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Black Bella : The Beginning Book 1 by Blue Saffire (13)


chapter Thirteen



Tuesday night was great. I had dinner with Maria and my father came in during dessert. I sat with him while he ate and we all talked about the plans for the party.

Maria said she had most of the heavy things out of the way. Moving forward, she’s just going to focus on my dresses and following up with the guests. The woman had it all mapped out.

“You know we could have movie night another time,” I offered. My father looked tired.

“You deserve to celebrate your accomplishment this afternoon,” my father said with a grin.

“Yous guys enjoy the movies. I’ll see yous in the morning,” Maria said as she kissed my forehead and turned to leave the room.

My father waited until Maria stepped out of the room. When she was gone, my father turned to me with a broadened smile. He leaned and whispered.

“Your mother is so excited for you. She’s proud of you, Kid,” he said warmly.

His words brought a smile to my face. I thought about calling my mom to tell her my news. In the end, I had changed my mind.

“I told Maria yous guys should go to the spa to get ready for Thursday,” My father says after some thought. “You should have your hair straightened.”

I wrinkled my brows at that statement. My father, wanted me to straighten my hair. I sat back in my seat to process this. I was speechless.

Insistently, I became determined to find out what I was missing. Somehow, I knew Lorenzo knew more than he is saying, but he was going to tell me. I never got around to pushing the subject with my father. I decided to let it go.

I didn’t have a final the next day. I only had to show up for an hour of study hall. My father and I stayed up for hours watching movies, since I didn’t have exams. I had a blast.

I curled up next to my dad with his arm wrapped around me, as we watched the movies. We laughed, I cried, and we both yelled at the screen. It was fun. 

The next morning, Maria was excited about the spa day. She decided that I needed a new outfit too. As if I didn’t have a closet full of brand new clothes. 

I was super tired in study hall. I couldn’t be happier when the hour was up. Maria hadn’t bothered to leave because she would’ve had to turn right back around.

Angie was tagging along with us for the spa day. Unfortunately, we had to wait an extra twenty minutes for her to finish a final. Our time at the spa flew.

We had such a great time receiving the full treatment, including manicures, pedicures, massages, and some extras. After the spa, we went to a boutique Maria had been raving about. I tried on outfit after outfit, but I didn’t find anything Maria or I liked right away.

I was in the dressing room with my third pile, when I heard my phone ringing outside of the dressing room. Oh no! I felt the panic rising.

It hit me insistently that I forgot to call Lorenzo. I’d been so tired after study hall. I knew it had to be him. Angie and I never kept secrets before, so I knew she would just pick up the phone and read the text.

I started to freak out, trying to put on anything so I could walk out of the dressing room. By the time I made it out, Maria and Angie were standing over my phone reading and laughing. I snatched the phone and read the message myself. 

Lorenzo: You’re in so much trouble. Call me. Love you.

My stomach dropped and my eyes flashed up to Maria’s face. She was tickled pink. Lorenzo’s name was saved in big bold letters for all to see. I knew they knew exactly who the text was from. 

“I had no idea yous two were that serious. Wow! How long has this been going on?” Maria asked.

I was so embarrassed. I tried to find my voice, but my mouth just flapped open repeatedly. I rubbed my forehead in frustration. Suddenly, the consequence of it all slammed into me.

“Please don’t tell my father, I don’t want him to be upset with me. I don’t want to stop talking to Lorenzo either. Please…” I rushed out.

“Oh, my goodness, Victoria, calm down. Your father likes Lorenzo. I don’t think he will mind. I mean we’re here shopping to impress this kid, but it seems you already have,” she said, as if I was overreacting. 

I was totally confused. What was she talking about? This was a part of the mystery I’d been trying to solve. I needed to pay attention. I decided to answer her question.

“He has been my boyfriend since Monday. We’ve been talking on the phone since Sunday.” I replied. 

She smiled. “You move fast. I can’t blame you. Lorenzo is hot,” Maria giggled excitedly. 

I had to smile at that. I started to text Lorenzo back immediately as I relaxed.

