonia

AHall80: Nah. Don’t worry about it. One of my PFCs had his wife send things over for her.

RubyMars: How are the books coming along?

AHall80: I finished all the ones you sent. I started rereading The DaVinci Code.

RubyMars: I knew you’d like it!

RubyMars: Barter for more books

AHall80: You and your bartering lol

AHall80: I did see somebody reading The Hobbit. Maybe I’ll trade for that one.

RubyMars: Do it.

RubyMars: I sent you more books, but I’m not sure when everything will arrive.

AHall80: Thanks, Rube. I appreciate it. My friends sent me a package last week. No books in it though.

AHall80: Hey I gotta go. I’ll message you again soon.

AHall80: Sorry for leaving so quick

RubyMars: It’s okay. Take care!

AHall80: Thanks

AHall80: Bye

* * *

March 8th

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey

RubyMars: How’s it going?

AHall80: Fine. Same old like always. You?

RubyMars: Eh. I’ve been better, but I’m okay.

AHall80: Eh? What’s the matter?

RubyMars: I got fired yesterday.

AHall80: What?

AHall80: From where?

RubyMars: From the dry cleaner place.

AHall80: Why? I thought your aunt was your boss.

RubyMars: She is.

RubyMars: Was. You know what I mean.

RubyMars: She fired me.

AHall80: Why? Because you got sick?

AHall80: I thought it was the other aunt you have beef with?

RubyMars: Sort of. Remember how I told you I was worried about being far behind on work, how she’d gotten someone else to do alterations while I’d been sick… and then how she hadn’t given me as much as she usually does recently? I thought I was being crazy, but it turns out she ended up finding someone else to “help” and this person is cheaper than me

AHall80: So she fired you.

RubyMars: And that other aunt still wants me to work for her, but she’s being so mean. She’s worse than the jackass boyfriends my friends have dated in the past who try to do messed-up reverse psychology on them to get what they want. I’m trying not to even think about her right now. It’s making me really upset.

RubyMars: I cried. Again.

RubyMars: How does my own aunt fire me?? She said she felt bad but that “it’s business.” My mom is pretty pissed. She called her brother (that aunt’s husband) and ripped him a new one over the “she-monster” he married.

AHall80: Rubes. That sucks. I’m sorry.

RubyMars: I’m sorry too. It’s the only job I’ve ever had. Plus, it really hurt my feelings she just kicked me to curb like that as soon as I delivered the last of the garments she’d left me to alter. It was like she thought I wouldn’t finish my work or I’d do a crappy job if she’d told me before. I wouldn’t ever do that.

RubyMars: I get it’s a business decision, but :( :( :(

AHall80: Nah. She’s your aunt, and you said you’ve worked for her since you were what? 16? Seems harsh to me too. It’s not like you chose to get sick.

AHall80: You need to do something about your other aunt too.

RubyMars: Yeah. My whole family is boycotting ever seeing her family again. That makes me feel a little better, but not much.

AHall80: They should. I would.

AHall80: Don’t think I didn’t notice you ignored my comment about your wedding aunt. You need to tell her something. Or tell your mom or your dad, whoever is the one related to her, to tell her to cut it out if you don’t want to be the one to say anything. But you should.

RubyMars: I know I should, but...

RubyMars: I really hate confrontations.

RubyMars: My whole body starts to shake, my stomach hurts, I get nauseous, things start to feel funny.

AHall80: You’re going to make yourself sick trying to make her happy when she doesn’t seem to deserve you being loyal to her with that attitude. What’ll be worse? Pissing her off or you sweating over making her happy for the rest of your life?



AHall80: Think about it, all right?

RubyMars: All right. :)

AHall80: Any idea what you’re gonna do now?

RubyMars: No clue.

RubyMars: My mom’s husband says the company they work for is hiring entry-level positions. That’s an option.

AHall80: Where do they work?

RubyMars: An accounting firm.

AHall80: ….


AHall80: ….


AHall80: You’re just going to quit?

RubyMars: I don’t want to.

AHall80: Then why are you considering it?

RubyMars: Because it isn’t like it’s easy to find a job opening for what I do.

