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Raw by Simone Sowood (7)

Chapter 7


Elsie coughs and coughs, and I rub her back in an attempt to help, although the physical contact only makes me harder. I glance around on the desk and notice a bottle of water, which I pass to her. She drinks down a long gulp and her coughing fit clears.

“Are you okay now?” My throbbing erection still hasn’t gone down. It started when I was under the desk and my head was way too close to her pussy, and shows no sign of going away. Every time I look at her I seem to grow stiffer. I think there’s only going to be one way to resolve this — by fucking her.

Plus, that way, it makes my detour to this roadside hotel worthwhile. I’ll show her a good night and be on my way to Owen’s in the morning.

She nods and says, “I’m fine, thanks.”

“Great. Now are you going to tell me what time do you finish work?”

“Six-thirty. Why?”

“I’m going to order a pizza for dinner since you don’t do room service and I don’t want the pizza delivery guy to recognize me. Do you mind taking it for me and tipping the guy?”

Her shoulders drop, and her stance visibly relaxes. “No problem at all.”

“Here’s some money for the tip,” I say, pulling a fifty-dollar bill out of my pocket.

“How the hell much does pizza cost in your world that the tip alone is fifty bucks?”

“To be honest, I have no idea how much pizza costs in any world, but I assume that’s far too much. Unfortunately, it’s the smallest bill I have. Can you make change?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it,” she says in her all-business voice.

“Thanks, supermodel. I knew I could count on you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I want to shower before dinner.” A really cold fucking shower to get the blood circulating away from my dick again.

“See you in an hour,” she says with a natural smile, not that fake smile she used with Peter Newman. The smile that only makes me harder. Really, uncomfortably hard in a pair of jeans.

“See you,” I say and try to walk as naturally as possible with a raging erection trapped in my jeans.

I take the stairs two at a time and fight with the key card to get my door open as fast as possible. The little light finally goes green and I fling the door open. It hasn’t even clicked shut before my pants and boxers are around my knees and my cock is in my hand.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I close my eyes and remember my first sight of Elsie — bent over with her milky ass cheeks separated by a red thong, begging to be taken.

Our entire first meeting plays out in my mind. She stands and turns her full body standing near me as I raked my eyes over the swell of her breast squeezing out the top of her corset. The silky red corset that showed off the curve of her waist and hips. She is perfection, right down to her bright green eyes and her quick wit.

My length pulses in my hand, and I cup my balls with my other hand. I remember the natural smile she gave me in the lobby and a shock of tingles spreads over my nutsack.

I grip my dick tighter as my hand moves faster and faster up and down my shaft. My balls draw near my body and are electric. Remembering her scent, I imagine burying my face in her pussy, wondering what she tastes like and what noises she makes when she climaxes. The thought causes a giant shudder that rocks me from head to toe and I fall back on the bed as my cock bursts with cum.

Staying still as the remnants of the orgasm fade away, I slowly turned my mind to my other issue – Luna.

The problem can’t be avoided any longer, and I get up from the bed and walk in a trance to the washroom, spent dick in hand. There is no separate shower, so I have to use the one over the bathtub after stripping off my clothes. I fiddle around with the faucet and finally get the water flowing from above and at a decent temperature.

Standing in the flow, I let the water wash over me and try to clear my head of the past twenty-four hours. How much longer before another new story comes along and replaces the one about me? I laugh, remembering Elsie’s comment about North Korea. Now would be a good time for that dictator to come out with another whacked-out speech and take everyone’s attention away from me.

Even when the attention does die down, I’m still going to have to deal with Luna. She’s going to say that she had my total consent to run with the lies, but I didn’t know how far she was going to take things or how she was getting all the bad attention on me and painting herself as some poor victim who went along with whatever demands out of love for me.

I don’t even want to go on her show again. It’s not like I do it for the money, it was only ever for shits and giggles. Now the fun is taken out of it for me so what’s the point?

Enough. I flick off the water and wrap a towel around my waist. I use another towel to dry my hair before styling it with my fingers. My phone was totally dead so I plug it in using Elsie’s charger while I dress. My housekeeper Tonya packed my suitcase before I left and I have no idea what’s in it. I rifle through it and pull out a clean pair of black jeans and a blue shirt.

Leaving the phone plugged into the charger, I scroll through my contacts and hit call when I locate Luna’s name.

“Hey darling, are you still mad at me?” she answers in a playful voice that I’m not in the mood for.

“Of course I’m still pissed off at you. You’ve made me into a pervert.”

“That’s what captures the interest of the public and gets the ratings.”

“Then you should have made yourself the pervert instead of hurting my reputation.”

“Oh, silly, no one’s going to care if I’m perverted. They want to know about you, the world’s sexiest man.”

“Maybe they need to know the truth,” I snap. Luna doesn’t say anything right away and I let the silence hang on the line for several breaths.

“You wouldn’t,” she finally says.

“I absolutely would. I am being hounded by the press who at this moment think I like to be ass fucked by you in a strap-on. At this point we are about to have a very public breakup.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Exactly what it sounds like I mean. We break up and I don’t go on your show anymore.”

“You wouldn’t,” she whines like a little sister. “You know how much my show means to me. You did this for me to help rescue the ratings. If you left, the show would die for sure and then what would I do?”

“Take your yacht around the Caribbean for a few months and figure that out.”

“Darling, you know I get seasick. Now let’s work this out. What do you want?”

“I don’t even know how we can fix this. You went way too over the top. How are you supposed to undo that now?” I ask, my voice filled with frustration.

“But how?”

“You need to figure that out, and fast. I don’t care if you have to go on every morning show there is and say that you made the entire thing up. How you fix it isn’t my problem, only that you fix it.”

“Okay, but if I fix it you have to promise that we are still a couple and that you will still be on the show.”

“Not very likely.”

“Well then, why would I go and say anything different about it?”

I exhale heavily, knowing she’s got me and say, “So I don’t go public and tell them the whole story.”

“You wouldn’t,” she says, her voice dropping an octave.

“Try me.”

Luna growls in frustration and says, “Fine, darling, you know I love you. I’ll fix this, I promise.” I roll my eyes and end the call without saying goodbye.