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The Beauty's Beast by Eddie Cleveland (4)



I can see from the adorable way her eyebrows furrow together and she tilts her head that she’s not picking up on what I’m saying. I have met a few women in places like this who are checking out the scene for the first time, and they have all said the same thing about why they decided to give it a try: Eyes Wide Shut. There’s something about that movie that seems to drive women’s curiosity to a new peak, and once they have reached the summit they realize there’s only one way back down, they have to jump.

“No way, to be honest, I didn’t really like that movie at all. I felt like that was part of the sad decline of his work.” I watch her shoulders slide down as the tension eases from them and she finally relaxes. “Now, Clockwork Orange, that was my favorite Stanley Kubrick film.

A jolt shoots through my body and I sit a little straighter. I have met all kinds of women in these clubs. Usually all they want to do is get the goods, talk dirty, feel like a queen for a night and be on their way, but I can’t remember the last time I met someone who wants to have a real conversation. Especially someone who loves the same movie I do.

“That is the best movie he ever did, hands down,” I feel myself genuinely smiling as I look at her with fresh eyes. She’s like a beautiful, cool breeze that unexpectedly whirls around you on a stagnant summer day. It’s so refreshing to meet someone who is still genuine enough to blush when she gets flustered. Someone who isn’t as shallow as a mud puddle and whose soul isn’t just as dirty.

“I think so too, I really loved the way he brought the book to life.” Her light brown eyes dance and she parts her rosy lips as she finally stops trying to filter everything she’s saying. “I mean, I never think the movie is better than the book, it’s like some kind of sin to say that, but with Clockwork, it’s pretty close,” she giggles.

“We should watch it sometime together, it’s been ages since I have seen it.” I watch clouds of worry roll over her eyes. Why is she here? Clearly, she’s not comfortable with a one-night stand situation. “I promise I will wear real clothes and everything,” I laugh and love how she giggles. I’m not blind, I don’t miss how her eyes quickly flicker down my body. How they hover for just a second on my drying underwear. So, she does have a dirty side. Or at least a curious one. I’m more than happy to let her explore whatever she wants with me. I could teach her a thing or two.

“You know what? Sure,” Vanessa reaches into her purse and slides her phone across the table to me. “Give me your number and we will do it,” her eyes grow wide as the words hang in the air between us. “I mean that we will watch it, not do it. I didn’t mean …” she looks mortified and I have to bite the insides of my cheeks not to laugh.

“I got what you meant.” I type my information into the phone and hit save. “There, done,” I take another long sip of my drink and lean back in my chair. Vanessa smiles down at her phone and warmth blooms through my chest, I don’t think it is the rum.

Two bulky guys in golf shirts walk up behind her, closing the distance between them and her fast. Before I have a chance to assess them, they flank her sides and one guy leans over and whispers in her ear while the other guy stares me down with a feral snarl.

What.The. Fuck?

“Hey, how about you back off buddy, we’re in the middle of a conversation here,” I drop my hand from my drink and ball it into a fist. Vanessa looks around the bar and then up to the hulking man, like she is frightened.

“How about you cool your jets and shut the fuck up?” The golf shirt twin with a shaved head and bushy eyebrows, answers me.

“What did you just say to me?” I stand up and push my chair back and the man is in my face in an instant. It’s crazy that someone so solid can move so fast.

“No, Gabe, wait a sec,” Vanessa urges but I don’t look her way. Mr. Clean on meth cocks his fist back and all bets are off. I dodge his sloppy throw and snap my fist out, crunching against his thick jaw like a cobra bite.

He wobbles, but he doesn't go down. The guy sweet talking in Vanessa’s ear stands up and circles around the table at me. His hair is buzzed but not shaved to the scalp, so he looks a little different from the first guy but it’s not like I’m really studying them.

“Vince! Rocco! No!” I hear Vanessa cry out. Wait, she knows these ass-clowns? I don’t have time to iron out the details because either Vince or Rocco is moving at me and I need to think fast. He swings and I duck but his partner manages to get a good shot in at my kidneys. A dull ache spreads through my guts and tosses kerosene on the raging fire building up inside me.

“You wanna dance, fuckers? Let’s dance!” I whirl around and backhand the kidney puncher in the face, stunning him, and clock his temple like I’m trying to put my fist through a brick wall. His skull is so thick, it kinda feels the same.

Luckily, he drops so I wheel back around to face his friend just in time to catch a punch to the cheek. “Fuck!” I lean over and spear my head into his gut, sending him flying back into the chairs behind him and he ends up sprawled out on the floor. I punch his face and my anger boils up as I hit it over and over until it looks like raw burger. It doesn’t take much time, and I know I don’t have very long before his not-so-little friend wakes back up and comes after me.

“Fuck you, man!” I stand up and see everyone’s eyes on me. Searching the room, I can see that I’m gonna have cops dragging me out of here soon if I don’t get out. I search the exits and see Vanessa just as she rushes out the side door.