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Black Bella : The Beginning Book 1 by Blue Saffire (30)



chapter Thirty

Calm Before the Storm


Coming home to Victoria last night was such a relief. I needed a break from all of the crap. It was just us, my best friend and me. I thought it was cute that she dressed up for me.

I know she don’t mean for what happened. With all the extra stuff on my mind, it was hard to ignore how damn sexy she was. I am watching her mature from when we first met.

Just the fact that she was so frustrated with her body being so far ahead of her understanding, showed me she’s maturing. That made me happy. Victoria takes time to think things out when she wants or needs to understand it. That shows such a level of maturity in itself. I love that about her.

I know we’re getting married young, and I want to stay happily married. In the beginning, I thought her lack of maturity would affect us, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

I’ve watched Victoria go from a shy girlfriend to a mature fiancé. The way she takes care of the apartment and the way she has been taking care of me, while we have been here at Venny’s has shown me how much she is changing. 

Truthfully, Victoria has been mature in many areas from the beginning. She just lacks experience is so much. The more she steps out of the bubble Venny has had her in the more she blooms. She is a very smart girl.

Victoria is so worried about keeping me happy when we get married, but I know she’s going to make a great wife. She doesn’t know it, but she’s even close to talking me into starting our family. I don’t care what the other families want. I plan to make that move when I want, but Victoria makes it sound like she seriously wants to. I won’t take that from her.

I guess if I make sure she has help, it won’t be a big deal. I know Maria would love it. She would probably volunteer to help out. I just need Victoria to understand that any wife of mine needs to be educated. School is important to me and she has to finish. I wouldn’t care if she went to an online college, as long as she finishes with a degree. 

I know she won’t fight me on it. That’s one of the things I love about her. She is very submissive when she wants to be. I hated that I had to yell at her in the range, but I was protecting her.

Venny wasn’t seeing things clearly and I didn’t want Victoria in the middle of his tantrum. Sure, it almost got me killed, but I wanted her safe. Sometimes I think she’s becoming too mature too fast.

If you ask me, the whole family business is something I think she can wait to learn about. I have come to accept that I can’t get around the fact that she’s no ordinary wife. Eventually, I’ll deal with that.

When Victoria left the basement, Venny and I had a little shouting match. My father looked like he wanted to strangle me, but he knew I was right. Venny was very wrong.

I had said what needed to be said to Bryce. Hell, I’d done the right thing with Victoria and Angie for that matter. I told them I knew how to play the family game despite the fact that I didn’t want to.

When I did pay attention, I always calculated my father’s mistakes. That’s how I know how to protect Victoria. My father and Venny did things with an old way of thinking.

I knew Victoria’s grandfather and uncles were tracking her from the day it started. Chris is great with technology, that’s another reason I’m glad to have him by my side. 

I knew they were tracking her phone as well. That’s why I wasn’t sure if they followed the truck that night, with the phone still in the apartment. It was when Venny told me where they found the car that I knew I had a great chance that they had gotten to Angie. 

I’d been sending Chris text messages on the way to Venny’s to get him to check out our surveillance, we’d set up to watch Lakeisha’s family. We had confirmed it just before the call came from Angie, while Victoria was with Uncle Frankie. After his tirade, Venny was happy to hear I’d been watching Lakeisha’s family the same way they were watching us.

I think that’s what kept us from a gunfight. I wasn’t backing down. As much as Venny respected that, it made him furious. 

Uncle Terry’s calling helped to calm the room as well. Everyone was happy to find the leak. I had the reinforcements, I had my father call in, flown in and waiting at one of my father’s factories. They arrived that afternoon, Terry’s call came right on time.

We were ready to set up the strategy to be done with this. I wanted this over by the end of this week. I wanted to focus on my life, with my new wife. I had a bachelor party and rehearsal dinner that wasn’t going to be interrupted by this mess. 

I’d been more excited about the wedding than my own birthday. My father always goes all out for my birthday and I was sure this one would be no different, but Victoria was the only birthday gift I really wanted. Having her safe was a most for us to truly enjoy our wedding the way we should. 

That’s why the Twins and the Ghosts were brought in. The Twins were from a small town in Italy. They’re known for their technology and tactical expertise. I brought them in to make sure Chris and I are looking at this from all the right angles.

I couldn’t imagine meeting them in person would be so amazing. I mean, the shit they did was mind blowing. They were even able to simulate the house from blue prints and photos Venny gave them.

I’m telling you, they had visual simulation of the different tactical options, that we could watch. They were able to play out scenarios all over the estate for me to decide on the best option to protect Victoria and annihilate anyone that comes near her. 

The Ghosts, now they’re from all over. No one really knows their true origin. It’s only known what they do. One Ghost could enter a party of a hundred people, and in a matter of seconds make sure no one leaves without a body bag.

I brought in ten. I meant what I said about Victoria not being touched. I was tempted to take her uncle up on his offer to help, but I was already in the hot seat with Venny. 

Chris was right when he told Victoria I never miss. That’s why she’ll be with me. Between the two of us, if the Ghosts don’t get to our enemies first they will wish they had. As long as Victoria does what I say and doesn’t do anything crazy, we’ll be fine. 

I didn’t want to ruin the night last night, so I didn’t tell her we’d be moving into the estate at nightfall. I wanted Maria to have her way as planned. It was a big wedding planning and activity day. We’d stick to our plans.

So as soon we have the last detail on Maria’s agenda complete, Victoria, Chris, Uncle Mike, Uncle Sal, Uncle Frankie, and I would be heading to the estate to get ready. Our guests were being put up in one of the safe houses Venny has in Wildwood.

