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My Hero (Cowboy Craze) by Sable Hunter (10)





Benjen was so focused on getting out of town that he passed the Dairy Queen in a daze.


Hope’s bark made him blink and he had to grin. “You have the memory of an elephant when it comes to food.” He put on his blinker and headed in the drive-thru.

As he came even with the window, a perky teenager opened the glass. “What can I get for you today?” she asked automatically, then when she spotted Hope, she let out an, “Awww, look at the cute dog!”

“Thanks, we’ll take a small cone. She’s been to the vet and I promised her ice cream if she’d be a good girl.” Benjen beamed as the young girl made over his pup.

“Oh, I bet she was good. She can’t be anything else, can you, girl? Did you see Dr. Cleveland? I’m best friends with her daughter. She’s a nice lady.”

“Actually, we saw her assistant, Miss Cates.”

“Oh, she’s nice too.” The expression on the girl’s face sobered. “It’s so sad. She’s a widow, you know.”

The girl stepped a few feet to her left and filled up a sugar cone with soft serve. When she returned, she handed the treat through the window.

“How much?” Benjen asked as he pulled out a couple of bills.

“It’s on the house.” The teen waved away his money.

“Thanks.” He returned the dollars to his wallet. “A widow, you say?”

“Yea, her husband was a marine. I’m not familiar with the details. I just know she keeps to herself most of the time.”

When a car horn blew behind him, Benjen realized he needed to move on. “Thanks for the cone.”

“Have a nice day!”

As the girl waved them on, Benjen’s mind was busy reflecting on his interaction with Apple Cates. He’d been quick to discount the explanation she’d offered, thinking her rejection was about him. Instead, she’d suffered a loss, she was grieving. “Dammit!” He understood, he’d gone through the same thing himself when he lost Kelli.

A whine from his canine companion reminded Benjen that Hope was still waiting for her cone. He was holding it, absent-mindedly, and the ice cream was beginning to melt. “Sorry, girl.” He held it out to her and she proceeded to open her mouth wide and gulp it down in one big bite. “Whoa!” He laughed. “You almost took a couple of my fingers, greedy-Gus.”

His protest earned him a whine and Benjen gave her a pet. “Ready to go home?” Without waiting for Hope’s approval, he set a course for Packsaddle Mountain.

The familiar drive soothed him. When he crossed the river, he felt a sense of peace envelope him. The beauty of the rocky hills and flowing water was something he never failed to appreciate. As he passed over the cattleguard and through the gate, Benjen was glad to see his brothers’ trucks all parked in their places.

Once he pulled into his spot, he opened the door and Hope bounded out, happy to be home again. Benjen could hear laughter, so he was smiling when he stepped up on the porch. “What are you hooligans up to?”

Sam and Easy were sitting on the front porch, their boots propped up on the bannisters.

“Oh, we’re taking a break and having a laugh at the newlyweds.” Easy reached into an ice bucket next to his rocker and handed his youngest brother a beer. “You know how Daniel always kept house.”

“Yea, by assigning the three of us all the chores.” Benjen hooked a foot around the leg of a chair and pulled it forward while he unscrewed the cap from the bottle and took a drink.

“Right. Well, Sara is trying to change his ways and she’s been after him not to leave toothpaste in the sink,” Sam said with a chuckle.

“Is it working?” Benjen asked as he let his eyes wander over the nearby pasture.

“Well, she’s not sure. This morning she went to the bathroom and guess what she found?” Easy tipped his Stetson back on his head.

“I can’t imagine.” Knowing what a cut-up their eldest brother could be, Benjen wouldn’t hazard a guess.

Sam held out his hand for another beer as he relayed their brother’s antics. “Daniel had left her a message in the sink. Daniel Loves Sara. Written in a thick line of blue toothpaste.”

Benjen threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, Lord. Those two are a mess together, aren’t they?”

“Did you get Hope all fixed up at the vet?” Easy asked as he checked the messages on his phone.

“Yea, did you two know Dr. Wahlberg has retired?”

“I did hear something about that,” Sam answered Benjen. “I think he’s turning all of his business over to this lady vet.”

“Right. Dr. Cleveland. Hope and I ended up at her office.”

“How was she? Pretty?”

Benjen shook his head. “The doctor wasn’t in, but I hear she has a teenage daughter. So, she’s probably married. Her beautiful assistant, however, is another matter.”