Me: So, sorry. Forgot, way too tired. Out shopping. Call you soon. Love you too.

Before I could hit send Angie stood beside me to read my text. She gasped, her expression totally flabbergasted. She waved Maria over as she pointed to my phone.

“Oh, my gosh, she loves him too. What’s that, four days? Six if you count the days since they first met,” she said flummoxed. 

“Shut up, Ang,” I hissed. 

I sent my text, turning to head back for the dressing room. This time with my phone in hand. I almost stomped my way there.

I couldn’t understand why was Angie being such a pain about this. I thought she would at least be happy for me. Before I made it back in the dressing room, Maria gasped stopping me in my tracks. 

“Wait, I like that dress. That one is cute. Turn around, let me see.” 

I had no clue what I had on. I turned to look in a mirror. It was cute. It was something Angie had handed me off the rack.

I was draped in a form fitting heather grey dress, that hugged the top of my body, down to the middle of my thighs. It then broke off into a pleated shirt that stopped just above the knee.

Just above the seam of the pleats, there was a two inches wide black ribbon laced into the fabric that tied into a bow at the center front. The neckline came up to my collarbone in a boat neck style. The back was cut low, into a v that met where it zipped shut, just at the waistline. 

Maria walked up behind me to zip it closed. “Wow, this is it, Victoria. You look great,” she said, as she pulled my hair up out of the way. 

I twisted and turned, trying to look at as many angles as I could, in the mirrors. Lifting up on my toes, I tried to see what the dress would look like with heels.

It was a great dress, but I thought it might be too much. It was for someone older. Nether my mother or father would approve.

“It’s perfect,” Maria purred with joy.

I scoffed. “Perfect for me to be buried in.”

“Oh, please. Leave all of that to me,” Maria said as she lifted my hair, holding it first to the side of my head, then to the back.

“I think I should keep looking. This is going to get us both killed,” I groaned.

“Not a chance, Kid. You are getting this dress. It is perfect,” Maria said as she glared at me in our reflection in the mirror.

We argued for almost thirty minutes. The argument ended with Maria demanding that she was buying the dress. I pouted as we walked out of the store.

When we got in the car, Maria ignored my mood. Her mind was set on going back to her questions about Lorenzo. She could care less that I was unhappy with the dress she purchased and was demanding I wear.

“So, why are you keeping your boyfriend a secret?” Maria asked.

I sighed. “Maria, have you met my father? He doesn’t want me to date.”

Maria threw her head back and laughed. “Yes, I’ve met your father. Since you have been with us, I have seen how over protective he is. I just truly don’t think this would be a problem,” she replied considerately.

“Well, I’m not willing to chance it. I really like Lorenzo. Everyone in this car is going to keep my secret until I know for sure this will be okay with my father,” I demanded. 

Angie flopped back into her seat pouting. “I don’t understand why I’m just finding out you’re dating him. You said you two were just friends. We tell each other everything,” she sulked. 

I felt so bad. I turned around to look in the backseat, but Angie wouldn’t look at me. I reached out to touch her leg.

“I’m sorry. I was going to tell you today. I was dying to get a chance to. Especially after yesterday. I have so much I want to tell you.” 

She turned to me, rolling her eyes. I knew insistently what I could say to fix this.

“Lorenzo promised to bring Chris to the party,” I presented sweetly.

It worked like a charm. “Are you serious? Oh, my God! I have to change the outfit I was going to wear,” Angie started, talking at full speed. “I need something to make me look older, but not slutty. Oh, my God. We have so much to do. I need a new swimsuit.”

I let Angie rattle on, surprised at how cool Maria was. She hadn’t said a word at first. Letting Angie get out all her ranting and raving about how epic this party had just become.

“You know, Lorenzo asked if he could pick me up and bring me to the party like a real date,” I winced and bite my lip as I looked at Maria out the corner of my eye.

She glanced from the road over at me with a wide grin on her lips. “Why do you sound so unsure about that?” She asked.

