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Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr (92)

Chapter Two – Sofia


"Sofia's home!"

Sofia brushed her shiny black hair from her face, smiling as her youngest sister, Eva, jumped off the bike she had been riding up and down the street. The twelve-year-old ran to her, nearly knocking her down on impact. The front door of the big house burst open and her other sister and brother ran out, followed quickly by her mother, pushing her father's wheelchair. All of them beamed as they greeted her.

Seeing the place that her family was living in now was always something that took her breath away. No longer crammed into a crappy little apartment that they could hardly afford, despite everybody old enough to work having full-time jobs. Now they lived in a mansion, with plenty of space for everybody. Better yet, her siblings could actually afford to go to university and college, and her parents weren't making themselves sick with stress.

"Sofia, it's so good to see you!" Her father clasped her hand.

"And you, Papa." Sofia hugged him tightly, then turned to the two vampire bodyguards that always accompanied her when she left the palace. "You remember Lucy and Vivian?"

Her father nodded. "It's a pleasure to see you ladies again."

Her mother tutted. "I remember these two. You both still look like you need a good, hot meal."

"I had one last night," Vivian said with a smirk, but at Sofia's glare, she dropped her head. "I mean, given the vampire diet, it's very difficult for us to put on weight. But I assure you, we are perfectly healthy for our species."

Sofia cleared her throat quickly before the discussion could continue. "Lucy, will you bring out some of the gifts I brought?"

"Of course."

Her mother pinched her arm lightly. "You always spoil us when you come. How many times do we have to say that you alone is good enough for a present? Why do you always have to bring cars and thousand dollar wines, or—"

"Or that new electric wheelchair that you and Papa have been drooling over for months now?" Sofia put her hands on her hips and frowned at her mother. "I don't spoil you, I only give you what's best for you. Besides, Aaron is very rich, and he doesn't mind me spending all this money. Although he thinks I ought to buy myself more diamonds. I think I'll get a bikini encrusted with them, just to make him stop."

"What did you get me?" Eva demanded, bouncing up and down. "Huh? What do I get?"

"There are only presents for Papa and Mama today," Sofia said.

Eva scowled. "That's mean!"

Her mother pointed at the young teen. "This is exactly what I mean. You give her so much that she thinks that it's mean when she doesn't get something. I am not raising entitled children, you and your sister both need to learn the importance of a dollar."

"Leave the girls alone," her father said, his voice mellow as usual. "Come inside, Sofia. You have to see us in the clothes you sent for the wedding."

Sofia smiled, holding his hand as they went inside. It seemed impossible that just a year ago she was in such a desperate state that she was willing to do anything to improve her family's situation...

Sofia stood at the gates of the palace, nerves churning in her stomach and the taste of bile in her throat. If her parents knew what she was doing, they never would let her leave the house again. They thought she was at a job interview… well, that was sort of why she was here, wasn't it? This was a job that would pay far more than the three she was holding down now combined.

A vampire woman with impossibly long legs led her and the rest of the women inside the palace. The vampire king was looking for a new living blood donor since his current one was getting too old; it would be dangerous to her health to continue giving blood. Sofia had the king's favorite blood type, and so she had come. The promise of a million dollars a year plus all travel and living expenses was too big a draw.

Anything to get her parents with their frail health into a better situation, and to allow her siblings the opportunity to improve their lives, so they weren't stuck working to death in dead-end jobs.

It wasn't long until she was in a grand parlor, sitting on a velvet chaise lounge, a crystal goblet filled with expensive wine trembling in her hand as she gazed up at the king. He was everything she had imagined he would be. Tall, square-shouldered. Handsome face, with a strong jaw and two brilliant blue eyes that seemed to glow as he gazed down at her. Power and confidence radiated from his body. It was enough to make her feel faint.

"I am Aaron, king of this vampire kingdom. What's your name?"

"Sofia Velásquez."

The king sat beside her, putting a hand on her knee. "Sofia. You are here because you want to be my next living blood donor?"



She told him everything. More than she anticipated. She had thought she would stick with just the basic truths, but instead, she blurted out her whole life story. She told him things she had told nobody before. He had sat and listened to her. When she was done, he went to the door and called the rest of the women in.

"You may all return to your homes. I've found the one I want."

"Eva, go put on your dress," her mother ordered. "Do you want anything to drink, Sofia?"

Sofia pulled herself from her memories as her youngest sister scampered off. "No. I'm good, thank you, Mama."

Aaron's announcement that she was going to be his had thoroughly shocked her, but after that, everything else was history. She hadn't told her parents right away, just saying that she had a job that would provide living quarters, and started sending them money every month.

"So, your wedding is coming soon," her mother said, settling down on the rich brown couch beside her. "I hope that you have been a good girl and that your vampire hasn't been trying to pressure you into giving up your virtue before the wedding."