“Oh, really?”

Seeing the predatory gleam in Easy’s eye, Benjen put his Justin boot down hard on the floor. “Just put that idea right out of your head. This time, I’m calling dibs.”

“Dibs?” Sam grabbed onto the porch railing with both hands. “Did you feel that jolt? Hell just froze over!”

Benjen grimaced at his brother’s theatrics. “Stop it. I found a girl I want to date. No big deal.”

“Au contraire,” Easy said in jovial response. “This is a fuckin’ big deal.”

“It’s the girl from the bar.” He met his brother’s gaze.

“Wow! Great!” Easy clapped him on the shoulder. “What’s her name and when do we meet her?”

Benjen rubbed his eyes. “Well, her name is Apple Cates and I haven’t exactly convinced her to go out with me yet.”

Samuel cast Benjen a surveying look. “Why?”

“She lost her husband not too long ago. I’m going to have to tread carefully. For now, we’re going to be friends.”

“Oh, no.” Easy moaned, “Poor lady. The friend zone, that’s a hard place to come back from, Bub.”

“We’ll see.” Benjen finished his beer and stood. “Well, I’m going to head down and check the herd. We’ve got a few mama cows nearing their time.”

“Don’t wait too long to make your move, Ben,” Sam advised him. “You’re far too picky to let a woman who catches your eye get away.”

He’d told Denise he was picky, but he hadn’t really been serious. Was he picky? Benjen considered his brother’s counsel. He just wanted to share more with a woman than mere attraction. As he made his way across the yard, Benjen watched his footfalls across the grass, his mind elsewhere. He kept seeing Apple’s smile, how she cared for the small animals with such care and tenderness. “Pity she just wants to be your friend, Blackhawk.” Instead of dissuading him, the prospect exhilarated Benjen. “Miss Apple is in for a surprise visit.” For the first time in a helluva long time, a woman intrigued him – and as far as he was concerned, friendship would just be the beginning.


* * *


Apple loved her job, but she lived for the weekend. As much as she valued her days off, they certainly couldn’t be classified as leisure time. She used Saturdays and Sundays to do DIY projects on her old house. Painting. Refinishing cabinets. Tearing out carpet and scraping hardwood floors. There were things she couldn’t do herself, of course, but she did what she could with a happy heart, making headway slowly but steadily. The energy she expended on the tasks was therapeutic. Today, however, she intended to spend making her unexpected houseguest feel comfortable.

“Why don’t you come out and get to know me a little better?” Apple held out her hand, willing the big dog to trust her. “If you’ll ease just a little closer, I’ll give you some petting.”

 The cautious German Shepherd wasn’t taking any chances. So far, she’d kept her distance, only coming out of her hiding place when Apple tugged her out by the leash she still wore. 

“You don’t know what you’re missing. I have two acres of meadowland ready for you to romp over. There’s rabbits and squirrels for you to chase and flowers for you to smell.”

Pushing aside the notes she’d been making, Apple turned in her chair to look the dog in the face. “What expressive brown eyes you have. You’re pretty, girl.”

A whine of despair was the only reply she received.

Knock! Knock!

Woof! Growl.

The sudden noise and the dog’s instant reaction caused Apple to jump. Who could that be? She didn’t often receive visitors. The last person who stopped by tried to convert her to Mormonism.

Going to the window, she peeped out onto the porch. “Oh, my goodness.” Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw Benjen Blackhawk. For a second or two, she observed him without his knowledge. A truly pleasurable experience. During the last four days, she’d done her best not to fantasize about him. So far, she’d been unsuccessful. The man was pure eye candy.


“Apple, it’s Benjen.”

Taking a deep breath, she moved the few feet from the window to open the door. “Well, hello. What a surprise.”

“Is it? I’m not sure why it would be – us being friends and all.”

A soft laugh rose unbidden to her lips. “Right.” She stood back to let him in as the dog gave a hesitant bark of greeting.

“Thanks.” Benjen was aware of the animal’s response and he intended to acknowledge it in full measure. At this moment, however, his focus was firmly affixed on the woman before him. She was adorable. Her amazing hair was in a loose bun on top of her head, her eyes were bright, and her face was free of any makeup. Apple looked sweet and fresh as a daisy.

“Please come in and take a seat.” She pulled out a dining table chair for him. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?” Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Apple couldn’t imagine why he’d chosen to visit her.

