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The Beauty's Beast by Eddie Cleveland (46)


Wounded Hearts

Chapter 1 - Sergeant Colton Walker

The sand seems to fall from the sky like rain, it dances around us in blinding clouds. I notice that it doesn’t hurt this time as it twists and whips against us. Not like how it usually grinds against our faces, leaving tiny stab wounds on our flesh.

I push forward, leading my guys on foot to our target. I know what’s going to happen next. I can see it before it even begins. The shots fired. The men I kill. The bullet I take. Yet, I can’t stop myself from pressing forward. I have a sworn duty to uphold. Fear is no excuse.

I climb a crumbling hill of dirt and lift my rifle, holding it at the ready. This is it. It’s fucking show time. My finger slowly squeezes the trigger, but instead of the familiar, even comforting sound of gunfire, I hear a loud squeal. What the hell?

My eyes blink open and I wipe a strand of drool from my chin as I look around the hospital room. As my ears are assaulted by the sound of the squeaky food cart out in the hall, I press the button on my bed to lift me up until I’m sitting comfortably.

“Well, look who finally decided to join the party,” Corporal Pike smirks at me from the next bunk. At twenty, he’s still got the energy of a puppy dog. He hasn’t been worn down by a career of deployments, shift work and drills. Not yet.

“Yeah, yeah,” I flip my hand at him dismissively, “sounds to me like I got up at the right time.” I jerk my thumb toward the door where the whine of the lunch cart is getting more pronounced. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to interrupt your Katy Perry or anything,” I nod up at the TV playing the singer’s “Fireworks” video across the room.

“I wasn’t even watching that,” Pike mumbles, but grabs the remote quickly and flicks through the channels until he finds a soccer game. His eyes dart over to me for approval as he sets the remote back down beside him.

I’m just busting his balls. I don’t care if the kid rocks out to pop music or zones out to sports. It’s all the same. It’s decompression. It’s distraction. It’s a way of putting a little space between us and what we just experienced.

I look at his casted arm. When I was a kid I snapped my arm pretty good by falling from a homemade zip line in my backyard. I remember thinking that it was a bad break, but my little forearm cast covered in ‘get well’ messages and stick drawings was nothing compared to the plaster encasing Pike from his hand to his shoulder.

“How you holding up?” I nod at his injury and I see a flash in his green eyes. I’m familiar with it. It’s the haunted look of someone who got a wake-up call, who realized they’re not invincible. I remember the day I realized that being a part of Canada’s most elite force, the JTF2, didn’t actually make me a superhero. It sounds silly, but that’s how guys think. And after you make it through the grueling screening and get accepted in with the select few, it’s how you feel.

Until you get hurt.

Pike pushes away the thoughts I can see polluting his mind with a smirk, “Good Sarg, no problem. I’m more worried about what my mom’s gonna say than about me,” he tries to shrug, but winces as he seems to remember his limited mobility.

“You don’t have to do that with me, it’s okay if you’re feeling a bit shaken, Corporal.”

“Naw, psssh, me? Shaken, no, it’s not like that,” he overacts. I won’t push it, I can see I’ve already bruised his ego.

Silence falls between us, I can hear a lady’s voice from the next room delivering the lunch I’m starving for to a couple of other patients. My stomach rumbles loudly.


“Yeah,” I look back at Pike.

“I wanted to say, well, I want to thank you,” his voice is tight and he looks down at his thin blanket covering his legs. “If you didn’t pull me out of there, well, my mom wouldn’t have a chance to get mad about my arm, she’d be a Silver Cross Mother.” His voice wavers and he swallows hard as he looks up at me.

“You’d do the same,” I answer confidently, “I’m glad we made it out with the minor injuries we did,” I admit.

“True, it could’ve been a shit show,” he agrees.

The high-pitched squeal enters our room, but I can barely hear it. Instead, I feel like the air has been knocked out of my lungs as I look up at the nurse pushing the cart.

She’s stunning.

I can hear the whooshing of my heart in my ears as my adrenaline courses through my veins. It’s the same noise I hear every time I do a mission, but this time it’s not because I want to fight or flee, it’s for the thirdF”.


