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Worth the Risk: (A Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) by Weston Parker (65)

Chapter Eleven


The crowd at the fundraising dinner was posh in the extreme. Janna immediately felt out of place, her nerves causing her to tremble lightly. She remembered this feeling, so like the one that had come over her at Brice's holiday party. Then she'd channeled the sensation of feeling out of place into a bitter diatribe about trust fund babies. Although it had snagged the interest of Mr. Masterson, she didn't think a similar tactic was in order for tonight. It was all so...intimidating.

Brice seemed to sense her unease as he led her to their seats. The black lacquered table seated six, a tall black vase with equally tall yellow flowers acting as a centerpiece. Brice pulled out her chair for her, then took his seat. Another couple was already seated, and it appeared that they were acquaintances of her millionaire date. Brice introduced her to Keith and Donna Goddard, and Janna realized she was way out of her league.

"Pleasure meeting you," Keith Goddard said, his smile almost hidden by his beard.

"Likewise," she replied, taking his extended hand and shaking it.

"Have you known Brice long?" Donna drawled, without bothering to look her in the face when addressing her.

"A few months."

"It feels like forever," Brice murmured, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek.

"How charming," Donna said, her tone belying she thought it anything but. When Brice and Keith began discussing the proposed lifting of the ban on logging certain public lands, Donna saw her chance.

"You don't seem like his usual type," the woman said, her eyes narrowing. Donna Goddard was an iron socialite, her outside cool metal, her inside fueled by the twin fires of disdain and superiority. "Where did you meet?"

"At Brice's holiday party."

"Oh, were you working the event?"

Janna wanted to wipe the snide smile off her face. "No. I was there with a friend who was acquainted with Mr. Masterson."

Donna leaned in, her voice lowering so that only Janna could hear her. "A friend, huh? Did you decide to trade up when you realized how much more you could squeeze from Brice?"


"It's apparent from looking at you that you aren't the caliber of woman a man like Masterson dates. So either you're working your way up the wealth ladder, or you're a working girl of another sort. Either way, it's about his money."

"Excuse me," Janna said, standing up suddenly. Brice stood, putting a hand on her arm.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I just need to use the facilities. I'll be right back."

It took several deep breaths for Janna to get her temper under control. The personal attack had come out of left field. She hadn't expected to fit in entirely, but she also didn't think the natives would be so openly hostile.

Catching sight of herself in the mirror, she knew that she'd made the wrong choice in attire. But the price tags on the dresses at the shops Brice had recommended were high enough to give her whiplash. Even though she had Brice's credit card, it didn't mean she had to max it out on overpriced bits of fabric. She only needed it for one night, after all.

Her anxiety over finding something appropriate with a sticker price lower than a new car had driven her to tease Brice mercilessly with her naughty pictures. But after visiting five stores, she became desperate. Time had been running out, so she made a choice. And, as usual, it had been the wrong one.

Chase had frowned when she jogged down the darkening street to a bridal boutique a few stores over from the exclusive couture establishment Brice had written on his list. The sales clerk, an overweight grandmother originally from Queens, had shown her the clearance rack and told her that this color was the hit of last season.

The lime green had looked good against her skin, but the color was a bit out of the ordinary, and the cut of the dress was not what Janna would usually go for. "Nothing says elegance like a modified mermaid cut," the clerk had assured her. It was strapless, a straight-cut bodice with ruching on the hips down to the mid-thigh, where the skirt then belled out slightly to the floor. With no time left, Janna had agreed, added a pair of discount black stilettos, and slapped down her own credit card.

Now, in the harsh light of the luxury bathroom, the dress stood out for what it was -- a bridesmaid's dress from three seasons ago. No wonder Donna said she didn't fit in. She stuck out like a sore, lime green thumb. Her temper fizzled out under the rising tide of inadequacy. She should have just charged an obscenely expensive dress to Brice's card and not cared. Then she could sit by his side, a vacant smile plastered on her face, nodding politely to people instead of embarrassing Masterson with her appearance. In the end, she hadn't been able to do it, and now she had to pay the price.

Returning to the table, she found it was occupied by another couple. The look on Brice's face was strange, his jaw hard, his eyes tight. "Janna, this is Alexander Drake and his date, Alana Morgan."

Janna shook hands and took her seat, wondering at the shift in Brice's mood. Glancing up and meeting the steel gray eyes of Mr. Drake, she thought she caught a glimpse of something dark that immediately melted away when he realized she was looking.