“Yea, that would be great. Thanks.” As he waited to be served, he let himself take in his surroundings. The old structure was narrow, but long – and in need of a multitude of work. “These homes have always fascinated me. You know why they call them shot-gun houses, don’t you?”

“Because the rooms are arranged one behind the other?”

“Close.” Benjen grinned. “The term ‘shotgun’ refers to the idea that if all the doors are open, you could fire a shotgun blast into the house from the front door and the bullet would fly right out the back.”

“Wow, that’s interesting and I hope I don’t ever have the theory tested.” While she occupied herself brewing a pot, she asked the question bearing heavy on her mind, “What can I do for you today?”


He gave her a big smile and that’s when she noticed he was still holding one hand behind his back.

“I brought these.”

Apple’s mouth dropped open when she realized he held a small bouquet of roses. A thrill raced through her. How long had it been since a man gave her flowers? Uh…never. Her eyes fell on his broad, strong hand holding the delicate pink flowers. “Oh, my.” She felt her face flame. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have…”

He pulled the floral offering back out of her reach. “Oh, don’t worry, I didn’t. These aren’t for you.”

Apple was dumbfounded. “They’re not?”

“No.” He shook his head solemnly, hoping his outrageous plan worked. “These are for…that girl.” Benjen nodded toward the dog as he placed the roses in her hand. “Do you think you could put these in water for her?”

“Uh. Okay.” Apple pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. This guy was something else. “I’m sure she loves them.”

Rising to his feet, he knelt near the Shepherd, holding out his hand tentatively. Even as he made an overture to the wary animal, he was fully cognizant of Apple’s movements around the room as she located a glass and filled it with water. Once or twice, their gazes collided, Benjen couldn’t tell if she was happy to see him or not.

“Aren’t you afraid Hope will be jealous of you paying attention to another dog?” she asked as she poured their coffee and placed cream and sugar within his reach.

“Hmmm, maybe. Sometimes jealousy is a good thing though.” He smiled as he was able to touch the leery animal on the nose.

“Oh, really?” Unfortunately, that hasn’t been Apple’s experience.  

“Sometimes a little bit of jealousy will make a dog…or a person, realize what it is they really want, what’s important to them.”  

“I see.” She didn’t, but there was no use arguing about it. What concerned her most was what Benjen Blackhawk might be up to. “Hey, she’s coming to you!” In wonder, she watched the dog move a few inches closer. She couldn’t really blame the canine, Apple would love to be near him herself.

“What can I say?” He glanced over his shoulder at Apple. “I’m irresistible.”

His smile showed off two intriguing dimples.

“Oh, yea?” He might be right, but she wasn’t about to stroke his ego. “Dang,” she whispered, an image of her stroking another part of his body burned itself into her brain. “Stop it.”

“Stop what?” He stood to his feet, gazing at her with curiosity.

“Uh…so, what are you doing here, really?” Even though she knew what a terrible idea it would be to get involved with this man, part of her wanted it more than she wanted her next breath.

Benjen moved to the dining table to reclaim his seat and lift the steaming mug of black coffee to his lips. He was buying time, trying to maneuver his way into this lady’s life. “I’ve been thinking about the dog.”

“Obviously.” Apple touched the vase of roses almost reverently. “You have a very tender heart, don’t you?” She could recognize the trait they had in common. “You keep imagining what could possibly have been done to this dog to make her so afraid and distrusting.” She glanced over at the Shepherd and marveled how it’s hopeful eyes followed Benjen Blackhawk’s every move.

“Yea, I suppose I do have a tender heart.” Benjen absentmindedly ran his hand over a piece of note paper lying on the table. “I’ve always been like this. I think I inherited it from my mother. She was always taking in strays and raising kittens on a bottle.”

“I haven’t been able to examine her closely, but from running my hands over her neck and back, I can’t find any obvious injuries.” She sat on her hands in the chair next to him. This was so magnetic and compelling, she found herself fighting to keep from touching him

“Maybe the abuse she suffered was more emotional than physical.” Benjen studied Apple’s face. “Dogs can be very sensitive to people’s moods and their tones. Sometimes words hurt as bad as a blow.”

Apple could certainly vouch for that truth. “You might be right.” She lowered her voice and made it silky soft. “I’ll try crooning to her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.”