“Hello,” she smiles and her round face lights up as she introduces herself, “I’m Nurse Alana Keller,” her German accent makes me pay closer attention to her words. To her lips. Those plump, juicy, red lips. “Welcome to Landstuhl Regional, we’re a little backed up right now with the influx of casualties, so I’m bringing around the lunches for this hall, but I’m also your nurse.” I can see a warmth in her chocolate eyes as she waits for us to respond.

“I’m Sergeant Walker,” I manage to find my voice.

Corporal Pike.”

“Great, I have a couple of options for lunch,” I know she’s talking, but I can’t concentrate on her words. Instead, I let my eyes travel her full frame. My God, her tits are amazing! I let my gaze lick over her rounded belly and down to her beautiful shapely ass, then over her thick thighs. I love how her scrubs cling to her sexy curves, teasing me with the womanly beauty underneath.

“So, which would you like?”

My eyes snap back up to meet hers and I realize I missed the question. I don’t want to admit I was too busy undressing her with my eyes to listen, “Uh, whichever you like more,” I answer.

Her smile tells me I’m in the clear as she lays a tray on my bedside table. “Enjoy,” her voice is thick as she drops her eyes down my body. Her cheeks flush a deep red and her eyes open wide as she bites her lip shyly then goes back to her cart and scurries away.

I watch her hips sway seductively as her big, beautiful ass hypnotically swings from side to side. Damn.

Now part of me is wishing I didn’t have such a minor injury, because I could die a happy man waking up to that woman everyday.

* * *

Chapter 2 - Alana

What are you doing, Alana? I slink from the room and lean back against the wall, closing my eyes. I know patients are off-limits. I feel so unprofessional for checking him out like that, but at the same time, I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever felt so instantly connected to a man.

It doesn’t matter. A long shiver of desire quivers down my spine as I imagine running my hands through his short, dark hair. My pussy clenches as I can almost feel the heat radiating from his muscular body, pressing into mine. I feel a spark ignite a flame of passion that’s long been dead in my soul as I think about his icy blue eyes.

Not that there was anything cold about them. More than his rugged good looks, it was the kindness so clearly captured in those eyes that makes my heart flutter out of control like this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a good man, in fact, I can’t think of any off the top of my head. And it isn’t because there’s just oh-so-many to choose from.

Alana snap out of it! I open my eyes and take a deep, unsteady breath as I force myself to stand up straight and try to get rid of this feeling. But it’s impossible to shake off the feeling of your soul coming back to life.

Stop. I shouldn’t even be thinking about any of that.

“God, did you see her? I’m surprised there were any lunches left on that cart. She looks like she could eat them all,” the younger patient from inside the room laughs and my heart drops.

This isn’t some kind of revelation. I’ve been a big girl my entire life and I’ve heard it all before. Since I was a kid people have been telling me that I’d be pretty if I only lost some weight. Throughout the years people have even been crueller than that, sneering at me as they called me a cow or a pig or disgusting. Just because I’ve been beaten down by all the mean words, doesn’t mean I’ve gotten used to hearing them. Every single time someone takes it upon themselves to look down their nose at me, or try to humiliate me, it still hurts.

“You’re just a kid, you don’t know shit about anything,” I hear Sergeant Walker’s voice rumbling deeply and my thighs squeeze together tight. His voice is like the roll of thunder that all kids fear more than the bright strike of lightning. As if, instinctually, we understand that what we hear can hurt us just as much as the pain that can touch our bodies.

“I know when someone needs to stop stuffing her face,” the Corporal chimes in and my mouth tugs down in the corners as hard as my heart strings do in my breast.

“You think you know anything about women? How many girlfriends have you had? How many women have you loved? You think women are all supposed to come from the same cookie cutter, like on your music videos?” His voice grows more agitated. “That woman was stunning, period. A beauty inside and out and if you’re too shallow and inexperienced to see that then I feel sad for you, cause you’re really missing out.”

I smile so big it hurts my cheeks as I push the cart further down the hallway. I shouldn’t be listening in anyway, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love what I heard.

