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Lightness Falling (Lightness Saga Book 2) by Stacey Marie Brown (29)


“I want to thank you for your service, for putting your life on the line.” I sat in the chair, clasping the girl’s fingers in my own. “I hope you are comfortable in your new home.”

“Oh, yes, my lady. It’s wonderful. You don’t know what this means to my family and me.”

“They are unaware of how you actually obtained it, right?”

The girl’s eyes rounded, as though horrified I would even ask. “Besides being bound to secrecy, I would never betray you. Ever.”

“Thank you, Gemma.” I gave her hand one last squeeze before standing and drifting around to my desk. “I know you are highly aware the delicacy of this matter. It must never be discovered.”

“Completely, Majesty.” Gemma bowed her head, her long brown hair tumbling down her shoulders. From afar I could see the similarity. She was my height and coloring, but glamour had helped with the rest, diluting her bright violet-blue eyes to brown and heart-shaped face to oval.

She could definitely pass for a relation of mine…



Fionna. From the moment I returned, I demanded to see my sister. Lars accepted my request. Fionna would not. Either she did not want to see me because she knew what I wanted, or she truly hated me for letting Lars take her.

I could not stop his ruling, no matter how much I wanted to. Fionna had threatened and attacked the King. Actually, she had attacked both of us. Opposing the crown was treason, punishable by death. And let’s be honest, considering she almost squeezed his brains out of his head, she was lucky to be alive. She was his to seek justice upon. But that didn’t mean I would stop fighting for her.

“Harm will come to her if she continues to disobey me,” Lars said on my visit there. “For what she did, Ms. Johnson, you know my full rights to sentence her.”

I bolted out of the chair, rebuttals flying to my tongue.

“I won’t. Yet.” Lars held up his hand. “I assure you she is being treated quite fairly here.”

“Because of what you want.” I glowered at him. “Always out for yourself. No matter who you hurt.”

“And you, Ms. Johnson, are too inexperienced to see the bigger picture as I can. You think Luuk was our biggest enemy? Not even close.” He placed his palms on the desk, leaning over. “What I want the item for is my business, but as you can see, I’ve been King for an extraordinarily long time, and I plan to keep it that way. It is up to you if you want to remain the Queen beside me.”

I folded my arms and gritted my teeth together, torn between wanting to trust him and believing he was deceiving me. Had he finally gotten too hungry for power he’d lost his way, or was he right that I simply couldn’t see the bigger picture yet?

“You didn’t give me much of a choice, did you?” I hissed.

His mouth twitched, but he didn’t grow angry. “No, but I usually get what I want in the end. I took the shortcut.”

“Lars, no one should have the treasures of Tuatha De Danann. Haven’t you learned from the past? These magic items hold too much power. They only cause destruction and death when they are together in one place; that’s why they were separated and hidden.”

“Trust me.” He stood, peering coolly down on me. “I know what I have to do to save our kingdom.”

It was probably going to come up and bite me in the butt later, but for some reason I did trust him enough to not destroy his reign. Past that I wasn’t quite sure.

Lars and I had a complicated relationship, and even though he held my sister prisoner and bound me to a promise to seek an object that could destroy the world, we still held a united front in public. After the chaos Luuk stirred up in Europe, our outward appearance of unity was more crucial than ever.

And Lars had a maddening way of making me respect him no matter what he did.



“Majesty?” A voice jarred me back to the present.

“Yes, I apologize, Gemma. I’ve gotten little sleep since my return.” I wagged my head, trying to clear it.

When we returned, Gemma’s exit went as smoothly as her entrance. No one seemed the wiser. Against my Knight’s approval, I asked to visit with the woman who had played me for so many weeks. It might be foolish and probably better if I had never met her, but it didn’t stop me from setting up a meeting. In payment for dedication to the crown, we provided her with a new home, money, and job. She was to tell her family her cushy new benefits came with her new employment. Having grown up enamored of Aneira’s gorgeous chic dresses, she told me she eventually wanted to design dresses for me for events and parties.