Benjen felt his whole body react to her voice. “I’m sure you’ll have her eating out of your hand before you know it. How are the little pups doing?”

“Great. Dr. Cleveland moved them to her house. Her daughter got one look at them and fell in love. She’ll probably be giving one to each of her friends.”

“That’s great.” He cleared his throat, trying to gather his courage to work up to the real reason for his visit. As he weighed his next words, he noticed the papers beneath his hand. “What’s this, Ms. Cates?”

“Oh, those doodles? That’s just me daydreaming. Someday, I’d like to open a no-kill animal shelter.” She shrugged and gave him a shy smile. “I’ve been able to help several animals, finding them homes. If I had a facility like this, I could do more good.”

Benjen nodded toward the Shepherd. “Do you intend to rehome our girl here?” He didn’t know why the answer was so important to him – but it was.

“No, I don’t think so. She’s been through enough rejection. I don’t want her to experience anymore.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Perfect answer. “What are you going to call her?”

“I’ve been thinking about it.” Her eyes landed on the flowers he’d brought. “Do you think Rose is a good name?”

Benjen chuckled. “I think it suits her.”

“Good, Rose it shall be.”

To hide his pleasure at her answer, Benjen studied the drawings, noting the safe and comfortable facilities. “This looks like it will work well.”

“Someday, when I have some extra money.”

About that time, a peal of thunder made the house shake and a bolt of lightning striking nearby sent a flash of light lancing through the windows. The dog’s alarmed howl rent the air as sheets of rain began to pour down. “Oh, good gracious, here we go...”

Returning to comfort the dog, Benjen was confused as Apple scurried around in the kitchen, pulling pots and bowls from the cabinet. “What’s going on? Can I help?”

“I’ve got it.” She looked at him apologetically as water began leaking through the ceiling and falling into the containers she’d strategically placed around the kitchen and dining area. “This happens every time it rains.”

“Damn, baby.” He wanted to pick up the flustered woman and the shaking dog in his arms and take them home with him. “This is the pits.”

“Yea, I know.” She held her hands up and spun around. “It’s a big job and I’m going to get to it soon. I’ve been watching some YouTube videos on replacing shingles.”

Benjen wasn’t sure replacing a few shingles would solve this problem. The idea of her crawling around on the roof gave him shivers. What she needed was – him. A slow smile dawned on Benjen’s face. “How would you like to have some help?”

“What do you mean?” A glorious panic made her eyes grow wide.

“Friends help friends. Right?” He gave her a wink. “I’ve worked on our house. I know what I’m doing. Give me one day on that roof and there won’t be any more leaks.”

Oh, she was in trouble. As much as she needed his help, this wasn’t a good idea. She did everything in her power to not let it show, but Apple knew she was fragile. “I…don’t know.”

Benjen held up his hands. “Why don’t you think about it?” He knew he had one more card to play. “Maybe you’ll feel better about me after the picnic.”

“What picnic?” She couldn’t keep a tinge of excitement from her voice.

“Rose, Hope, and I,” he explained like she should already know. “I was hoping to set up a playdate for our dogs.” When he saw her stunned expression, Benjen laughed. “You can come along as a chaperone if you like.”

“You’re crazy,” she told him, feeling her heart expand in her chest like a balloon.

Benjen nodded. “My brothers have been known to share your opinion. So, what do you say? I’ll take care of everything. Hope and I will pick the two of you up tomorrow afternoon about five. How does that sound?”

Wonderful. Terrible. “I don’t think this…” She started to protest further, but he didn’t give her a chance.

“What do you say, Rose?” he asked the dog. “Would you like to go on a date with Benjen?”

Woof! Woof!

He gave her a triumphant look. “I’d say that’s a yes. Do I hear two?”

“Oh, all right.” She held up her hands in surrender. “Never let it be said I stood in the way of my dog’s social life.”

“Good. I guess I should leave while I’m ahead. Goodnight, Rose.” Benjen tipped his hat to the Shepherd who’d eased out to the very edge of the table. “And goodnight, Apple.” He gave her a big smile. “Stay dry.”

“I’ll try. Goodnight,” she muttered as she held open the door. “You don’t play fair, do you?”

He was gratified to see she looked quite pleased. “Not always,” he murmured softly, holding her gaze as he took his leave. Once she shut the door behind him, Benjen finished his thought as he made a run for his truck. “Not when I want something as much as I want you.”


