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Black Bella : The Beginning Book 1 by Blue Saffire (7)


chapter Six

It’s Him


Maria couldn’t have been serious. She showed up in my room at 7:00 am, calling me out of my sleep. I groaned and covered my head with my pillow.

“Victoria, good morning,” She cooed, standing at the foot of my bed, with my laptop in her hand. “I’m glad you aren’t a wild sleeper. You would’ve crushed this thing. You must have been tired last night.”

In my head, I replied, you think. Although, I kept my mouth shut, knowing it would be rude. I just smiled, as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. 

“Breakfast is ready downstairs. The designer for your dresses will be here in an hour. Your father is planning on going to Mass with us after,” she paused a minute there and frowned.

“I know you’re upset with him. I still haven’t gotten him to tell me what all that was about. Him and his damn secrets. Anyway, I was hoping that you might start talking to him today.”

I just frowned at her. Was she so ready to mess up our new friendship already? The look on her face said she read my thoughts.

Maria pressed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. “Try, okay… he does feel bad.”

She of all people should care less about how he felt. I just gave her a weak smile and rolled off the bed, heading for the bathroom. The nerve. Was she speaking to him?

I took my time getting dressed at my shower. I picked out a nice suit that Maria had bought me at a boutique the day before. It was light blue with a white leather belt that wrapped around the waist of the double-breasted jacket.

The bottom was a knee length largely pleated skirt. I put on a white cami underneath the jacket. I grabbed a pair of white leather pumps that had a bow on the front of them. 

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, letting the curls flow wild on the back of my neck. I was tempted to straighten it, but I didn’t want to push my luck with my father. Maria had brought me some makeup, despite me telling her I wasn’t allowed to wear it. I just stared at it on the bathroom counter and decided that, that might be pushing it as well. 

I returned to my room once I was dressed. I looked over at my laptop and thought about checking my email, but I know me. I’ll end up missing breakfast.

So, I made my way downstairs. I had to follow the scent of pancakes and syrup to find my way to the kitchen. The place was huge.

I still didn’t know my way around. Finally, I found the huge kitchen. The maid, Sandra, who I met on my first night in the house, pointed out the nook where my father and Maria sat. 

I walked over to the table and Maria’s face lit up at the sight of my new outfit. My father looked at me with a pained, weak smile. “Good morning,” he said. 

Out of habit I leaned over and kissed his cheek, as I replied, “Good morning.” 

His face beamed at my response. It made the charcoal grey suit, with navy blue shirt, and matching silk tie look like they belonged. My father is a very handsome man. The pain in his face truly didn’t belong. 

Maria sat next to him in a chocolate brown tailored pantsuit. She had on a gold cami underneath and her shoes were a matching gold. If nothing else Maria could dress. 

I sat next to my father, as he watched me. Looking as if he had so much he wanted to say, but wasn’t sure if he should. Sandra brought over a bowl and a box of cereal for me.

She left, returning quickly, with milk and pineapples. I knew instantly, my dad had told her my favorite things for breakfast. We ate in silence, until the doorbell rang. 

Ugh. I thought to myself, it was time to be Maria’s test dummy. I finished my pineapples and got up to follow her out of the room. As I turned I felt a hand touch my arm, I turned to see my father motion for me to sit again. I did as he suggested. 

“Victoria, I’m very sorry for what happened the other day and I’m very sorry about what is happening with our family. Maria will calm down in a few days, and I’ll get you back to your mother, but while you’re here, please know anything you want you can have. This is your home for now, so enjoy it as much as you can.

“I have agreed to let Maria take you to learn to drive and we’ll discuss perhaps you getting a car. I don’t like what’s happening and I don’t want you to be unhappy because of it. 

“We’re not changing your school that will be too much and the year is almost over. I want you to know you can talk to me about anything. If Maria ever goes too far, you let me know. Is that understood?” His instructions came out very stern. 

“Yes, Mr. La Marcello,” I responded. Taking my last chance to sting him one more time, since he still gave no reason for what he had done. 

He frowned and shook his head. “Victoria, really, there’s no reason for that. You know to call me daddy.”

The last part he spoke in Italian. I figured it was because the maid was there now, picking up my dishes. I just nodded my head and rose from the table to find my new mom. 

I had no idea where I was going. Thank goodness, Maria is so loud when she’s excited. I followed her voice to the study at the front of the house. Across from the room Maria pointed out as my father’s office, on my tour the first night.

