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Revived: The Richmore Series by Hayley Oakes (13)


I WASN’T SURE I’D ever met anyone quite like Lacey. Up close she was by far the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She was strong, intimidating, fun, crazy and easy to talk to. She fell into the category my grandpa used to call too beautiful not to be crazy. I wanted to hate her, but that was getting more and more difficult. I would much rather have her not snooping through the accounts though and so a day out of the office seemed like a great idea. The fact that her butt on the back of that horse, bobbing around, looked mouthwatering was neither here nor there.

I got home, unloaded the provisions I’d got from the store and Logan ran to greet me.

“Where’s Sara?” I asked absently, unpacking bread, milk and eggs.

“She didn’t call?”

He scrunched up his face in question, “She didn’t get the bus. I thought you knew.”

“You walked the road back alone?” I yelled, although I knew it wasn’t his fault. The anger was building. Fuckin’ Sara. Just when I’d relaxed, enjoyed a day—the first one in a while—Sara had to ruin it. She always had to do something to make my blood boil. I grabbed my phone and dialed her.    

“Don’t freak out,” her voice said calmly into the phone in her ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ tone.

“Where the fuck are you, Sara?” I spat out, seething. I was trying to remain calm by not shouting but I knew the more words I used, the more I was likely to shout. We were still in recovery from our recent fight.

“Well...” She sounded smug, “I’m on a date.” I could hear that she was moving as her breathing gave it away.

“A date?” I exploded, “you are fourteen-years-old and you haven’t told me where you are. I want the details now or else I’m calling the cops and getting your date,” I said the last word with disdain, “arrested.”

“Alex,” she whined, “you’re overreacting.”

“Every goddamned day you get that bus, Sara. You get it, you come home and if you want plans to change, you ask me.” I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath through my nose.

“You’re not my dad,” she said with attitude, “we all have our own lives.”

“You have no life as of now,” I yelled, “send me the address right now or else so help me God...”

She sighed heavily, “Fine. I’ll text it to you but only because I don’t want the cops looking for me because you have overreacted.”

“You are a minor and right now, my minor. Send it now.” She hung up the phone, and I stared at my cell waiting for a message. Logan stood and stared as Bear sat at his feet doing the same thing, both waiting for my reaction.

“It’s okay, Loges,” I smiled at him and ran my hand through my hair, just as the message chimed in, “your sister did something dumb again but we’re gonna go pick her up.”

“Are we eating?” he asked, and I gave him a tight smile, the poor little guy. Always stuck in some drama with this family but food at the forefront of his mind.

“Sure, I’ll make you a sandwich and then we’ll set off.”

“Bear needs to eat too,” he put an arm around the big, brown dog who whined on cue.

“Okay, no problems. I’ll fill his bowl then we’ll go, right?”

“He can’t come?” I suppressed a groan at not being able to get anything right and instead took a deep breath.

“Not this time, bud, it’s pretty far.” I said, grabbing the bread I’d just put away and the slices of cheese from the fridge. We were on the road five minutes later with Bear.

“I’m sorry, Logan. I know I keep messing all this up, but I promise we’ll get into a routine soon.” I glanced over at him and he just gave me a huge toothed grin. His adult teeth were mostly in now but he was still all skin and bone, so they looked too big for his face.

“Just don’t call her names alright?” he shrugged, “names don’t work, use other words.”

“Yeah, got it.” I smiled tightly. God, he was the most adult out of all three of us.

Almost an hour later we found the restaurant near the high school that she had directed me to. She was sitting on the curb waiting when I pulled up. She stood when I jumped out of the truck and there in front of me was my fourteen-year-old sister in a short black skirt with stripper buttons up the center and a top that was off her shoulders. “Get in,” I snapped, and she huffed. As she walked closer, I saw that her face was plastered with makeup.

She glared at me with venom and then hopped in the back of the truck. Logan turned to see her as I climbed inside. “You got dressed up.” He said.

“Sara, I don’t even know where to begin. You let your brother get the bus home alone and walk the dirt road alone.” I sighed as I backed out of the spot.

“You’re his guardian,” she said acidly. “So you keep reminding me.”

“Look, we’re all in this together, Sara, and you need to help out.” I said as calmly as I could manage. “Don’t get me started on what the hell you’re wearing and what you have on your face.”

