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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance by Sarah J. Brooks (181)

Chapter 7

As much as Drake wanted to talk with Samantha some more about what was going on between them, he didn’t want to take away time from Lauren. So, when Samantha pulled into the driveway and dropped them off, Drake didn’t make a move to talk to her. He needed to finish out his week with the women he had to choose from, and Samantha wasn’t one of them.

“Thanks for bailing us out. You’re a lifesaver.”

“No problem,” Samantha said as her eyes met Drake’s.

She held her gaze on his as she thought about saying something to him. Samantha wanted to tell him she had feelings for him. She wanted to tell him that she thought they should give at least one date a try, but she couldn’t get up the guts. Samantha had made the rules between the two of them; she couldn’t be the one who broke them. Plus, Drake was finally surrounded by women that Samantha actually liked. She would be happy with any one of the women from the house in his life, and Samantha wasn’t going to ruin that for him.

As Drake and Lauren walked up the stairs toward her room, Lauren seemed distracted. She normally had a huge smile, but it was noticeably absent as they made their way up toward her room.

“What’s up?” Drake asked.

She didn’t answer at first. This week was supposed to be about fun and just getting to know each other, but there was something bothering her. And Lauren couldn’t keep secrets very well at all. She spoke her mind when things bothered her, and she was going to have to speak her mind at that moment as well.

“Why aren’t you and Samantha together?”

The words hit Drake hard. It was the same thought that had run through his mind periodically over the years. But he and Samantha had a long-standing set of rules. They were not going to have a relationship. He was off limits for her and she for him. Drake agreed with the rules to an extent. Samantha had pointed out to him that none of his relationships ever worked out, and she was by far the best assistant he had ever had. Drake didn’t want to ruin that relationship, and he certainly didn’t want to hurt Samantha in any way. At the very least, they had become best friends over the years.

“Well, we just can’t. She’s my assistant, and that’s it. Why do you ask?”

“I saw the two of you look at each other. I saw a lot of love in that look. I know I shouldn’t be bringing this up, but I wouldn’t want to get in the way of something if you two had a thing going on.”

Drake tried to laugh it off, but he had felt that loving look from Samantha as well. It had frozen him in place and instantly made him think that he wanted to at least see where things could go between them. Sure, they might mess it all up and end up not being able to work together at all, but that feeling he had around her was hard not to agree with.

“Samantha made the rules a long time ago. She wanted to keep things professional,” Drake managed to say. “And I agree with her. She’s by far the best assistant I have ever had and a really good friend.”

“And you are okay with these rules?”

“I’m a ladies’ man. I wanted her just like I want all women. Women are such beautiful creatures; I can’t help but admire them all. But currently, I’m in a search for my partner, and you ladies are my number one concern.”

“Do you have feelings for Samantha?” Lauren asked as she continued her serious line of questioning.

“Of course, we are friends. She has worked with me for many years, and that’s it. We have boundaries in our relationship, and I’m comfortable with those boundaries. Now,” Drake said as he tried to change the subject, “let’s get you to your room.”

He reached out and grabbed Lauren’s tiny waist and tickled it as she ran away from him toward her bedroom. Lauren’s giggles echoed through the house, and Drake wanted them to hurry and get to her room before any of the other women got to them. The other women would certainly want some of Drake’s time if they knew he was back in the house.

“Hurry, get to your room,” he said as he chased her.

Lauren’s laugh was infectious, and by the time they closed her bedroom door behind them, they were both laughing. Drake held onto her and looked down into Lauren’s eyes. She was such a kind woman. Even asking about Samantha was a kind gesture. Most women wouldn’t have bothered to ask and instead would just spend their day with Drake.

It said a lot about who Lauren was, that she wanted to know if he loved Samantha. But Drake wasn’t going there at all. He and Samantha had decided a long time before that they weren’t going to let a romantic relationship happen. Even if he had those thoughts going through his head, he wouldn’t give in to them out of respect for Samantha.