They’ll ride in the evening as well to set up. The Twins would make sure things fall into place. Frankie had a few of his loyal guys take a bunch of heavy machinery, as well as his own surprise for Victoria, over to the estate last night. Frankie is probably the only Uncle I know that thinks having twin pistols customized, for his seventeen-year-old niece, is a great wedding gift. 

It’s Uncle Terry job to spill to the rat that we just moved into the estate. After what just happened to the guys at the trap house, in addition to the guys, Uncle Bryce took care of, we’re sure they’re going to send as many guys as they can. This is a real opportunity to get to Victoria. I doubt they’re going to let it slip away again.

I made sure to tell Terry to mention that we’re heavily guarded. I want to insure they send as many men as possible. I plan to send one big fucking message to whoever is sending them out. 

I don’t want to tell Victoria, but I sent a Ghost to Florida. Once we’re done here, I want it to be more than clear that I mean business. It will be clear that my father and Venny are child’s play next to me. 

It’s going to be a long day. I wished I could just lie in bed with Victoria in my arms all day. If we didn’t get up in the next twenty minutes, Maria would definitely be knocking on the door looking for us. 

One of the reasons I don’t want to move was because I knew when I did I’d have to tell Victoria everything that is going on. At least the parts she needs to know. I wanted to keep my baby innocent for a little while longer.

I’m not sure what all of this is doing to her. I never saw her give a second thought to the two guys she murdered at the vineyard. That worried me, but I never knew how to bring it up to see how she felt about it. 

“Lo,” Victoria whispered, as she began to caress my chest.

“Yeah?” I murmured.

“If you need to talk I’ll listen. I mean about what’s going on.” 

“We’ll talk. Right now, we need to get up. Maria will be waiting.”

“Okay, do you want to go first, I can wait?” 

“No, you go. I need to check my phone.” 

Victoria stood up out of bed to stretch. I wanted to tell her to come back to me, but I had a lot to do. I got up to head over to my cell phone.

First thing I needed to check was if Chris had returned. He’d gone to his parent’s place this morning for a few things, since he’d be following us from now until the wedding. 

Next, I wanted to know if they finally had answers for me. I needed to know where the guys from the trap house were from. I didn’t believe this all was coming from Florida. One family wouldn’t act alone like this. When I find out where the others are from, I’d be sending them a little gift as well.

I paced the room lost in my thoughts, sending my messages, when I heard a tap on the door. I guess we weren’t moving fast enough for Maria. I wanted to finish what I was focused on first, so I gave my cell phone a few seconds to give me a response before answering the door. 

Chris was the first to reply. He was back and downstairs eating breakfast. Figures. Another tap came at the door, before I finished reading his message. 

“Hold on a minute,” I grunted at the door. 

My second response came in. Atlanta and Phoenix had just made my hit list. So be it.

I went to the door to answer. I opened the door to find Matt on the other side. I was a little shocked. He and Martina weren’t supposed to come in until next week.

As I looked over his face, I found anger and frustration. I took him in fully to see his nostrils flaring and his fists balled up. I lifted a brow, I wasn’t sure what his problem was. 

As I stood there in my sleep pants and no shirt, I knew he couldn’t have a problem with that. Finding me in Victoria’s room couldn’t have been his issue. Matt had come to the apartment before. He knew we slept in the same room.

Whatever his problem was, I didn’t have time for it. I hoped he would make it quick, so I could get to more important things. 

“Hey, Lorenzo,” he greeted me, sounding as frustrated as he looked. 

“What’s up, bro? What are you doing here? Thought you were coming next week,” I cut straight to the point. 

“Yeah, I thought so too, until my dad called me last night. I’m a little pissed it took that long for someone to call me. Vic and Ang mean the world to me. I would have liked to have been told they were in danger when this all started. There’s no way I would’ve left,” he grumbled. 

“I kind of think that’s why no one said anything. We wanted to try to remain as normal as possible,” I informed him. 

“Yeah, Lo, but I kind of thought you and I had become friends. I thought you of all people would understand how I feel about those girls, especially Vic. I’ve been protecting her since I could talk.

“Is she okay? How is she taking all of this?” He said, I could see how hurt he was. I kind of felt bad, but it wasn’t my call to tell him. 

“Matt, I was only doing what they asked me to. Victoria is okay. You know her, she’s dealing in her way. I’m not sure what to think about that sometimes, but I think she’s going to come through this fine,” I admitted. 

“Well, I just wanted you to know I’m here and I plan to do whatever it takes to take care of this mess. They’re my family, Lo, and I really do see you as family too. I didn’t think I would be so cool with Vic or Ang having boyfriends, but you and Chris are the best choices they could have made.”

As Matt’s words sank in, I truly thought about it. He was the only other person besides Chris, I knew I could count on to protect Victoria.

“I’m glad you’re here, Matt. I’ve come to see you as family too. It’ll be good to know I have one more person around that I trust with Victoria’s life.” 

Before my thought was finished, Victoria ran pass me squealing. She pulled wrapped around Matt in a hug. He hugged her back so hard, I could see how much he meant his previous words.

I could totally understand Matt being hurt that no one thought to tell him what was going on. I learned how close he and Victoria really are over the summer. During the time, he spent at our place. 

Even when Victoria and I weren’t speaking and she wouldn’t talk to anyone else, Matt was always able to light her face up when he would show up. I think he stayed away when he did because he doesn’t like any drama that hurts her if he could not control it. 

He saw her melt down as something having to do with the drama in her family. We had talked one time and he told me that he felt bad for me. He thought Victoria was closing me out because of the Venny, Lakeaisha, and Maria mess. He read into the scene at the party as the cause of Victoria’s shut down. If he knew it was really because of me, I probably would’ve had to fight him. 

“Hey, Vic, how are you, Princess?” he asked gently. 

“I’m great, Matt. What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here ‘til next week,” Victoria chimed. 