* * *


 “See, I told you they’d be fine.” Benjen glanced in his rearview mirror to observe the two dogs sitting on either side of the backseat.

“I’m glad.” Frankly, she’d been a bit worried. “Rose is so much bigger than Hope. I had no idea how she’d react.”

“I think this outing will be good for all of us.” He glanced up at the Texas sun still high in the western sky. “Have you ever seen The Slab?”

“No.” She soothed her palms over her skirt. “I’ve heard about it, though. I guess I shouldn’t have worn a dress.”

“I love your sundress, it will be perfect for wading.” He slowed down to turn into a grassy lane. “Sit tight. I’m going to open the gate.”

“Oh, let me do it.” She bounded from the truck. Before she shut the door, she grinned at him. “You shouldn’t have to get in and out and drive too.”

“Thanks.” His heart grew warm at her consideration. As she held the gate open wide for him to drive his truck through, he couldn’t help but admire the feminine shape of her body. She was perfect. Lush. Womanly. He’d been torturing himself, imagining what her breasts looked like. “Damn.” Benjen reached down to adjust his package in his jeans. “Soon,” he promised himself. Going slow be damned. He felt like he’d been patient forever.

“Done!” she announced when she was back in the truck, reaching behind her to give the dogs a pet. “Is this your land?”

“It is.” Benjen swept his hand in front of the steering wheel, indicating the expanse before him. “I love this place, it’s one of the prettiest spots in the Hill Country.”

Apple could believe it. She sat up straighter in the seat, so she could see everything clearer. “The contrast between the craggy rocks of Packsaddle Mountain and the white water in the creek below is amazing. You must be very proud to call this ranch home.”

“My brothers and I are debating who keeps the Rock House and who’ll move out and build eventually. I would love to be the one to stay in the original homestead, but if not, I’ve picked out a nice spot. I’ll show it to you one day, if you like.”  

“That sounds nice.” As they came nearer the river, she could see the pink granite rocks twinkling in the afternoon sun. “I should’ve brought my phone. Could you take a few photos for me?”

“Sure, I’ll get several with you and the dogs,” he promised as he found a place to park under a shade tree.

“Oh, none of me. The dogs and the scenery will be fine. I don’t like to have my picture taken.” Following his lead, she exited the vehicle, opening the back door to take Rose’s leash as she jumped to the ground.

“I don’t know why, you’re gorgeous.”

Apple blushed but ignored his compliment. “Do you think we should keep Rose on the leash?” Hope was already dancing around her feet, anxious to make friends with the Shepherd.

“I think she’ll be okay. Let’s try it. We’re a good piece from the highway and if she slips away, I’ll get a horse and find her quickly enough.” He gathered a blanket and a basket from the floorboard of the driver’s side backseat. “Come on, let’s find a place to spread this out and have a bite to eat.”

Apple removed the leash from Rose’s collar, feeling a little uneasy as the big dog bounded off. “I discovered one thing she’s deathly afraid of – fire, especially the grill.”

“The grill, like a charcoal grill?” Benjen waited for Apple at the front of his truck, placing one hand at her back as he guided her toward a comfortable looking bed of grass next to the water.

“Yea, I just turned on the small gas grill on the patio to cook a burger and found her cowering in the corner staring at the back window. I tried to lead her outside and she balked on me. She continued to do this until I gave up and turned it off, then she was back to normal.”

“Huh, that’s strange.” He frowned as he watched the dogs frolicking in a patch of reeds next to the river. “I’m having some really bad thoughts about it. Can you imagine someone holding a puppy over the grill just to scare it?”

“No, I can’t.” Apple shivered.

“If I ever found out that was true, I don’t think I could rest until I gave that woman a piece of my mind.”

“I’d be hard-pressed not to give her a piece of me,” Apple said with her mouth set in an uncompromising straight line.

Benjen loved her attitude, it so mirrored his own. He set down the picnic basket, then took a few moments to snap some photos of the animals – and a couple of her when she wasn’t paying attention. “Rose is going to be okay, though. Just look at her now.”

Apple’s eyes followed his gaze and found the dogs chasing butterflies in a nearby field of wildflowers. “I hope so. I’ve been working to build her trust.”

“Are you hungry?” Benjen began unpacking the wicker basket. He knew he was. After a lifetime of denying himself – he was starving. His eyes moved over her slowly not wanting to miss an inch of her curves. Sweet fuck, the woman was perfect. With a long sweep of dark hair, big navy eyes, and her beautiful face, he could look at her for hours and never tire of the view.

