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Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr (127)

Chapter One


Lauren Jones pulled her backpack from under the seat in front of her as she waited for everyone else to exit the plane. She was young, just nineteen, and starting over after her father died six months ago. Her best friend Jane Reynolds had asked her to come live with her. Jane had recently moved to a little town in Colorado that revolved around farming and the outdoors and Lauren had never seen her happier. Not seeing any reason to refuse Jane’s offer, Lauren had packed up her belongings and left her home in Georgia.

Lauren brushed her soft red hair back and walked towards the door of the plane. She was ready to start her new life and thrilled to see her friend, but there was one thing she was not looking forward to too much. Jane was a notorious matchmaker and had mentioned a certain cowboy in town to her several times. She’d allowed it and didn’t protest too much, but she’d have to somehow make clear to Jane that she wasn’t interested in a relationship right now. Lauren was bigger than most girls and men hadn’t always been nice about that. Right now, she wanted to focus only on herself and on positivity.

Lauren walked into the airport and to the escalator taking her to the baggage claim. She thought fondly about Georgia and what she’d left behind. Once her father was gone, Jane had jumped right in with her invitation, but Lauren had taken some time to make a final decision. It wasn’t easy to leave everything she knew behind. But here she was, ready to start her new life.

Lauren looked over the crowd of people and saw her pixie-like friend waving. Her blue eyes lit up. She smiled and rushed forward to hug Jane.

They’d been friends for years, ever since elementary school. Jane had moved with her family from Georgia to Colorado and now lived on her own with her boyfriend, Adam. He was a cowboy who worked with cattle as well as riding them on the rodeo circuit. Jane still had the same black hair cut into the cute bob around her face and she was glowing today. “Hi! I am so glad that you’re finally here! It took you long enough,” Jane teased Lauren as she looked her over. “Come, give me your bag and let’s head back to the cottage. I can’t wait for you to see it!”

“Are you sure that Adam doesn’t mind me taking up the guest room?” Lauren asked as they made their way through the airport.

Jane waved her hand and laughed. “No, not at all. He works a ton so he’s happy that I’ll have someone to hang around with.” Jane leaned closer to her. “It’s not crowded like this, Lauren. It’s small and close knit and beautiful.”

Lauren had to admit that she liked that idea as they walked into the parking garage, where Jane led her to a chunky Jeep that had its share of bumps and bruises. “This is a long way from your little yellow Jetty in Georgia, Jane.”

“Everything is a long way from Georgia in Julesberg, Lauren. It’s like a breath of fresh air,” Jane said, as she opened the back and slid the suitcase inside of the car, laughing.

“You only say that because of Adam,” Lauren teased, but Jane looked at her with a thoughtful gaze.

“No, I mean…he’s the reason that I moved there. But I just love the slow way about the town and the quiet when the sun goes down. There’s a peace about it that you have to see.” Jane smiled and stared at her. “Let’s go. I want to show it to you.”

Jane paid the fee, and they hit the freeway to go home.


“So, about Cole,” Jane said slowly. Lauren looked over at her with her nose wrinkled up. “Look, he’s Adam’s best friend, and they’re on the circuit together. He’s a great guy and let’s be honest, Lauren, you still haven’t dated too much, right?” Jane asked as Lauren took a deep breath.

“No, I haven’t. Nobody struck me back home and who’s to say that Cole will? Just because you fell for Adam on the first night doesn’t mean that it will happen to everybody,” Lauren told her. Jane gave her a long stare since they were at a stoplight. “I don’t want to be that girl that gets set up like this.”

“You’re not. It’s just something I thought of when I knew that you might move here, and my imagination went a little crazy,” Jane defended herself, smiling. “He looks like Dermot Mulroney, you know.” That was Lauren’s favorite actor and she rolled her eyes.

“Great,” Lauren said, as she settled back for the hour drive and stared over at the green mountains. “It’s pretty here.”

The girls chatted about childhood memories as they drove and laughed over some of the funnier times they had with Lauren’s father, Kevin. Jane had loved him as much as Lauren and had come back to Georgia for a full week to help Lauren through the funeral.

Lauren watched as they pulled into a small town that featured the main stores for survival but nothing fancy like Target or Costco. She didn’t know how to feel about that, but as they drove down a small street and parked in the driveway of a cute yellow cottage, she changed her mind.

It was beautiful. There was a green lawn with flowers and a big porch that was set up for guests and time outside. Lauren got out of the car and stared at it. “This is amazing.”

“It is. The house is small but cozy and I think you’ll love it,” Jane said as she took Lauren’s luggage out of the Jeep. They walked into the house and almost bumped into two men who were just coming out.

“Hi, you must be Lauren. It’s good to meet you,” said a sweet looking guy with green eyes and dark hair, who Lauren assumed was Adam. He reached out his hand and she shook it as he continued, “We were waiting to grill some burgers, and here you are. Oh, and this is Cole Harmon, my best friend.” He gestured towards the other man. Lauren looked at him and realized that Jane was right. Cole looked just like Dermot Mulroney.

“It’s a pleasure, Lauren. Welcome to Julesberg,” Cole said, before he offered his own hand. Even though she’d told Jane she wasn’t interested in dating, she felt a bit self-conscious as Cole smiled at her. She liked his subtle drawl though and she smiled back at him.

“Thank you, Cole. I have to admit that I like it here. It’s very charming,” Lauren assured him as he grinned and nodded.

Adam took her suitcase to the guest room while Jane went into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of burger patties to bring to the back yard. Lauren was hungry after the flight, but she needed to fresh up a bit first. She looked from Jane to Cole and then excused herself to use the restroom. “Where is it?”

“Just at the end of the hallway.” Jane gave her a reassuring smile and watched as her friend turned and left the room. Lauren went into the little room and stared in the mirror at her hair that hung down to her shoulders in soft curls. It was messy, and she needed a shower, but with the party waiting outside, that was going to have to wait.

She settled for using the facilities and ducking into the guest room beside the bathroom to change into some fresh yoga pants and a sweatshirt since it was cooling down outside. She pulled her hair back and forced a smile on her face before she returned to the living room.

The guys were outside by the grill and Lauren looked around the living room for a moment. It was a spacious room with soft couches and some tables scattered about, as well as a pretty stone fireplace. She could see through the back window to the backyard where there was a deck and the grill, as well as a gorgeous sky on the horizon. “Wow, it’s so beautiful here,” she said as Jane came over to stand beside her. “But Jane, really, Cole already?”

Jane frowned and walked into the kitchen. “I know it must look like that, but I didn’t plan it. They’re friends and they always hang out together. This is usual,” Jane said as she pulled out a bag with some vegetables marinated in spices and oil.

“Babe? Do you have the asparagus and zucchini?” Adam called from outside.

“Right here,” Jane answered. She went to get a plate and the veggies and gave both to Adam with a soft kiss on the lips. She came back into the kitchen. “I didn’t invite him the way that you think I did. He’s just always here,” she said as she put her arm around Lauren and smiled at her.