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Black Bella : The Beginning Book 1 by Blue Saffire (33)


chapter Thirty-Three

My Dream Come True


I could barely sleep I hadn’t slept alone in months. My mind was racing, as I laid in my old room. I had been text messaging Victoria for hours, until Maria took her phone to make sure she went to sleep.

Maria sent me to my father’s at five in the evening. She had an evening spa session planned for Victoria at the house. Victoria text me that they were torturing her.

She asked me to come save her. That was cute. I knew Maria had everything in the books going on over there. Victoria would sparkle tomorrow if Maria had anything to do with it.

Chris had been with me, since Angie was with Victoria while she was being tortured. Although I couldn’t count on him for shit, he’d been sending text messages to Angie the whole time. Only benefit to that was Angie’s big mouth.

She told us everything that was going on. I knew they had waxed almost every hair that wasn’t on Victoria’s head. Angie told Chris there would be a surprise for me. I knew Victoria would strangle her for that one. 

Martina, Lucie, and my mother, Sharon, were with Victoria as well. Angie had text Chris a picture of Lucie enjoying herself with the ladies. She looked so excited.

Victoria had sent me a few stories about Lucie’s excitement. Lucie was the talk of the party with her antics. My favorite girls were having a ball.

Matt was supposed to be with us, but truth be told he was with Bianca, Victoria’s cousin. Victoria already knew the truth. I wasn’t going to have my new wife pissed at me for lying the night before the wedding.

“We’re staying out of it,” she groaned when I told her earlier. She’d mentioned a lie Martina repeated, which lead me to reveal the truth. Matt should actually thank me. He almost got busted. Victoria was onto him the moment the words were out of Martina’s mouth.

“You have no arguments from me,” I replied, wanting just as little to do with the situation.

It was my intentions from the beginning to mind my fucking business. As long as it didn’t affect me and mine, we were golden. I had no idea what the wedding was going to be like for Matt. He was going to have Bianca and Martina in the some space. As long as they didn’t start a fight at my wedding I was cool. 

My father tried his best to get me to hang with him and my uncles. I finally gave in later in the evening. We went to dad’s study, Chris tagging along of course.

Dad pulled out a few of his Cuban cigars and a bottle of brandy he was saving. We spent the time laughing and talking for a while. I was happy I did it. I do love my father and before the whole arranged marriage thing we were close. 

I thought I would be able to sleep, so I came up to my room. Chris disappeared to his room my mom keeps for him. I laughed when it dawned on me how much time Chris has spent here over the years.

Time started to tick by slowly. It was like the night would never end. Matt had already texted me to tell me he was home. I was alone with my thoughts. Thinking about that night at Victoria’s uncle’s place.

I love her family. They’re so warm and welcoming once they decide they like you. You can tell they come from money, but they’re so down to earth. None of this bullshit has gotten to their heads. They handle their power so much differently than what I’ve seen growing up.

I know seeing me getting along so well with her family made Victoria happy. It was just so easy. Her cousin, Bry is my boy. We’ve been hanging out since the party and we’ve been talking about launching a business together with Chris. Something for the future.

Lakeisha even warmed up to me a lot more. I think she finally saw how much I love Victoria. She and Victoria were able to spend some time together this week. That’s something my baby needed.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much it pleases me that my girl is getting everything she wants. The only thing I couldn’t fix was the relationship her father had with her grandfather. Lakeisha’s father wasn’t willing to step a foot in the same room as Venny.

I noticed he barely talked to Lakeisha when we were at the condo. I wish I could fix that for Victoria, but that is well beyond me. Some shit even I knew to leave alone.

Thinking of that day brought me to all the questions Victoria had for me, when we got home that night. We had decided to stay with Venny until the wedding. He was irritated when we showed up at four in the morning in my new blue and grey Rolls Royce. Chris had taken my Austin Martin home with him. He wanted to make sure he took Angie to her door. 

I was happy to get Victoria back into a real bed. Venny wanted to argue about my new gift, but I wasn’t in the mood. Victoria silenced him though.

“Are you really going to go there tonight,” she hissed. “After all Lo has been through. After all we’ve been through. You want to argue over a gift. Really, Dad?”

“Venny, if you don’t leave them alone and go have a fucking drink. It’s four in the morning for Christ sakes. What difference does it matter who gave him the car, it’s clear you already know where it came from. Stop being an asshole,” Maria jumped in.

Once Maria joined in he didn’t have a chance. Venny stormed off grumbling to himself. I just shook my head as Victoria and I dragged our tired bodies upstairs for some much needed sleep.

When we finally were able to lie down, Victoria had a list of questions for me. It was like she stored them all up to unleash them on me.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me you liked Hip Hop and R&B?” Was the first question she giggled out. Her eyes were bright with curiosity.

“You never asked,” I shrugged.

“Where did you learn to dance?”

“Chris and I used to watch a lot of MTV and BET. I was a video nut,” I chuckled. “I used to memorize the routines. I thought I was JT at one point.”  

She burst into laughter. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope,” I said, kissing her nose.