“How did my surfboard get in here?” Lauren said with a look of surprise.

Drake just laughed at first, but then realized Lauren was truly perplexed by the appearance of her board. She probably wasn’t used to people taking care of things for her like Drake was. He often showed up at home and had his dry-cleaning sitting out for him or his dinner already made. It didn’t surprise him at all that her surfboard was there waiting for her.

“I’m pretty sure Samantha brought Robert with her to the police station. He must have driven my vehicle home.”

Drake wasn’t positive on how the surfboard had arrived back in Lauren’s room, but it was a likely option. Samantha and Robert worked well together to keep his life running smoothly. They often did tasks that he didn’t even realize they had taken care of until days later. Drake was tremendously lucky to have the two of them working for him.

Over the past week, Robert had taken on the huge task of stepping in for Drake at the business. He was handling all the major meetings and doing a great job. It was more than Drake had ever asked of Robert, and he wasn’t complaining at all. It gave Drake confidence that he could take more time off in the future and leave things in Robert’s hands without worrying about his company.

Drake’s business was like his baby. He had nurtured and grown it over the past decades, and there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do to keep it running and growing. But as much as his business had been his life over the past years, Drake did feel a change inside of him and his goals rotating. If nothing else came out of this week, Drake had decided for sure that he wanted to settle down and have a woman by his side. Life was too short not to spend it with a beautiful woman.

“Come here,” Drake said as he pulled Lauren toward the bed.

His lips pressed firmly against hers, and he pulled her hips against his body. The delicate touch of her mouth on his had Drake’s body reacting with a hard-pulsing member. He couldn’t wait to finish what they had started on the beach. His body wanted to feel her naked skin against it so badly that he had to try and slow himself down a little bit.

As Drake moved to take off his shirt, he stepped back and caught the edge of the surfboard, which then toppled down behind him making an enormous noise.

Lauren started giggling as she remembered when she had done the exact same thing and Drake had thrown the door open to check on her. It was a long board, so certainly nothing tiny. She had brought it with her that day because she thought they were going to have time to surf before they ate dinner on the beach. But the Flyboarding had been so much fun they stayed there much longer than she had planned for them to.

There was a knock on the door, and then it flung open without hesitation. Cynthia was standing there and ready to help with whatever emergency had caused the big commotion in Lauren’s room.

“Is everything alright in here?” Cynthia asked.

She looked around, assessed the situation and quickly saw that everything was alright. Drake and Lauren were in the early stages of undressing, and her surfboard must have toppled over. Cynthia smiled, started to close the door but kept her head peeking in at the two of them.

“Yes, we are okay,” Drake said with a huge smile.

“Enjoy your night, kids,” Cynthia said as she shut the door.

Lauren instantly started giggling. It was hilarious to her that she felt like a teenager who was getting caught with a boy in her room. For some reason, Lauren couldn’t get herself to stop laughing. Perhaps the events of the day had just exhausted her, and she didn’t have the energy to make herself stop. But her giggling continued as she slid onto the bed and lay down, rolling around and infectiously laughing.

“Today was the weirdest day of my life,” Lauren said through her giggles. “I hid in an old storage building, made love to a man I hardly know, almost killed myself on a Flyboard, got arrested on the beach, and now I just got caught making out with you ... by the women you made out with yesterday.”

Drake suddenly also saw the humor in the situation. Everything about his week with the women had been one long sitcom that he would have been laughing hilariously at if he had watched it on television. He crawled into bed with Lauren, and they laughed together as they thought about the absurdity that had surrounded their day.

“When that police officer pulled those handcuffs out of your pocket, I almost died,” Drake said through the tears of laughter that had started.

“Oh, my God, when Ramsey handed them to me, my face turned twenty shades of red.”

“That was adorable. I couldn’t imagine that you were into that sort of thing, not that I minded. But it was so funny to see your face and the shock on it.”

“And when you tried to convince that officer that we were just making out, and I was frantically trying to zip up your pants in the dark. Oh, my gosh, I was just praying I didn’t accidently get you caught in your own zipper.”