“I’m here to make sure there is a next week. Vic, you should have told me.” 

“Told you what, Matt? There’s nothing to tell you. You need to go back to school. I’ll see you and Martina next week,” she said quickly and turned to walk back into the room. 

“Oh, no, you don’t, Vic. I want to talk to you. My father told me everything that’s been going on. I know about you and Lo planning to be Bonnie and Clyde,” he said, reaching for her arm to bringing her back to him.

“All I want is to help and make sure you’re really okay. You’re going to talk to me. I’m not going anywhere until I know you’re safe.” 

“Lorenzo, tell him, no. I don’t want him here. We’ll be fine. He doesn’t need to be here,” she looked up at me and begged. 

“He’s not the boss of me, Vic. Besides, Lo understands why I’m here,” Matt argued. 

I didn’t have time for this and I didn’t want to be in the middle of it either. I did understand where Matt was coming from. Me telling him to leave would be like someone telling me I couldn’t protect Lucie. That shit would never happen. 

Victoria struggled to break free from Matt, while looking at me for help. I didn’t want to fight with her this morning. This wasn’t what I needed. I tried to figure out how to get out of this without pissing her off. 

Honestly, I kind of hoped she’d would let Matt talk to her. She needed to talk to someone. I know there are things she won’t say to me. Maybe she’d say them to Matt.

When Victoria saw I wasn’t going to interfere, she gave up. She crossed her arms across her chest and wrinkled her nose at me. 

“Lo, you won’t help me?” she asked, in a tiny disappointed voice. 

My heart hurt to not give her what she wanted, but I couldn’t deny Matt what he wanted. Not as a man that understand where he was coming from. I gently kissed her on the cheek and turned to head for the bathroom.

As I walked away, I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I turned to see Victoria’s eyes narrowed at me. My eyes shifted to the floor, and next to my feet set a little stuffed bear that had been sitting on her desk. I chuckled at her, shaking my head, before turning for the bathroom again. She’d get over it. 

I was in and out of the shower quickly. I had wasted too much time with Matt and Victoria at the door. I found the blue suit and white shirt, Victoria placed in the bathroom for me. I smirked, my baby wants to be such a good wife. I have no doubts she will be.

As I dressed, I could hear her and Matt talking on the other side of the door. I tried to be as quiet as possible, I wanted to hear what they were saying. Thankfully, Matt was getting answers to questions I had. 

“Vic, I heard about the vineyard. My dad has been bragging about you since I got in. What happened? I mean, are you okay with what you did?” he asked. 

I was so grateful to this guy. That was exactly what I wanted to know, it was one of my biggest concerns. I instantly slowed down getting dressed to hear her response.

I went to the door and tried to crack it a little, hoping they didn’t hear. Once I had it opened, I leaned against the bathroom counter, folding my arms across my chest and listened. 

“I did what I had to, Matt. I guess I’m okay with it. I mean…Matt, you promise not to tell anyone,” she ordered. 

“Okay, Princess, I promise,” he teased.

“I never thought about it again, not until Ang was missing. That was the first time I cried about it. I don’t know.

“I didn’t cry because I was scared just because I know what I did and I wouldn’t have a problem doing it again. That felt a little weird, but I know I did it to protect us. Does that make me a bad person?” 

“No, Vic, if you didn’t do it, then you or Lorenzo may not be here,” he assured her. “Remember that time I wouldn’t speak to you or Angie for like two months?” 

“Yeah, I remember that. I was so hurt. I didn’t know what I did to you,” she replied.

“You guys didn’t do anything,” he explained. “That weekend before it started, I had been with my dad and Uncle Venny.

“Some guy was heading for your dad with a gun, but they weren’t listening to me when I tried to tell them. I grabbed my dad’s gun and shot the man. That was my first time. The first time I took a life. I was pretty messed up about it. I couldn’t talk to you guys about it, so I didn’t want to talk.” 

Hearing Matt tell Victoria his story made me hate this fucking lifestyle even more. I know the feeling Matt is talking about. I had once been there too. It was a feeling Victoria had no business feeling. Yet she had experienced the same thing we did. Only difference was, she wasn’t half as bothered as we were. I wanted and needed to understand that. 

“Matt, we were so young. I didn’t know,” I heard Victoria say. “I’m sorry you couldn’t tell me. But Matt, maybe it’s because it was my life and Lorenzo’s I had to save. I really don’t think it bothers me that much,” she sighed.

“I was a little worried about how Lo felt about it. He gets this look on his face whenever he sees me around a gun. Sometimes, I think he doesn’t like me because of what I did. It’s like he wants to forget it happened. I just wish he would understand I meant what I said about keeping anyone from harming him.” 

Hearing her words hurt and angered me. Victoria is always way too worried about protecting me. I was never upset with her because of what she did. I was upset she had to. I just hated to see her with guns because it wasn’t her place. That’s what I meant about her maturing in some things too quickly. 

The main thing she shouldn’t even know about was the one thing she took to as if she belonged. Why didn’t it bother her? Was she that much like her father?

I did want to forget that day happened, if it meant she would go back to being oblivious to what’s happening around her. I knew Victoria meant every word she said about protecting me, and that’s what drives me insane. I could just see her stepping in harm’s way thinking she was protecting me. 

“Vic, I don’t think Lo could ever not like you because of anything. He just feels the same way I do. We know what all this adds up to and we don’t want to see you involved in that,” Matt explained. 

In that moment, I was so glad I didn’t help Victoria put Matt out. He was like a brother, and understood exactly what I wanted to say to her. Matt said all the words I didn’t know how to say.

“You should be a princess the way we see you. I know I joke with you about that, but that’s the way I see you. I’ve always been taught to protect the princess. Sure, I let you fight some of your own battles, but those were the little ones. The big things like this belong to us, not you.” 

