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Reckless (Bound by Cage Book 4) by Brittany Crowley (22)






I’m startled as hands come around my waist and a warm body plasters itself to my back. “You should have told me he was up, you should still be sleeping baby.” Kyle plants a kiss just below my ear making me smile.

“I’m used to it. I haven’t slept later than seven in four years.” I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck before he dips his head and gives me a proper good morning kiss.

“I’m here now and it’s my fault you went to bed so late.”

I nod my head in understanding. This is the first time I’ve lived with someone besides my parents or Gabe. The night before we left for Vegas he hinted at moving in together but I don’t want to rush things, especially for Gabe. He’s loving having his Daddy around but he’s still a five-year-old boy. I don’t want to screw this up.

“I know. But once I’m up, I’m up and he came and woke me up first this morning. No big deal.” I shrug my shoulders but I can see his face change. He wants to be the one Gabe wakes up. “Soon. He’s still getting to know you.” I place a chaste kiss to his lips.

My body breaks out in goosebumps thinking about when I got home from the show yesterday. Kyle was waiting and he didn’t hold back. And it was amazing. We only had so much time before picking up Gabe, Judy and Jayden from the airport but Kyle made every single second count.

My wrists still ache from where Kyle bound them to the bed… and the shower head. Damn, if that’s a punishment I’ll be breaking rules wayyyy more frequently.

He pulls back from the kiss and heads into the kitchen to grab some coffee. I follow him and watch his ass move the entire way.

“You know, I had no clue back in college that you were an ass girl.” He shakes it a little causing me to laugh.

“I’m not. Just a Kyle Cage ass girl.” I walk by him and smack it causing him to jump a little. It has me cracking up as I grab the food I made this morning to heat up for him.

“I made Gabe pancakes this morning and saved some for you.”

“Baby, there is nothing I’d like more than to eat your fucking pancakes…” He gets a dark look in his eye as he looks over my entire body. “But I’m on restriction going into the fight.”

“Oh yeah, sorry I forgot.” My cheeks heat crimson feeling like an idiot for forgetting.

He pulls me towards his body until I feel his extremely impressive cock nudging my stomach. “There’s something else you have to offer that I’d love to eat.” He growls making me shiver. His tone and the thoughts of the prior day nearly has me ready to combust.

“Gabe…” I moan breathlessly when he starts kissing down my neck and sucking my nipple through my tank top.

“Mom, can you watch Gabe so me and Soph can go get showered and ready?”

“Go ahead guys, I’ve got him.” We hear yelled from the other room.

Kyle wastes no time picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Halfway to our room I’m feeling a little playful so I work my hand down his ass and between his legs, cupping his impressive length over his gym shorts. I hear him growl before he takes off in a sprint and I’m bouncing from being thrown on the bed. I’m working at ripping my clothes off and Kyle has his off at the speed of light.

“You gonna feed me babe?”

Once I get my panties off I spread my legs in invitation. Kyle dives face first into my pussy with his tongue, plunging in and out of my slit. My hands grip the sheets as a moan slips from my mouth.

“I’ll never get enough of you baby. This pussy…” He growls again and gets back to taking care of me.

“God, Kyle! I’m gonna come!” I shriek as my first orgasm rolls through me and I feel it all the way to the tips of my toes. Before I’m done he stands up, grabs a condom and thrusts himself deep inside me. We groan in unison at the feeling of euphoria having him inside me causes us. There’s nothing like it. Nothing comes close to comparing to this feeling.

Once he’s in all the way to the hilt he doesn’t move but hovers over me in a push-up and stares into my eyes. I can feel something shift in this moment and the intimacy cocoons me tight.

“Soph… I love you baby.”

Staring into his bright blue eyes shows his sincerity. The fact that he shares the same feelings has me feeling like I’ve won the lottery.

“I love you too. So much.”

His mouth crashes to mine as his hips slowly starts to work me. Before long we’re thrusting hips, hot kisses and grunts as his hips speed up and I’m yelling out his name.

Yet he’s still going with no end in sight. My man has stamina!

I start to feel my next orgasm and notice Kyle’s breath become erratic. I open my eyes and stare deeply into his showing him I’m right there with him.

“Together…” He moans.

“Always…” I assure him.