My mind travels to another dimension. One where I could have met the Sergeant outside of these hospital walls and gotten to know him better. I lose myself in a world of different circumstances where I could know what it feels like to be spoiled by a man who truly sees me. Sees that I’m not just pretty for a fat girl. I’m pretty. End of sentence. I explore an alternate reality where I could also let myself feel every inch of him pressed against me. Pressed inside me. I let myself indulge in my fantasy, because I know that’s all it will ever be.

Still, a girl can dream, right?

* * *

Chapter 3 - Alana

I gently rap my fingers against the doorframe of room 1423 and take a deep lungful of air. He’s just a patient and I’m his nurse. That’s it. I’ve never had a relationship with a single patient in my twelve years of nursing and I’m not about to start now. I nod my head curtly in agreement with my thoughts and jut out my chin, determined to stay calm, cool and professional.

“Hello?” Sergeant Walker turns and sweetly smiles.

Okay, all bets are off.

No! No, Alana, remember who you are. You’re not some silly school girl with a crush, you’re a grown woman with a career you take seriously. Enough of this.

Of course, it doesn’t help when he looks at me like that. He lets his eyes hungrily explore my body the way I wish his lips would and my pussy grows slick with the thought.

Swallowing hard, I push the thought into the corner of my mind and softly close the door behind me before walking to the side of his bed. “I’m here to change your dressing,” I hold up my handful of supplies as if I feel the need to prove it to him.

“Oh, okay, sure,” he looks down at his injured thigh.

I place the bandages and creams on his table and reach up to circle the curtain suspended from the ceiling around his bed for privacy.

“You don’t have to do that,” he holds up his hand and I stop. “Corporal Pike is having his arm examined by a specialist, so it’s just you and me.” It’s amazing how someone so chiseled and tough can look so warm and inviting. I want to just climb into his bed and snuggle up to him while listening to him tell me stories about his life in his deep voice. The thought quickly disappears from my mind, but the comfort it brings lingers inside me. “Certainly, it’s up to you, Sergeant,” I agree.

“Call me Colton,” he meets my eyes and I’m drawn in. His eyes are magnetic, pulling me in, drawing me closer against my better judgement.

“Colton,” I like the way his name tastes on my tongue. I wonder if the rest of him is as sweet. I blush at my sexy thoughts and focus on the bandaging. Colton pushes back his blankets to reveal his wound.

My mouth drops open slightly as more than just his leg is presented to me. I knew the bullet wound was on his inner thigh, but I wasn’t expecting him to have no underwear on when I pictured changing his dressing. I divert my eyes away from the large, sleeping snake resting on his balls and busy myself by putting on my gloves.

“Didn’t you say your name is Alana? Do you mind if I call you by your first name?”

“That’s right,” I answer, “and no, I don’t mind at all.”

“It’s a beautiful name,” he continues. “It suits you perfectly.”

My breathing quickens along with my heartbeat. I’m not used to being called beautiful but the way Colton looks at me when he says it leaves no doubt that he’s speaking from his heart.

I pick up my scissors and cut the old bandage from his thigh, careful not to brush against his dick.


My hand shakes slightly.


Tiny beads of sweat form at my hairline.


I let my eyes peek over only for a second, less than that even, at his thickening cock. My eyes widen and I force myself to fight my curiosity and stare down at his wound instead.

“It doesn’t look too bad at all,” I fight the tug of my eyeballs to look back at his dick. “You’ll be healed up fine in no time,” I meet his eyes, confident in my medical knowledge.

“That’s a damned shame,” he shakes his head woefully as I grab new bandages and begin redressing the hole in his leg.

“Oh? Why is that?” I focus on my hands. I feel like it’s the only safe place to look right now. Looking in his eyes makes me want to climb in this bed and cuddle him while looking over at his growing cock makes me want to climb in this bed and ride him. My hands are the only truly safe territory.

“Because that means I won’t have much time with you,” he smiles at me.

I don’t expect the pang of disappointment that washes over me. I’ve grown attached to patients before. Some because of their inspiring resilience, or their wonderful humor, but never like this… primal desire I have stirring inside me.

I finish changing his wound and I see it. That I’m not the only one fighting animalistic desires. His cock is standing tall and proud, saluting me in full force. I can’t help but notice it. With its thick, veiny shaft and bell shaped head like a flesh helmet on top, it looks like the perfect cock for a war hero.