“I am.” She turned her attention to the big man as he laid out various items. “I skipped lunch today.” Her hunger for food wasn’t the only appetite whetted. She felt her cheeks heat as she studied his handsome face. High cheek bones, kind eyes, and an absolutely kissable mouth. With his wide shoulders, broad chest, and strong arms, Benjen Blackhawk was all man. The only trace of boyishness about him was his cute dimpled smile. Even his scent was captivating, an earthy mix of sunshine, earth, and soap tempted Apple to nestle her face against his neck to just breathe him in.

“Well, I went all out.” He gave her a slow wink. “Ham with Swiss, slathered with my own special spread, a combination of cream cheese and mayo.”

“Sounds amazing.” She took one of the plastic wrapped sandwiches. “Deviled eggs, too?”

Benjen blushed a little. “I made a mess of those, didn’t I?” He set the small tray of misshapen halves of eggs. “I had trouble getting the shell off. Maybe they’ll taste better than they look.”

“You did all this yourself?” She took in the iced cupcakes, the celery sticks stuffed with pimento cheese, and the jug of lemonade.

“Yea, I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”

Apple felt her eyes become misty. “Thank you.” No one had ever gone to so much trouble for her. “You’re so sweet.”

“Aww, I try.” Benjen wouldn’t deny attempting to please her – that’s what this was all about. Getting to know Apple. Charming her. Sweeping her off her feet. “Help yourself.” He gestured toward the food. “Let’s eat up. I know two girls who’ll be ready to claim our leftovers.”

“Okay.” She giggled, the happiness bubbling within her was a heady feeling. After filling her plate, she began to eat, enjoying the moment. “This is wonderful.”

Benjen shook his head. “It’s nothing.” He was just glad she was having a good time. “So, tell me about Apple Cates.”

With a shake of her head, Apple licked a tiny sliver of pickle from the deviled egg off her thumb. “Isn’t that a name? Apple?” She blushed. “Actually, it’s Apollonia.” At his mystified expression, she explained with a laugh, “My mother was fascinated with the Greek gods. She taught mythology at a small junior college.”

“I love your name, it suits you.”

“Thanks.” She took a sip of the lemonade, deciding what to tell him. “I’m an only child of protective parents. Raised in a small town. My parents moved to Florida a few years ago and I really don’t have any other family...” She let her voice trail off, wondering how much more she should say.

Before she could decide, Benjen began to speak, “I’m sorry. Our parents have both passed. So, I understand you lost your husband.” At her startled expression, he confessed, “I learned that tidbit of information from the ice cream girl at Dairy Queen.”

“Oh, my goodness.” Apple smiled sadly and shook her head. “Word gets around. Yes, I was married to Alan Cates. He was in the Marine Corp, served as an interpreter. He went MIA and they searched for him for a year before he was declared dead.”

“Oh, wow. I had no idea. Losing someone is bad enough, but not knowing what happened to them must be devastating.”

“Yes, it was hard.” Because his body was never found, Apple couldn’t shake the feeling that she was still married.

“I’m so very sorry,” Benjen said sincerely. “I lost my fiancé. She succumbed to a brain aneurysm, no warning. So, I can certainly sympathize.”

“You did?” His calm, empathetic answer made her gasp. “How awful.”

“Kelli will always be with me.” He patted his chest. “She was a good person and I loved her very much.”

For most, hearing a man you were attracted to confess he once cared for someone else would be a bad thing. Not so in this case. His obvious love for this other woman made Apple’s own heart swell with admiration and awe. She could only imagine how amazing it would be to be the object of Benjen Blackhawk’s affection. “I’m sure she loved you too.”

“She did. As I’m sure you miss your husband.”

She missed what she used to have with her husband…but that, for the most part, had turned out to be a lie. Not wanting to share her shame with Benjen Blackhawk, she responded to his comment by making another. “I’ve built a new life for myself. I finally have a real home and…a purpose.”

Benjen felt like there was more she wasn’t saying, but he would let it go for now. They had all the time in the world to discover new things about each another. “I, for one, am glad you settled in Kingsland.” He glanced over at the dogs who were patiently waiting for a hand-out. “I bet Rose would agree.”