Alexander Drake was wickedly handsome, his dark hair and lightly-tanned skin complemented by his lighter eyes and white smile. His date was a haughty blond who was chatting with Mrs. Goddard, apparently having met her high standards.

"Masterson, I hear you're still having trouble locking down St. Simmons. His wife is quite the negotiator or some I'm told." Alex's rich timbre was laced with a lighter tone.

Brice scowled in response to his teasing. "We'll sign the papers tomorrow, or not at all."

"That's the captain of industry I know. Playing hardball with his little woman?"

"More like T-ball, with her level of skill."

Drake laughed, and Janna wondered if it was a good-natured as it seemed. She could feel a current of tension running between the two men. She didn't want Brice upset and decided to try and diffuse the friction between them.

"Brice told me he wasn't a captain of industry. He just hires good people and shows his face enough to make sure they don't get complacent. Didn't you say the money almost makes itself?" It was a risky gambit, throwing his words out there like that. She hoped it paid off.

His smile was guarded, but she thought she saw humor in his green eyes. Drake and Goddard laughed heartily, and Janna almost regretted her words. My stupid mouth! Why do I always do this? Thankfully the sound of the p.a. system coming on ended the conversation.

Throughout the speeches, Janna snuck glances at her date. He'd reached over to pull her hand into his and was distractedly running his thumb over her pulse point. It was madness, the level of arousal she felt at just that simple touch. She prayed that the event wouldn't drag on much longer. She couldn't wait to get him alone.

Feeling a faint vibration, Janna watched as Brice pulled his phone from the pocket nearest her. With a frown, he stood and excused himself from the room to take the call. Before long he returned, his face a tight mask, and she could see the tension around his eyes.

As the speeches were finishing up, the wait staff began setting out their plates. The food was mediocre, and Janna inwardly cringed at how much the meal probably cost. The roasted tomato soup was bland, the harvest salad, comprised of limp greens, crumbly bits of goat cheese, and a few slivers of almonds, tasteless. The entree she'd chosen, the roasted salmon, was overcooked.

Still, the setting was lovely, the decor full of rich hues and sumptuous fabrics. When the speeches had ended, the band began playing softly, and the wait staff started clearing away their plates. The lights nearest the front dimmed, and a few brave souls ventured out onto the dance floor.

Brice stood, but before he could take her hand, Alexander Drake was touching her shoulder, asking "Care to dance?"

Janna shot a confused look Brice's way and saw his face flush with an intense emotion. Anger? Was that likely? She'd yet to see Masterson upset, and she couldn't see the harm in dancing with his acquaintance.

"Sure," she replied, rising and allowing herself to be escorted to the dance floor. She heard a sharp exhale from Brice as she departed, and looked over her shoulder. He stared at her for a few beats, then politely invited Alana to dance with him.

"So you've managed to catch Masterson's attention. I can see why. You aren't like his usual women."

His usual women? What did Drake mean by that? Was he going to tell her that she didn't belong, like Mrs. Goddard? "Am I to take it that I'm an unusual woman then?" It was all she could think to say. Perhaps she wouldn't enjoy Drake's company, despite his charming smile.

He laughed. "I'm sorry, that didn't come out right. I was merely saying that you aren't the typical woman Brice would bring to an event like this."

"And just who is the typical woman?"

"Not someone in a lime green dress that looks like it came off the discount rack at the mall."

Janna's jaw dropped, and her face flushed with anger. While what Drake said might be true, it was wrong for him to throw it in her face, wasn't it? She stiffened, and considered pulling away and returning to her seat.

Then she caught the eye of Brice from across the dance floor. He looked concerned. Janna frowned. It wouldn't do to make a scene. She'd already embarrassed Brice enough by her poor choice in wardrobe. She shouldn't make things worse.

"Do you always insult the women you're dancing with, or am I 'unusual'?"

Drake laughed. "I did it again, didn't I? What I meant was, it's obvious you're not from money." He shook his head before she could interrupt in a huff again. "Not that there's anything wrong with that. Despite my dapper outward appearance, I'm not from money either."

"You're not?" she asked, eyeing him skeptically.

"No, ma'am. I'm just a poor country boy from the hills of Tennessee." He added a little twang to his voice for dramatic flair, and Janna almost smiled. Almost.

"And how does a poor country boy from Tennessee get to rub elbows with some of the richest people in the West?"