I clear my throat and step back. “Well, at least you know it still works, right?” I try to lighten the mood with a smile.

“For the right woman, it does anyway,” he stares straight at me, making my insides quiver and my pussy aches at the suggestion.

Suddenly the door loudly clicks as it’s opened for the Corporal returning from the specialist. Colton quickly yanks his blanket up over his erection modestly and I retreat from the room quickly with an intense heat burning on my cheeks. However, it’s nothing compared to the intense burning need he’s awoken inside me.

* * *

Chapter 4 - Colton

I look up at the clock on the wall for the hundredth time and then back down to the paperwork in my lap.

I’m going home.

Late yesterday afternoon I was informed that I’m being discharged from Landstuhl and being put up in a hotel for a couple of nights before I’m taking a red eye service flight back to Canada.

The officer who went over the orders and travel plans with me kept smiling at me broadly, expecting me to be overjoyed or excited. However, all I could think about was saying goodbye to Alana.

After only a couple of weeks in her care, I’ve gotten to know her better than I would’ve expected. She’s told me about her family, her career, her life and I’ve shared my stories. I’ve been looking forward to seeing her each day so much that my desire to get my boots back on Canadian soil has been put on the back burner. All but forgotten. Until yesterday.

I look back up at the clock, as if I can will time to stop ticking. As if I can delay the inevitable somehow. But I can’t. I hate that I have to leave Alana behind, it feels like a cruel twist of fate to ever cross paths with a woman so amazing, so sweet and so sexy only to leave her country and her life forever.

At the very least, I’ve been clinging on to hope that I could say goodbye before I’m discharged at eleven. However, I haven’t seen Alana at all today and as I gaze over at my few packed belongings and glare at the clock that’s ticking down the time I have left here, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll get that chance.

“I’m telling ya, Sarg, I can’t wait to step off that plane and get my post-deployment leave started,” Pike interrupts my brooding thoughts.

“Oh yeah?” I answer half-heartedly.

“Sure! I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be surfing or anything crazy with my arm all busted up, but it’ll just be nice to relax for a while, won’t it? Drink some beer, sleep in late, enjoy what’s left of summer,” he rambles on.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good time,” I mumble, looking at the clock again. In twenty minutes, we’re being escorted out of this hospital and over to our hotel. A crushing weight of disappointment presses down on my heart as reality sinks in, I’m not going to see her. Not now. Not ever again.

“You know once we get checked in at the hotel you and I should go for a drink or two. What do you think? It might be cool to actually see a bit of Germany before we have to go, huh?” Pike is practically bounding with excitement.

“Huh?” I have to concentrate to let his words sink in. “Oh, uh, yeah sure. I guess.” I don’t mean to sound so down about it. Pike’s a good kid and a great soldier. He might have pissed me off the first day we met Alana, but he apologized after. He’s not totally stupid, he just lets his mouth shoot off before his brain has a chance to think sometimes.

Our door creaks open and my head snaps over like it’s on a swivel, my heart squeezes in my chest and my mouth gapes open.

It’s her.

Alana looks as radiant as ever, her chestnut hair swept back in a bun while her peaches and cream complexion tempts me to rush over to her and cup her beautiful face with my hands. Her naturally red lips entice me to cover them with a kiss.

“I just heard,” she sniffles. I look up to her dark chocolate eyes and realize that her lips aren’t the only thing that are red. She’s been crying.

“Hey, shhh, it’s okay,” I walk over to her and grasp her hand gently.

“You’re leaving?” She looks up at me like she’s hoping she’s mistaken. Like she wants me to set the record straight, but I have no good news to give her.

Or do I?

“I’m flying out in two days. In the meantime, we’re being put up at the Hotel Merkur. Hey, I’m not a patient anymore, so how about I take you out tonight? You can show me around, maybe we can get some dinner? What do you say?”

I watch her bite her lip with indecision and look over her shoulder toward the door as if she expects her disapproving supervisor to be standing there frowning.

“Please,” my voice is tight, “I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.”

Alana nods and two plump tears spill over onto her round cheeks. She wipes them away quickly. “Ya, I would love that,” she smiles.