“I’m glad I’m here too.”

For a few minutes they ate in companionable silence watching the dogs and enjoying the scenery. When it came time for dessert, she took a big bite of cupcake and laughed when Benjen reached over to get a bit of icing from the corner of her lip. “This is good.”

“I bet.” He stared at her mouth. “Soon, I’m going to see for myself.”

Oh, my. Apple blushed and began gathering the leftover food. “How about a walk?”

Seeing he’d flustered her, Benjen backed off a bit. “Oh, let’s not forget the dogs.” He tore a ham sandwich in half and gave it to the two eager mutts. “And an egg to top it off.”

Apple smiled at the sight of him tossing deviled eggs and the dogs catching them in midair. When she rose to her feet, her heart was still fluttering in her chest at his allusion to a kiss. “So, your turn, tell me about yourself.”

Benjen took his time repacking the basket, then slowly stood to his feet. He was trying to give his cock time to go down. Just being near her set his head to spinning. “Well, there’s not a whole lot to tell. I have three brothers. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Samuel. Daniel is married to a beautiful girl named Sara. The rest of us are single. We live on the same ranch where we all grew up. My dad was Native American – as you learned from the lady at the vet’s office the other day.”

“Bigoted old biddy.”

When he smiled his full dimpled grin, Apple’s knees felt weak. But that reaction was nothing compared to how he made her feel when he looked at her with what appeared like awe in his eyes.

“I appreciated how you defended me.”

Apple turned away from him to face the river. Looking at him confused her. She had to remember how it felt to be rejected, setting herself up for another heartbreak would be the most foolish thing she’d ever done. “Of course. I have a heart and she was a racist old witch.”

“Oh, not because you feel anything for me?”

“I didn’t say that.” She walked off a few steps. “Are you coming?” Oh, yikes. How suggestive could she be?

Benjen chuckled. “With you? Eventually, I hope.”

“Stop it,” she huffed. “Remember, we’re friends.”

“Right.” He caught up to her. “Give me your hand, friend.”

When he reached out and captured her hand, the wondrous shock of his skin touching hers caused chill bumps to dance all over Apple’s body. “Benjen!”

“Apple!” He parroted her chiding tone. “You like me, don’t you?”

What a question. “Yes, of course, I like you…but…”

“You like me, but not like that?” He hated to even voice the suggestion. If she said yes, it was going to hurt.

“I didn’t say that.” She gave him a dose of his own medicine, mimicking his emphasis. “I like you good enough.”

He laughed and held her hand tighter. “Good enough is a good start.”

Apple didn’t pull away, even though she might regret it later. “You’re incorrigible, Benjen Blackhawk.”

“Am I?” He aimed toward the river. “Let’s pull off our shoes and cool off.”

Before she knew what was happening, he was on the ground and pulling off his boots and socks. While he rolled up his pants leg, she slipped out of her sandals. “Are there any sharp rocks?”

“Nah, the river’s worn everything as smooth as silk.” He jumped up. “Come on. You’ll love it.” After grabbing her hand again, he tugged her to the bank’s edge and steadied her as she stepped in.

“Oh, wow!” She grinned big, swishing one foot in the cool water. They’d only gone a step or two before they were joined by the two dogs. Rose and Hope bounded in to take a swim. “This is fun.”

“Good.” He happily held her hand while they waded in the shallows of the Llano River. “Now, let’s talk about your idea of a shelter. Give me an idea of the size you’re thinking about and what kind of buildings.”

“I would like to start out small.” Briefly, she outlined her ideas. “I visited one in Austin and took some notes. I think the most important thing is providing them plenty of room to roam and a safe place from the elements.”

“I’d like to take a closer look at your plans, if that would be okay.”

“Sure, but…” A sudden rush of emotion caused Apple to pull away from him and return to the bank.

“What’s wrong?” Benjen followed her, wondering if he’d pushed too hard too fast. “Look, I’m sorry if I’m coming on strong.” Catching up to her, he touched Apple’s shoulder to get her to face him. “I am so attracted to you. And not just because you’re so beautiful. I feel we have so much in common. When we met, it was like I recognized you.”

“Oh, Benjen...” His words were too wonderful to bear. “This isn’t a good idea.”

Stroking her cheek, he gazed at her tenderly. “Why, sweetheart? Explain it to me.”

Sweet Apple blushed but didn’t drop her eyes from his. “You’d be so disappointed in me.”