“I think I understand what you mean, Matt, but that confuses me because my father has always said to protect my family and my name,” she replied in answer. “All my life I was taught that I didn’t use the name because I had to protect it and my family.

“Now everyone wants me to take a back seat when protecting my family and my name has become most important. I can handle myself. I know Lo is worried about me showing off and getting hurt, but I can do this. I can stay safe for him and watch his back, to make sure he is safe for me.”

“Vic, I don’t think that’s what he wants. I think he just wants to keep you safe,” Matt said sincerely. 

“Yeah, I know, but that’s asking too much of me, Matt,” she said with an edge in her voice. “If I don’t at least keep myself aware of his safety and know that I’m ready to protect him if he needs it…Matt, if I don’t and something happens to him…then what? I love him. I won’t ask him to risk his life for me if I’m not ready to do the same.”

“I guess I understand that,” Matt offered.

“And that’s why I need you to go back to school. Matt, you’re like my big brother. I can’t worry about you if I want to stay safe for Lorenzo and protect him,” she demanded.

“And that’s why I’m here. You don’t have to worry about me or Lo. I’ll have his back, so that he can keep you safe,” he said and chuckled. “Vic, I heard you know a lot more than you should, so I guess this is okay to tell you.” 

My skin began to prickle. I hoped he could put her at ease with whatever he was about to say. I just had no idea what the hell he was about to say.

I didn’t think Matt would tell her anything that I would be upset for her to know. I tried to listen harder anyway, to make sure he didn’t. 

“My dad is like the guardian for the family. He knows all about all those guns, he taught you about, because he was trained when he was little for what he does. That’s his position and Vic, I’m one of his apprentices. When he steps down, it’s my job. You understand? Just like Lo is next in line for his dad and Venny’s spot.” 

Right there, that was too much. Victoria didn’t need to know what I was in line for. I slammed the door shut to get him to shut his mouth.

I was tempted to let my hair go without touching it, but I wasn’t going to walk around all day with bangs. My hair had gotten a little too long with all the running around I’d been doing. I grabbed the gel and fixed it as fast as I could. I still tried to listen to see if they were still talking. 

I walked out of the bathroom and could see them sitting on Victoria’s little sofa. They both looked like little kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I think Matt understood he said just a little too much, but I knew he would’ve told her more if she wanted. That’s what we do for Victoria. We gave her what she wants and what makes her happy. 

I tried to keep the frustration off of my face, as I walked over to Victoria and kissed her forehead. I thought about what I needed to tell her and I figured Matt being here while I did wasn’t a bad idea. Not since he needed to know. It would keep me from having to say it twice. Although, I’m sure Uncle Frankie filled Matt in quite enough.

I looked at my watch and sighed. I hoped I could get through this before Maria came looking for us. I could see I wasn’t hiding the stress well because Victoria looked up at me with that look. The, how can I fix this, look. I just winked at her hoping that was enough to get her to relax. 

“I need to talk to you both. You’re going to need to know what’s going on,” I started. 

“Is this about where you were yesterday?” Victoria asked. 

“Yes,” I said, nodding. “I was with the team I brought in for this. Matt, I brought in the Twins and ten Ghosts.”

Victoria may not have understood this, but I was sure that Matt did. The way his eyes lit up I knew he did. The Twins and Ghost were legendary.

“We move into the location tonight. We’re still deciding on the final plan. Our extra guests are here to limit the risk we’re all taking.

“Victoria, I need you to rest as much as possible today when you’re not busy. When we get to the estate you won’t really have time. I need you to learn how to work with the Ghosts to stay out of their way if it comes to that.”

“Cool, I always wanted to see a Ghost at work,” Matt said with a huge grin on his face. “I have a question though. How are you so sure they’ll come? They’ve missed three times now and lost their men each time.” 

“That’s exactly why I know they’ll come,” I hissed. “They won’t stop ‘til we stop them or they get what they want. We can’t just sit and hope to hide until the wedding.”

“Got it, my Dad said Vic can handle pretty well, but I don’t want it to come to that. So where you two are is where I’ll be,” Matt ordered. 

I didn’t dream of arguing with him on that. I could see in his eyes it was final. I nodded my head in agreement, as I watched Victoria curling up in pain.

I knew what Uncle Frankie’s job was and I knew that Matt had to be trained well if that was his calling. Hell, to be trained by Frankie was to be trained by the best. Usually, Uncle Frankie would handle something like this himself, if it wasn’t so out of control. 

Reassuring Victoria of this fact was another thing. She knew nothing of these things to truly understand that we’ve been raised, learning how to do this type of thing. What she was learning in a matter of months was pushed on us from the time we could walk and talk. 

“Can I ask a question?” Victoria asked shyly. 

“Sure,” I said, wanting to know what she was thinking. 

“What do you need me to do?” she asked. 

“I need you to trust me. When you’re finished with the favor party with the ladies, see if you can come upstairs and pick enough for a few days,” I told her, as I looked her in the eyes. “You don’t need to go to the range. Tonight’s training will give you plenty of practice.”

“Okay,” she said and rose to her knees on the couch, beckoning me to her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck when I was close enough, only to pull me closer. I wrapped my arms around her waist, giving a little squeeze. I love this girl with every fiber of my being.

“Sorry, I threw the bear at you,” she whispered and placed her nose to mine. “I trust you, Lo, so I know you’ll tell me the truth. Does Matt need to be there? And will he be safe?” 

I tried to turn to look over at Matt, but Victoria reached for my face to hold it to hers. I released a sigh, knowing I didn’t want to answer this. Matt didn’t really need to be there, but I knew he wanted to be, which was stronger than a need. 

