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Longing for the Impossible by Tiara L Giles (13)


“Oh my god. There’s so many people.” Alana peered out the window at the army of cars on the street. Blinking lights and a deep bass were coming from Sven’s house while all of the other houses were silent. “This is probably normal to you, right? Since you used to be friends?”

I smirked. “You’d think.” The Moretti’s only partied when it was necessary. They either wanted to show something off or get inside someone’s head. That’s how they worked. I was too young to be around most of the parties the brother’s threw, but I’d seen some of the ones their parents threw.

Alana and I both got out of the car and only walked next to each other when we got closer to the house.

“Nice coat Alana.” Sven touched some of the white faux mink and let her in. He nodded at me. “You know where everything is.”

Alana removed her coat when I walked in. She scooped my arm up in hers, waiting for me to move.

“Hi guys!” Trinity was dancing towards us, alcohol already in her system. I lifted a brow at her. “Kay’s driving. It’s fine. I like the beret, Alana!”

“Thanks.” Alana leaves my side to talk to Trinity, and I could finally breathe. I couldn’t decided where to jump in, whether to grab some beer or drag Alana to the dance floor to loosen me up.

“You look nice.”

Serena was standing in a red dress, her hands clasped behind her back. Her hair was wild, and she had a bright open smile on her face.

Just beautiful.

She looked like the old Serena as she took steps towards me and I crumbled around the old Serena. “You look awesome.”

She lifted her head and laughed. “Thanks.”

“Wow! You look so . . . cute for someone who can’t leave the house.” Alana put her arm around my shoulders, and I wanted her off immediately.

“Blonde on blonde.” Serena pointed to Alana’s hair and then her dress. “Cute.”

“Finally leaves the house and goes crazy,” Alana mumbled under her breath, placing more weight on my shoulders. She flashed a bright smile.

“At least I’m fun to be around.” Serena shrugged with her hands, and Alana’s face twisted into shock. “See you later.”

“She heard me?”

I rolled my eyes, of course she heard. Whispering wasn’t a thing in a place where you could feel the bass vibrating your feet.

I watched Serena’s body get washed into the crowd of people before I found her again, in the center, dancing with my sister and a few other people she knew. I hadn’t seen her like that since I had been back. Her movements were confident and sure. She was comfortable with herself and so deep in her element. I bet she made the wind and fire jealous.

Alana grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the alcohol. I grabbed a cup and filled it with whatever looked strong enough. If I was going to be Alana’s date, I needed this drink to relax me. I chugged it and she giggled as I pulled her to the dance floor.

She danced cutely for twenty minutes, with her arms tight to her body as she swayed back and forth. She moved like one of those old ladies trying to be cool, but afraid of all the young people around her. I just swayed back and forth with her.

When she did loosen up, she rubbed herself all over me and stepped on my toes for what felt like five hours. I needed more alcohol. What I had wasn’t strong enough.

“Be right back,” I whispered into her ear.

“Kay!” She waved and began to flail around like a chicken stomping on the heels of the poor souls around her.

I filled another cup and coughed when the liquid burned my throat.

“Sup, man.” Sven was in front of me, pouring himself a drink. I wanted to scowl but I didn’t. He hadn’t done anything. Yet.

“Sven.” I swallowed more alcohol from my cup. Sven had a dark look in his eyes. I knew whatever he said could put me on edge. I set my cup down. I needed to be coherent for this.

Sven shook his head and smirked. “You know what’s funny? Liking a girl after you hurt her.” He lifted his cup and pointed his finger at me. “That shits funny.” He pointed at me and took a long swig of his drink before pouring himself another. He barked a laugh. “You know what’s even funnier? Guess what’s funnier, bro?”

I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

“That she’s dumb enough to be your friend afterwards.” Did he just call Serena dumb? I wasn’t going to hit him yet. I wanted to him to finish fucking up, first. “She’s just so nice, and don’t get me wrong, I’d fuck her, and I bet she’s nice enough to let me back in if I wanted to her to.”

He laughed again and knocked back his drink. I saw red. I was going to kill him.

“But I think she wants you. I think she wanted you before me but didn’t know it.” He smashed his cup on the table, and it took everything in me not to do his face the same way. “Enjoy the party, man.”

Normal colors returned to my vision after he left. I was a lot calmer, and I had much more self-control than I thought I had. I didn’t kick his ass this time. He wasn’t worth it.

I scanned the floor and Alana and Sven were pressed against each other. Legs and all. My sister found a guy to dance with. Keith and Keirsten were moving to some slow tune only they could hear and Serena was nowhere to be found.

I made my way to the back of the house. I needed to get away for a minute. Gather my thoughts, until Alana decided to stay or needed me to take her home or something drags me back out there. I climbed up a short flight of stairs and noticed the window I was about to take was already opened allowing me to crawl through with ease.