“What? I had a date, I wanted to look nice.” She squeaked.

“You look like a hooker,” I said and Logan sucked in a breath next to me. I realized what I'd said and gave him a smile, “in fact let’s talk about this when we get home.”

We drove the rest of way listening to Logan’s chatter and Sara spoke to Bear intermittently. When we arrived back it was way past dinner time and although I was hungry, I was too pissed to eat. “Logan, you better go upstairs and start on your homework and get your pajamas on, I’ll be up in a little while.”

I turned back to find Sara leaning in the refrigerator looking for food, “Don’t people eat on dates these days?” I asked.

She pulled her face out of the fridge and rolled her eyes, “Alex, you need to stop riding me so hard, jeez.”

“We can’t go on like this, Sara. I’m gonna lose my mind and I have all this other stuff going on and with Mom not here, you need to start behaving yourself, or else.”

“What?”She yelled, “what the hell are you gonna do?”

What was I going to do? I sighed and covered my face with my hands, fuckin’ teenagers were the devil incarnate and I had zero knowledge of one. “Sara ...”

“Look,” she teared up, and I knew I had no defense against a girl who was now starting to cry. “I wanted to look pretty and Jordan Deets asked me out and Lacey gave me this skirt and her makeup is like movie star good.”

“Stop!” I held up my hand, “Lacey helped you do this?” I asked.

“Um,” she wiped her eyes, her voice had become distorted by the tears, “when I went over there...”

I saw red, “Let’s get this straight, Sara. No more pulling this shit. You tell me where you’re going. No scratch that, you ask permission.” I held my palms up in anger, “no makeup, well not caked on like that and if you want to date, I meet the boy and he watches a movie here or something. You are fourteen, you have the rest of your life to date and dress like a stripper.”

“You’re overreacting,” she started again.

“You ask my permission, Sara,” I pointed my finger at her, “you got that?” She nodded. “Now get some food then go up to bed and get that makeup off.”

I started to march to the front door.

“Where are you going?” she shouted.

“Watch Logan. I’m gonna go tell the owner to mind her own goddamned business and not help my sister dress up like a forty-year-old woman.” I slammed the door behind me and set off walking into the night.

“Alex!” I heard her yell as I left.

I was so pumped and angry that Lacey had interfered and given her makeup and clothes that were completely inappropriate. She may have helped in a tricky situation the other night but she was not involved one iota in this family and it was far from her business. I marched there with pure anger coursing through my veins. We’d had a really great day together where I thought I could deal with her being here and being the boss. Now I wanted her gone, I wanted her out of our lives and I wanted not to have to deal with my sister misbehaving once again.

I got to the little old house that we used to live in, in record time. I took the steps up to the place two at a time and noticed all the lights were on so she must be home. I banged on the door and took deep breaths to keep my anger at bay. She arrived at the door all smiles, her blonde hair was slightly wet from the shower and fell around her shoulders and she wore some pajama shorts with a vest top. Her face dropped when saw my face of thunder and her eyes narrowed in question, “Alex?” she said.

“Did you give Sara a skirt and some makeup?” I asked, my jaw tight and my eyes potentially bugging out of my head.

She took a deep breath, and I saw her girl-next-door facade drop and the tough Lacey appear. She jutted her chin out and raised it slightly, “Yeah.”

“She’s fourteen,” I gritted out between my clenched teeth.

“I wore makeup at fourteen,” she shrugged and crossed her arms.

“I couldn’t give two shits what some pampered pooch city girl did at fourteen but MY sister is too young to wear short skirts, plaster her face with makeup and go on dates.”

She nodded calmly, “She wanted tips to make it look better, she’ll wear makeup whether you approve or not and I wanted to help.”

“You got no business helping!” I raged, stepping forward, but she did not recede into the doorway, instead she stood taller.

“You were happy for me to help the other night when you called her a moron and made her cry so hard she could hardly breathe.”

I laughed sourly, “So that’s it, huh? You’re there one time and you’re using that against me?”

“I’m using nothing against you, Alex. You come here shouting the odds and for what? She’s a girl who is gonna want to dress like one and the more your resist the worse this is gonna get.”

“You know fuckin’ nothing about this family!” I raged, “so stop pretending you do!”