“Yes, he needs to be there and yes, he will be safe. He was right about what he said. Matt will be our family guardian when the time comes it is what he was raised for. He will be one of the safest people there he knows how to take care of himself,” I said giving a sheepish grin because I had proven I was listening to them from the bathroom. 

“There’s a lot I still don’t know? About what you boys are taught and us girls should not know?” she asked innocently. 

“Yes Baby, I told you. Just because I don’t want to, doesn’t mean I don’t know how. I had to be taught. If you want to know the truth, I think somehow you were taught too much from the beginning.” 

“Fine, Matt can stay and I’ll stay focused because I promised,” she said firmly and looked at Matt. “You make me the same promise, Lo did. We all make it out safe and alive.” 

“Vic, you don’t have to worry about that. I have at least ten years more experience than you,” Matt teased.

“That’s not a promise, Matt,” Victoria hissed coldly.

“Wow, Vic, okay, I promise,” he replied, throwing up his hands.

Victoria turned back to me with unnecessary worry in her eyes. She would see once we got to the house, everything is going to be okay. I was sure of it.

Victoria would understand when she could see. I had done everything I know how to protect her. She would be fine, we all would, before I could tell her that our time was up. 

“Victoria, Lorenzo you two are wasting time,” Maria sang through the door. “Victoria, the ladies are downstairs waiting. Lorenzo, Carlos is here with your Tux. Matt, honey, I’m so glad you’re here you can be fitted for your Tux as well. I let Carlos know you were here and had him bring it over.”

“Coming Maria,” Victoria called, while pulling my face to hers. I devoured her sweet mouth, knowing this would be a long day.

I wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to let her go. Victoria looked gorgeous, making the thought of what was to come so much more painful. I didn’t want her to have to learn any of what she would be taught.

However, I’d be lying if I said that some part of me wasn’t excited to see how she would do. I was proud of her yesterday. She handled most of what Frankie gave her without a problem. What she didn’t know how to use, Frankie gave her adjustments and she adapted to them quickly. 

Maria cleared her throat as she peeked her head into the room. I guess we embraced for longer then Maria was willing to wait. I released Victoria to watch her walk out of the room.

The pink dress with it puffy shirt did amazing thing for those caramel legs. The white sweater on her shoulders and the high ponytail in her hair, only gave her a sweet innocence that camouflaged the truth. The pink spike heels on her feet reveal the real Victoria, bringing a smirk to my lips. 

“Come on, Matt. We can find Chris. I know Carlos is equipped to torture him too,” I chuckled. 

“Hey, Lo, thanks. I know you have it under control and you don’t need me. You just said that so I could be there, where I want to be,” Matt said. 

“No problem. I understand how you feel and thanks for talking to Vic. I didn’t know how, but you asked just what I wanted to. I don’t like telling her too much stuff about things like that, so I stay away from the topic,” I told him. 

“I understand, bro, but remember. Vic is different, she always has been. She’s seen more than she remembers. When she says, it doesn’t bother her, I get concerned because that’s what she does. She just blocks things out like they never happened,” he said sounding as if he were playing her words over. “Lo, I think she’ll be okay, but just remember she loves you. What you think and what happens to you counts to her.”

“I love her too, Matt,” I shrugged. “I’ll remember that though, thanks.” 

We found Chris still stuffing his face in the kitchen. We grabbed something quick and headed for the guest room, Maria had Carlos waiting for us in. Carlos was a little too happy to see me once again.

It was hilarious when the three of us each removed our jackets, revealing the holsters and weapons we were carrying. All of Carlos’s joy turned into muted fear. I for one was happy to shut him up.

Carlos is funny and great at what he does, but he can talk way too much when he wants to. I wasn’t in the mood for that. I needed my focus.

When we were done, Maria wanted me to stop into the little party they were having for Victoria. It was just Maria, Sharon, — the mother I’ve known all my life, Joann, my aunts, and Lucie,—who should be at school. Angie should’ve been there too.

From what Chris said she was a little pissed about it. Angie had been texting Chris about everything she had to do and what she would miss, from the time she got the cell phone we sent her. 

The party was so they could wrap the favors for the wedding. I wasn’t going to wrap a thing unless Maria wanted it to look a mess. She promised all I had to do was come to thank the ladies for their help.

I’d maybe have to lift the heavy boxes when needed. I was definitely dragging Chris and Matt along for that. Maria had some other things she wanted me to do, but I would need have my eye on some other things as well.

I decided the sooner I show my face, the sooner I could escape. As we walked to the tearoom the ladies were in, we could hear the laughing and giggling coming from the room. I rolled my eyes at Louie, who stood outside the room. He just shrugged.

Chris and Matt went inside, while I stopped to check myself in the mirror. I wanted to fix my tie and make sure my hair didn’t suffer from my rushed job. No matter what, these moments would be my wife’s memories. I wanted these moments to be special for her.

I walked into the room to see Victoria doubled over in laughter. That instantly lightened my mood. I looked around the room and didn’t see Lucie, so I knew it had to be my trash mouth aunts at it again.

The seat next to Victoria was empty, so I went to sit beside her to see what was so funny. Chris and Matt must have heard because Chris was bright red, trying to hold in his laughter and Matt stood shaking his head. 

“Ah, here’s my handsome nephew. Go head, Vicky try it. I’m telling you I know what I’m talking about,” Aunt Silvia chanted. 

Victoria looked at me, bursting into more laughter as a tear leaked down her cheeks. I love her laugh, it always makes me laugh. I couldn’t help it.

Suddenly, I was so grateful to Maria. She’d been doing a great job with the wedding and making sure Victoria is happy. I know I need to go shopping to get Maria something special.

I reached for Victoria’s chin, pulling her face to mine to kiss her lightly on the lips. She had a glow about her face. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share a part of her happiness. 