Maybe I should ask for sweats with ruffles. That’s stylish, right? At least Ember and I thought so long ago for the school dance. I grinned at the thought, knowing Ember would love my idea. I’ll have to tell her when we talk next. She and Eli were in Peru hunting down a radical pack of strighoul.

“Thank you, Gemma.” I nodded at her, giving Torin my “I’m done” look. He stepped up instantly. Things had been tense between us, especially after I returned his mother’s necklace. I hoped time would lessen the stress, and we would be able to be friends again. I missed our ease with each other.

“Ms. Gemma? May I escort you to the car?” He held out his hand for her. Her eyes lit up, a blush reddening her cheeks as she stood, taking his arm.

“Thank you, Torin.” A flustered smile twitched her mouth. “I would like that very much.”

“It would be my honor.” He grinned back, but the smile was empty. His opposite hand covered hers as they walked to the door, letting her step out first. He gave me one last nod before closing the door behind him.

I wanted so badly for someone to come along and steal Torin’s heart. He was an amazing man, and he deserved someone as wonderful.

He would get over me, but not Thara. He mourned the loss of his best friend every day. He had yet to go see her, but I found him by the dungeon doors several times. Sitting or standing near the entrance, his feet never took him down the steps. The agony on his face looked like a war battled inside him. He lived by rules, and she had broken them. If she was anyone else, she would be forever a traitor in his eyes. But this was Thara. I don’t think he realized until she wasn’t there how much he counted on her and liked having her by his side. I could feel how much he missed her. Mourned and ached the loss in his life. It far overshadowed what he ever felt for me.

When I had visited her one time, all the anger and hate she had held for me once was gone. Only sorrow and shame remained. A husk of the woman sat before me. Her eyes only met mine when I told her I forgave her. I saw emotion flicker in her eyes before she returned to staring at the ceiling. It broke my heart to keep her there. I knew she was no longer a threat, but I could not show favoritism to a traitor. She asked one time to do the honorable thing and kill her. Maybe it was crueler, but I would never do that. I still cared about her.

“Dimwit gone. Room brighter.” A voice rose from my open window, and I spun around. “Infuriate Grimmel.”

“Missed me, huh?” I walked over to the window. He had mentioned several times he thought very little of the fake Queen.

“Infuriate less.” He took off, gliding back down toward the dungeons.

“Wow, high compliment.” I snorted, heading for my desk. Since my return, he had taken to hanging out on my window a lot, till his “Grimmel-isms” would force me to slam the window shut. I could only take so much.

Before I had a chance to sit, the door reopened and a figure slipped through. I pressed my lips together, fighting the biggest grin from engulfing my face.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Dragen?” I spoke in my professional “Queen” voice. “Do you have an appointment scheduled? I’m especially busy today with meetings back to back.”

He prowled up to me, his eyes churning red, grabbed me by the hips, and tossed me on the desk. “I have a standing appointment,” he growled, pressing himself between my legs and sliding my dress up my thighs. Heat fired through every nerve in my body, desire pumping louder than the blood in my veins. This morning he’d sent me off to my royal duties with buttery limbs and noodle bones, but the moment he appeared, I was ready for more.

Lorcan’s presence at the castle had been anything but smooth. The Seelie had not happily accepted a dweller in the kingdom, especially one who slept with their Queen. It had been tense and the media had a field day. The scandal did not help my struggling reputation, but I knew eventually it would ebb. They weren’t the ones I spent restless nights caring about. The night I told Ryan still gutted me. We had a major fight. The first one ever. It killed me I was hurting him, but Lorcan was part of me, my life, and I wasn’t going to deny it anymore.


“No.” Ryan shook his head, his gaze darting between Ember and me, hoping to see one of us crack into a fit of giggles.

Except this was no joke.

“Ry?” I reached out for him. He jerked away from my touch, his gaze running over me like I was a stranger. “Believe me, it wasn’t something I planned on. I fought it for so long because I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Hurt me?” Ryan’s mouth gaped, his voice rising. “Hurt me! Telling me my clothes look bad is hurtful. This? This goes way past hurt.” He threw his arms in the air, pain etched deep in his eyes. “He fucking had my cousin killed! Ian is dead because of him. Did you miss Ian’s throat being torn open in front of us?”