She bit her lip, as if debating on whether or not to ask her next question. “Am I your first black girlfriend?”

I laughed and tightened my arms around her. I answered her truthfully. “No.”

Victoria sat up and looked down at me. I could see I ignited a new brand of curiosity. I waited, knowing what was coming next.

“How many?”

“Three, well, four if you count Jazmine. She was half black, half Puerto Rican,” I answered. I’d talked to Victoria before about my old girlfriends, but this part of the subject hadn’t come up. 

Again, I watched her hesitate, before asking her next question. This one surprised me a little. It was the last thing I was expecting her to ask.

“Do you really find my butt attractive?”

“Huh,” I winked my brows.

“I know you’ve called me sexy before. I just want to know what you find sexy about me,” she said shyly. “I noticed the look you gave me, when Justin said I have a ghetto booty.”

I thought she knew I love her body. My thought had gone to that one time she wore that black bikini. Hell yeah, I’m attracted to her thick ass, but I needed her to understand it was more than that.

Finding the words proved difficult than I thought it would. There just aren’t enough adequate words to expect how I feel about her. I tried to explain it to her anyway.

“Victoria, you are just perfect to me. I love everything about your body, from your cute little feet to your perfectly shaped legs. I love your flat tummy and you have the cutest belly button I’ve ever seen.

“And that’s just your body. I could spend hours on what I love about your face, your mind, and your beautiful soul. You are the essence of sexy to me,” I told her as I looked deeply into her eyes.

Just the thought of Victoria made me wish she were next to me. I smirked as it hit me that she would be tomorrow night, as Mrs. Botticelli. I would have the most amazing woman ever as mine for life.

Victoria had more questions that night. She wanted to know if I thought everything would go back to normal now. This was something I was about to reassure her of.

Everything was going to be fine. When Victoria woke and gave me my phone the morning after the attack, I sent a message to my waiting gifts in Atlanta, Orlando, and Phoenix. My father had gotten notice that it was understood that I wouldn’t tolerate any more threats. There wasn’t a family that didn’t understand who Lorenzo Botticelli is.

I couldn’t believe I couldn’t sleep. I had gotten so much better at sleeping in the bed with Victoria and not pushing her into the corner. Now she sort of melts into me when we sleep. I wrap around her and we wake up locked together in the morning.

I think she likes that as much as I do. I wonder if she is getting any sleep without me. After tomorrow, I’ll never have to sleep without her again. I couldn’t wait to see her in her wedding gown. Carlos made her look amazing for her birthday. I knew she would look like the true princess she is for our wedding. 

I was lost in my thoughts, thinking of Victoria in a white dress when my phone started to buzz. I had no idea who it was. It was too late for anyone to be calling. I thought about not answering at first.

I was annoyed that my thoughts of Victoria were being interrupted. I picked before it stopped buzzing. I cleared my throat to speak.


“Hey, Lo, did I wake you?” Victoria whispered into the phone. 

“No, Beautiful, I was just thinking about you. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too. I tried to get Angie to hold me until I fall asleep, but she’s being silly,” she grumbled. 

Aw, I’m sorry, I spoiled you. I could come hold you until you fall asleep. No one would know,” I offered, as I laughed at her substitution.

“I wish, Lo. I just wanted to hear your voice,” she purred. 

“I’m glad you called. I wanted to hear your voice too,” I told her. “You should’ve asked Lucie to hold you. The munchkin would’ve done it.” 

“Oh, please, Lo,” she giggled. “Lucie isn’t the big girl she thinks she is. She passed out after the massages.” 

“Well, my offer still stands. I miss those little legs wrapped around me,” I breathed into the phone. 

“Lorenzo,” she giggled. “They’ll be wrapped around you soon enough.” 

Mm, you promise, Beautiful,” I moaned back.

“Yes, Honey,” she said in that seductive voice. “I promise. You won’t have to wait any longer.”

I paused. That had been a thought in the back of my mind, but she was drawing it to the front. I’d kept it in the back for a reason. I didn’t want to spend my whole wedding day thinking about my wedding night. I started to think that answering the phone was a bad idea. 

“Lorenzo?” she called.

“Yes, Beautiful.” 

“Happy Birthday,” she whispered. 

I looked at the clock and smiled. “Thank you. You know you’re giving me the best birthday gift ever.”

“Am I? What’s that?” she asked. 

“You…you’re becoming my wife. I get to love you for the rest of my life,” I answered. 

“Lo, I’m only giving you what belongs to you,” she whispered. 

“Yeah, I know, but I belong to you, Victoria. Don’t forget that. I’ll always be yours, no one else but you.” 

“I love you. Baby, go to sleep, I’m going to, so I can look beautiful for you in the morning. Goodnight,” Victoria whispered. 

“You’re always beautiful. I love you, too. Goodnight.” 

She hung up and I was suddenly at ease. I finally felt like I could fall asleep. Hearing her voice helped me still my mind. When I wake up in the morning, I’m going to marry the woman of my dreams. Victoria is going to finally be Mrs. Victoria Botticelli and I will be the happiest man on earth.