“I’m not,” she sighed, aggravated. “Look I think you are doing an amazing job being a parent to these kids and teenage girls are hard fuckin’ work, I should know I used to be the worst of them. I’m sorry if I overstepped some imaginary line by talking to her about makeup and dating and giving her a skirt.”

“Do you think fourteen is old enough to date? Dressed in a tiny skirt?” I half shouted.

She shrugged, “I have no idea what teenage girls get up to now but she’s wearing makeup, Alex. I was just trying to help her apply it less noticeably.”

“Well let me tell you,” my jaw ticked slightly as I said it, “it was noticeable. Did you also tell her to accept a date and not tell me where she was going and who with?”

Her brow furrowed, and she had the decency to look a little nervous, “No,” she said quickly, “but maybe if you didn’t go around yelling at her half the time and ignoring her the rest of it she would feel like she could tell you.” I inhaled a deep breath through my nose and must have looked furious as she actually hardened her glare rather than back down.

“I am busy as fuck, in case you haven’t noticed.”I growled.

“I noticed,” she sighed. My breathing was just as heavy as I glared at her, but at that moment I noticed how she never backed down, how even though I was furious she stood her ground and didn’t budge one inch. She was barefoot, half a foot shorter than me and I was wide from growing up busting my balls on a farm. These past years I had become so anti-social that not many people got this physically close to me. “Look...” she kept those piercing blue eyes on mine, “Sara should have told you where she was. You are doing a great job but she will start wearing makeup and that skirt I gave her is modest.”

“It’s obscene,” I spat out quickly, glancing down at her pajamas and just how revealing they were. Her big breasts were straining to be noticed in the white vest top with pink writing emblazoned across her chest.  Her shorts gave a great view of the tan, lean legs poking out from underneath and suddenly my breathing was labored for a different reason.

“It’s a fine skirt,” she said, a little lower than before. Her eyes watching how I looked at her and her own breathing speeding up a little.

“It’s inappropriate for a fourteen-year-old.” My eyes met hers again, but I saw how her tongue darted out and moistened her bottom lip as she looked up at me.

“In your opinion,” she said coolly.

“That’s the only opinion that should matter around here,” I growled.

“You’re a dick,” she said quickly, her voice low and quiet. I stepped further forward, and she again stood her ground. We were flush to each other and my dick was twitching as I realized how attracted I was to her in that moment. She looked like every guy's wet dream and the way she challenged me in every sense was like a thousand hand jobs leading up to this moment. I reached out and touched her hair, holding it between my thumb and forefinger, it was silky and soft under my touch. She didn’t say a word, just looked up to me.

“You’re a nosy cow,” I narrowed my eyes, and I saw a hint of a smile lace her lips.

“You’re...” before she could finish I bent forward and kissed her lips. She took a deep breath as I continued to touch her hair and pushed into her with my body. Her hands found my shoulders, and she righted herself. I had no idea what I thought I was doing. She was the boss, she was the bossiest woman I had ever met, and she had overstepped the mark majorly. My dick was as hard as rock and pushing upwards through my jeans, it must have been jutting into her. I moved my tongue to her lips, and she opened allowing me to intrude her mouth. My God she tasted to die for and her silky tongue massaged mine like it was made for my mouth.

I moved her backwards, and she stepped inside the cottage and threw her arms around my shoulders, plunging her fingers into my hair. I kicked the door closed behind us and my hands found her ass as she groaned into my mouth. Her little moans spurred me on and I pushed myself into her as she kissed me back just as frantically. I cupped her ass and pulled her up into me. She ground onto my cock, wrapping her legs around my waist as I carried her to the bedroom.

I placed her gently on the bed and moved over the top of her, “I’m not sure this is a great idea.” I told her, and her eyes met mine, narrowed and she bit her bottom lip seductively.

“Your call,” she told me, her voice so low and gravelly that my dick was fighting to be free to ravage her. I bent to kiss her again, and she wrapped her legs around my body as I did. I moved my hand underneath her vest top to find her toned stomach, tickling her tenderly as I moved up to find her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I groaned as I took her right breast in my hand. They were perfect: round, pert and one hundred percent the best set of tits I had ever felt.

“Lacey,” I groaned, “I think we’ll regret this tomorrow.”

She gasped and moved to unbuckle my jeans, “I’ve regretted a ton of things,” she said between gasps, “nothing that ever felt as good as this.”