“Great!” I say it too loud, but I can’t help it. Only a minute ago, I felt like there was no hope left, now I’m buzzing like, well, like Pike over there.

I get Alana’s number and tuck it into my pocket just as our driver shows up at the door. I smile at her, “Until tonight, okay?”

She raises her chin and the sadness I saw in her eyes is replaced with a sparkle of hope.

“Tonight,” she repeats.

As we walk down the hall, I give Pike a clap on his good shoulder and smirk, “Sorry bud, I’m gonna need to pass on the drinks. I’ve got a hot date with a beautiful woman,” I puff my chest out.

“Yes you do,” he answers, “there’s always time for a beer. You have fun, make the most of it.”

He’s a good kid after all and this turned out to be a good day. I hope it turns into an even better night.

* * *

Chapter 5 - Alana

“That food was amazing,” Colton rubs his hand over his muscular stomach and smiles. “Can you believe I’ve never had schnitzel before? And what were those noodle things again?”

“Spätzle,” I answer.

“Right, so good. And, I mean, I’ve heard about German beer, but I thought it was all talk, you know? We Canadians love our brewskies but you’ve got us beat.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I answer honestly.

“How could I not?” His voice grows thick. “An amazing meal, an amazing woman, I couldn’t ask for more.” He reaches down and laces his fingers through mine, grasping my hand in his. “Have I told you how beautiful you are? You look stunning,” he murmurs.

“You have,” I look down shyly. As little flickers of electricity travel through me, I can’t hide my smile. Not that I’d want to. Usually, when I’ve gone on dates, it’s been the men who seem like they want to hide. Hide the fact that they’re going out with me. Hide their desire for me. Not Colton. All night he’s been proudly holding my hand, opening doors for me, and looking at me like I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. Walking hand in hand through the city park, I feel like a princess who finally found her prince.

I’ve never met anyone like him, and I hate that I never will again.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Colton stops and pulls me against him, looking down at me.

“It’s nothing,” I look away.

“I can see there’s something bothering you.” He hooks his finger under my chin and lifts my face back up until my eyes meet his, “You can tell me.”

For a moment, I can forget what I was thinking about. Every thought I’ve ever had in life seems to have disappeared from my head as I swirl in a cloud of desire. Colton’s blue eyes hypnotize me, his lips tempt me with a kiss we’ve never shared.

“I was just thinking about how you leaving. I’ve had a lot of fun tonight and I wish it could last longer, that’s all,” I admit.

“I don’t want this to end either,” his deep voice makes a shiver run through me. “This doesn’t have to be the end of our night, Alana. We can see where things go,” his eyes hungrily travel down to my lips and he slowly leans into me. His mouth crushes mine in a deep, passionate kiss that I only thought people in movies experienced. My life feels like a movie right now, as Colton runs his hand over my hair and presses against me tight, tantalizing my tongue with his.

Suddenly, the ominous clouds that have been building up all night open and rain begins to fall. It isn’t a nice summer shower or a lazy mist, but a downpour. Tiny rivers of water drizzle down Colton’s face and my hair that I spent so much time on is quickly soaked.

Colton looks up at the sky with surprise and then peers around. “Come on!” He yells over the sound of the rain smacking the street, tugging my hand he leads the way to an old, leafy oak tree down off the path.

We run through the rain laughing and take shelter under the tree. One thing about a downpour like this is it rarely lasts long. Just like Colton and I, it’s fast, intense and then over.

* * *

Chapter 6 - Alana

“Where was I?” Colton looks down at my lips and slowly walks me backwards until my back hits the tree. He kisses me with urgency, like a man who’s starved for a craving only I can satisfy. The rain sounds muted with the thick tree cover above us and it feels like we’re hidden away in a secret world of two.

Lust burns through me, overtaking my senses and pushing my boundaries. Normally I’m not one for public displays of affection, but as I pull back from Colton’s kiss, I can see that there’s no one around. The park is empty.

“God, I want you,” he breathes the words into my ear.

“Then take me. I want you too,” I let my naughty side free and slowly slide my drenched dress up my legs suggestively.

“Are you sure?” Colton presses his hard cock into me, teasing me.

“I am,” I nod.