“Che cosa? What’s so funny, Beautiful?” I asked her. 

“See, look, Victoria. He wants to know. Go ahead,” My aunt encouraged again. 

“Come here,” Victoria giggled and reached to whisper in my ear, at least I thought she was going to whisper. 

I leaned in toward her, ignoring Matt and Chris chuckling. Victoria licked the shell of my ear, then blow on it. I jumped away from her, my eyes flickered between her and my aunt.

Victoria looked up at me through her lashes. The dreamy look on her face, causing my cock to swell painfully in my pants. This girl will drive me insane before we say I do. She bit her lip as a giggle reached her sexy lips.

My eyes roll over her. She has no idea the things I plan to do to her. She can act innocent all she likes. I see through it all.

I shook my head. What were they in here teaching her? Hysterics filled the room as everyone laughed at my expense. I sat there with my mouth hanging open. 

“See, I don’t think he likes it or I did it wrong,” Victoria giggled to my aunt.

“Oh, no Vicky, he liked it. Trust me, Sugar,” Aunt Silvia chuckled. 

“Don’t let them get you in trouble,” I growled low in Victoria’s ear. “And Baby.”

“Yes,” she breathed up at me.

“You did it right,” I whispered in her ear, before kissing her neck. 

“See, I told you, Victoria. You listen to me and Lorenzo will come home to you every night,” Aunt Silvia coached. 

Victoria continued to giggle, but she wouldn’t take her eyes off me. I wonder what else they had taught her. I could hear Chris and Matt still chuckling in the corner. Maria and Aunt Silvia were talking trash in Italian.

Chris now had to rely on Matt to calm down enough to translate. When Matt finally spit out the craziness they were talking Chris just tried beet red and laughed himself.

“Okay, you know what? You all can stop filling her head with that stuff?” I managed to get out through my own laughs. “She’ll be fine on her own.”

“Fine, Lo, but she asked,” Aunt Silvia teased. 

Victoria dropped head down and went to start wrapping her next favor. I couldn’t help chuckling at her. I know this was about our talk last night. Victoria was still determined to find out what she felt she was missing. I reached over, playfully pitching her side.

“I thought we already solved that,” I said, low enough for just her to hear. 

“No, we didn’t.” She shook her head at me. “You’re confident that you please me. I don’t know how to please you. I was being a baby when they tried to tell me at the party. I’m ready to listen now.” 

“Oh, really,” I chuckled, raising an eyebrow at her. “What makes you so ready now?” 

“Lo, so much will change in less than two weeks. I won’t be your girlfriend anymore. I’ll be your wife. I won’t be a girl, I’ll be a woman.

“You’re already more than enough man for me. I want to be more than enough woman for you. That’s not the only thing I asked, it’s was just the first they answered.” 

I looked her over. I was pleased with her response. It wasn’t one of her silly worries. She was actually considering being a wife. It made me realize how much we were truly changing, but for the first time it didn’t bother me.

It felt like something we could handle. It felt like Victoria was finding balance somehow. Her head was still down as she worked on the favor in her lap.

I wanted her to look at me. If this was what she wanted, I wanted her to be able to say so. My wife would not be shy about pleasing me. 

“Okay,” I told her. “If you want to be a woman for me, pick your head up. Don’t be ashamed you asked how to please your husband. I won’t be ashamed when I ask you what you like.” 

“Lorenzo,” my mother, Sharon, gasped across the room. 

“Oh, please, Sharon, I have no idea how you’re my sister,” my Aunt Silvia teased and rolled her eyes. 

“Ma, you know I have a bone to pick with you ladies anyway. I let yous all throw her a bridal shower and you hire strippers. What I just said is nothing compared to what I heard,” I hissed playfully. 

“Oh, Lorenzo, that wasn’t me, that poor girl looked like she was running for her life,” my mother said, with a huge blush on her face. 

“I’ll take that one, Lo,” Aunt Joann raised her hand. She had been so quiet, I almost didn’t realize she was there. “Vic is nothing like her mother. I thought she’d enjoy it.” She tried to laugh. 

“I didn’t enjoy hearing about it,” I grumbled and turned back to Victoria. “So, what else did you ask?” 

“Oh, she wanted to know if decorating a nursery in the new house was bad luck,” my Aunt Rita offered. 

Victoria’s head was lifted as I asked, but I could see the nervousness in her eyes. She seriously wanted to go through with this baby. I could see it in her eyes.

I took a deep breath, as I reached to rub her back. How did I think I wasn’t going to give into her on anything? Especially, something she wanted so much. 

“This is what you want?” I asked, as I ran my hand down her ponytail. “You’ve taken time to think about this?”

“Yes,” she said searching my eyes. “I’ll do what you asked I’ll finish school, but I do want this.” 

“Why’d you buy such a big house, Lo, if you don’t want children?” Aunt Rita asked. 

“Wow, Victoria, what didn’t you tell them?” I teased. “I do want children, Aunt Rita. I just don’t want to rush Victoria, but if a baby is what she wants, then that’s what I’ll give her.” 

“Oh, really, Lorenzo,” Victoria squealed, pushing the favors aside and jumping in my lap. “You mean it?” 

“Yes,” I smiled up at her. “If that’s what you want, but I want you to have help. I’ll hire someone to make sure you’re not overwhelmed.” 

“Hire someone,” Maria and Sharon said in unison. 

“We’ll help her, of course,” Maria demanded with a big grin on her face. “Oh, yous two will make such beautiful babies.” 

“I know,” Victoria purred in my face, as she rubbed her nose against mine. “Thank you. Now, I have everything I want.” 

“Really?” I breathed, as I kissed her. Everything and everyone else disappearing from my mind. “Everything?” 

“Yes, everything,” she breathed back. 