RubyMars: I sound like a whiney baby. I’m sorry. I’m only a baby, not a whiney one. I’m so frustrated right now. I don’t want to give up what I do, and I’m mad at myself. I know I can do something that makes me more money. I wasn’t making bank before, but I like what I do. I’ve looked through the paper and Craigslist for openings but haven’t found anything that pays even a dollar more than minimum wage. I haven’t made that little since I was sixteen.

AHall80: You’re not being a whiney baby.

AHall80: Maybe a little :]

RubyMars: :)

AHall80: You said you have money in savings?

RubyMars: Yeah, but not much.

AHall80: For how long?

RubyMars: 2 months if I don’t change any spending habits. I can make it stretch longer if I have to.

AHall80: So don’t rush into a job we both know you’re going to hate.

AHall80: Can you try and get more ice-skating work?

RubyMars: I can try. I was limiting myself on how much I take on because of the day job. I was thinking about starting to run ads with a faster turn-around time, but that’ll cost me money to front. My brother’s boyfriend asked me to make his dog a rain jacket and some bandanas in the meantime because he felt bad after he heard what happened. He was here when my mom was on the phone with my uncle.

AHall80: Have you made dog clothes before?

RubyMars: No, but I’m sure I can come up with something. It can’t be any harder than that dress I made for my sister I sent you.

AHall80: Even I know you can do it.

AHall80: Hey, I gotta go. We’ll talk soon.

AHall80: Don’t give up and get a job yet, all right?

RubyMars: Fine. :) I won’t.

RubyMars: Take care. Talk to you soon.

AHall80: Bye, Ruby Cube.

* * *

March 13th

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey you

RubyMars: This is a miracle. It’s 12 p.m. here.

AHall80: I know… It’s a miracle you’re awake.

RubyMars: Har har

AHall80: How you feeling?

RubyMars: Sleepy but good. :) You?

AHall80: Rly tired

AHall80: Long long day

RubyMars: Go to bed.

AHall80: I will in a min. Just wanted to get on and check on you for a sec.

RubyMars: Go to sleep. I’m all right. I still haven’t gotten another job, if that’s what you’re wondering.

AHall80: It is, but good.

AHall80: Back to normal? Feeling better?

RubyMars: Yeah, I’m good now. I’m back to eating normally too.

RubyMars: You okay?

AHall80: Yeah, everything’s as good as it can be.

AHall80: Your mom doing all right?

RubyMars: She’s good. We’re all still kind of spoiling her and she’s eating it up, saying she should have gone to the doctor sooner if we were all going to be so nice to her afterward.

AHall80: That’s

RubyMars: Awful. I know, she’s out of her mind.

AHall80: Heh

RubyMars: Are you ready to come back to the States?

AHall80: More than ready.

AHall80: Max has been sending over info on Scotland. I try not to look forward to things because shit happens, but it’s getting harder.

RubyMars: :) That’s sweet and terrible at the same time.

AHall80: It’s reality.

RubyMars: I know.

RubyMars: :)

AHall80: I’m falling asleep. I’ll try to get on soon.

RubyMars: Okay. Sleep good.

AHall80: Night, Rube.

* * *

March 16th

AHall80: Rubes

RubyMars: Hey.

RubyMars: How are you?

AHall80: All right. You?

RubyMars: Pretty good.

RubyMars: I have news. Guess what?

AHall80: You found a job?

RubyMars: No.

RubyMars: I appreciate the reminder.

RubyMars: :/

RubyMars: I have a date.

AHall80: With who?

RubyMars: My friends invited me over for a potluck last night, and this guy I’ve known for a while was there too. We weren’t really friends before, but we got along, and before I left, he asked if I’d go out with him. I thought of you and said sure.

RubyMars: I’m kind of regretting it now, but I don’t want to say never mind. I think I’m being a chicken.

AHall80: You are.

RubyMars: …..

AHall80: You know him?

RubyMars: Well enough. He’s really nice, but he’s younger than me.

AHall80: How much younger?

RubyMars: 2 years

AHall80: So he’s what? 21?

RubyMars: Yeah.

AHall80: hmm

RubyMars: Hmm what?

AHall80: 21 year olds are shitheads. Don’t let him get away with too much.

RubyMars: Jeez. What kind of girl do you think I am?

AHall80: A good girl. That’s what I’m trying to say.

RubyMars: :) Okay good.

RubyMars: I have zero expectations, except hopefully having a free meal, lol.