He snatches the hem of my dress and tugs it up quickly and slides down to his knees in front of me. As I hold the fabric of my dress, Colton quickly slides my underwear down my legs and wastes no time burying his face between my legs. I tense up, not used to any of this. Not used to a man worshipping me this way. Not used to doing something so exhilarating in public. But mostly, not used to feeling this fucking sexy.

Colton’s tongue slips into my pussy and licks a long, slow trail up to my aching clit. “Oh,” I gasp and white knuckle the light, dainty fabric of my dress as I involuntarily jerk toward him.

I open my stance and Colton pulls away, much to my disappointment and looks up at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He slides his index finger into his mouth and then presses it at my entrance, burying it inside me. His mouth is on my pussy again and I can feel my muscles clench down on his finger as his tongue twists and turns, dancing against my clit.

I lean back against the tree, closing my eyes and listening to the pouring rain fall around us as Colton brings me pleasure I’ve only ever experienced with toys. He flickers the tip of his tongue against my sensitive nub and fucks me with his finger before slipping another one inside. My orgasm comes quickly as my body quivers with ecstasy and I cry out into the rainy night. I tremble against the tree as Colton stands back up. “I want to fuck you, Alana. I need to feel that tight pussy on my cock,” he voice is raspy with need.

“I want that too,” I fumble with his belt buckle, but manage to get it undone. I make quick work of undoing his pants and he slides them down, freeing his thick, hard cock that I’ve been fantasising about since the day I changed his now healed wound.

“Face the tree,” he demands, pulling out his wallet and plucking a foil wrapper from inside. I follow his command and watch over my shoulder as he tears the condom packet open with his teeth and slides it down over his fat cock.

Colton grabs my hips, positioning my entrance and slides his cock deep inside me. I feel so full as my walls stretch and he buries every inch of his generous dick in my pussy. I arch my back, giving him better access and he thrusts into me hard, his muscular frame slapping against my full ass, clapping our wet flesh together as he pumps into me over and over.

Hanging onto the tree for support, I make my back flat, like a table top, and Colton groans as he opens my ass cheeks and fucks me deep and hard. My muscles tighten as another quaking orgasm rips through me, leaving my throat raw from screaming my pleasure into the night.

Behind me, Colton’s thrusts grow jagged and I feel his cock twitch as he grunts, filling the condom with his seed. He holds me in place, until his dick stops spurting inside me and pulls out.

I stand up and face him and Colton grabs my face, pulling me in for a kiss. When he moves back, we look around with surprise. When did the rain stop? I didn’t even notice.

“Come back to the hotel with me,” his voice is raspy. “Let’s get cleaned up,” he offers.

“I’d love that,” I agree.

We quickly tug our clothes back into place and as we walk out of the park, Colton tosses the used condom in the trash. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, but I’ll be damned if I want it to stop now.

* * *

Chapter 7 - Colton

I open the door to my hotel room for Alana and she walks inside trembling. Her teeth are chattering as the cold from the rain finally settles into her bones. Letting the door fall closed behind me, I rub my hands over her soft arms slowly. “We need to get you warmed up, you’re freezing,” I’m surprised by how chilly her skin is.

“Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” She shakes like a leaf.

“No, of course not,” I hold out my hand toward the door.

“I won’t be long,” she tries to smile, but her chattering teeth won’t let her.

I walk into the main room and strip off my waterlogged clothes, dropping them into a pile on the floor. Crossing the floor, stark naked, I pick up the hotel binder and flip through the pages, searching. There it is, I tap my finger against the laminated page, laundry service. We’ll definitely need that. Poor Alana doesn’t have anything else to wear. I plop the book down on the table and go to the armoire against the far wall, tugging it open. Luckily there are two terry cloth robes hanging inside. That should keep her warm until her clothes get taken care of.

Only when I’m not keeping her warm between the sheets, that is.

I tilt my head and listen to the splash of the shower head hitting the tub with beads of water. She’s grabbing a shower. My cock twitches at the thought of joining her, of seeing her naked with warm water cascading over her luscious curves. I make my way to the bathroom door as my cock grows fuller with lust. I twist the doorknob but it’s locked. Disappointment crashes over me. She locked me out? Why?