“No!” He cut me off, rage and hurt boiled under every word. “How could you, Kennedy? This isn’t some guy who made fun of me in high school. He is a murderer. You are honestly all right with sleeping with someone who took my family away from me? From Ember?” Ryan whirled around to Em. “And you are okay with this?”

“I can’t say I’m happy about it.” Ember took a tentative step to Ryan. “But spending time with Lorcan, I’ve come to understand him better. But more than anything I recognize their bond. That is a connection nobody in the world can fight. Believe me. Good or bad, he is her mate for life.”

“Well, I can’t.” His shoulders slumped, the heartache replacing his anger. “I can’t sit at a dinner or share holidays with someone who slaughtered Ian, kidnapped us, and worked with Aneira.” He turned to me, tears running down his face. He didn’t even bother to brush them away. Knowing Ryan, this only twisted the blade deeper in my gut. A sob broke from my soul, sorrow falling down my face.

“I understand an apology is not good enough, but I am sorry.” A deep voice sounded behind me, and I twisted to see Lorcan in the doorway. “I know it probably won’t mean anything to you. And I don’t blame you. But I am truly sorry. I did not intend for him to be killed. And I do not want to be the reason to destroy your friendship with Kennedy.”

Lorcan had said he wanted to apologize to Ryan in person. Most of me thought it was a bad idea. But if we had any hope to move forward, Lorcan needed to stand up and hold himself accountable. He did it for me. For my friendship with Ryan.

“You’re right. It means nothing,” Ryan spit out, rubbing the evidence of his tears from his face, fury rolling back in. “Your intent or not…Ian is still dead. We were there that night because of you. We were held prisoners by Aneira because of you. I don’t know how I can ever see past that.” A hiccup of emotion turned Ryan’s head away from the dweller. “I’m sorry, Kennedy. I can’t.” He turned for the exit, rushing out of the room.

“Ryan!” I cried, leaping after him.

“Let him go.” Ember grabbed my hand. “I will talk to him later. Maybe coming from me will help.” Ember embraced me, squeezing tight. “He’ll come around, Ken.”

I nodded, my throat clogged with agony. Ryan was my world. My heart.

She dropped back and slipped out of the room.

Lorcan’s arms replaced hers, and he held me as my heart shattered into a million pieces.



Ember’s support became my lifeline. She actually tried harder with Lorcan, teasing with him a few times when she and Eli visited the castle, or when Lorcan went to the dweller ranch. I knew she had spoken to Ryan after our fight, and since then, he had been making an obvious effort at civility. We would find our way back. Ryan was my soulmate, but it would take some time.

Now Lorcan brought his mouth to mine, claiming me hungrily, parting my mouth with his tongue. I tasted a tang on his lips.

“You went on a hunt, didn’t you?” I mumbled against his mouth, my arms pulling him closer to me. At one time I would have found that gross, but nothing about Lorcan turned me off anymore. Especially when the beast came out.

“Your fault.” He nipped at my bottom lip, tugging it, stirring the fire deeper in me.

“My fault?”

“You left me horny and wanting you.” His fingers wrapped around my hair, tugging my head back. It was back to its natural color, but the new layers I had my stylist cut gave it more volume and shape, which he loved. He liked more to hold on to.

“Four times this morning wasn’t enough?” My knees clamped at his waist, needing him closer.

“With you?” he rumbled, biting at the real tattoo inked below my ear. Raven had become a real part of me after the DLR, and I felt the need to honor her. I also, to Lorcan’s delight, got my nipple pierced. Our little joke. People would have to get used to the idea their new Queen had a little punk in her. He slid his hands under my dress and hooked them around my underwear. With one yank he tore them from me. “Never.”

My hands went to his pants, tearing at the buttons. Thoughts about the outside world disappeared; my one desire was Lorcan inside me. We had only been back a month and this desk had already seen its fair share of sex. So had a few hall closets, the throne, the banquet table, along with a number of other places. But that’s not surprising when you’re with a dark dweller. Though I had initiated at least half those occasions. Guess that comes with being mated to a Druid.

