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Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr (85)

Chapter Six – Gavin


He would never tire of the noises she made while he drank from her. It made his skin tighten, burning fires rage inside him, and his mind to drift to images of bliss. Gavin had found himself coming to her more often than was necessary, just to hear these noises and feel this close to her. She had stayed with him for four months longer than was necessary, and he wanted to believe that maybe this was more than business to her.

But then there was this. The king withdrew, licking her blood from his lips, and she immediately pulled away from him. Frustration welled inside him. What did she want from him? Why stay when she made it clear she was disgusted by him?

Or maybe the question was, what did he want from her?

This was a business agreement. He agreed to this because of her blood type and wanted her to stay because she was a spitfire and he liked that. He had thrown caution to the wind and had given her himself, despite knowing it would mean he'd lose her. He'd have lost her eventually anyway, and he wanted to give her something of him that she would have forever. And yes, he also wanted something from her that he could have forever… but ever since Paris, she had been distant with him.

Maybe he should just apologize for the way he had overreacted there…

"I thought maybe we could go for a drive later in your new car." He fished a set of keys from his pocket and pressed them into her hand. "It's a Lexus. I remember you saying that you wanted one when you first came to the palace. And this is my gift to you. You don't have to give it back when… our arrangement is done."

"Thank you."

Gavin waited for a beat. "You're still mad at me for Paris, aren't you?"

"What makes you think that?"

Gavin stared at Aria's profile. She looked straight ahead, stubbornly not meeting his gaze. He opened his mouth to say he was sorry, but the words choked him. He closed his mouth again. What did he owe her? They had been clear when they came into this what they wanted, and that wasn't going to change.

"I'll see you later," he snapped. He almost winced at his tone.

Aria turned a dark look on him. "Don't bother. I'm going to go back to bed. I don't think it's a good idea for me to be giving you blood when I'm sick."

His hand clenched. He turned on his heel and left her apartment, irritated with her and with himself. How could he entertain diplomats the world over? Why did he always talk himself into such a bind with one person?

He stormed through the halls, grinding his teeth and muttering oaths to himself. It was half an hour later that he realized he was late for a meeting with the human chief of police. Apparently, the kidnapping problem had not been resolved, despite him sending more resources to figure it out. He marched to his study, where the sniveling little man was waiting. He held an armful of paper files. The human bowed to the king, some of the files slipping from his arms as he did so.

"My lord, thank you for agreeing to see me."

"And what am I seeing you for?"

"We have reports of kidnappings."

Gavin rolled his eyes. "And this is new because…?"

"Over twenty-five humans have been taking in the last four months. And eye-witnesses from multiple kidnappings claim that vampires are to blame." The chief placed his files on Gavin's desk. "It's fairly damning evidence, my lord."

Gavin frowned. He opened the first file and flipped through it. It was a pretty, mid-twenties girl with black hair and blue eyes. The next was a man. Late sixties. The next a heavy-set woman with a nose ring. The king's brow furrowed as he read the information on them. None of the victims appeared to have any sort of connection to each other. As if they were taken by separate people… or by random. Could this be retaliation from Monique because he refused to take part of her breeding program?

"Investigate the possibility that this might be Queen Monique. But be discreet. I don't want her to find out and get offended if she isn't part of this."

The chief nodded. "We would like to assign a position to an undercover agent to try to follow the trail."

"Do it, then."

Gavin moved to the window as the man continued talking. If Monique was stealing his citizens, he would have to—

He jumped, startled, when he saw a familiar figure moving through the courtyard to the garage. Aria. His heart leaped to his throat and he turned back to the chief. "Coordinate with my head of security. You have my authority to do whatever is necessary to solve this."

"My lord—"

Gavin waved his hand, already out the door. She said she was going to sleep. Why would she be heading out, then? He rushed out of the palace in time to see the new Lexus he had just bought for her drive away. There was no need for her to leave. Anything she wanted or needed, she could send for… unless she was leaving leaving.

His skin was cold as he raced for the garage. There were no guards around, but he ignored that fact. He was a king and a powerful vampire. He could take care of himself. The regular limo sat in its normal spot, but it was too ostentatious to be bothered with today. Instead, he hopped on one of the motorcycles his messengers rode and took off after the Lexus.

As soon as he left the palace grounds, he lost her in traffic. Gavin cursed as he wove between vehicles, searching for Aria. His mind raced. Could she be going to pick up something for her cold? Or maybe she was visiting home… Yes, that had to be it. She was going to visit her father. With a destination in mind, he turned the bike over the center line and headed for her childhood home.

He got there just in time to see Aria entering Sonya's house. He drove the motorbike right onto the lawn, dread and anger warring within him. If Aria didn't want to be with him, and she came here, to her ex lover's house…

He hesitated just outside the door. It didn't have to be anything sexual going on here. So what if she was visiting her friend? She could be feeling cooped up and needed a break. Maybe her friend had called with an emergency. There was any number of reasons for this, and not one of them required him to be jealous.

I don't own her.

Aria's voice drifted from an open window. "I just don't know what to do."

"You can't hide it forever."

"I know. But Gavin doesn't believe that vampires can get humans pregnant, so how am I supposed to explain this?"

Ice flooded Gavin's veins. Aria was pregnant? That meant that she… Had her actions on the way to Paris just been her trying to convince him that he was the father? Or had she left her chambers while they were at Monique's palace to be with the man Monique had chosen to breed with her? Had she slept with him in defiance of Gavin's declaration that she was his?

And this morning, she had asked that to see if she could claim he was the father.

He slammed the door open, storming in. Sonya and Aria were standing nearby. Both jumped when he came in. Sonya's hand flew to her mouth, but Aria quickly regained her composure.

"Gavin, what are you—"

"You're pregnant?"

Aria closed her eyes briefly. She nodded. "Yes. I am. But—"

"So you betrayed me. You betrayed our agreement." Gavin was surprised at how flat his voice was compared to the anger and hurt waging inside of him. He wanted to grab Aria, throw her over his shoulder and take her back to the palace. He knew why he couldn't, though. He couldn't even touch her. "You betrayed me," he repeated.

Aria backed away from him, her arms wrapped around her middle. Her chest heaved and tears glimmered in her eyes. "I betrayed you? No. I didn't. I owe you nothing."

Gavin advanced on her until they were nose-to-nose. "We are still under our agreement. You will return with me to the palace at once."