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Whore by Willow Aster (3)

Chapter Three


Control gives me far more pleasure than sex ever will.

I’m finishing up with a client on the second floor when someone taps on the door. We’re rarely interrupted. Someone dying would constitute as a legitimate emergency, and even that can probably be handled by someone besides me.

I apologize profusely and throw on my shirt before opening the door. I step out and shut the door behind me.

“You need to go to your room,” Jonell whispers. “Nico is up there.”

I don’t even stop to think. I take the stairs two at a time. He’s by my closet, holding up one of my teddies.

“What are you doing in here?” I can barely get the words out, I’m so angry.

He makes a clucking sound. “Lilith. Your mother let me in. What’s the problem?”

“You can’t be in here without me.” My voice shakes.

“I want to see you in this one.” He holds up a black scrap of material.

“Get out,” I yell.

I grab the lingerie and move past him, hanging it up. He chuckles and I twist around to look at him. Secrets swirl around in his eyes that I have no desire to know. He grins.

“Tell me, when did you get so fiery? I like it.” He taps his mouth with his fingers. “My little whore has grown up.”

I wish I knew his game. I used to think I knew everything about him. Now, he’s a stranger to me, except when he touches me. That’s the only part of him I recognize.

“Do your lovers know you still belong to me?” he asks.

“I belong to no one. Does your wife know you’re here, groveling?” I glare at him.

He winces. Yes, I know you married her, you bastard. I can still see the wedding picture I came across online that knocked me to the ground. I imagined their baby looking like a perfect mix of them, with her mocha skin and light eyes, and his full lips and eyelashes. It was the last time I stalked him on the internet.

“Stella and I are divorced. She lost the baby,” he shrugs, “so there was nothing else tying me to her. She tried trapping me again and I cut the strings.”

Pain rips through me, and I turn away from him so he can’t see that he still has the ability to hurt me.

“You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Lilith. You know that.”

I hold my hand up. “Stop. You need to leave.”

He steps forward and pulls my back against his chest.

“You’re no longer making the rules.” He breathes on my neck and I feel chilled despite the sweat on my brow. “Now, listen. This is what you’re going to do for me.”

He grabs one of my books from the dresser and pulls a few papers out of his jacket, tucking them into the book while he stares me down. He holds the book in my face and shakes it. I want to pull the papers out to study them.

“No, you’re not reading it. Do you hear me?”

I roll my eyes and his arm tightens around me.

“You’re going to take this over to the district attorney’s office—you know our distinguished traitor intimately, so you shouldn’t have any problem seeing him. Just like this.” He shakes it again. “I’ll know if you’ve so much as cracked open the book. I’ll know if you try to go anywhere but straight to his office. I’ll know every move you make.” His teeth dig into his bottom lip. “Make sure at least three people see you. A lasting impression. This outfit is perfect.” He pulls the neckline down and cups my breast. “There.” His pupils dilate and when he comes in close I swear he’s going to kiss me. He loosens his hold on my hair slightly, only to grip it tighter in the next second. “If he touches you, I’ll kill him. Don’t think for a second that I won’t.”

I gulp, and with my head pulled so far back, it hurts to swallow.

“Don’t cry, pretty thing.” He lets go of my hair and shoves me forward. “Now, go. I want you back here before it gets dark.”

I stumble out of the room, not bothering to tell anyone I’m leaving.

* * *

Nico broke my heart many times when we were together, but he’s never manhandled me the way he did today. A sense of foreboding winds around my chest.

With traffic, it takes a little over thirty minutes to get to Bentley’s office. He’s been the district attorney for over a year and I’ve visited his office once. It made him too nervous, so every other time we’ve been together has been at Maison D’amour. I ask the cab driver to hurry. Once there, I mutter to myself the whole way inside. Fear has worked its way into my skin, wiping me clean of rationality. I’m not even sure he’s here. For the umpteenth time I question why I’m following Nico’s orders, but this new glint of evil in his eyes isn’t something I want to push.