RubyMars: If my older sister saw me write that, she’d kill me.

RubyMars: One time a few weeks ago, I made a joke about looking for a sugar daddy and she lectured me for half an hour.

AHall80: Let me know how it goes. Don’t go back to his place.

AHall80: You don’t need a sugar daddy.

RubyMars: I’m not. I swear. Just a meal.

RubyMars: I know. :)

RubyMars: Speaking of, were you a shithead when you were 21?

AHall80: Yeah, I was a complete shit back then. I’m telling you from experience.

AHall80: :]

AHall80: How’s the job hunt going?

RubyMars: Bad, but I got more work doing ice-skating dresses for a few girls up in New York, and this one popular male figure skater’s coach wrote me today, so we’ll see what happens. My older sister is paying me to make her dog some bandanas. We’ll see how that goes too. I won’t say no to pity money.

AHall80: Good

RubyMars: I’ll let you know what happens, but I promise I’m not jumping into anything random. I’m just trying.

AHall80: It’s about time you did.

RubyMars: Hey, I got those pictures you e-mailed me yesterday of Ax with her collar on. If I thought it would get there before you leave, I’d send her a bandana.

AHall80: Make one for Aries. I’ll pay you.

RubyMars: I’ll make one for him, but you don’t have to pay me. Just tell me where to ship it.

AHall80: I have a job, you don’t. I can pay.

RubyMars: All I see is “Blah, blah, blah.” Give me an address to ship it to.

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: Your mom isn’t the only bossy one.

RubyMars: :)

RubyMars: Send me the address.

AHall80: I’ll think about it.

AHall80: I gotta go.

AHall80: Talk soon.

RubyMars: Okay bye.

AHall80: Bye RC

* * *

March 19th

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey.

AHall80: I got your box today. Thank you.

RubyMars: You’re welcome. I hope you aren’t getting bored I’m always sending the same kind of stuff, but why mess up a good thing?

AHall80: It’s all great. I’ve told you before you don’t have to send me anything, but I’m not going to say no to books and food.

RubyMars: I forgot to ask. Did you end up trading for The Hobbit?

AHall80: Yeah. Already finished it and traded 2 Dan Brown books for the first LOTR book.

RubyMars: That’s a fair trade. Tell me what you think.

AHall80: I will.

RubyMars: Have any of your other Help a Soldier people sent you things recently?

AHall80: A couple weeks ago I got a big box of socks, baby wipes, and snacks.

RubyMars: Sounds like fun.

AHall80: It was. I already ate everything. :]

RubyMars: Party animal. :)

RubyMars: Have you heard anything else about when you’re leaving for good?

AHall80: Not yet, but everything seems to be on schedule. Should be about 8 weeks. The longest 8 weeks of my life.

RubyMars: I’m sure.

AHall80: I want a shitty, greasy, deep dish pizza like you can’t imagine. I can already taste it.

AHall80: A hot shower… a real bed… AC everywhere

RubyMars: Clean clothes?

AHall80: Clean clothes. Clean socks. No sand.

RubyMars: Clean underwear.

RubyMars: No sand? I thought you were planning on going to the beach?

AHall80: The beach is different. There’s water. It isn’t just desert and more desert.

RubyMars: I guess that makes sense.

RubyMars: My brother said once that his goal is to never see sand in his life again.

AHall80: For real.

RubyMars: What I didn’t finish saying was that he said that, but he’s gone to Cancun twice with his boyfriend, LOL.

AHall80: It’s different. I’m over this sand shit.

AHall80: Never again

RubyMars: Does that mean you’re dead set on not re-enlisting?


RubyMars: Whatever you want. I’m not judging. We don’t have to talk about it.

AHall80: It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it

RubyMars: But you don’t want to talk about it.

AHall80: :] Basically.

RubyMars: I’ll change the subject then.

RubyMars: Have you gone #2 lately?

AHall80: Three days ago.

RubyMars: Are you joking?

AHall80: I wish.

RubyMars: AARON

AHall80: I know. I KNOW.

RubyMars: Does it hurt?

AHall80: Uh, when it comes out?

RubyMars: Omg

RubyMars: Aaron

RubyMars: I meant your stomach.

RubyMars: Does your stomach hurt?

RubyMars: I can’t breathe

RubyMars: Or type

RubyMars: I didn’t mean your… rectum.