Pouting, I head back into the main room and plunk down on the bed. Grabbing the remote from the nightstand, I turn on some music and listen as Alana turns off the water and opens the shower curtain. Seconds later she walks into the room nervously with a towel firmly twisted around her.

“You locked me out,” I pretend to sulk. Well, mostly pretend. Part of it is genuine.

“Sorry, I just thought I should shower alone,” she looks down shyly, biting her lip.

“Come over here,” I pat the bed beside me. “Why the change of heart? Is everything okay?”

Alana hops into the bed and quickly covers herself up with the comforter, she traces nervous circles on the blanket with her fingertips and won’t look at me.

Fuck. I’ve upset her. Maybe she’s having regrets about the park. Maybe she’s having regrets about me.

“What’s going on? Are you upset with me?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” she still refuses to meet my eyes.

Then what?”

“I just, well, I don’t want you to see me naked. I feel like you won’t like me if you do,” she whispers her confession.

“Are you kidding me? Do you see how hard you’ve got me,” I nod down to my cock, ready for another round. “Alana, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. Seeing your body isn’t going to change my mind on that. I love your soft curves. I love how womanly you are. Don’t be ashamed or try to hide from me, please.” I slide across the bed toward her and kiss her tenderly. First on the lips, but then I trail my kisses over to her earlobe and down her neck.

Alana moans softly and I pull back the comforter and tug the towel from her body. She gasps and tries to pull the blanket back up. “Don’t do that. Let me see you. Alana, I’m not lying, you are amazing. Inside and out. Every inch of your body and every inch of your soul is beautiful,” my voice is hoarse as she relaxes and I let my gaze travel over her buxom curves.

She looks up at me from under her eyelashes and her cheeks burn with a rosy hue as I graze my fingertips down her neck, over her collarbone and down to her breasts. I cup her large tits in my broad hands and hover over her. My cock throbs with desire as I take her pink nipple into my mouth and lick the diamond tip. Teasing her with my tongue, I thrash against her nipple before giving the same attention to her other breast.

Alana moans softly and wiggles underneath me. I can feel the heat bloom between her thighs and I can barely contain myself from climbing on top of her and taking her again. “I need you. You see how sexy you are? I fucking need you right now,” I quickly kiss her lips before sliding off the edge of the bed and grabbing a condom from my overnight bag.

“Hurry,” her voice is throaty and I tear open the package as quickly as my fingers can manage and slide the condom down my shaft.

I climb back up onto the bed and settle between her legs, watching her as I tug her thick thighs open and throw her ankles up on my shoulders. Grabbing my cock by the base, I sink into her wet, tight pussy in one desperate thrust. My hand wraps up in her wet hair and I give it a tug as I fuck her relentlessly. Alana’s quiet moaning grows louder until they become cries of passion that I’m pretty sure can be heard in the next room over. Her pussy bears down on my cock and my orgasm shreds through me like a tidal wave crashing down on a pristine beach. My cum spurts out like I hadn’t just taken her against a tree less than an hour ago. Like I won’t be taking her again and again, all night long.

“Fuck you’re so sexy,” I growl in her ear and pull out, quickly hopping off the bed and tossing the full condom in the trash. “Do you need anything? Water?” I offer.

“Just you beside me,” she purrs. I hop in next to her, only too happy to comply. Burrowing beneath the covers I wrap my arm around her, spooning her as we rest our heads on the pillows.

“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” her voice is mournful.

“I was thinking about that,” I answer and she turns to look at me, hopeful. “You see, when I get back to Canada, I have a bunch of post-deployment and annual leave I can use. I was thinking about taking it all and coming back here for seven weeks. I mean, if you’d like that,” I run my hand through my hair.

“Like it? I’d love it! Oh Colton, that would be amazing.” There’s that smile, the broad, sensual smile that warms my heart.

“Consider it done,” I murmur, pulling her beautiful ass back into me so I can hold her tight.

As sleep begins to overcome me I smile. Maybe I don’t have the perfect solution to the distance, but giving us another seven weeks is a great start. Who knows what we’ll figure out from there. I let my imagination run wild as sweet dreams of Alana overtake me.





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