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Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr (201)

Chapter Six




It’s another busy day at the diner. I’ve been on my feet all day. I wish the place would clear up a little, so I could sit for just a few minutes. My mind drifts to the party I know is being held at the Taylors’ house. Amanda thought it would be a great idea to host a small party before the wedding. Then there would be the rehearsal dinner in just a few days. I shake my head, a smile hovering on my lips. Amanda sure does love a crowd, and revels in entertaining. Me, not so much. For once I’m glad that I have to work. It was the best excuse to be absent from the celebration, one that Amanda couldn’t protest.

As I work, my mind drifts to the fact that I will have to face Ethan soon. It’s inevitable. I hear he’s a part of the wedding as well. Glancing at the clock above the counter, my pulse rate kicks up a notch. He’s here in Lakeville this very minute. I managed to casually ask Amanda when he was flying in. It would be nice if I could question her about him without appearing too obvious. The magazines, newspapers and social media help me to keep up with him. But Amanda would have the real inside scoop. Is he in a relationship? Does he ask about me? Realizing that I’m being pathetic, I roll my eyes and focus on keeping the customers happy.

Reaching a table, I unload my tray and make small talk with the folks at the table. The commotion behind me draws my attention. I turn to see a small group gathering around a newcomer. My brows lift. What’s all the excitement about?

“We all love you,” I hear someone say.

“Yes, we’re very proud to have such a big football star come from our little town.”

My eyes widen. Football star. There’s only one football star who comes from Lakeville. My mouth dries as the crowd parts. Standing in the midst of adoring residents is Ethan. Our eyes meet, and I’m suddenly paralyzed. Shock, excitement, dismay, every emotion courses through me at once, making me numb. The tray slips from my fingers. Thank goodness it’s empty. A smile spreads across Ethan’s face, and he steps toward me. It’s as if time has slowed down and everyone else had disappeared from the restaurant. He’s still as handsome as ever. His green eyes still sparkle with mischief. His hair is a bit longer than I remember and sexily windblown, and his lips are curled in that seductive way that brings women to their knees. Is it just me or does he appear bigger, more muscular?

“Lindsay,” is all he says.

“Ethan.” I manage to get his name out. My very brain is frozen. I must look like a gawking idiot. Swallowing hard and blinking rapidly, I weakly ask, “What are you doing here?”

His smile fades just a bit. “I’m here to see you. Amanda told me you were here.” There’s confusion in his eyes until his gaze roams over me, taking in my attire. I’m dressed in the red checkered uniform Mr. Edmond requires his workers to wear. My cheeks flush red with my embarrassment as realization flashed in Ethan’s eyes. He blinks, and then bends down to pick up the tray I dropped.

“Thanks,” I murmur, unable to meet his gaze. Before I even realize that Ethan has moved, I’m drawn into a strong embrace. My arms fly out to wrap around him. His intoxicating scent fills my nostrils. He smells the same as he did years ago when my naked body was wrapped around his. Everything that I have ever felt for this man, every feeling that I tried to suppress over the years, comes crashing down on me. The burden of the secret I keep is also there, as a crushing weight on my chest. I subtly pull away from him.

“Look at you, Lindsay. I can’t believe it’s been so long. It shouldn’t have been that way. Things should have been different,” he says. I look up at him. He’s looking at me, but he seems to be talking to himself. My brows crease with confusion. Ethan appears to snap out of the trance he was in. “How are you?”

I can feel the many eyes of the patrons on us and want to disappear. I hate attention. “I-I’m okay. How are you, Ethan?”

He smiles. “You’re the only person to ask me that since I arrived. I’m great. Even better now that I have seen you.” Heat flickers in his gaze as he continued to look me over.

My eyes widen. Needless to say, I’m taken aback. Is he flirting with me? No way. It must be my imagination. “It’s great to see you, Ethan, but I need to get back to work.” I blush as the words leave my mouth. I wonder what he’s thinking after discovering that I work here.

He doesn’t say anything about it, only nods. “Uh, yeah, of course. What time do you get off?”

I eye him, hesitantly answering. “F-four.”

“I’ll stick around until then.”

He turns and heads to an empty table before I can respond. Is he going to stay here for another hour? I stifle a groan. Ethan’s presence in the diner will drive me up the wall. With any luck, I’ll be able to hide in the kitchen the majority of the time.

It’s the longest hour I have experienced in my life. As I move around the restaurant, I can feel Ethan’s eyes on me, following my every move. It’s so disconcerting. When I can take it no longer, I scurry to the kitchen, hoping that the boss isn’t there to reprimand me for shirking my duties. I push through the doors and lean against them when they close.

“What’s wrong, sweetness?”

I open my eyes to look at Marion. “Er, nothing. Just tired. You know, taking a breather.”

She doesn’t seem convinced. “Mhmm, and this has nothing to do with the tall drink of water who came in earlier? My, my, that Ethan Taylor is even better looking than when he left, if that’s even possible.”

“Why would him being here affect me?” I’m trying my best to sound nonchalant.

“Don’t think I didn’t see you two hugging.” Marion points to the small circular windows in the kitchen doors.

“We’re friends. We practically grew up together. Old friends sharing a hug after years apart is no big deal.”

Marion lets out a laugh. “I saw the way he looked at you. There was more than friendliness in those eyes, I tell you.”

Okay, now I’m thinking I would prefer to go back outside and put up with Ethan’s searing glances rather than put up with Marion’s speculating gaze. “Oh no, I forgot to bring table four their drinks.” With that, I turn and high-tail it out of the kitchen, leaving Marion smirking knowingly.