RubyMars: Aaron?

RubyMars: Aaron?

RubyMars: Are you there?

RubyMars: AARON?

AHall80: You’re not the only one who couldn’t breathe or type.

RubyMars: LMAO I’m crying.

AHall80: me too

AHall80: me too

RubyMars: I mean… you can tell me if your butt hurts too, I guess.

AHall80: Ruby, stop

RubyMars: Seriously. You can tell me. I won’t judge.

RubyMars: It happens.

RubyMars: I think.

AHall80: Stop

RubyMars: I can’t breathe

AHall80: I don’t know when the last time I laughed so hard was.

AHall80: Everyone is looking at me wondering wtf happened.

RubyMars: Your rectum happened

AHall80: BYE

RubyMars: I can’t stop laughing

AHall80: You’re never hearing from me again

RubyMars: There are tears coming out of my eyes.

AHall80: Bye. I’ll write you again when I find my balls.

RubyMars: It was nice knowing you.

AHall80: BYE

* * *

March 22nd

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey

RubyMars: How are you?

RubyMars: And by ‘you’ I mean you as a whole, not any specific body part.

AHall80: ….

AHall80: ….

AHall80: Never living that down, am I?

RubyMars: What do you think?

AHall80: I’m thinking that’s a negative

RubyMars: :)

RubyMars: I’m still laughing about it.

AHall80: I bet you are

AHall80: Miss I walk into closed doors

RubyMars: Har har

RubyMars: I’m guessing you found your balls somewhere?


RubyMars: I’ll take that as a yes.

RubyMars: Guess what?

AHall80: You’re not constipated?

RubyMars: Yes because I eat enough broccoli (covered in cheese), but besides that.

AHall80: What is it?

RubyMars: I went on a date with that guy.

AHall80: The 21 year old?

RubyMars: Yep, and it was only awkward about half the time.

AHall80: What’d you do?

RubyMars: We went to this comic book store and then went for coffee.

AHall80: A comic book store?

RubyMars: He’s into comics. I like graphic novels more. The stories are better and they’re longer.

AHall80: Hmm.

AHall80: Did you have a good time?

RubyMars: Yes. He’s a little shy, but it was nice.

AHall80: Did he pick you up?

RubyMars: And tell him where I live? You nuts?

AHall80: Smart girl

RubyMars: Duh. We met up by the comic book store and the coffee shop was in the same shopping center. He had to wake up early for school, so we weren’t out all night or anything.

RubyMars: He texted me an hour afterward to see if I’d like to go out with him after his midterms in a couple weeks.

AHall80: Did you say yes?

RubyMars: Yeah. What do you think? I’m not in love with him or anything like that, but I didn’t mind spending time with him. I figured I’d give it another shot and see how it goes.

AHall80: “didn’t mind spending time with him…”

AHall80: Hmm

AHall80: Go with him

AHall80: I’ve done worse with girls I did mind spending time with.

AHall80: And here I am

RubyMars: Yeah, I’m sure.

RubyMars: I’m still going to finish my dating profile though. Why not?

RubyMars: “and here you are,” damn it, Aaron. You’re just picking the wrong ones is all.

AHall80: Good girl

AHall80: I never said I was picking good ones, more like “good for now.”

RubyMars: “Good for now

RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: All I’m going to say is, maybe you just need to find the right girl. Not at a bar.

RubyMars: Maybe she’s waiting for you at a church or a shelter.

AHall80: You’re a pain in the ass, Ru

RubyMars: Yeah, you don’t like that idea so much when someone turns it around on you, huh?

AHall80: …..

AHall80: How’s your little sister?

RubyMars: Fine, we’ll change the subject.

RubyMars: She’s being a pain in the butt. She still hasn’t gone to the rink. I don’t know what to do.

AHall80: Drag her.

RubyMars: She’s bigger than I am, and stronger.

AHall80: How tall are you? I looked up a video of her and she looks small.

RubyMars: You did?

RubyMars: I’m five one. She’s five three.

RubyMars: She’s freakishly strong, don’t let her deceive you.

AHall80: You can take her

AHall80: Why didn’t I know you were short?

RubyMars: Honestly, I’m scared of her. You just have to know her to get it.