I entered the room to find her and a little feminine looking man, standing around some rolls of fabric, a bunch of swatch cards, and sketches. The man looked at me and squealed as he threw his hands over his mouth. 

Maria turned to look at me. “I told you she’s beautiful, didn’t I?” Maria said with a sparkle in her eyes.

“That was an understatement. Oh, my, what a wonderful gift Maria. She’s an amazing canvas to work with.” This guy is absolutely over the top. 

Maria laughed. “I know you will make something amazing. Her father informed me this morning that we will be having some special guests, so she needs to be stunning.” I looked at Maria, curious about her comment.

“Oh, Honey, I could drape a piece of fabric around her waist and she would still be stunning. Honey, won’t you come over here. Let me start with your measurements.”

I walked all the way into the room, sliding my shoes off to climb on the fabric covered ottoman, the man motioned me toward. Maria reached up to unfasten my blazer, and helping me out of it. While the excited designer dug in his bag for his measuring tape and a note pad. 

“Oh, by the way, Honey, I’m Carlos,” he turned toward me and said. I smiled a polite smile and tried to stay very still. 

Carlos was very eccentric. His bright fuchsia button down was super tight, paired with too tight black pants, and a pair of black and fuchsia pointed toe shoes. His hair was dyed blonde and gelled into spikes all over his head.

“There are so many colors that would work on her,” Carlos sang. “We have to do three look at least.”

Maria gasped. “I was thinking the same thing.”

Carlos and Maria chattered like schoolgirls over the possibilities of what he could do. I was just about to tune out when Maria’s words caught my attention. “She has a date right? A girl as gorgeous as she is has to have a date,” Carlos purred.

“Yes, she will have an escort,” Maria said happily.

“Wonderful, I’ll make sure his suits and accessories match perfectly,” Carla said with a glow in his eyes.

Hearing this part of the conversation made me nervous. What escort? When my father said, let him know if Maria goes too far, would this count? Did I get to pick this escort? 

Carlos and Maria were wrapping their plans up as my father entered the room. I shoot him a, save me, look. He just chuckled at me.

It was sort of nice to see him laugh. I couldn’t help, but laugh myself. Maria seriously meant to make up for all she’d ever missed out on. 

My father grabbed my blazer from the chair it rested on and came to help me down from my podium. I reached for his hand and stepped down. He held up my jacket for me to slide my arms in. As I fastened the blazer shut, my father grabbed my shoulders, giving me a hug as he whispered in my ear.

“Having fun?” he chuckled again. 

I wanted to talk to him. Who were these special guests? Did he know about the plans for an escort?

I know Maria was getting to bend a lot of rules, but this one wasn’t like my father to give in on. Maybe Maria and my father had a way different relationship than he and my mother. Maybe I would learn to love it here.

I was getting to breathe. I wanted to call Angie and tell her all about everything that was going on. However, before I could head to my room to get my cell, my father started to rush us to get our things so we would make the afternoon mass. 

I grabbed my shoes and ran up to my room to get my bag and phone Maria bought me. I could text Angie in the car and check my emails while at it. I ran back downstairs, heading out of the door behind my father and Maria.

We all climbed into the car. My father letting me sit in the back with Maria. I pulled out my cell phone to begin to text Angie, but once again I was distracted. This time by Maria and my father’s conversation. 

“Venn, are you going to get Victoria’s escort’s measurements by Tuesday. Carlos will need them and a fitting will be necessary.”

“Yes, I’ll take care of it. We can talk about it later,” My father said, sounding as if he wanted to have this conversation in private. This made me even more curious.

“I hope he is handsome, I don’t want Victoria’s night ruined by an ugly date.” I agreed with Maria on that. I wasn’t looking forward to an ugly date. 

Maria, we’ll talk about this later.”

“Hmmm, kid must be ugly.”


So not only was my father in on this, he was picking the boy. What in the world was going on? Why was he being so evasive about it? Was the boy ugly?

I hoped my father wouldn’t do that to me, just to prove a point about him not wanting me dating. Oh boy, this party was starting to become a pain. I would have to spend my night with a stranger that might make my stomach turn just to look at him. He probably has acne and smelly breath. I was quickly changing my mind about liking it here with these two. 

“Fine, what about the menu. Are your venders going to be able to pull this off on such short notice? This is a larger event and a lot of what I asked for will need to be imported,” Maria badgered. 