“Okay, okay. Babies come after the wedding. You get back to wrapping, young lady,” Aunt Rita teased. 

We both chuckled, as Victoria stood to return to her seat next to me. This was exactly what the two of us needed. We were so relaxed, as if a wedding was the only thing we were planning.

Chris and Matt helped place the favors in the boxes Maria had set up to store them in until the wedding. Victoria had me helping her in no time. I held my finger in place, while she tied the bows. The glow on her face had only increased.

I needed squash to the chaos. I want to live the life we just talked about. Her, me, and the baby she wanted so badly, all in our new home. Nothing would keep me from having that.

Once Lucie popped back into the room, my aunts went back to being on their best behavior. Lucie insisted on taking my spot with Victoria. I realized she must have had duck out of the room to find Toni. Toni was to stay in his room and out of the way.

Honestly, I was happy Toni was sitting this one out. Victoria had no idea what he was being groomed for. She would be upset to find out. Venny agreed to sit Toni out so Victoria wouldn’t catch on. I believe the threat from Lakeisha’s family made it obvious that this wasn’t the time to see if Toni was taking to his training. 

I gave the ladies two hours of my time. Then, I had to pull myself from the happy silhouette to deal with the real picture. I needed to know what kind of progress was being made.

Each family needed to put together a team of men they trusted. My father was confident in his men and their loyalty. Venny on the other hand, wasn’t as trusting.

He had taken care of the two that were guarding Lakeisha the night she disappeared to stay with her family. I had a feeling Venny and Lakeisha were having bigger problems than just her family wanting to kill him, but that was none of my business. I was staying out of that one. 

Victoria hadn’t seen her mother, since her birthday party. They talked on the phone a little, but I don’t think it was the same as the relationship they used to have. I think Venny was taking the hits for that.

I have a hard time feeling sympathy for him, when it comes to that. Maria is my mother and even if she loved my father, she was trying to be a good wife to Venny. However, he wasn’t trying to make the same effort at all. 

It was my job to make sure Venny was thinking straight and making choices that wouldn’t hurt him or me in the end. I had Uncle Mike on post, with Uncle Sal. It was my way of always having ears in the room with Venny.

My father would pop in and out of Venny’s house to make sure things were running smoothly. Okay, truth was he was checking to make sure I wasn’t saying anything that would make Venny want to try to kill me. I honestly didn’t give a fuck. I was going to say what needed to be said.

When we found Venny, he was with Uncle Mike, Uncle Sal, Uncle Frankie, and my father. They were looking over some of the maps the Twins gave us to make our decision. Uncle Frankie had a huge grin, as he watched the three of us walk into the room together. He placed his hands on Venny and my father’s shoulders.  

“They look like us when we started. Look at. Lo is as focused as Venny was. Even the kid, Chris looks like he could belong to the family,” Uncle Frankie marveled. 

“Hey, he just may, someday. Ang has got that kid wrapped around her finger just like Vicky has Lo,” Venny replied. 

“Sad, but true,” Chris shrugged, with a smirk. “But Angie isn’t talking me into making any babies anytime soon.”

I shot Chris a look and he stepped back, going back to being seen and not heard. I wasn’t in the same cheerful mood that made me promise Victoria a baby. I could careless for the men in this room to know that I agreed to do so.

Too bad Chris didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. My father and Venny smiled as if I’d just passed out the cigars that say, it’s a boy

“Is that right? So, does that mean Victoria talked Lo into making babies sometime soon,” My father asked. 

“That’s between me and my wife. I’m not here for that. Where are we? Have the teams been set up?” I grumbled. 

“Yeah, I’ll take that as a yes,” My father grinned. “And yes, we have the teams. We’re just looking at the options. Frankie has some questions about a few holes we see. Why don’t you come over here and we’ll show you what we mean. This will be good for Matt.” 

Matt, Chris, and I crossed the room to the table they had the printouts on. Uncle Frankie had a red marker in his hands circling the potential holes. I became tense with each circle. The Twins must have had reasons for this, they were the best. I looked at Chris to see if he had any thoughts on what Uncle Frankie was showing us. His face wore the same look I know mine had. It was Matt that spoke up. 

“Pop, let me see that marker. Look, I see what they’re doing. I’m assuming this is where Lo and Vic will be,” he pointed to the green icon on the maps.

“If you look here the’re trapping whoever enters through these holes. Lo said yous have Ghosts here right. I would do the same thing. Make it look like it’s a way in and out, but when yous get them in, there’s really no way out. They’ve been trapped.” 

I watched Matt draw lines to the holes. I spotted the markers for the locations of the Ghosts, he’s right. They had no way out. It would look like a way in, but all they could do is deal with the Ghosts or be driven in to us.

Either way, they were dead. I relaxed again. Matt was good, it would’ve taken me a few more minutes to see what he saw. I needed that, two more eyes. I was happy he came home. 

“Nice eye, Son,” Uncle Frankie grinned. Something told me he already knew this. “Lorenzo, I think this is as tight as we’re going to get it, Kid. With my son here, I feel confident that room will be safe. Yous four will handle it and we will take care of the outside.” 

“Us three,” I growled in irritation. I wasn’t counting Victoria as a participant. She would only do what was necessary for her to do.

“Whatever Lorenzo, my niece may just save the three of you. I haven’t trained too many talents like hers. Lakeisha did good with putting her in all those little ninja classes.

“Vic could break your arm without thinking about it, kid. Stop seeing her so fragile. You need to count her as a body in that room. If you don’t, this doesn’t work the same. Lorenzo, she just may surprise you,” Frankie justified. 

I wanted to snatch my hair out my head. Matt paced the room, looking the way I felt. Neither of us wanted her too much more involved.