“I don’t know if my father will allow that,” I said with a slight whine. “Lorenzo seemed convinced that Dad would be okay with it, though.”

“Lorenzo was right. Your father would let him take me to the party. You’ll see, everything will work out,” Maria turned to me once again to wink at me.

When we got to the house, I went upstairs to put away my dress and the new boots Maria bought to go with it. Angie stayed downstairs with Maria. They were looking at some party details I wasn’t allowed to see.

I decided it would be as good a time as any to call Lorenzo and tell him all that had happened. I flopped across the bed and called him.

“Hey, Beautiful,” he crooned into the phone.

“Hey, you,” I twisted out.

“Umm, ok. Why do you sound like I forgot to call you?” he joked.

“Because your text message may have caused a little trouble.” Hearing his voice kind of made it hard to be upset with him. 

“What happened? What do you mean?” he asked anxiously.

“I want to know what is going on, but we’ll get back to that,” I thought out loud. “Maria and Angie read your text while I was in the fitting room,” I blurted.

“Oh. So, what’s the big deal? Aunt Maria loves me and Angie is like your best friend, right?” he spoke calmly.

“Right, that right there is the problem. Number one, Angie was mad at me for not telling her. Maria is cool with it, but she was surprised we are so serious. I mean that you said you love me, but that’s besides the point. She thinks it would be okay to tell my father.” I rushed through my explanation trying to make him see my point. 

“I think so too.” 

“Well, that’s the next thing I have a problem with. Why do you think so?” I asked seeing my chance to answer some of my questions.

“I just do. Your dad isn’t as bad as you think. He knows my family. He knows I won’t do anything to hurt you,” he explained.

That wasn’t the answer I was looking for. He was hiding more information in that explanation. There was more to his overwhelming confidence than I had noticed before today. I was getting irritated from not knowing the truth.

“No, Lorenzo. That’s not it. There’s something you’re not saying. I just can’t put my finger on it.” I was half talking to myself.

“You’re worrying too much again,” he said nervously.

“No, that’s not it either, for once. Lorenzo, what am I missing?” I asked directly.

“Me, I hope,” he returned.

“Of course, but that’s not what I meant. Please don’t do that. I’m getting annoyed. You’re hiding something,” I pleaded. 

Lorenzo paused. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable with the conversation. That just made me more curious. I was going to get some answers.

“I’m sorry, Beautiful. I don’t know what you’re looking for,” he said, again sounding nervous, but sincere.

“Ok, then let me be more direct,” I said through my teeth. My temper was flashing. “I want to know why everyone is going out of their way to make sure I impress you and your father. What. Am. I. Missing. Lorenzo?”

There was a pause on the phone. He usually has an answer for everything. However, at that moment, he was stone cold quiet. I was getting impatient.

“Speak up, Lorenzo. I want to know why you’re so sure of yourself, and why my father just had me go for a spa day? Why is there a hair stylist coming here tomorrow to do my hair just to come see you? I know you know,” I exclaimed. 

Still silence. Not even a pin drop. I had become outraged. He wasn’t going to tell me, but he did know. That truth was in his silence.

“Lorenzo!” I screamed.

“Stop yelling at me, Victoria. I’m not the one that should tell you. At first, I wanted to, but I don’t think I should. Ask your father!” he shouted back.

I knew it! I knew I was missing something, and I knew he knew. I was furious. How could he not tell me? So much for doing anything for me. He wouldn’t even tell me the truth. 

“Fine, Lorenzo. I don’t like secrets, so if you won’t tell me then I’m done talking,” I growled.

His voice became aggravated and he used a tone I’d never heard him use with me before. “Victoria, this isn’t my secret to share. I don’t even want any parts of it but you. Can’t you just let it go, and either ask your father or wait and see for yourself? I’m not going to be bullied into telling you. Besides, I don’t think you want to hear it from me.” His voice was strained.

“I want to hear it from someone I trust. I thought that was you,” I cried.

“Victoria, you’re asking for something you don’t want,” he returned sounding pained.