"I went to college with Masterson. We both attended the same business program. And I guess you could say we've become its most successful graduates, although he had a lot more to start with than I did. So, what I'm trying to tell you is, I know how it feels."

"How what feels?"

"How it feels to be outside, looking in. To not know which fork to use, or what kind of attire to wear to a formal event. It took me years to learn to blend in with the natives."

"I'm sure having an expensive-looking blonde on your arm can't hurt things either, Mr. Drake."

He chuckled. "Call me Alex. And you're right, she's another form of camouflage."

Janna glanced at Brice and Alana, noticing how elegant they looked together. "I'm not sure I'll ever be able to blend in. Or if I even want to."

"Well if you want help, I'd be more than happy to show you the basics. Consider it a favor for my old college buddy."

Janna smiled, relaxing for the first time in his arms. "Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not entirely alone here."

The song ended, but Alex still held her on the dance floor. Not for long, it seemed. "If you don't mind, I'd like my girlfriend back now." Brice's face was impassive, but his tone brooked no opposition.

"Of course," Drake departed with a polite bow that almost made Janna burst into inappropriate laughter. Then she was in Brice's arms as he moved her around the dance floor.

"Well," he asked, his green eyes unfathomable, "how did you find our Mr. Drake?"

"Hmm..." She considered her words, not sure what kind of response he was looking for. "He seemed nice enough after he said I was 'unusual' and then insulted my dress."

"That asshole!" Brice's eyes stabbed daggers at Drake, who was now spinning his icy blonde around the dance floor.

"Calm down," Janna said, wondering where his burst of anger had come from. "I was just teasing. Actually, he was very nice."

"Nice? I doubt that."

Noticing his tense reaction, Janna thought she'd get it all out in the open. "What have you got against Alex Drake?"

"We went to college together. He was a jerk then, and he's an even bigger one now."

"Why? What did he do?"

"We were both in the top of our class. It led to some pretty intense competition, and it got out of hand. He got me kicked off the archery team, and made my first serious girlfriend break up with me. I don't trust him, and you shouldn't either."

Janna didn't like his authoritarian tone. "Well he and I aren't in a competition, so I don't think I need to worry about getting kicked off the team."

"It's not a joke, Janna. Stay away from him."

"Is that a suggestion? A request? Or a demand?"

"All three."

"I see," she said, her eyes narrowing. "I wasn't aware that as your girlfriend, I would be expected to obey orders."

"It's not like that--" he began, but the song ended, and Janna pulled away.

"I think I'd like to sit down," she said, stalking back to their table. Before she could take her seat, Keith Goddard asked her if she'd like to dance.

"Sure, Mr. Goddard," she said, taking his proffered hand and shooting Brice a look that said 'I dare you to comment.' "That is, as long as Mr. Masterson will allow it."

"Of course," he said, waving his hand at her as if the request was ridiculous.

Janna let Keith lead her back to the dance floor. "Thanks for agreeing," he said, his beard barely parting enough to expose his smile. "My wife doesn't like to dance, so these things are generally very boring for me."

"Do you go to many charity dinners?"

"Too many, if you ask me. Not that I mind giving to charity, I just hate eating rubbery chicken and listening to self-important dullards make speeches about problems they've never had."

"So why do you come?"

"Donna makes me." His voice was light, and his face was smiling, but there was something in his tone that said he wasn't kidding.

"And she doesn't even have the decency to dance with you? For shame!"

That got a genuine grin out of him, and she enjoyed the rest of their dance. When they returned to the table, Brice was in conversation with Donna while Alana looked bored. Drake stood to pull out her chair for her, his hand brushing across her bare back when he pushed her chair in.

He leaned over, speaking softly into her ear. "I'm serious about showing you the ropes. If you're not busy tomorrow, I'd be happy to lay down the basics. It's best if we do it here in Portland, as it's a more metropolitan environment."
Janna was unsure how to respond. She really did want to learn more about Brice's world, and Alex had the knowledge she needed. But Brice wouldn't approve of her spending time with Drake. She risked a glance at Masterson, who looked like he wanted to erase Alex's existence. "I'll think about it."

"I'm in Room 1237. If you decide to take me up on my offer, give me a call before noon."

Alex straightened and returned to his seat as Brice moved over to stand behind Janna's chair. His warm hands descended possessively on her shoulders, his grip unusually tight. "Are you ready to get out of here?"