RubyMars: My mom is five feet tall. It isn’t a big deal in my family. We’re all short. I don’t even think about it half the time.

AHall80: Why are you scared of her?

AHall80: Your brothers are short?

RubyMars: Because she’s a crazy person. She doesn’t care about anything right now. When things are going her way, she might give two craps in a day, max. She can be the meanest person I know on a good day. I caught her eating ice cream straight from the gallon while watching Glee. She’s relapsing.

RubyMars: One of my brothers is like five six and the other one claims he’s five eight, but he’s full of it.

AHall80: Isn’t Glee the show about the kids in choir?

RubyMars: Close enough, and yeah, that show. It’s a bad combination. It’s the beginning of the end. I know I need to do something, but no one else wants to say anything to her. They’re all letting her sulk. If it wasn’t for her going to work, I doubt she’d leave the house.

AHall80: Do something

RubyMars: I will, but I’m not forcing her to the rink. Actually, I think I have an idea

AHall80: What is it?

RubyMars: I think I’m going to make her the nicest ice-skating dress I’ve ever made, since it’s not like I’m swamped or anything. She’s a sucker for the good ones.

AHall80: Do it

RubyMars: You think so?

AHall80: Yeah

AHall80: Have you talked to your aunt, the wedding one?

RubyMars: Yes.

AHall80: What did she say?

RubyMars: I talked to her about a new dress she wanted me to start working on.

AHall80: Ruby

RubyMars: I know, I know.

AHall80: You can do it. I believe in you.

RubyMars: You’re a good friend to me, Aaron not-an-asswipe.

AHall80: I’d be a better friend to you if I got you to stand up for yourself.

AHall80: I have this feeling she doesn’t pay you as much as you deserve.

RubyMars: :)

RubyMars: Probably not. I don’t look at what she charges anymore.

AHall80: Ask her for a raise at least.

RubyMars: She was just complaining about how she’s broke.

AHall80: I’m going to drop it for now, but I know you know she’s taking advantage of you.

RubyMars: I know

AHall80: I gotta go, but think about saying something. For real.

RubyMars: I will.

AHall80: I’ll msg you soon. Bye

RubyMars: Bye, Aaron.

* * *

March 24th

AHall80: Rubes

RubyMars: Hey you.

RubyMars: How is everything?

AHall80: Good. About to go play some Halo.

AHall80: Check your e-mail

RubyMars: If you sent me a chain letter

AHall80: Just check your e-mail.

RubyMars: Okay, one second.

RubyMars: He’s so handsome!!!

AHall80: I told you you didn’t have to send Aries anything.

RubyMars: I know you said I didn’t, but you did give me your dad’s PO box, and I had leftover material. It looks perfect on him.

AHall80: Max saw him and asked if you could make three more. He has two huskies and a lab mix.

RubyMars: Of course I can.

AHall80: How much should I tell him to send you?

AHall80: You better not tell me you’ll do it for free.

RubyMars: Why?

AHall80: Why what? Why you can’t make them for free?

RubyMars: Yes.

AHall80: Because you should sell them

AHall80: And we both have jobs and you don’t.

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: :] Let him pay you. I’ll tell him $20 each, or more?

AHall80: You can say more.

RubyMars: $20? Are you crazy?

AHall80: 15

RubyMars: No!

AHall80: 14.99

RubyMars: When did you become a pest?

AHall80: You’ve rubbed off on me.

AHall80: 10

RubyMars: $10 is too much. It’s from an old bolt I had and the bandanas aren’t even reversible, and it’s you.

AHall80: $9?

RubyMars: Stop. $5 each. That’s my final offer.

AHall80: You sure?

RubyMars: Positive

AHall80: K. To the address you sent them from?

RubyMars: Yes, stalker

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: ….

AHall80: How’s the job hunt going?

RubyMars: Terrible, but I’ve picked up a few more dress jobs and my brother’s boyfriend ordered dog bandanas and so did his mom. Something is something. As long as my mom doesn’t kick me out, I’ll be fine. No going out to eat for me unless someone treats, but that’s okay.

AHall80: You’re still fine besides that?

RubyMars: Yeah, I’m okay. I’m really grateful I didn’t move out right about now. :)

AHall80: What’s that you tell me? Everything happens for a reason?

RubyMars: Yeah.

AHall80: See?