Keeping my hand on her breast, I teased her nipple and held myself over her with the other as I felt her warm hands release me from my jeans and boxer briefs. I gasped as she squeezed my hardness and closed my eyes with pleasure. “Lacey, I need you naked.” I told her.

She smiled wryly at me and moved her hands down her body to slide out of her pajama shorts and throw them across the room. I sat back, removing my shirt and watched as she pulled her top over her head and threw that too. Her tits were pure perfection and I couldn’t resist bending to take one of her pert coffee-colored nipples in my mouth. “Anyone ever tell you how perfect these are?” I said in a graveled tone.

Lacey laughed and ran her fingers through my hair as I touched and kissed her chest. She reached down and grabbed my cock in her hand again, moving her hand up and down and making my eyes close with pleasure. She moved her feet to try to push my jeans off, and I obliged by standing and pushing them all the way down, kicking them off along with my boots. Her eyes were trained on my dick and I knew he was not a disappointment in the size stakes but not many women had had the pleasure of his company.

She rolled off the bed. I wondered where the hell she was going but a moment later she was back from the bathroom with a condom.  Where I thought she would move to lie back on the bed, instead she walked to where I stood, ripped the packaging and rolled the condom onto my dick, giving it a quick tug as she did. I moaned in pleasure and then threw her back on the bed. I lined myself up with her entrance and gently massaged her naked pussy with my fingers to make sure she was ready for me—she was more than ready. She moaned at my touch and I quickly replaced my fingers with my cock, thrusting into her quick and hard. “Oh God,” she yelped.

I watched as she threw her head backwards on the bed and groaned with pleasure. I pulled back and pushed deeply into her again. “More!” she yelled, and I obliged.

I banged into her like my life depended on it and watched as she loved every goddamned minute of it. I loved hearing how vocal Lacey was, there was no holding back and she made sure I knew exactly how I was affecting her. I’d only slept with a handful of women and for the first eight years I’d been sexually active... only one. This felt so much more, like fucking a woman who wanted to be ravaged and not messing around dating girls. God, I watched as my cock pushed into her time and time again and I loved it. The power, the adrenaline and the unadulterated pleasure. Her blonde hair was splayed over the white sheets and I felt like a fuckin’ superhero making her scream.

I watched as she fell apart around my cock, and hovered over her, kissing her as I came. Lacey smelled to die for, sweet shampoo and body lotion that was a mixture of summer fruits and berries. Her skin was so soft to the touch and her body was pure perfection. She was one million percent out of my price range and as I gasped in orgasm with my dick still inside her, even the high I felt couldn’t remove the sinking feeling that we’d crossed a line.

I pulled away and walked to the bathroom naked to dispose of the condom and clean up. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and said a few silent fucks as I stared at myself. I looked wild: my hair had been clawed at, my eyes were wide with adrenaline and lust, my stubble had grown in a fair bit over the last week and so I looked like the wild man of Borneo compared to perfectly pruned Lacey. When I walked back out to her bedroom, she was sprawled on the bed—a new bed I noticed—breathing deeply and smiling up at me. She wasn’t shying away and took no time to cover her nakedness.

“Um...” I began and walked to grab my boxers from the floor.

“Alex, don’t go all weird on me,” she said, sitting up and watching as I dressed.

“I need to get back to the kids,” I told her, “Logan was expecting me to check his homework.”

“Got it,” she said quickly, standing to find her own pajamas on the floor and pulling them on in a flash. I dressed quickly and looked at her with an awkward grin, wanting desperately to get out of there.

“I better go,” I mumbled, and she nodded with pursed lips. I started to walk, and she followed me to the door.

“You know the difference between us, Alex?” she asked as I walked down the porch steps. I turned and looked at her with question.


“You act tough and closed off but deep down you’re not and me... I act like every guy’s wet dream, but I am tough and unbreakable.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, wondering what the hell that meant and knowing already that she could probably kick my ass. I had no doubts she was hard as nails.

“Look, I don’t regret anything I do,” she nodded, “you shouldn’t either.”

“I don’t have the luxury of mistakes, I just tend to clean up everyone else’s.” I answered truthfully. “No more skirts for Sara please,” I said as I walked away into the night.

“You’re a spectacular lay!” she shouted at the top of her voice as I sped up into a jog home.

Shit. She was crazy, hot as hell, tough as old boots and bat shit to the crazy.

Every day I liked her more.