The receptionist—Lori, according to the metal placard on her desk—is a pretty blonde. Her eyes find my cleavage and take a while to work their way up to my eyes.

She’s putting out a strong judgmental vibe, so I lean on the counter and smile. “They’re real.”

She flushes and flips through files to busy her hands.

“Can I help you?” she asks.

“I need to see the D.A.” I point to Bentley’s picture hanging on the wall to the left and smile at her.

“He’s not here right now.” She turns to the computer. Her hands cover the keyboard so fast, she can’t possibly be typing anything coherent. “I can leave a message and have him call to set up an appointment. You are?”

“—In a hurry and don’t have time for this,” I tell her. “I’ll just take a look for myself.”

There’s a door behind the front desk. I skirt past her and walk down the short hallway until I reach the doors.

She chases me down.

“I’m gonna have to ask you to wait out here.” She motions for me to join her back in the lobby.

“Mr. Withers!” I yell.

Miss! I’m calling security right now! I don’t know who you think

Two of the doors open and a head pops out of each one: a beautiful tall woman with short dark hair, whom I recognize from the news as Bentley’s wife, Kell, and Bentley stands in the other doorway. He looks as distinguished as ever, but I’ve seen him naked many, many times, so he doesn’t intimidate me. When he sees me, his skin takes on a greenish tint.

The words begin pouring out of him. “You really should have called, but I have a few minutes. This way.” He glances at Kell and Lori, who haven’t said a word, and gives them a fake smile. He grips my elbow and firmly leads me into his office, shutting the door.

“What are you doing?” he says between clenched teeth. “You shouldn’t have come here, especially dressed like that.” His eyes linger on my chest and he moves in closer. “I’ll schedule a time to come see you, but since you’re here—” He smirks and nestles his perfect blond hair into my neck.

I groan and push him away. “Your wife!” I hiss.

“You must have known she might be here,” he hisses back.

I hand him the book, patting the top. “Nico wanted you to have this. He also said to make sure I was seen. So nobody will be getting their time’s worth today.”

His eyes widen and I could swear his hands shake. The book could be a bomb, the way he’s eyeing it. He edges closer to me and puts his arms up to touch me. I back away before he can.

“You’re involved with Nico again?” His voice sounds tired.

“Let’s call it closure. I’ve always appreciated you giving it to me straight about Nico’s business, but I want to be kept out of it from here on.”


I reach the door and turn to look at him.

“You know it’s only a matter of time, right?” he says.

“Before what?”

“He’s never forgiven me for telling you about Stella, and about the shootings. I’ve never regretted it, just so you know. He was my friend once, but you’ve been there for me…” He blows a long breath out. “Well, you know how I feel about you. I couldn’t leave you in the dark like that.”

I put my hand on his arm. “I’m grateful for that.”

He looks at me, fear swirling in his eyes. “He’s obsessed with you, Lilith.”

“He’s been quiet for two years,” I insist.

“The Santellis never let anything go.” He looks away and I step closer to him and lean my head against his.

“Work out whatever this is with Nico. Make your peace with one another. It’s the only way.”

“I have too much on him to make any peace, Lilith.” He rubs my back and I hear all that he isn’t saying.

My heart pounds in acknowledgment and I back away, nodding. I kiss his cheek and he turns and gives me a long kiss.

“Sure you can’t stay a little longer?” he asks when I pull away.

I roll my eyes and pat his face. “Your wife,” I repeat. “She’s beautiful, Bentley. Treat her right. I’ll always be your friend, but you don’t need me anymore.”

“I need you more than ever.” His shoulders drop and he kisses my cheek, lingering there for a moment.

I give him one more glance before I leave his office and walk down the hall, passing Lori. She scowls. I stop at her desk and a tiny bead of sweat pops out on her forehead.

“Next time we can paint nails and braid each other’s hair,” I say. “Later.”