“Everything will be just as you’ve asked. I have it covered. I placed the order myself this morning. You can relax, Maria,” my father reassured her as we pulled up to the front of the large cathedral.

The church was large with a large circular stained glass window above the clear glass doorway. People were filing into the entryway. Cars were still pulling up to and away from the front of the church.

As Uncle Sal opened my door, I noticed a blue Hummer just like the one from yesterday, pulling away from the curb. I quickly did a scan to see if I could tell who had just come from it, but I only noticed a short dark haired woman with a young girl.

In front of them stood a few men, but I couldn’t see them all. The men standing closest to me were too tall. They were blocking my view.

The little girl laughed and called out, “Hey Uncle Mike, sorry you got stuck babysitting.”

I watched a hand reach out from the group of men and playfully mush the girl in the head. She tried to duck out of the way, but only ended up laughing more and the hands tugged at her hair. Another hand reached out to tickle her.

“Hey Lo, I’m gonna tell,” She giggled as the hands disappeared and the woman reached into the group looking as if she were fixing one of their ties or something. 

My father was at my side before I could move to get a better look. We were headed in the opposite direction, up the split stairs to the cathedral. My father held my hand on one side and Maria’s on his other. We entered the church and headed for seats in the middle aisle. 

This all felt a little strange. Usually my father would be at my house, with my mom on Sunday. Living his sins to the fullest, now here we were. Me, the product of his sins and his faithful wife, all looking like one big happy family. I started to feel like I needed confession, though I knew it was my father that should’ve been heading for that booth. 

To my surprise, that’s exactly where he headed after the service. Maria and I stood by our seats, waiting for him as people they knew came to greet her. I noticed the dark-haired woman and the girl from earlier, making their way from the front of the church.

There were two men behind them and someone else trailing behind. The little girl fell back to linger with the person bringing up the rear. I watched as the dark-haired lady made her way to Maria. 

“Oh, hi, Sharon,” Maria chimed. “I want you to meet someone. This is my step daughter, Victoria.” 

Sharon met me with a warm grin, reaching out to hug Maria before reaching over to hug me. “I see Venncesso is here with you today. Wow, it has been a while since I’ve seen him at mass without it being a holiday.” The two of them laughed, but Maria’s laugh had a little pain to it.  

“Well, I see I’m not the only one with a surprise guest today. Is that Lorenzo?” Maria questioned with a huge smile. 

I couldn’t believe my ears, my heart raced at the mention. Was I being stupid? It didn’t have to be him.

Anyone could have that name. I looked up to find the young girl and the lingerer. The one face I hadn’t seen. There he was frozen in his tracks, looking just as surprised as I was.

I quickly smiled at him trying to erase my surprise. However, when he didn’t return the smile, I just dropped my head and looked at my shoes. It was beyond embarrassing.

“Yes, that’s Lorenzo. His father wants him to stay out of trouble, so he sent him with me to mass.” Sharon turned toward him with a warm smile, motioning for him and the girl to come forward. 

Maria reached out and hugged Lorenzo, kissing him on each cheek. “Long time no see, Lo. You’re so grown up and handsome.” 

“Thank you, Aunt Maria,” he said, as he gave her a wide grin.

Sharon motioned me forward. “Victoria, I would like you to meet my daughter, Lucie and my son, Lorenzo.” 

I looked up through my lashes at Lucie. “It is nice to meet you.”

I turned to Lorenzo, who to my surprise, suddenly, wore a smile. He had his hand out to reach for mine. I returned the gesture, half shocked at the change in his demeanor.

“Nice to meet you,” I repeated.

His smile brightened even more as our hands met. “No, it is very nice to meet you,” he replied and winked. 

What was with this guy? One minute he is running from me, the next minute he’s all smiles and flirting. He held my hand a lot longer than necessary, but I didn’t mind. I was too caught up in his eyes. 

“Oh… maybe introducing them wasn’t such a good idea, she’s beautiful. Unfortunately, Lorenzo is promised,” Sharon said, seeming a little uneasy with the way Lorenzo was looking at me. I heard the two tall men chuckle behind her. 

Lorenzo spit out angrily, “Mama,” as he dropped my hand, turning to shake his head at her. 

Sharon went to speak again, but one of the tall men behind her placed a hand on her shoulder. Sharon paused. Lorenzo looked as if he were blushing under the angry sweat he’d broken into.

