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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) by Weston Parker (125)

Chapter Twenty-Two




Alex almost couldn't believe he was standing next to the beautiful woman he'd wanted for weeks, holding her soft hand in his. She looked lovely, dressed in a pair of dark jeans with a simple long-sleeved tunic top in a deep purple shade. Her long hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, with little wisps escaping to frame her perfect face. But her hazel eyes haunted him, and his heart clenched in his chest when he thought he saw tears shimmering in their depths.

She was pissed, no doubt about it. He'd expected that reaction. But it was what came next that was most important. Alex pulled gently on her hand, leading her in the direction of the dance floor. He felt her pull back against the pressure and held in a sigh.

"Drake, I don't know what you're doing, but I think--"

"Stop thinking, cupcake," he said. "And start calling me Alex."

Her expression was grim. "Fine, Alex. Why did you bring me here?"

"Right now, I brought you here to dance," he said, attempting to once again propel her forward.

"But...but I don't know how to dance." Her voice was soft.

Alex turned and pulled her into his arms, the place he'd wanted her to be for so long that it felt like an eternity. "I'll help you," he whispered into her ear as he drew her forward. He was hoping for a slow dance, something long and low so he could hold her body against his. The band had other ideas.

"Allright, ya'll," Eddie hollered into the microphone. "It's time fer the square dance. Grab yer partners."

It's too late, you're committed now, he told himself, pulling Lila to his side amongst the other groups. Ruth Anne and Chucky appeared beside them, with Darlene and her escort following. Mrs. Wheaton stepped forward with old Cooter and Alex was grateful that they would complete their square. He hadn't danced like this since high school, and he was bound to be rusty. Good thing they call the damn steps.

"Bow to your partner," Eddie called. "Bow to your corner." Alex made the appropriate motions but Lila stood frozen beside him. "Now circle left." Alex grabbed Lila's hand as Chucky grabbed the other, and together the dancers circled to the left, then the right after the following call.

Alex watched as Lila began to move, then smiled as she picked up the steps of the Allemande and made her way around the circle, taking hands until she'd returned to him. The Do Sa Do was a little more complicated, but she managed to make it around his back and return to face him. Alex thought he noticed the beginnings of a smile toying around with the corners of her lips.

"Now swing your partner round and round!"

Finally! Alex positioned them, pulling Lila's hands up to circle his neck, then made sure their hips were touching. His pulse rate increased at his hands on her hips and he couldn't help pulling her closer than was necessary. He twirled them around twice and then returned to home.

"Promenade!" He moved Lila to his side, grasping her hands in front of them and began to walk them around the circle. Her smile had broken out of its confines and it now graced her lovely face, joining with her sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks to make a picture that almost froze him in his tracks.

"Now let's get down to business!" Eddie hooted, and began calling a more complicated series of steps.

Lila tried her best, but even Alex was having trouble keeping up. When it came time to swing his partner, he grabbed her and tugged her off the dance floor, ignoring the annoyed glances from their square.

He didn't let her go until they'd walked down the three steps leading from the Grange's front door and down the driveway. Although many people had walked to the hall, there were still several vehicles parked along the street. Alex walked them underneath the lone streetlight and stopped, looking up into the cold night sky at the multitude of stars above.

Living in the city, the light pollution dimmed the brightness of the stars until he'd stopped noticing them. But out here, where the only light in the world could be the streetlamp they were stationed under, the stars were impossible to miss.

Then he caught sight of Lila, her eyes golden in the winter darkness, peering up at him, and all the stars were outshone. He wanted to kiss her, to taste her out here in the night until the moon was forgotten and the stars burned out one by one.

Alex bent his head, lowering it so that his lips were less than an inch from hers. He tried to close the distance but she stepped back, placing two cold hands on a chest that felt like it was lit by its own furnace. "Wait."

He refused to move back but he didn't pressure her. "Lila, I want another chance. I want to see where this...thing between us is going."

"This thing?"

Alex let out a heavy breath. "Thoughts of you have been driving me crazy. There's something between us, and I know you feel it too."

Her eyes said she did, but she shook her head. "It won't work between us. Look at what happened the last time we were together."

His jaw tightened. She was reminding him of his loss of control, of his fists connecting with that asshole who'd said things that made his guts clench up inside him.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't just stand there and let him say those things without punching something."

He wanted to wipe away the wrinkles of worry that peppered her pale forehead. Alex didn't want to talk about that prick, but he wanted the air cleared between them. Something inside him drove him to ask. "What happened with him?"

Lila started to turn away but he pulled her back, not stopping until she was cradled in his arms. "I want you to be able to tell me anything," he murmured into her ear, then brought up a hand to cup her cheek, his thumb lightly stroking her face. "I want to know everything about you. And I want to share things about myself. That's why I brought you here."

Her big hazel eyes stared at him, and for a moment he thought she would refuse. Then she spoke. "He was my high school crush, also my neighbor. We...fooled around, but I guess I took it more seriously than he did."

Alex continued to stroke her cheek. He saw the pain in her eyes and almost wished he hadn't broached the subject, but it needed to come out.

Lila looked away. "We had sex. It was my first time. And I...I..." She shook her head, and he saw her throat work as she swallowed.

"You came."

She looked back at him, and a bright teardrop spilled over and rolled down her cheek. He caught it and held her tighter.

"It was beyond embarrassing. I didn't know what had happened. And neither did he. He thought I'd...well, he thought it was something else."

Her bottom lip quivered and she worried it between her teeth. Her cheeks were flushed, her hands pressed tight against his chest, the fingers flexing in his shirt. "He told his friends and they set me up...humiliated me."

"Oh cupcake, I'm so sorry." Alex pushed her head onto his shoulder and stroked her hair. Her breath hitched, and it was like a torrent had been unleashed. "It messed me up, made me think I could never get close to anyone, never let myself go again. Until...until you."

"Shh..." he whispered, even as a hot thrill ran through him. She'd let herself go, with him. Trusted him enough to risk ridicule once again. That same trust had to be enough to build something more on.

She was trembling in his arms, and at first he assumed it was her sobs that shook her body. Then he remembered they were standing out in the cold. Her little nose was red, and he instantly felt ashamed of his neglect. "Let's get out of here."

"I have to go back inside, get the clean-up started."
Alex pressed a kiss to the tip of her red nose. "Already been taken care of, cupcake."