The banquet room was still full, the dance floor crowded with couples. Surely it wouldn't be appropriate to leave now. Janna looked up at Brice. His face held a loose grin, but there was something dark in his eyes. She decided not to argue. They made their farewells and headed to the elevators.

As soon as the doors closed, Brice pulled her into his chest, her back to his front. "Finally alone." His voice was husky, his breath making the stray curls tickle the back of her neck. "Now that I'm about to claim my prize, I must admit, I'm unsure how exactly I want to spend those two hours." His hands slid around her waist, then moved higher. One finger traced the line of her bodice across the twin globes of her breasts.

"Maybe I'll spend the two hours tasting you. The memory of your sweetness has been driving me crazy."

Janna moaned and writhed against him, her earlier annoyance boiling away under his heated onslaught.

The elevator chimed, and the doors slid open. Brice put his arm around her and kept her close by his side. The hallway was deserted as they walked toward their suite. "Then again, I'm sure my cock will want to be inside you so bad, I won't be able to help myself."

Janna couldn't believe the effect his naughty words were having on her. Her body was tingling, her nipples rubbing almost painfully against her clothing. They reached the suite door, and Brice opened it, then led her inside. He tugged her into his embrace, his hands smoothing down her bare arms, giving her chills.

"And I've just got to have your hot mouth on me again," he growled.

Janna gave him a seductive smile. "Your wish is my command." Sinking to her knees, she skimmed her hands up his legs and tugged down his zipper. Unleashing his already erect cock, she slowly moved in closer until she tickled him with the softness of her breath. It was a moment frozen in time, a moment of lust, a moment of greed, a moment of beauty. Giving him her sultriest look she ever-so-slowly lowered her lips to his cock.

His moan was long and low when she took him into the heat of her mouth. She wanted to tease him as he'd teased her, to torture him with her tongue and lips and wet mouth, but her arousal had reached a fevered pitch, and she could no longer hold back. Running her tongue along the length of his shaft she quickly took him deep, not stopping until the head of his dick touched the back of her throat.

"Fuck, Janna! You're going to kill me."

Not before I die from wanting you so much. Her lips wrapped around him, creating powerful suction that made him groan in appreciation. She picked up her pace, and before long his hands were on her head, helping to guide his cock in and out of her mouth, faster and faster. Moisture leaked from the tip, and she paused to lick his tiny slit, trying to coax more of that delicious essence onto her tongue. He tasted phenomenal, addictive, the velvet softness of his skin contrasting with the iron hardness of his erection. She loved having him in her mouth, knowing that she was driving him toward bliss, his breathing shallow and rapid, his fingers clenched tightly in her curls.

"Enough!" he shouted, pulling her mouth off his cock and bringing her up to plunder her lips in a scorching kiss. "Despite how good your hot little mouth feels on me, I've got other plans. I've decided to spend the next two hours seeing how many times I can bring you to orgasm."

Janna whimpered in his arms, his words sending a fresh flood of moisture through her, soaking her panties. "Do you like that idea?" Brice asked, whispering his words against her ear. "Do you want me to play Count the Climaxes with you?"

Janna couldn't respond, his lips against her ear driving her to distraction. Brice released her earlobe after another quick nibble, then moved behind her.

"Let's see what you've got under here," he said playfully, unzipping her dress and running a finger down the line of flesh that was slowly revealed. He pushed the gown from her shoulders and tossed it away.

Janna stood there, exposed to his eyes, unable to tell if he was pleased by what he saw. She felt his breath on her neck as he studied her. Although she hadn't been sure about buying the dress, she knew she'd found the right undergarments, and she'd had no compunctions charging them to his credit card.

First, there's no way she would have been able to afford them. And secondly, she rationalized he would get as much enjoyment out of them as she would. Maybe more. She waited with bated breath to see if she'd been correct.

Brice gave a wistful sigh. "It seems such a shame to cover this up."

She could feel his eyes on the emerald green corset with tiny black ruffles along the bust and bottom, ruffled black panties, and matching garter belt and stockings. It was the sexiest lingerie she'd ever owned, and her body tingled at his appreciation.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, dropping a kiss on her shoulder, running his arms around her waist and up to cup her breasts through the corset. "Can you tell how bad I want you? How hot you make me?" His words were accentuated by the weight of his erection against her satin-clad behind.