RubyMars: Yeah, I see, pita.

AHall80: Pita?

RubyMars: Pain in the ass. :)

AHall80: Heh

AHall80: I gotta go. I’ll msg you soon.

RubyMars: Okay bye!

AHall80: Bye RC.

* * *

March 27th

AHall80: You okay?

AHall80: I just saw your e-mail to IM you.

RubyMars: Physically I’m fine. But I got cash from Max for his bandanas, and I also got four bolts of fabric in the mail that I know I didn’t order.

AHall80: Oh?

RubyMars: Don’t “oh” me. Did you send them?

AHall80: You’re welcome, Rubes.

RubyMars: Aaron. You didn’t have to do that!!!!!

AHall80: I wanted to. Happy early birthday.

RubyMars: How did you know my birthday was coming up?

AHall80: Stalker, remember? :]

AHall80: I told Max to look you up on Facebook.

AHall80: You shouldn’t have your birthday on there. People can steal your identity.

RubyMars: Apparently.

RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: You didn’t have to do anything for me.

AHall80: Okay.

AHall80: It wasn’t shit fabric, right? Max picked it out.

AHall80: I saw him wear a Hawaiian print shirt one day…. I should’ve gotten Des to pick it out instead.

RubyMars: No, it was great. I’ll e-mail you pictures in a second. I was so surprised. Thank you so much, Aaron. Really.

AHall80: I figured you could make more bandanas with it… or dog sweaters or something to make you money. Thought you’d like that more than a birthday card.

RubyMars: I like that so much more.

RubyMars: It’s way too much. I don’t know what to say.

AHall80: Thank you, Aaron?

RubyMars: Har har har

RubyMars: Thank you, Aaron! :)

RubyMars: Really, thank you. I’ll make Aries something out of what you sent.

AHall80: That’s not why I sent it to you.

RubyMars: I know it isn’t, but you sent a lot of material. It must have cost an arm and a leg to ship them.

RubyMars: I’m going to send it regardless of whether you want me to or not.

AHall80: ….

AHall80: Fine

RubyMars: They’re going to be reversible. I can see them already.

RubyMars: Thank you!!!

RubyMars: Thank you. I really don’t know what to say. It made my month.

AHall80: Yeah, you’re welcome.

AHall80: I can only get on for a sec, but happy birthday, stalker girl.

RubyMars: Thank you, stalker boy. You made my day.

AHall80: :] I’ll write you soon.

RubyMars: Okay, be safe. :)

* * *

March 30th

AHall80: Rubes

RubyMars: Hey stalker

AHall80: ….

AHall80: I got your e-mail about going on date #2. How’d it go?

RubyMars: Really good. He had tickets to a hockey game and dinner.

AHall80: Houston has a hockey team?

RubyMars: It wasn’t pro hockey, just some local rec league.

AHall80: He knows about your sister?

RubyMars: No. I don’t usually tell anyone about that lazy fart. His friend is on the team.

AHall80: She still hasn’t gone skating again?

RubyMars: No

AHall80: Shit.

AHall80: What happened to the dress you were going to make her?

RubyMars: I’m almost done with it, but I’m having second thoughts now.

AHall80: What’s the worse that’ll happen?

RubyMars: She yells at me and throws the dress on the floor?

AHall80: You yell back at her and sell the dress if she acts like that.

RubyMars: :)

AHall80: It’s not like you have anything else to do.

RubyMars: I take back ever telling you you’re sweet.

AHall80: Lol

AHall80: Have you ever called me that before?

RubyMars: No, lol.

AHall80: Remember that time I sent you cloth?

RubyMars: Fabric and yeah, I do.

RubyMars: Remember that time I sent you socks?

AHall80: I’m wearing them right now

RubyMars: No you’re not.

AHall80: Nah, I’m not. They’re dirty. :]

RubyMars: Remember that time you thought I was talking about your butthole, but I was talking about your stomach?

AHall80: BYE

RubyMars: Lol

RubyMars: Lmao

RubyMars: I can’t stop laughing.

AHall80: Happy birthday, girl.

AHall80: Wishing you nothing but the best, Rubes.

RubyMars: Thank you, Aaron.

AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll msg you soon.

AHall80: Happy Birthday again

AHall80: Bye, Ruby Cube

RubyMars: Bye. Thank you!




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