“I know. It’s hard to get a throbbing cock back into a pair of pants,” Lauren teased as she reached over and felt Drake’s throbbing body.

“It’s easy to get it out of the pants, though,” Drake joked. “You should try it.”

Lauren was thinking the same thing as she unzipped his pants and released his body from his clothing. Drake was such a beautiful man. Not only was he tall with dark hair and bright eyes, but he was perfectly proportioned. Lauren was sure there were no women complaining about the size of Drake’s body, all of it was generously sized.

Her hand moved up and down him as the giggling subsided and she started to think about the pleasure he was able to bring to her body. There was a primal need for pleasure that all humans had, and Lauren wasn’t any different than any other person. She liked making love to Drake; they got along great, and they laughed together and had some amazing conversations. Even if she never saw him after that week was over, Lauren was going to have Drake one last time.

Drake worked with Lauren to rid them both of their clothing, and then he pressed Lauren firmly back onto the bed. He had plans of his own for Lauren, and she was perfectly happy to let him have his way with her. Drake wanted to taste her. He needed to feel her body on his tongue as he worked her over and made her scream with pleasure.

He pressed her thighs open as his lips gently kissed around her body. He teased her for a minute or two by kissing her wetness gently, but not giving her the pleasure she desired. She moved her hips and moaned quietly in anticipation of his tongue, and the pleasure Drake was going to give her. He liked teasing her. Lauren was such a sweet and fun girl; it was fun to tease her a little more than he normally would.

Slowly, softly, Drake began licking her and building up the excitement in her core. Her hips thrust to meet his tongue, and Lauren relaxed more and more as she let him have his way with her. Drake was a gentle lover, one of the best she had ever had. It was almost perfect to be there with him at that moment. Almost, but not actually perfect. Lauren still couldn’t stop thinking about all the other women in Drake’s life. She did her best, though and closed her eyes to enjoy the pleasure.

Faster and faster, Drake moved his tongue as Lauren felt her body tightening with excitement. She wanted him. Lauren knew in her mind that she wanted Drake to pick her. She wanted to go on more dates with him, travel with him, and get to know him more. But she didn’t have any control over what happened next. Drake had all the control in their situation.

Lauren used her legs, pushed Drake back and then over onto the bed. She wanted a little control back in their relationship. After sliding protection over him, she thrust her body onto his and took what she wanted from him. She moved firmly with her hips as she straddled his hardness and let him fill her up. His body pressed so deeply into hers that her breath caught and she had to stop moving for a moment.

Drake pulled tight on Lauren’s ass as his body pressed deeply inside of her. She was a firecracker and so full of energy. He was throbbing and wanting to release, but he held off as long as possible. Watching her breasts bounce in front of him and the look of satisfaction on her face was just too perfect for him to end quickly.

Thrust after thrust, he let his body move inside of her. The pleasure would build up, and then he would let his mind think about work or sports to distract himself. Soon, he and Lauren were both drenched in sweat, and she leaned down to kiss him as she rested for a moment. He took the opportunity to grab her shoulders and pull her tight against him as he thrust harder and harder. He didn’t want to rest; he wanted to feel her body trembling on top of him.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Lauren screamed out as her body started to give in to him.

Drake didn’t stop, though. He continued to fill her up, and soon she was screaming so loud that he was certain all the other women could hear her. But something comes over a man when he’s hearing the woman he’s fucking screaming with pleasure; all he wanted was to hear more and more of it.

Harder and harder, he moved his body deep inside of her as he held her body up to his. Soon, she released a final loud scream, and he felt her muscles tighten up around him. He delivered a final thrust and released himself at last with a deep moan of his own.

Exhausted, Lauren lay on top of him and couldn’t move. Her legs were shaking from the moment, and she was sure she wouldn’t be able to gather the strength to even push herself up and off of Drake. Luckily, she didn’t have to. He wrapped his arms tight around her and held her next to him as they both closed their eyes to rest for a moment.