Brice dropped to his knees, putting his face where his cock had been. He pressed kisses to her hips, then slowly removed her panties, leaving the garter belt, stockings, and heels in place. Running his hands along her leg, he moved up, up, until his thumbs were rubbing tiny circles along her inner thighs. "Open for me, Janna," he growled, and she widened her stance enough to expose her pussy to his hungry gaze.

"Time for a taste of your own medicine, I think." The words were spoken right at her entrance, and Janna shivered at their heat. The next sensation almost knocked her off her feet. Brice pressed soft kisses against her outer lips, then slid his tongue along her crease, lapping up the moisture that had collected there. Soon he was spreading her open with his thumbs, allowing his tongue to probe deeper.

Janna moaned as she felt his tongue slide into her wet pussy, pushing deeper and deeper into her channel. But it still wasn't enough. His tongue licked upward until it found her clit and circled it. She cried out, surprised at how quickly her climax was rushing toward her. She was on fire, his words in the elevator starting the slow combustion that was now bursting into open flame.

When Brice drew her clit into his mouth and sucked hard, the fire exploded, and she came, without warning, screaming out her climax as his tongue rushed to collect her moisture.

Brice didn't pull away, but his licking was punctuated by frustrated noises. "I need to spread you wider," he said, moving his hands to her hips and propelling her to a nearby cushioned chair. "Put your leg up on the arm," he ordered, and Janna complied, balancing one of her stiletto-heeled feet on the wide arm of the chair, allowing herself to be spread completely open before him.

"So lovely," Brice whispered as he took his place behind her again. Hands on her hips, he bent her over to have complete access to her innermost places. With a low-pitched laugh, he blew gently on her pussy, pleased when she shivered in desire. And then his face was there again, mercilessly driving her along the path to another climax, licking and sucking and probing, satisfied groans occasionally drifting from his otherwise occupied mouth. When she felt his tongue slide all the way along her dripping slit, then reach up to lightly tease the opening to her back passage, Janna couldn't hold back. She reached her peak again, her orgasm so powerful that she had to clutch the back of the chair to remain upright.

"That's two," Brice announced, his pride in a job well done obvious. He rose from behind her but didn't turn her around. Instead, he wrapped a hand around her waist and lifted, positioning her on the chair, her knees beneath her, her arms gripping the back of the chair. "Lift your pretty ass higher," he commanded, then she heard the telltale rip of a condom packet. Brice rubbed his now-sheathed cock against her entrance. Her moisture made his entry easy and soon he was buried balls deep.

It felt amazing, the hard length of him pulsing inside of her. Both hands on her hips, Brice drove in deeply. "You feel so good. I love the way your tight little pussy grips my dick so greedily. Like it never wants to let me go."

His words were firing her passions again, and she almost collapsed from the pleasure. Such delicious friction, his big cock rubbing her inner muscles, making them contract against him.

"Just like that, baby," he crooned, thrusting harder as she tightened around him. "Squeeze me. Show me how much you love having me inside of you."

Almost mindless with pleasure, she moaned and pushed back against him. His sexy talk always made her hot. She thought he could probably just talk her to orgasm without touching her. But all that talk, combined with the sensation of his hardness plunging into her, made her orgasm inevitable.

"That's right. I can feel you getting close. Your little pussy starts pulsing around me, soft and fast, like the beat of a butterfly's wings. How should I drive you over the edge?" Brice moved his hands from her hips and spread her wider, holding her open as he plunged inside. Using his fingertips, he collected some of her moisture and then moved it to her behind, spreading her own lubricant around her snug rosebud.

Janna felt a momentary flash of panic. No one had ever breached her ass before. But just as quickly she loosened up. She trusted Brice, knew that he wouldn't hurt her, that he'd only bring her more pleasure.

"Good girl," he whispered. "Relax and let me love you." He began working the tip of one finger into her back passage. The sensation was strange, the feeling intense, the invasion so thrilling that she didn't know if she'd be able to hold on much longer.

Brice was gentle, his movement so slow that she could barely tell his finger was moving at all. All while his cock was slamming in and out of her pussy. In another moment he was into the first knuckle, and she could hold back no longer. White hot gratification flooded her as she came again, her hoarse shouts muffled as she leaned her face into the back of the chair.

"You'" Brice said, his words punctuating his powerful thrusts. "The way you squeeze me, I can't...I'm coming!" With a shout, he climaxed, burying himself deep within her.

Janna barely realized what was happening when Brice lifted her from the chair and into his arms. She didn't open her eyes as he carried her across the suite and into the large bathroom.




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