He watched her face; her eyes were so wise and yet so sad. “I can’t even imagine a scenario where that would be possible. How could I be anything but thrilled to be with you?” Picking up a strand of her silky hair, he twisted it around his finger.

Apple pressed her lips together. She wasn’t willing to tell him. “You just would.”

Benjen tickled her lips with the soft ends of her hair. “How about we put it to the test?”


She gazed at him wide-eyed and his heart began to hammer in his chest. Fuck, he wanted this woman. “Kiss me.” He let his palm glide up her arm and over her shoulder to clasp the nape of her neck. “Please?”

Surely, he knew more beautiful women than she? Apple’s own husband, who knew her better than anyone, thought her undesirable. “Why?” 

“Because I want…I want so much.” His words were harsh and hot on her cheek.

When she lowered her lashes to focus on his mouth, Benjen took that as a yes. Tipping her head back, he gave her a featherlight kiss. At first, her plump lips were unyielding, and he could feel her body tensing next to his. Determined to get the response he craved, he caressed her mouth with his, giving her soft smooches, nibbles, and teasing licks, gently coaxing Apple to accept his kiss. When she exhaled, he captured her breath and fused his lips to hers. To his surprise, she welcomed him, her mouth soft and giving. He kissed her over and over, reveling in the privilege.

Apple was trembling in his arms. She wanted this so much – yet, she was so afraid. When he moved slightly, she thought he was about to break the seal of their mouths. Instead, he angled his head and took her deeper, kissing Apple so sweetly she ached. Unable to resist, she curled her fingers into the material of his shirt, the other hand going to the back of his strong neck, urging him to come closer. This man did it for her – his scent, his taste, his touch. No matter how long she lived on this Earth, Apple knew she’d never forget this kiss.

Benjen knew the moment when everything changed. She ceased just to accept his kiss and become more demanding, using her teeth to nip, her tongue to explore. The raw passion flaring between them caught him totally off guard. God Almighty. When she abandoned herself to the kiss, the intensity of it blew his mind, robbing his lungs of air.

“Oh, sweet baby,” he moaned when he was forced to draw in a breath. He refused to break all contact, gliding his lips from the corner of her mouth to the curve of her neck. “You’re amazing,” he panted against her flesh.

Apple shivered when his lips touched her skin, nuzzling and licking the ultra-sensitive flesh. Even though her mind was telling her this was foolish, her body had other ideas. Her nipples peaked and the place between her legs throbbed and ached for his touch.

“Benjen…we need to stop.”

“Why?” He trailed an openmouthed kiss up the smooth expanse of her throat. “I’m the farthest thing from disappointed that a man can be.”

“You’re sweet. But…” Despite her reservations, she brushed hot, sweet kisses along his jaw, taking pleasure when he trembled against her.

“More, please.” He brought his mouth back to hers, then was astounded when she kissed the holy hell out of him.

“Tell me you don’t love this,” he whispered in her ear.

She couldn’t. “I like it too much.”

The relieved smile that came to his face turned Apple’s heart upside down.

“I still didn’t say it was wise.” She knew how it would end. “Like I told you…”

“Shh, stop worrying. We’ll go as slow as you want…until you beg me to go faster.” He kissed her between the eyes, then on the tip of her nose. “This is right. I just know it.”

“How? You have a lot of experience with women, don’t you?” Even though she’d been married, she felt very out of her depth.

Benjen lifted his head and looked into her eyes, those dang dimples making an encore appearance. “You’d be surprised.” He cupped the side of her neck to rest his thumb over the place where her pulse raced. “This is one way I know.” Next, he took her hand and placed it in the center of his chest. “And this is the other. My heart is beating so hard for you. Do you feel it?”

Apple swallowed nervously, mesmerized by the magical words this man was saying to her. “I do.”

“Then…say yes.”

“What am I saying yes to?”

To giving me a chance. To spending time with me. To more kisses. He wanted to ask for all these things, but he felt her reticence. She reminded him of a cautious kitten who wanted to be petted but was afraid to take a risk. “You’re saying yes to…my help with your roof. Remember?”

“I’m not sure why you’d want to do that.” Her voice held a world of uncertainty.

“Hey, we’re neighbors, what more reason do I need?”

“And friends, right?” God, help her. She was weak.

“Close friends.”

Really close if he had his way.






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