* * *

I’m calm as I ride back to the house. Somewhere between panic and dealing with Lori, I got some of my backbone back. I don’t believe Nico’s obsessed with me. He didn’t even fight for me when I broke up with him … and he’s never had any shortage of women. He was probably just trying to intimidate me earlier and doesn’t intend to keep strong-arming me. With anyone else, if I was shown such disrespect and a forceful hand, I’d only have to say the word and they wouldn’t be allowed back in the house. Whatever has Nico breathing down my neck again, I’m done. I won’t put up with any threats from him. I’ve survived too long in this cutthroat city to be afraid of any man.

Some of my favorite memories with Nico were in the early days, when we’d track down old books in our favorite bookstores. We’d go to Jackson Square and sit in the grass, reading the day away. It’s hard to reconcile the man I saw today with that man who’d laugh so hard when I tried to read aloud in different accents. I thought he loved me then, which is a joke to think about now. Neither of us have ever known anything about love.

A few pedestrians step out in front of the driver and he brakes hard. I grab the front of the seat and look out the window to make sure everyone is okay. No harm done. I must have passed it hundreds of times, but it’s just now on my radar: we’re stopped in front of the community center. A crowd has gathered to watch a basketball game. I look for Soti, but I don’t see him. I wonder if he’s as decent as he seems. No man ever is.

There’s a tug in my chest when we pull away. When we stop a few blocks later, I reluctantly climb out of the car and walk toward Maison D’amour. I’ve never dreaded going inside so much. I try to muster up that earlier boldness and barge in the door. When I reach my bedroom, I storm inside. My mom stands up. I open my closet door. No sign of Nico.

“Where is he?”


I sit on the bed to catch my breath and study my mother. “What have you gotten us into?”

“I—” She paces in front of the windows, wringing her hands. “I need you to try to understand, honey…”

“You never ‘honey’ me—don’t start now. What does he have on you?”

She keeps walking. “I promise I’ll tell you everything soon. I just need you to keep seeing him while I get things sorted out.”

“I’m not seeing him again,” I say firmly. “He’s a different man now. I knew he was changing, which is part of why I got out before I had to witness it.”

I stand up and move in front of her. I’m nearly a foot taller than she is—my dad must have been tall. I wouldn’t know—and I don’t think she knows either.

“You have to keep seeing him,” she whispers.

I put my hands on her shoulders. “You have to tell me what’s going on.”

“I will. I promise I will. He left and I’m not sure when he’ll be back. He said to tell you to be waiting for him. I need you to do this, Lilith. Just one more time.” She actually pleads, rather than her usual way, which is to demand.

Her lips tremble.

“You’re scaring me. I’ve never seen you like this.” I rub her arms and she shivers.

“Trust me—I don’t want you to see me like this.”

Her lip quirks up, and just like that, her mask goes back on. Alexis Fontenot doesn’t get rattled, so it’s the first time I’ve ever realized my mother knows some of the same tricks I do. Maybe I even learned them from her. I’ve hidden my true feelings for so long, I can’t remember.

She pulls away and pats her perfectly-in-place hair.

“You need to freshen up, Lilith. You smell like the outdoors.”

She doesn’t wait for my response. She turns and does her glide out of my room.

* * *

I wait. A knife lies under my pillow, and a switchblade is tucked behind a box on my nightstand. The gun is under my mattress, loaded. I’m ready. A few clients ask for me, but I tell my mom to give them to the other girls. I’ll be waiting for Nico. That relieves her and she leaves me alone.

Around eleven p.m. I get under the covers. I didn’t expect him to take so long. It’s almost time for the last call of the night. Sessions go until midnight during the week. I suspect he could still find a way inside.

I wake up to a kiss on my bare shoulder. I jump and collide with a face.

“Ahhh, dammit!” He holds onto his nose.


I sit up and stare at him. His suit is rumpled, hair going every which way.

“What happened?” I ask.

He wobbles a finger at me. “I tried … I tried to save you.”

