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Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr (112)

Chapter Twelve


The next morning, after a long and restless night in which Isabel couldn’t stop thinking about her conversation with Sophie, Isabel found Liam brushing the mane of his horses. Isabel hadn’t seen him since he had sat fanning her by her bed. He must have been busy at the ranch all evening and then slept on the couch. Why, Isabel didn’t know, but somehow his absence had made her even more furious.

She could see him as she walked towards him, her feet kicking up dust as she went. Her skirt was hitched high up and she could feel her whole body shake as she strode towards him.

His back was turned to her, and he was whistling a tune. His plaid shirt sleeves were rolled up and his boots were muddy now. Even from the back, he looked handsome. His shoulders were strong and straight. His back was broad and tapered toward his slim waist. He appeared to be smiling up at the horse as he brushed its mane.

“When were you going to tell me?” Isabel nearly shrieked at him. Liam just turned his head, although his hand had stopped in position. His eyes were dancing against the orange light of the setting sun. He had that same grin on his face.

“I knew Sophie wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret for very long,” he said and then fully turned to look at her.

“Why didn’t you tell me the moment I got here?” Isabel repeated. She could feel the rage erupting from her ears. She was plenty embarrassed, but she was even angrier.

“You need to rest some, Isabel. You’ll work yourself up again,” Liam said with the same humor in his voice.

She couldn’t believe that he was finding it funny. It wasn’t a joke to her. “I don’t need to rest anymore. I need some answers from you.” Isabel let her skirt drop from her hands, and then she noticed the way Liam’s eyes traveled to her breasts and then back up to look at her face.

“What do you want me to tell you, Isabel?” he asked softly. Just her name from his lips was enough to give her goosebumps. Liam had been right, there was a sudden December chill in the air that she hadn’t been expecting and she shivered a little.

“Why didn’t you just tell me when I arrived? That would have been the most adult thing to do.” Isabel crossed her arms over her breasts while he continued to look at her. Liam was leaning against his horse now while he stared, the smile still on his face.

“You looked tired. Determined. I didn’t want to turn you away at the door when you had just arrived,” he said in a low voice. He wasn’t trying to convince her; he was just stating the facts.

“Why keep me under an illusion? Why make me think that you were testing my wifely skills when you knew all along that you were going to send me home in a few days?” She was screaming now. She was angry with him and herself, as well as the rest of the world. She barely knew this man but already she felt betrayed by him.

The side of Liam’s lip lifted and he smiled, then he shook his head and dropped the brush from his hand.

“I was trying to be polite, Isabel. I’m disappointed that you don’t see it that way,” he said and brushed his hands together.

Isabel could feel her nostrils flaring, her eyes straining to look at him. He was so handsome, so delicious to look at – the man of her dreams… and now she was struggling to remain angry with him.

“It would have been more polite to explain the misunderstanding to me right away,” she said.

“And send you packing, back on your way? Without giving you a place to stay for the night?” Liam asked, walking towards her now. His thumbs were hooked on the pockets of his jeans. Isabel lifted her chin and whipped her face away from him.

“You weren’t just offering me boarding and a hot meal like a guest. You had me believe that I was to be your bride. That we were going to marry in a few days once you had determined that I would be good for Sophie…and…and the ranch,” she said, fumbling with her words. She didn’t want to look at him anymore. She was slowly losing her determination the more she looked at him. Liam was walking towards her, and now he swung his legs over the wooden planks of the stable.

“And for that, I am sorry. That I made you believe something else. And to answer your question, I was going to tell you soon,” Liam said.

Isabel turned to look at him and then took a few steps back.

“That first night…you…we were together…under the pretext that you were testing me,” Isabel said, now trying her best to look at him directly. She was still taking steps away from him, while he walked towards her.

Liam slowly shook his head.

“That was wrong of me. I’m sorry. But I couldn’t resist. I couldn’t help myself,” he said, that smile still on his face. Isabel took in a deep breath and then turned away from him.

“So you wanted me just for the night,” she said, throwing the words out into the night chill. Liam seemed to be thinking about his reply. When he didn’t say anything, Isabel started to walk away from him. She didn’t want to wait and be further humiliated by him.

“I did want you for the night. You’re right,” Liam called out to her, and Isabel stopped in her tracks. Her heart was beating fast; she was yearning to hear what he would say next. “Is it so wrong to submit to your deepest desires?” he asked.

She bit down on her lip. She still hadn’t turned to look at him. She hadn’t answered him either.

“You wanted a husband, that’s why you came here. When I saw you, I wanted you.”