* * *


Holy shit my feet hurt. Maybe I shouldn’t have worn heels this high. I stood over the hidden jacuzzi I knew Sven’s parents owned. You couldn’t get through by just going to the backyard. You had to go through his parents’ room or a small hall window. Anyone could see it but not everyone knew how to get to it.

I took the heels off my feet and a loud sound escaped my mouth as blood rushed back to my toes. I had to get these soaking or the walk back to the car was going to suck. I looked around to make sure no one could see me before I shimmied out of my tights. I threw them on top of my shoes and switched on the Jacuzzi. I didn’t bother to test the water. I put only my legs in the water allowing the steam to warm the rest of my body.

I pulled out my phone and dived into a book I had been reading. You would think I would’ve partied longer. I would’ve made some new friends and talked freely with everyone in there, but I got to be alone. Alone for the first time in a long time without wondering when my mom would come back. When she would get me and what mood she would be in. This was nice and if college was anything like this, than I was even more anxious to leave.

“You’re reading at a party?”

I jumped and clutched the phone to my chest. Brandon was standing behind me with a sly grin on his face and my pulse calmed. Of course he knew how to get here, he and Sven used to be best friends.

“Yeah, and you look like you’re hiding.” He had this expression on his face that told me he reached his limit. Brandon may like talking to people now, but he still hated parties. Being out here seemed to make him feel better.

He groaned and rubbed his face. “Alana’s got troll feet, Serena.”

I laughed. “I could’ve told you that. She can pick up moves but that’s it.”

I patted the spot next to me, offering him to sit. His brow rose in slight surprise. He pulled up his pant legs, and took off his shoes and socks before joining me.

He leaned close to me. The heat of his body stronger than the steam from the water. His voice was low, and I could feel it running through my belly and to my toes. “You having fun, though?”

“Mostly.” I smirked, my voice as low as his. “I just needed to get away for a bit before I have to go home.”

“You’re going home already?” He said, and the word home left a sour taste in my mouth.

“I’ve still got time.” An hour. An hour wasn’t long enough.

I felt his hand touch mine. Small sparkles of electricity tickled the tips of my fingers and my breath hitched. Electricity surged through me as he covered my hand in his. I flipped my hand over and tangled my fingers with his, because I could. Because I wanted to, and no one could stop me. His hand felt good, and reassuring and I wanted to keep it there for the rest of the hour.

“But not a lot of time?” he whispered.

I nodded. “I’m not ready to go back home. It’s been so long since I had this much fun. Or, I don’t know, felt normal? Is this what freedom feels like?” I laughed at my own question, saying that felt weird. “But I’m still afraid though. ‘Cause I know this is temporary.”

“I don’t think college will be,” he said, he let go of my hand and coldness covered it. He brought his hand up to my chin. “You’ve got a few more months, and this won’t be temporary. You can sit outside and read books on your phone all night. You can do what the rest of us get to do and more than that.”

He sounded so sure of himself. What if he was wrong? What if I couldn’t leave? I didn’t have a car like he did. I didn’t have an easy way out. I knew my mom didn’t use to be like that and I didn’t know if she would go back to my old mom and if she didn’t, what would I do? If I was as worthless and useless as she said I was . . .


I blinked coming up from my thoughts. Brandon had my head in his hands. Concern and worry laid heavily on his brow. I struggled to breathe. Each breath I took caused a knife cutting pain to hit my chest. I was scared. He pressed his forehead against mine, staring me straight in the eyes. “Breathe with me, Serena. Slow, deep breaths.”

The pain dulled as I followed his instructions. After a few minutes, I was okay. Everything was okay. I was still at the party. I was still safe from trouble. For now.



“Good.” I felt his breathe on my mouth and my heart raced for a reason other than fear. I didn’t remember his eyes always being so green, or maybe I just didn’t pay attention. I wasn’t sure if I was always attracted to him or not, but something about him was keeping me there. Maybe it was the affection he was showing me at that moment. It didn’t matter what it was. All I knew was that I wanted to kiss him, and I wanted him to kiss me too.

His hands left my cheeks instead. I missed his touch immediately, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he could see the disappointment on my face. It wasn’t like we could kiss anyway. We were partners in a semester long project and that could make things difficult. Not to mention the repercussions that could come from openly liking him and my mom finding out. I was good at hiding things from her but not that good.

We both turned away from each other, our hands resting next to each other not even daring to meet again. My phone rang. It was Keirsten and it was 10:30.

“I’ve gotta go.” I lifted my legs out of the water and gathered my things. “I’ll see you on Monday.” I didn’t bother putting my tights back on in front of him. I just had to freeze until I got back to the car. I turned around after I got my shoes on. “Thanks for . . . um . . . keeping me calm.”

“Anytime, Ree.” He smirked and I pretended to groan at the sound of that nickname as I left.