He turned to look at me. He looking as if he wanted to say something more, but just dropped his head, training his eyes on the floor. I’d noticed the other tall man step closer to him before his head dropped, but I didn’t understand any of it. 

“Maria, we have to do lunch. Are you free this week?” Sharon moved right on, as if nothing happened.

“Oh, Sharon, that would be great, but I’m planning a last minute birthday party for Victoria. I’m hoping to get to meet her escort this week. Her father’s being secretive about that detail. I’m hoping he doesn’t look like a dog,” Maria said lost in her party plans again. 

Three chuckles greeted my ears this time. I narrow my eyes as I noticed one came from Lorenzo. His head was still down, but he was smiling, while looking up at me. Oh great! Everyone thought my having to have a pizza faced, secret escort was funny, but me. 

I frowned and asked to be excused. I could feel my blood boiling and my ears getting hot. I needed to get some fresh air.

Maria granted my wish as she and Sharon just started to get into their conversation. Before leaving, I looked over at Lorenzo, who looked in pain for some reason, but I was too mad to try and figure him out. Let the mystery guy figure out his own life.


I made it out to the curb where Uncle Sal was waiting, but I wasn’t ready to get in the car and he was still napping. I paced back and forth a few times mumbling to myself. When I turned to pace in the opposite direction again, there he was, the weirdo. 

“Sorry, did I scare you?” he asked as I jumped at his sudden appearance. 

“No,” I lied. 

He laughed, giving me a sexy smile. “Sure…umm, you seem upset about something. Can I help?” 

I tilted my head to the side, taking in the offer. “Not unless you can talk my father out of finding the ugliest boy on the planet to be my escort.” 

He laughed super loud this time. “What makes you think your father is going to find the ugliest boy on the planet to be your escort?” he asked, grinning.

“Because he doesn’t want me dating, he’ll do it to prove a point. I know he will,” I mumbled. 

“Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad,” he taunted.

“Oh please, I can see it now. Acne, glasses, and bad breath,” I said.

Lorenzo laughed harder, which only annoyed me more. 

“You know what? No, you can’t help me,” I growled. 

He stopped laughing right away. “Sorry Victoria, I meant nothing by it. You just painted a vivid picture for me,” he said, as he smiled. “You know you could be wrong. Maybe your date will be handsome, with great skin and pretty nice eyes.”

He said it so confidently, I wanted to believe him. I looked up into his grey eyes and wished he could be my escort. He looked great in the blue suit he was draped in. His white shirt and grey satin tie made his eyes sing.

Where was my dad? I wanted to show him this guy. I want to tell him he was the one that he should pick to be my escort. 

I smiled at his politeness. “Thanks for the hope. Your family seems to know Maria well. Maybe I’ll see you at the party. That is if you want to come to a seventeen-year old’s party. You never did say how old you are.”

Lorenzo smiled back, as if I said something amusing, before answering. “I’m Twenty. I would love to come if you want me to?” 

The last part of his statement sound like a question. Was he serious? Of course, I wanted him to. Before I could answer, two car doors open simultaneously catching my attention. One of the tall men that with Lorenzo and his family showed up behind Lorenzo. 

“Hey Lo, she don’t look like a priest and this ain’t no confession booth.”

Lorenzo winked at me, turning to the man. “Sorry, Uncle Mike, guess I got lost.” 

Uncle Mike just looked at Lorenzo, as he narrowed his eyes. Lorenzo shrugged and walked off toward a black C350, climbing into the passenger side. Uncle Mike followed and got into the driver’s side.

They pulled off behind the blue Hummer from yesterday, which reminded me that my father must have been talking to my Lorenzo yesterday.

My mind started to work overtime. What was Lorenzo doing with my dad yesterday? My dad knows him?

Uncle Sal had been at my side since the moment Lorenzo’s Uncle Mike appeared, waiting for me to get into the car. I was paying him any mind, though. He grabbed my elbow after a few more seconds and helped me in the car. 

I was lost in my thoughts. Sharon said Lorenzo was promised. What did that mean? It made him pretty mad that Sharon had mentioned it.

He’s twenty, not that much older than me. I mean, I’d be seventeen, that not that big a difference.

So what was all that at the mall? Does he have a problem with younger girls? I think I am mature for my age. Was he with his dad yesterday because he had to stay out of trouble? Why else would he be with my father?

Why did I feel like I was missing something?