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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) by Brittany Crowley (16)






God I’m nervous.

My heels click-clack down the sidewalk as I pull my trench coat tight. You see, this is a pivotal moment for me and Kyle. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. We’ve been screwing around every chance we’ve gotten over the past few weeks but I haven’t committed to him yet. Every time he brings up becoming an item I change the subject.

The thought scares the shit out of me.

The tabloids are already running that we’re secret lovers with an open relationship. That Gabe hasn’t been a secret at all and I let Kyle bang anything that walks. It’s embarrassing really. These people must think I’m a horrible person. Oh, it’s okay if he runs around town on me as long as he brings home the bacon. The thought makes me cringe because I’m sure everyone thinks just that.

But tonight… tonight I’m finally giving myself to Kyle. I’m ready to let him know we can become an official couple. Become an official something. I thought what better way than to seduce him at the gym. He’s an MMA fighter, there has to be some sort of fantasy there?

Seeing Kyle running around like a mad man helping out at the Inns grand opening was the final push into his arms. He’s back, my Kyle’s back and it was made abundantly clear with every hand he shook and all the work he put in. I didn’t ask for any of it, just for him to make sure Gabe was behaving. He did that and called caterers in so we had a huge spread for all the guests along with an open bar. He went above and beyond for me and my Mom. Because he wanted to.

Needless to say, the opening went off without a hitch and our calendar is completely booked. It’s probably like that because it’s now known that Kyle’s associated with the Inn.

The girls helped me get Kyle alone at the gym. They were supposed to perfectly time phone calls that had their men running home and I owe them big!

When I walk through the door I see Kyle sitting on the floor flipping through his phone. The door slams shut catching his attention and a smile lights his face when he notices it’s me.

“Hey babe, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I know. I thought we could have a chat.”

I carefully sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. Then realize this should be face-to-face so I scooch in front of him and pull his hands into my lap.

“Um…should I be nervous?” He laughs.

“I thought Reckless doesn’t get nervous…” I take a deep breath and look into his eyes. “I’m ready.” I continue to peer at him with shy eyes and realize I’m supposed to be assertive right now.

“Ready for Vegas tomorrow? I know I’m fucking ecstatic we get a few days to ourselves before Gabe comes down with Jay and my Mom.”

“No… well yes I’m ready. But I meant I’m ready to give us…” I point my fingers back and forth between us, “a try.”

“It’s about fucking time! I’ve been trying to wear you down for weeks.” His smile practically reaches his ears and his eyes go molten, turning the blue tone of his eyes deeper in color.

He looks me over and notices my coat. “Is it raining outside?”

I laugh. “No.” I stand up and slowly take off my coat, my armor. I’m standing in front of Kyle in the same outfit the ring girls wear for his fights trying to be as confident as I can. These outfits are freaking tiny!

“Christ Soph!” He’s off the ground and on me in an instant. “You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

I roll my eyes because, come on. There’s no way.

“Stop it. Don’t doubt my words. You’re beautiful babe.”

I close the gap between us and lick the seam of his lips with my tongue making him groan. His hands aggressively grab my hips and lift me in the air. I don’t remove my lips the entire time we’re moving until he’s lying me down on a cold mat. His lips start working my neck then slowly working their way south.

“Shit, everyone can see us!”

“Hold that thought.” He leaves me and runs over towards the doors and shuts the lights off and locks the door. When he returns he lies atop me and moves a stray piece of hair out of my face. “Better?”


He peels my revealing clothes from my body and whips his shorts off. His hand finds my center and a minute later he’s sliding deep inside me. I was already so turned on and our need to be joined was too strong to wait. I need his cock, not his hand or mouth.

“Oh Kyle…” I moan as he moves his hips in measured strokes. Delicious strokes that bring tears to my eyes every time he moves his cock just the right way.

My eyes catch his backside in the wall of mirrors. I’m completely transfixed. The way his ass thrusts back and forth is so erotic I can’t stop watching… until he demands I give him my eyes.

“You really are beautiful Soph.”

“Oh my god, what are you doing to me Kyle?” He twists again and stars burst behind my eyes and I know my orgasm isn’t far off.

“Making love to my girlfriend.” He whispers and just those words cause my orgasm to rip through me.

My moan flies through the room and my nails dig into his ass. When I feel the tremors begin in his backside, his breaths become erratic and he empties himself deep inside of me.

Watching his face when he comes is the single most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and I find myself hoping he never stops looking at me like he is right now. He starts kissing my face… my forehead, cheeks and nose. Feathering whisper soft kisses along my neck, letting me know this meant something to him too.

I have half a mind to scream out that I love him, that I’ve always loved him. But I just gave him myself and that will come soon enough.

We get dressed but instead of putting my slutty outfit back on I opt instead just for the trench coat. I watch as Kyle grabs the tiny scraps of fabric and places them in his gym bag before slinging his arm around my shoulder and walking us towards the exit.

“No fucking way am I losing those. You’ll wear those plenty more times for me.”

“Will I now?” I giggle.

“Fuck yeah, I’ll never be able to wipe how you looked from my memory. Christ, thank god I turned the cameras off earlier otherwise I’d have to break the whole system.”

“What?” I squeak. It didn’t once cross my mind that there were cameras.

“They were off.” He kisses the side of my head. “No worries. Now let’s get home and see what other fantasies we can fulfill tonight.”

Damn, I can get used to this.