My fingers grazed him, wrapping around. He sucked in, his mouth become more frantic, kissing me so deeply I felt like an electric wire sinking in melted chocolate. I shoved his jeans over his hips, my palms running over his pert ass, already aching for him.

“Your Majesty?” A knock thumped at my door, the voice of my assistant on the other side. “The nobles are here for your three o’clock.”

“Fuck.” I jumped, breaking away from Lorcan.

He snorted, cupping my face, kissing along my jaw. “Love when you talk dirty.”

I had been swearing a lot lately. Stress did that to me. Hence, the abundance of late-night sex in my office and swear words. Lorcan made me very comfortable saying that word behind closed doors.

“Thank you, Olivia,” I yelled back at the door. “Give me a moment.” I tilted my head, hearing a noise from her.

“She’s laughing, isn’t she?” I sighed. Poor Olivia had actually walked in on us a few weeks ago. She didn’t seem to mind as Lorcan’s ass had been her primary view. Olivia was one of the few who had been taken with the dweller instead of disgusted. He could easily slide past her with a wink.

“Oh yeah.” Lorcan’s mouth skimmed at my throat.

“Sorry, this is extremely important. We can pick this up later.” I shoved him back, shimmying off the desk, looking for my underwear. “Don’t you have to meet with Lars for a job soon anyway?”

It was still a sore spot with us, but I no longer fought to change his nature. I had to love and accept him for who he was. That didn’t mean I was happy with it, though when he reminded me the men of his clan were “handling” the lowest scum of the world—rapists, drug lords, murders, pedophiles—I felt a little better about it. And who was I to judge? I had killed people. Darkness swirled in me. My black magic had been quiet since I got home, but it was there and it was something I would live with and learn to control.

“Not till tonight.” He tugged up his pants; a mischievous smile curled his mouth, one eyebrow crooking up as he grabbed my underwear first, shoving it into his pocket.

“No.” I shook my head, brushing my dress down, trying to nudge him toward the side door.

“Stop me.” He leaned over, whispering in my ear. “I want you saying words like treaty and international agreements while you’re coming on my tongue.”

My breath hitched, flames burning up my legs.

“Majesty?” Olivia knocked again.

“Uh.” My head whipped to the door. When I looked back at Lorcan, he was gone. “Um. Yeah, let them in, Olivia.”

A meeting with the nobles sans underwear. I couldn’t deny the thrill of being bare beneath my short dress in a formal meeting.

The door swung open and I greeted the five nobles, shaking their hands. This was the final meeting on the Eastern European agreement. Luuk may be dead, but the ball was already rolling, encouraging more countries to revolt. Western Europe wanted to stay under our reign, but the Eastern bloc, like Hungry, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine, threatened a bigger uprising under our rule. They no longer wanted two rulers who were across the world to govern them.

For the past month, Lars and I worked a deal with the nobles there. Lars and I had come to an accord. We would still be the overall leaders, but they would govern their own country. In essence, Lars and I were federal, and they were states, and we would leave them mostly to their own laws and regulations but impose important overarching decrees.

“Will the King not attend?” a noble woman from Romania asked.

“No. He apologizes for not being able to make it. Something exceedingly important came up,” I lied. It was strange he wasn’t at the meeting, and I had no idea where he was. Not like him at all. Lars was probably too busy tormenting my sister to remember to come. “But please have a seat. We should be able to get through this quickly.” I motioned to the chairs around my desk, and they all obediently sat.

I turned for my seat, hesitating before grabbing my chair and settling myself down, divided between my serious mode and the spikes of lust still thrilling through me.

“Okay, let’s get started on the…” Crap, I had to say it. “International agreement.”

My seat yanked deeper into the desk, causing me to yelp.

“Are you all right, Majesty?”

“Fine. Thanks.” I forced a smooth smile over my mouth. Hands pushed at my dress, the feel of hot breath drifting up my thigh, his tongue trailing along.