His hips start to push harder, his thrusts making him go impossibly deep. I spread my legs further to take even more and that about does it. I ignite as his cock punishes me in the most delicious way as we tip over the edge together. He claims my mouth in a passionate kiss as we moan into each other’s mouths. I cling to him as my nails dig into his back needing the support to ride it out. It’s that overwhelming.

My fingers claw slowly from his back down his ass and I can feel him trembling beneath my fingertips. Once we’re spent and our breaths finally start to even out, he sucks my nipple into his mouth before jumping off the bed and heading for the bathroom. He laughs at the little moan that escapes my mouth but it can’t be helped.

The shower turns on before Kyle walks back into the bedroom and lifts me into his arms. “Where are you taking me Mr. Cage?”

“I need to clean you up. My Mom thinks we came in here to take a shower after all and it’d look fishy if you came out reeking of sex.” He waggles his brows up and down causing me to giggle.

“We can’t have that now, can we?”

“Nope. I’ll leave out the detail about dirtying you up before said shower.” He winks causing me to blush.

Sure as shit his Mom knows what’s going down in here and she’s a saint for not calling us out. I think she’s just happy to be bonding with her grandson and getting to know her son all over again.

“What are you thinking about so hard?” He asks while stepping us into the shower.

“Your Mom.”

“Well, can’t say anyone’s ever said that to me during sex before.”

I laugh. “This is after sex, it’s completely different.”

“That implies I’m done with you, and baby, we’re nowhere near done.”







“Great workout Ky! Two days to go… how are you feeling?”

“Like I’m going to kick Trips ass.” I laugh.

“No doubt. You’ve looked great all week, I have no doubts you’re ready. And that brings me to the next line of business.”

“Okay…” I look at my brothers in confusion.

“I know it’s old school but no sex from here on out.”

I laugh thinking they’re joking, that’s the most archaic rule in MMA nowadays. Then realize they’re still straight faced and completely serious.

“You’re kidding me. No one follows that anymore.”

“I did it my whole career, except mine was a lot longer. Just humor us. It’s only two days. I wanted to start it more than a week ago.”

Jay looks like he’s mourning the loss of my dick. “Godspeed. You’re a far better man than I could ever be.” He claps my shoulder and heads back to the showers.

“Fuck, okay I can do it.” I jump up and down like I’m trying to psych myself up before a fight.

“It figures that mister I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 20 would turn into a sex fiend.” Josh laughs.

“I’m not a sex fiend, it’s Soph man.”

“Poor girl got stuck with you.” Zander shakes his head and walks towards the back where Jay disappeared.

“You’re all pansy asses. Hit the showers so I can get to the craps table. I’m feeling a lucky streak coming on and I don’t feel like sitting around staring at your ass cheeks while you girl talk. For Christ sakes it’s called the sun! That shit would scare the hair off a chinchilla!” Jack states matter-of-fact before shoving me towards the showers.

Yes, Jack is here for my fight and he’s been at everyone of my training sessions. The guy has some good insight, has the eye for MMA fighting. He helped Zander out a lot during his career and I bet he’d make it big as a coach over here. But he’s Jack Jenks and likes to be included when it suits him and does… well I’m not sure any of us know what he does for a living besides eating babies for breakfast.

Forty-five minutes later I’m pulling up to the gate outside my house. There’s a few paps today so I give them a wave as they shout questions at me about the fight. On the weekend Sophie likes to stay here with Gabe because its completely private and they don’t have to worry about sharing a pool with a bunch of other people.

I key in my code and keep my mouth shut not wanting to goad them. I’d like to get back in the house before Sophie and Gabe are awake to make them breakfast. My training started at 5 AM and I could eat a rhino right now.

I notice that my SUV’s missing and realize Sophie went out with Gabe. Damn, I’ll have to call and catch up with them. As I’m about to whip my phone out I notice a very familiar cherry red sports car sits pretty in my driveway.

“You gotta be shitting me.” I wipe my hands down my face and cut the engine. My patience for dealing with Preston right now is nonexistent. I exit my car and walk into my house not stopping until I find him in the kitchen.

“Give me my key back.” I demand after grabbing a water from the fridge.

He places the key on the island and I snatch it up. “Copies?”


“Good, what the fuck do you want?”

“We were friends once. Can’t I stop by to shoot the shit?”

“Not since you insulted my family and stole pictures from my phone. Now talk… you have 30 seconds.”

He sighs. “The results for Gabe’s paternity test came back.”