I knew Frankie was right, but I didn’t want to accept it. No matter how much I don’t miss, I would be putting Victoria and my two friends in danger, by not letting her be involved the way she needed to be. No one in the room trusted anyone else to be placed in the room with us. Another body wasn’t an option unless I involve Victoria’s Uncle Bryce, and Venny wasn’t entertaining that idea. 

I began to pace the room. I needed some time to live with this. Being stubborn wasn’t going to save her. My biggest problem with this wasn’t that I don’t think Victoria can handle herself. It is that I didn’t want her doing what I thought would torment her later. 

I know what is coming for us. How was I to ask her to put down more bodies in one day, than it took the men in this room years to add up to. I wanted it to be known she could handle herself, but I was going to have to actually let her prove that. 

“Fine, she needs to be here,” I growled. “Chris, go get her.” 

I paced the room, pissed, until Chris returned with Victoria. It hurt me deeply to have her enter the room. Her face told me she understood something had changed. I expected her to come to me when she came in, but she didn’t. She fell into the corner opposite of Chris. 

This was too much, she understood too much. She fit into the room like she was raised just like Matt and I. I wanted to strangle Venny. This was on him. He stressed that stupid family pride and planted the seeds for her to be this way. 

I felt my face harden. I turned back to the table with the maps. I needed the table to keep me from losing it. I stared at Venny for a long time, thinking of the fastest way to kill him. All of this was his doing. Yes, I lied and he overreacted because of that lie, but he started the lies that got us to this point. 

“Victoria, come here,” I said a little harder than necessary. I waited for her to reach my side. “Remember I told you about the Twins.” 

“Yes,” she replied. 

“Their skilled in planning things like this. Your father gave them a few pictures and the blueprints of the estate. They were able to give us different strategy maps. This is the plan that looks likely right now.

We will be here. There are four entryways to this room. The other teams will funnel targets this way. Anyone that makes it past them makes it here to us. Our team will be Chris, Matt, you, and me. Do you understand?” 

“Yes,” she answered confidently. “This is us in green. The blue are the other teams. The red circles are traps they will get in, but won’t have a way out of. Is that right?” 

I just looked at her. Who was she? She was studying the map with an intense look on her face. I noticed a frown wrinkle her brow, as she started to shake her head.

What was she thinking now? She leaned closer to the map and started to trace over it with her finger. Once she was done, she stood up straight and shook her head. 

“Lorenzo, may I say something?” she asked.

I was curious. I wanted to know her thoughts. “Yes.” 

“I think I understand why you would pick this room. If you are looking at the blueprints of the house, it makes sense, but if you know more about the house you would see this isn’t the best place to be,” she said looking around the room. 

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I picked this house for a reason. I thought this out on the way here the other night. There are things about this house you won’t see in the blueprints,” she said as she watched my face for my reaction.

“My father usually buys the properties for me. He doesn’t go to them, so he wouldn’t really know why I wanted this one for this. This room you want us in. It would leave us too vulnerable.

“You would be tripping them, but we would be tripped as well. The way the room is set up we would have little cover. I had this space cleared to have parties with friends. Sure, they could bring things into it from other rooms, but it’s a risk to be here.” 

I gave her words some thought. It was a concern Chris and I had yesterday. Everyone else was so sure that we would be so guarded outside the room that needing to get out wouldn’t be necessary. They felt that trapping the danger and eliminating it was the better option.

I wanted to hear her solution. She said the house was special. I wanted to know what was so special about it. 

“Okay, you have my attention, Victoria. How would you solve this?” I asked. 

“The room above this one is identical. It also has four entryways, but three are hidden. The house is full of hidden passages,” she started to search through the different plans on the table to find one that had the room she was talking about.

“Here, this is the room. It would give us the cover we need. It’s a large library, a balcony wraps the room. The double staircase to the balcony is right in front of one hidden doorways at the back of the room. 

“If we needed to get out that would be the one we would want to use. There are two more hidden passages in the room that lead to other parts of the house. The balcony would give the cover we need and allow the four of us to spread out.

“It would also give a view of the lower level through the wide main doorway. I just think it makes more sense,” she said and shrugged. “With the tunnels and passageways in this place, we could trap them and burn the place down if we wanted and get out without being seen. That’s what makes it the perfect location.”

It was clear I had no idea what really went on in that pretty head of hers. I liked her plan better than any of the ones the Twins had. They had planned the outside defensive and trap attacks very well, but what Victoria knew about the house made the whole thing work, not just by chance.

It made sense and the risk was much less. Uncle Frankie was right, Victoria did surprise me. The passageways were a gift I wasn’t expecting. 

“She is right,” Uncle Frankie said looking over the map she had pulled. “I think that’s what was bothering me all along. Those holes don’t leave yous so open in that room. I like the fact that yous have flight options. Nice, Victoria.”

“We should call the Twins and let them know,” Uncle Mike suggested. 

“Wait… I don’t think that’s a good idea. No one else will be with us because none of you trust anyone else. Is that right? Not even the ones you brought in?” Victoria asked. 

“Yes,” I answered wondering where she was going. 

“Okay. Well, the passages and tunnels are something only I know about. They’re our secret. I don’t think anyone else should know that,” she pondered. “The four of us are making it out of that house. The tunnels are my guarantee.”

“I agree, Uncle Mike,” I said. “We’ll just let them know we decided to be in this room that’s all they need to know.”

As I began to talk the details out with my father and Uncle Frankie, Victoria quietly made her way to the corner of the room again. I was a little annoyed she kept doing that, but I just let it go. I wanted to focus on what needed to be done.

When we were all clear on the plan and done with all I needed and wanted Victoria to hear, I dismissed her to go rest. She’d also have a chance to pack our things. All in all, I had a real sense that things were going to go without a hitch.




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