I cleared my throat, opening the folder to go over the last few documents. I could feel my legs being pushed open, his lips blowing hot air onto me. I gulped as I felt fingers slide into me. “Oh. God. So, this um…this en-tit-les… each Euuuuroppean country.” His mouth joined in, his hands pushing my thighs farther apart to let him in deeper. Intense pleasure beat like a drum at the base of my spine. Sweat dampened my chest and back, my vision blurring a bit.

The five nobles stared at me like I was insane, but it was nothing new. I’d become known for getting visions and talking randomly in strange tones.

“Please. Sign.” I shoved the folder at them, briefly closing my eyes. I had planned to go through each segment to reconfirm the deal. Screw that. He was not holding back, making sure I would climax in front of these people.

They all took turns signing their name to the contract.

“I-I-I… oh.” I swallowed, my hands gripping the arms on my chair, not able to fight my hips from bucking against this passionate mouth. “I think that’s all.”

“I’m sorry?” The delegate from the Czech Republic peered at me with shock. “Weren’t we going to go over the treaty again?”

“Noooooo.” I shook my head frantically. His lips sucked, his tongue going in deeper as his thumb rubbed against me. I could feel my climax coming. “We’ve. Already... Been through it. Waste of. Time.” I waved to the door. “You are excused.”

With furrowed brows and insulted glances, they got up, heading out of the room. Before the door fully shut, Lorcan gently bit down, just enough to send a slice of pain and overwhelming bliss through me.

My head fell back, clutching the chair for life, a silent scream bouncing off my ribs, breath ripped from me. My frame shuddered as firecrackers danced across my vision. Then my pleasure blasted out of me, parting me from reality. I cried out. My awareness spiraled out into space.

White covered my vision, pulling me away from my body.



A man stood before me, his back facing me. He stood on an empty street, parts of houses and buildings crumbling, as though a wrecking ball had smashed through them. A car was on fire, and debris spread out on the road.

I took a step, trying to get a better view of the man, his back bent forward, his shoulders rising and falling with every ragged breath he took.

“Hey?” I reached for him.

The man swung around, and I stumbled back.


But this was not the man I knew. His suit was rumpled, torn, and singed, his hair wild and streaked with red. Blood covered his face, his black eyes empty of any emotion.

My feet moved me back a few more paces. “Lars?” But I knew Lars was not there. I didn’t even feel his demon inside of him, which sent terror pumping through my veins.

He snarled, turning toward me. My gaze darted around. The lumps on the ground were bodies. What had happened? Did he do this?

In the distance I noticed a girl…one I recognized. Zoey stood over a figure of a man. This was the vision of her I had before. Her face displayed the same blankness of spirit as Lars.

Wait your turn, Druid, a strange, familiar voice said into my head. The King and the Wanderer are mine first. You and the Dae are next.

Lars thrust out his arms, tipped his head back, and let out a deafening cry, chilling me to the core. Like an atomic blast, energy burst off him with a force I had never felt nor could fathom. It ripped through my body, igniting my vision with darkness.




I blinked. A face hovered over me. Handsome. Familiar. I twisted my head, taking in the room.

“Hey, focus on me,” he said, turning my chin back to him. “This is real. You’re here with me, li’l bird.”

My nickname was a trigger.


My office.


I sat up; his hand stayed on my lower back, the other cupping my cheek. “Damn, I wasn’t expecting to make you truly black out.” He smirked. “I know I’m amazing, but…”

I tried to smile, but the images were raw in my head. Lorcan’s forehead pinched, and he took my face in his hands.

“What do you hear?”

“You. Talking.”

He snorted, his head bobbing. “Fair enough. What do you smell?”

“Disinfectant... and you.” I leaned my head into his chest. He skated his fingers through my hair, pinching my ear.

“And what do you feel?”

My vision ran further away from me with every second, becoming more of a feeling than anything substantial. All I knew was the streets were again going to run red with blood, and I had no way of knowing what was truly coming or how to stop it from happening.

I leaned back, my gaze meeting his, my voice low and quivering.

“I feel scared.”

Lightness was buckling underneath the darkness and soon both would fall.




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