“The what? I didn’t have a test done!”

“You didn’t but I did.” He slides an opened letter my way. “Here are the results.”

“Why would you bring this to me. Get the fuck out!”

“Just read them.” Preston looks bored and it’s pissing me off.

I snatch the envelope from the counter and rip the papers out. Man, this all looks gibberish.

“On the first page.”

I scan it and my heart sinks. Right there in black and white. Probability of Paternity: 0%

It’s like a knife’s been twisted in my chest and I can’t breathe.

“Here, sit down Ky.” Preston rushes over to me and makes me sit on a stool.

“But, I don’t understand. How is this possible?”

“The bitch has been playing you from the start.”

“It can’t be true, he looks like me!”

“Or did you make yourself see something that wasn’t there? Wishful thinking? I don’t really see it man.”

I get up and grab the fruit bowl on the counter and slam it against the fridge. It shatters and falls to the floor in a hundred tiny pieces.

My phone chimes and I see a text from Sophie saying she’ll be home with breakfast in ten minutes.

“Fuck, she’s almost home.” I wipe my hands down my face and realize they’re shaking and I’m not sure if its from rage or my complete surprise.

“Why don’t you head out of here? I can take care of this for you and get them out of here before you get back later.”

“No way, I’m dealing with her. But you need to leave.”

“Alright man, I’m here if you need me. I’ll see you later.”

What in the actual fuck? How could Sophie do this to me. She knows what Gabe means to me since he’s come into my life. Why lie? Why not say she jumped into bed with someone else immediately after she lost the baby? I was her one and only… what a complete crock of shit!

I hear the front door open and Gabe’s little feet running towards me. When he enters the kitchen, I lose it. I can’t help the tears from forming in my eyes.

“Daddy, what’s the matter?” I revel in the last time I’ll hear those words and pull him to me soaking up our last hug.

“Nothing buddy. I need to talk to Mommy for a few minutes, is that okay?”

Sophie enters the room and gets a worried look on her face when she sees me. Bitch better be worried. I can barely stand the sight of her, I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this.

“Baby, why don’t you go up to your room and play with your toys. I’ll be up in a few minutes to get you for breakfast.”

“Yeah, yeah. Adult time.” Gabe mumbles as he exits the kitchen. Once he’s out of the room I level Sophie with a glare.

“What’s the matter Ky, you’re scaring me.”

“Preston just paid me a visit…” I throw the papers at her. They fall to the ground and she bends to grab them.

“What is this, what am I looking at?”

“A paternity test.”

There’s hurt in her eyes at the realization and I don’t feel the need to justify that Preston did it and not me. It doesn’t matter anymore.

“You had a paternity test done? I didn’t think you had any questions about it.”

“I didn’t but I’m glad it got done.”

She scans the paper and her eyes get wide. “No way, he’s yours Kyle! Preston must have set this up, he’s just jealous because I turned him down when we were teenagers! There’s only been you! I’ve never been with anyone else.”  She whispers the last part as tears cascade down her cheeks.

“Lies!” I roar. “Don’t fucking lie to me anymore. How the hell could Preston forge this and why would he hit on you? You guys hate each other and he’s always known I’ve been in love with you!”

She gets in my face and pushes my chest. “Because he wanted something you’ve always had! Always, you’ve always had me Kyle. Don’t throw me away over his jealousy. The paternity test… was it open when you got it?”


“Why wouldn’t he change it so it benefited him? God Kyle, why don’t you believe me?”

“Or he’s looking out for a friend.” I look at the ground and take a deep breath. “I thought I knew you, I was in love with you…”


“Was… now I’m gonna head out and I want you guys gone before I get back.” My breath hitches at the thought of never seeing Gabe again but he’s not mine. I need to set that straight in my head no matter how much my guts disagreeing with my actions right now.

“You’re really gonna let him ruin us and what we have?”

“He did nothing. You did it by being a lying cunt.”

With that I leave and walk out of the house and I think I’ll forever hear her gasp from my words. Were they a little over the top? Maybe but I just found out she lied to me and I lost a son in the process. Before I get in my car I scan the windows and find Gabe smiling and waving from his bedroom window. Tears stream down my face as I wave back, trying to place his image in my memory to look back on until the day I die.

“You’ll always have a special place in my heart.” I whisper before jumping in my car and leaving my heart behind with every mile I drive.