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Mustang: A Mountain Man Romance by S. Cook (68)

Chapter 7: Lydia



I loved the room the moment I walked in. The décor was graceful without being ostentatious, with an immaculately laid king bed and a whole wall made up of a window with a breathtaking view of the ocean.

The colors were welcoming and the fittings comfy, elegant. I loved the way the walls and floor were designed with geometric patterns softened by the exquisitely draped curtains.

I was glad Brian picked it out for me and I told him so, adding, “The management of the hotel must be so glad to have such a thoughtful employee as you.”

He grinned.

“Thanks. The resort’s not the biggest you’ll find but it prides itself on having personalized service. Every single guest should feel special.”

His smile faded as he looked at me and there was a stretch of silence that I wasn’t sure what to make of. For the first time I realized we were both alone in the room and his innocent presence – suddenly didn’t seem so innocent.

As if sensing my inner discomfort he made to leave. “Glad you like the room. I’ll have your things sent over. I wish you goodnight,” he said with a slight bow and his tone formal.

I hoped I hid my relief well and offered to walk him to the door. He appealed to me on levels I couldn’t begin to fathom, but I wasn’t about to tread that road. I liked that he was outgoing and that did a lot to bring me out of my shell, but I was too attracted to him to risk getting closer.

He stepped into the hallway and I stood in the open doorway about to thank him once again for his help. That was when I looked across the hall and saw another woman exiting her room. She was tall and slender with a mass of dramatic golden-brown curls. Her attire was like that of one about to go out on the town and as she turned from locking her door, her eyes met with mine.

We both gasped with identical looks of recognition.



Somehow we found our way across and threw our arms around each other in the middle of the hotel corridor.

“Goodness it’s been ages! You look amazing, Lydia!”

“So do you,” I said as we both drew back, beaming. “You’ve hardly changed since high school.”

“I could say the same for you. Though you definitely aren’t the skinny four-eyed Lydia anymore,” teased Brandi good-naturedly. “And as you can see, I lost my chubbiness. Well, most of it anyway.”

I laughed out loud, our hands still entwined as we stared at each other in glee. “You’re staying here too?” I asked. Seeing a familiar face, especially from back home and from my girlhood was such a thrill.

Brandi nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes, since yesterday but I was worn out by jetlag. To make it up to myself I’m going dancing!” Brandi said with a mischievous giggle. “There’s a nightclub I heard about when I first arrived and I can’t wait to check it out. It’s amazing to bump into you like this. You simply must come with me. We can live it up like we used to.”

“I’d love to, Brandi. It sounds like fun and I haven’t really had time to check out the club scene down here. I just need to change into something nicer first.”

“Your friend can come along too,” Brandi suggested, nodding at Brian who’d been hovering just behind me as our exchange had kept him from walking past.

I flushed with embarrassment as I finally remembered Brian standing there. He had on a small smile and before I knew what to say he put out his hand. “Hello, Brandi. I’m Brian.”

“Nice to meet you,” Brandi murmured, her gaze sweeping over him speculatively. I noted that Brandi held on a little too long with the handshake before drawing away. “We definitely need some arm candy and Brian here more than foots the bill.”

He chuckled, as I looked more embarrassed than ever. “Thanks for the offer, but...” Brian began regretfully.

“Seriously, I’m not taking no for an answer,” Brandi said. “Imagine two ladies out on our own in this strange, new town with all the unknown perils.”

“The security on the island is top notch so you really have nothing to fear,” Brian said, but when Brandi pouted with a playful frown, he laughed and added, “But then, escorting two beautiful ladies will be an honor I would be crazy to refuse.”

He turned to me with an arched brow. “That is if you have no objections?”

I figured Brandi had a point about going out on our own and besides, with Brandi as chaperone the night could go innocently enough.

“I think it’s a great idea for you to join us. I mean, if you aren’t otherwise occupied tonight?”

A small part of me was actually hoping he’d say he was.

“I’m done for the day,” he said. “Your bags will be up promptly. “Would you like for me to arrange the transportation? The resort has a car service you’ll find satisfactory.”

“Sounds perfect!” chirped Brandi.

“Very well ladies. I guess I’ll meet you in front of the hotel in...say twenty minutes?”

Ample time for me to prepare, I thought as I nodded, smiling despite my better judgment. was just like old times with Brandi, always setting me up for trouble.

The moment he was out of sight Brandi linked her arm with mine and crowed, “What a hunk! He’s absolutely gorgeous. Is he yours?”

“No,” I said with a slight frown. “We met here at the hotel barely a week ago.”

“Funny; he looks mighty familiar,” said Brandi thoughtfully, following me into my room.

“That’s probably because he works here, in the hotel. He’s some kind of manager from what I can tell.”

My tone was disinterested though inwardly I was aiming to throw Brandi off Brian’s scent. I could tell that Brandi had already set her sights on him and I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Hopefully Brandi might be put off on hearing he was a hotel employee.

Brandi was very much a silver spoon princess; her father was an investment mogul and her mother was a notable surgeon. As kids from affluent homes, both of us had gravitated to each other due to the fact we shared so much in common.

We’d lost touch when we were both accepted to different colleges. Brandi’s parents choosing to let Brandi go to London for a British education since Brandi’s mother was half-English. 

Even with all the years that had passed since we’d last seen each other, I was glad our bond was still there. We were a little different in many ways but that had only helped to strengthen our friendship. I couldn’t wait for us to hang out like we used to and was looking forward to not having to spend another evening alone. Maybe letting loose and having fun was just the pick-up I needed after Theo’s unplanned departure.

Enjoy yourself, he’d said.

And that was exactly what I planned to do.