“Lorenzo, if you love me, why won’t tell me?” I whined into the phone. 

“I do love you and that is why I won’t,” he barked. 

I was shocked by his response. It made me think of the day we first met. Then, I thought about the day I met his mother. The way he talked to her when she said he was PROMISED.

That means something I need to understand right now. Something that will make all this make sense. I stopped talking to think. I had been so busy with all of the changes and wrapped up in Lorenzo, I was missing something big.

Like the fact that Lorenzo was at the restaurant that day with his father. Our fathers knew each other a long time. He was so sure my father would like him.

Lorenzo wasn’t worried about my escort in the least. My father said he liked him. Things about the family I didn’t understand. Special guests at the party.

Lorenzo’s father wanting to meet me. Lorenzo only wanted one thing out of the secret, me. Promised. It clicked together at once. Lorenzo’s behavior, his mother’s words, and things my father had done and said. 

“Oh, my gosh, Lorenzo,” I cried. “How long…how long have you known?”

Lorenzo remained silent on the other end. My tears were in full stream. I was beyond upset. Had I understood this right?

“So, how much of this is because you love me and how much is about this promise?” I screamed.

“Shit, fuck,” he growled on the other end of the phone. 

“Victoria, nothing I’ve ever said to you is about … I love you because I do. You’re all I want. If I could change what our fathers want I would, but that’s not why I want you,” he whispered. His voice was raw with a mix of emotions, pain, maybe fear.

“So, I just spent the day getting ready to be pawned off to you? Is that what my father meant about keeping me a little longer? You are my escort.

“You have been all along. I’ve been crying to you about something you could’ve fixed right away with the truth,” I snarled.

“You think I want to hide things from you? The truth wasn’t mine to tell, Victoria. They feel this is more important than what we want. Did you ever wonder why your dad married Maria and not your mother? He had no choice. I don’t have a choice, but I’d gladly give up that choice if it means I get to have you.”

“Lorenzo, I can’t …I need to breath. I have to go,” I cried hysterically.

“Victoria, wait …” I heard the lump in his throat as he spoke.

I hung up the phone. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. I was confused and hurt. I wanted answers, answers he refused to give me. I wanted to know who knew about this? Did Maria know? Is that why she insisted on that dress? What did he mean we had no choice? 

I ran downstairs to find Maria. She would have to answer my questions. I went to the office, I knew I would find her in and pulled the doors wide open. I was so mad I could have ripped the doors out of joint. Maria looked up to see what was going on with shock on her face. Angie had the same look. 

“Do you know?” I screamed. “Do you know what they are planning? Did you know I’m promised to him, that you were getting me ready to be passed off to him?” The tears were running my words together. 

Maria’s expression told me what I wanted to know. She looked confused. After a few moments, she dropped the papers in her hand. Disgust took the place of shock.

“Oh, my God, Victoria, it all makes sense. I thought I was suggesting Lorenzo as your escort, but your father was too willing. I never thought they would … I thought we were the last.

“I mean you’re not the child of this marriage, so I didn’t think they would. I’m so sorry. I should’ve known.

“Sharon said Lorenzo was promised. I ignored it because I didn’t see to who or how that would be possible. I thought she was just being Sharon. You would be the one if you were my daughter. Frankie doesn’t have girls and Joann doesn’t count. It would be you.”

Tears were running down her face. I wasn’t sure if they were because of me or because it wasn’t her real daughter being pawned off. Not until she crossed the room and embraced me.

“I am so sorry, Victoria. I would never want this for you. It wasn’t what I wanted either. I just accepted it, but you deserve better.” I cried harder.

This was all on my father. He was acting alone unless my mother knew. She probably did, she went along with anything my father wanted. 

Just as I thought, the one person I was scared to love because I didn’t want to lose him, I would have to give up. I wouldn’t be with someone because of some family tradition. This wasn’t going to happen. 

I looked at Maria. “I want to go home.” 

She looked at me with pain in her eyes. “That won’t change this, Victoria. This isn’t something you can just change.”