Sofia frowned. Her mother hadn't liked Aaron from the start, convinced that the vampire was a lust-driven animal. Nothing Sofia said had deterred that idea; she was half-convinced her mother thought that Sofia was entangled in wild orgies every night, despite her assurances of chastity. But though Aaron had made his desire for her very clear, he never pressured her into sleeping with him. His teasing was almost enough to drive her crazy, but Sofia had the gut feeling that if she did suddenly change her mind, it would take a lot of convincing to actually get him to sleep with her.

"Aaron is the perfect gentlemen," she told her mother. "He hasn't even ever drunk directly from me because he knows how it will affect me, and he supports me in my decision to wait. We even sleep on opposite sides of the palace."

What she would never tell her mother was that the decision had only been made after she and Aaron had nearly made love … It was her first night at the palace, and he had come to her, telling her that his donors often performed other acts for him. When he asked if she was opposed to it, she had automatically told him that she would do whatever he wanted. At the time, she had convinced herself it was only because she was afraid to lose her job.

From the first kiss he pressed to her lips, she wanted him to take her. She had clung to him as he laid her down on the bed, wrapped her legs around his hips as he slid a hand up her thigh…

"Sofia, I am going to ask you a question, and I want you to be completely honest," he whispered in her ear. "Do you want me?"

"Yes," she panted.

"Do you really?"

Sofia stared into his eyes as he brushed her hair from her face. Her body cried out for his, but her mother's voice was in the back of her mind, telling her–screeching, more like–that she was worth more than one night with a handsome man. "It's not just tonight, right?"

"No. It will be every night as long as you want."

"Then… yes. I want you. But… but maybe not tonight. I didn't think you'd care if I wanted it or not. I thought it was just part of the job…"

"I am buying your blood, Sofia. Not your body." He pulled away from her. "This is your choice. Goodnight."

The door opened, making them all look round. Lucy and Vivian stepped to block the woman who stepped through, but Sofia grinned. She jumped to her feet, running to the woman. "Gloria! Oh, it's so good to see you! Lucy, Vivian, this is my friend, Gloria. You haven't met her, yet, but I've known her for ages."

The two vampires scowled, but let her in.

Her childhood friend hugged her, grinning. "I saw you pull up and I couldn't wait to see what you brought me."

"I didn't bring you anything, you greedy hag," Sofia teased. "I haven't gotten an RSVP from you about the wedding, either. Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." Gloria stepped back and appraised her critically. "Goodness! You must have put on ten pounds since I last saw you. How do you plan on fitting in your wedding dress with those hips?"

Heat rushed to Sofia's face. Her weight had always been a point of embarrassment for her. Her mother had insisted from the time she was young that she was too thin, but Sofia knew it wasn't true. Everything about her was round, and she had more than a few lumps in her body. And as Gloria was never embarrassed to call her out on, she wasn't exactly good at shedding the extra pounds.

"I am going to look fabulous," Sofia told her friend. "Just wait until you see me! I wish you could be in the bridal party, though. It sucks that you have so much work that you can't get out of."

Gloria shrugged. "A witch's work is never done. But let's not talk about that. Are you excited about your wedding? What about the wedding night? I heard that vampires have massive—"

"Gloria!" Sofia's mother jumped to her feet. "Please, keep your tongue under control. There are children."

Eva had just stepped into the room, wearing the deep plum gown that Sofia had chosen for her little bridesmaid. She giggled, both hands clamped over her mouth. Sofia rushed over to her sister, clapping her hands.

"Perfect! You look just like a princess."

"Do I?" Eva looked down at herself and sighed. "Maybe when I grow up, I'll marry a vampire as well."

"You will not," her mother said sternly. "I can't stop this iron-willed sister of yours, but I won't have all my girls marry vampires. I want grandchildren, after all! You can't have babies with a vampire."

Sofia felt tension creeping into her shoulders. This had been her argument against marrying Aaron for the seven months since he proposed. "We're going to adopt, Mama. Just because I can't get pregnant with him—"

"You might be able to," Gloria interrupted. "I actually just got this new fertility potion recipe, and I'm pretty certain it will work with vampires. I'll help you make it. All you have to do is drink it before you want to conceive, and you will."

Sofia stared at her friend, excitement bubbling in her chest. It was something she had given up on, thinking that she was going to get pregnant. She had always known she wanted to adopt most of her children, but she also wanted to be pregnant, even if it was just once. And she knew that Aaron would love such a thing as well. She nodded eagerly.

"Thank you so much, Gloria! Yes, that would be wonderful."

Gloria beamed, the familiar 'I'm the best' gleam in her eye. "I'll just go back to my house to get the supplies, then, while you parade your fancy dresses."

Sofia nodded her thanks as Gloria left. Her heart pounded in excitement, and she was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hardly heard her mother asking if she was sure she wanted to play with magic… She couldn’t wait to tell Aaron about this!