“You’re drunk? Why? You’ve been sober for so long…” I lead him to the other side of the bed.

He plops down and falls back, mumbling curses and nonsense.

“What are you saying?” I groan.

“I should never have listened to her,” he says.


“You’ve always been my weakness. Too much blood on my hands.” He stops and holds his hands out, watching them shake.

“What happened?”

He nestles into the pillow and doesn’t answer. Within minutes, he’s asleep. One of his arms falls heavily across my chest.

I put a pillow over my mouth and scream until some of the frustration drains out. And then pull out the knife. The light hits the blade and makes it glow. I move out of Bentley’s grasp. He turns over and I freeze. When I’m sure he’s sleeping, I tiptoe out of the room and down the stairs to my other bed. At least an hour passes where I stare at the ceiling, knife in hand, waiting for whatever trouble might come. But it’s quiet and sleep eventually finds me.

* * *

A heated argument shakes my dreams; I know something is wrong the second I open my eyes. It’s in the hallway, but then my door opens. Someone bumps into the wall and curses. I feel around for my knife but can’t find it. An anguished groan pauses my search and I turn on the light. Nico turns to face me, bloody and wild-eyed. He’s holding my knife and blood drips onto the floor.

I’m shaking before I even look down. Bentley is lying on the hardwood floor, blood seeping through his clothes, and eyes wide open. I rush to him, feeling his pulse. I lay my head on his chest and sob. He’s dead.

“Get. Out. Of. Here.” Nico’s rage becomes a living, breathing organism, the ugliness of it choking out my breath.

I stand and back into my bed and he jerks my arm hard. “No, you have to leave. Now,” he snarls. He doesn’t look at me when he says, “Don’t stop for anything. Do you understand?”

I nod and run out of the room. I reach the end of the hall, but instead of leaving, I go upstairs to grab a few things. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and am shocked by all the blood on me. I shove Nico’s instruction out of my mind and take a shower. I should be scared of him. I am scared of him. He killed Bentley. Bentley, a man who was once his friend. I swipe the tears off of my face. None of this makes sense. My body trembles until I’m shaking so hard I can’t stand. I slide down the shower wall until I’m sitting and let the water wash it away, losing track of time. My brain tells me to get up and run, but my limbs are weights that won’t budge. I can’t stop thinking about Bentley’s body downstairs.

The bathroom is thick with steam when I get out. I open the door to my bedroom and am shocked by the smell of smoke. My room is full of it. Someone screams and I hurriedly get dressed. I pause by the bed when I can’t find my gun. It’s gone. I start shaking again and lean over, hands on knees, trying to get a grip. The fire alarm isn’t going off, but I hear sirens. When the sound blasts outside the window, I finally kick into action.

I don’t stop for anything. I run into the hall and fire is already licking the walls at the end of the hall, coming toward me. I pound on Alexis’s door and Jonell rushes out, terrified.

“She’s not in there,” she yells.

“Go to the balcony,” I yell back, grabbing her hand.

The fire is nearly reaching the door to the balcony, the midway point in the hallway. When I open the door, the air is relief, but we don’t stop to appreciate it. The view is clear down the fire escape, and I tell Jonell to go first. I’m right behind her. We reach the bottom and run to the clearing. Neighbors and passersby stand watching the house burn, as firefighters hose it down. Jessica and Talon are on the grass, crying.

“Where is everyone else?” I don’t wait to hear an answer. I run to the front door to search for the others, and a firefighter steps in front of me, blocking my way. His words don’t penetrate because another walks out carrying Angel. I change course and follow them. It’s then that I see Lexy and Tricia lying on stretchers, with the medics working over them. From the looks of it, it’s too late for Lexy. I stumble backward and hands grip my arms on either side.

I hear the Miranda rights being said and it’s not until I register the feel of the cuffs around my wrists that I realize I’m the one being arrested. Darla, Priscilla, my mother … and Nico … I never saw them come out of the house.




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