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Shared by the Mountain Men by Eddie Cleveland (12)


I wake up to a raw throat and a quiet house. I don’t mind the scratchy feeling in my throat, but something about the silence gets to me. After a few years of living alone, it’s been nice to hear the hum of conversation in the background. I guess I never thought of myself as lonely. Independent, fierce and stubborn as a bull. Sure. But, I guess even a tough girl gets tired of never having anyone to share moments with.

I stretch my arms wide and suddenly feel very alone in this bed. I have no reason to, I haven’t shared a bed with anyone since my divorce. Still, as I breathe in the faint manly musk clinging to the sheets and I lay my arms out to the empty spaces on either side of me, I just feel like something is missing. More like someone. Two someone’s at that.

I flush with excitement at the thought. Lying back on the pillow I let my hand slide down over my gown and travel over my thigh to my center. Wait. This isn’t my gown. How is it every time I sleep, I wake up in clothes I never changed into. I sit up and stare down at the T-shirt I never put on. What is going on around here?

“Knock-knock.” Razor opens the door holding a big mug of black coffee. Behind him, Ace carries a tray with a plate of food on it. The smell of bacon and eggs fills the room and brings my hungry stomach to life.

“Oh, that smells amazing.” I stare down at the yellow pile of scrambled eggs and crispy strips of bacon with a side of perfectly buttered toast. My mouth waters and every thought I had in my head before they walked in here disappears.

“We figured you’d be hungry.” Ace leans back against the wall, watching me as I dig in. The flavors burst over my tongue and make this food the only focus of my entire life as I gobble it down gratefully.

“Your coffee is on the table here.” Razor nods down to where he left the big mug. “Now, before you give us shit again, you should know that last night you had some delirium because you spiked a fever.”

I chew slowly and try to remember anything from last night, but I’m drawing a blank. All I can come up with is a couple of sexy dreams I had where I was kissing each of them. Then those dreams took a turn for the sexier when they sandwiched me between them in this very bed and shared me. I almost choke on my toast as a powerful flash of my dreams overwhelms me. I can almost feel their bodies pressed into mine. It felt so real.

My pussy clenches as desire floods my core. Damn. How is it I went years without even thinking about sex, and now I’m entertaining naughty thoughts about fucking two guys at the same time?

“I had a fever?” I try to get my thoughts back on track, but it’s difficult.

“You just needed more cowbell,” Ace answers wryly from across the room and I laugh. I always loved that old SNL skit with Christopher Walken in it.

Razor shoots him a look and they seem to have a silent conversation that only they understand for a second while I glance back and forth at each of them. Well, it’s no wonder they’ve got me all worked up. When I take a moment to really soak them in, it’s incredible. I’m pretty sure I’ve been rescued by two of the sexiest men in Alaska. And ex-SEALs at that. I mean, if their intense eyes and handsome faces don’t do it for you, and you’re not hot for their incredibly built, tight bodies, then the SEAL thing is sure to make any woman swoon a little.

At least it does for me.

“Anyway, you were sleepwalking and burning up, so Ace and I put you in the tub.”

“In your nightgown,” Ace interrupts loudly.

“Yes, in your nightgown. And once your fever wasn’t so bad I checked your cuts and put you in my T-shirt and back to bed. We were very professional about it, so I hope you’re okay with all that.” Razor looks at me intently, waiting with his shoulders tight and lips flat in a line for me to answer.

I realize how much my outburst hurt them yesterday and it makes me feel awful. “Yeah, that’s perfect, guys. Thank you for helping me. Again.” I look down at the breakfast they made me and can’t help but feel a little like one of those princesses my father used to read to me about when I was a kid. I always told myself I never wanted to be like those girls. That I didn’t need any guy to save me. However, now that I’m in the situation, I can’t say I mind.

“And thank you for this.” I point to the almost empty plate. “Breakfast in bed is so sweet.” I reach for my coffee and hold the big mug with two hands. As I sip it down, I close my eyes and sigh. “Oh yeah, that’s sooo good.”

The room is so quiet I have to open my eyes to make sure the guys are still there. They are and they’re both watching me with almost pained expressions on their faces.

Ace clears his throat. “Well, don’t get used to it. We just weren’t sure you’d have enough strength to get out of bed today, but if you do, you can eat at the table with us.” He folds his arms across his chest and looks down at me, his eyebrows knitting together.

“Of course. I didn’t think you’d do this for every meal or anything. You don’t need to wait on me. I really am feeling a lot better.” I smile. “I can even help out around here too. I don’t mind cooking supper tonight to repay the favor.”

“That would be nice.” Razor lifts the tray carrying my empty plate from my lap. “In the meantime, you look bright-eyed and bushy tailed enough that you don’t have to spend all day in bed. Why don’t you come out of the room and join us? We can watch a movie or something.”

“I’d like that.” I toss back the blankets and accidentally give them a peek of my panties from where I pulled up the shirt over my legs earlier. A blush creeps over me, I don’t need a mirror to know it’s a deep red. It’s not so much about the flashing of my underwear that’s got me squirmy, it’s that I had every intention of getting myself off by thinking of both of them. Snatching the covers, I yank them back up over myself.

“I’ll get you your clothes,” Ace mumbles, averting his eyes and marching out of the room.

“Thanks,” I call out. Razor leaves with the tray and Ace tosses the clothes in on the end of the bed like he’s afraid to step back into the room until I’m decent. He shuts the door, giving me the privacy to get changed.

There’s some minor tears in my shirt and the legs of my pants where my injuries line up. But the clean clothes feel nice against my skin and there aren’t any blood stains, so that’s a bonus. I quickly get them pulled on and head out to the sofa. Without thinking I just plop down on the middle cushion. It just feels natural to have each of them sit on either side of me. It’s impossible to feel even slightly nervous when I’ve got two hulking, sexy men who’ve already saved my life bookending me.

Do you mean sandwiching you?

A shiver of longing trembles through me at the thought. Why don’t I act on this? What do I have to lose? Well, rejection could make things pretty awkward. I play the cringy idea out in my head.

“Hey guys, want to have a threesome? I want to be with both of you, at the same time. No? Oh, okay, I’ll just go die of embarrassment now and lock myself in one of your rooms until a plane can come rescue me from my own shame.”

No, it’s better to keep that little fantasy for my private moments.

“Are you okay?” Ace looks down at me.

“Yeah, perfect, why?”

“Nothing, you’re just shivering a bit.” He glances at my trembling hands.

“No, I’m fine.” I cross my arms and hide my hands from him.

“Anybody got a problem with 50 First Dates?” Razor holds the remote pointed at the TV.

“Seriously.” I arch an eyebrow.


“I guess I just didn’t think you two would be into romantic comedies.” I laugh.

“Not us two,” Ace interrupts. “Him, he’s the rom-com guy. But if you let me pick the movie we’ll be watching Predator, so I’m guessing you’ll go with Razor’s pick?”

“Yeah, you guessed right.” I giggle.

The movie fills the screen in the living room and we all watch the television, lost in the story. Even Ace, despite him supposedly not being into romantic movies. I watch as Drew Barrymore starts another day without any memories of the one before and start to feel a bit tired. I snuggle into Ace’s shoulder, leaning against him and let my eyelids win the battle I’ve been having to keep them open.

Suddenly I feel Ace shift around and Razor grabs my feet. The guys turn me around on the sofa so I’m lying back against Ace’s chest and my legs are over Razor’s lap. It just feels so perfect, being held by both of them. Snuggled between them. I can’t help but get lost in the warm, fuzzy feeling that steals me from the movie and takes me into a deep sleep.