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The Madam by M Robinson (35)

Chapter 35

“Bella Rosa…” I turned around and took her in, I gestured for her to sit on the settee.

“Please, make yourself comfortable and sit wherever you feel at ease.”

She moved to the couch in the middle. I moved to sit opposite of her, thinking she may want some space before I disclosed what was on the itinerary for the night. I handed her a glass of champagne, I knew she would need it.

“You’re nervous, darling. I can feel it all the way over here. Please, don’t be nervous, nothing is going to happen that you don’t want to happen. You need to remember, that you run the show, Bella Rosa. I am a mere spectator.” She downed the entire glass of champagne in one gulp. I wanted to tell her that ladies don’t gulp, but I held back. We would get to that; we would get to everything.

“Why is there a camera set up?” she uttered. I cocked a smile at her.

Ysabelle was also impatient; definitely something we would need to work on.

“You are an eager little thing, aren’t you? Before we talk about that, let’s talk about the logistics. By you coming here today, you have agreed to move forward with my proposition, I assume?”

“Yes,” she replied, she wanted to say something fresh…but she didn’t. Smart girl.

“All right then, let me begin by explaining how all of this works, Bella Rosa. Oh, and please feel free to interrupt me at any time if you have questions.”

I moved to sit right beside her; I brushed the hair off her shoulders, and held both of her hands in my lap. It was something that I wished my mother had done with me, I learned a lot from what my mother didn’t do, and it made me a better Madam for it. Call it a blessing in disguise.

“I would be your Madam. The most important thing that you need to remember is that you never discuss anything about being a VIP to anyone. This is a legal business; I require the utmost discretion from my girls.”

“How many girls do you have?” she asked.

“You would be my lucky number eight,” I replied. I didn’t tell her that she would be my number one girl, she would find out soon enough. I was salivating with desire to have her here. It was worth the wait to have her seated next to me. I wished I could tell her everything, though I couldn’t. The possibility of her hating me would to be high and it wasn’t a chance I would ever be willing to take. She was too important to me and VIP.

“I would have complete control over what you do and whom you are with. My clients contact me and I choose the woman that I feel is best suited. You would be with both men and women, sometimes it would be a party of two, and sometimes it would be more. All of my clients are tested to make sure they are healthy and safe. Condoms are not permitted, and you would be put on birth control.”

“Why aren’t condoms permitted?”

“Because, my beautiful girl, some of our clientele have relationships…we are not here to judge; to each their own. Given that most of our clientele are men, they can be rather…how do I see say this…careless. I don’t want drama. I avoid it at any given costs. Therefore, not having to worry about any hiccups such as a condom left in a pocket, makes things run smoother, don’t you think?” She nodded again.

The truth was, I would never have another hiccup like I had experienced with Brooke. It was my own fault to put the responsibility on someone else. I was careless to think that anything could get done without me; if you want it done correctly then you need to take care of it your damn self.

“I use the Depo-Provera shot on all of my girls, which is the most effective type of birth control. You would get it done every three months, here in my home. I take care of all of it. I don’t like to mess around with the possibilities of forgetting to take a pill, it keeps the clients and I at ease. I also take care of everything that you need- your clothing, shoes, jewelry, transportation, food, and living expenses. I give you your own personal credit card, which you’re allotted a certain expense each month for your private things. You would immediately be moving into one of my condos, this is your home, and clients do not come to your sanctuary. The meeting arrangements are pre-determined.”

I stopped myself, knowing that she would have questions. It was a lot to take in, but she would live like a queen. I would make sure of it. She would never go another day in her life without knowing how valued and appreciated she is. I wouldn’t allow her to step foot in anything that wasn’t glamorous or exclusive. She had absolutely no idea what awaited her, and I had the pleasure to say that I was going to show her everything. I was giving the ultimate gift of life…to thy own self be true; VIP.

“I have my own place and my own things. Why can’t I just continue as I am and only use your things when needed?”

It was endearing to hear that she was proud of her accomplishments, as she should be. However, there were greater things in store for her that only I could show her; I would open her eyes to the world. It was something that only I could offer her, and in return, she would give me everything I ever wanted.

“I am your Madam, and with that, comes my responsibility to take care of you. I wasn’t lying when I said I am a mother figure to my girls. I feel more comfortable knowing that you are kept up to the standards that I feel that you deserve and are entitled to. Do you understand?”

“My lease on my apartment is still good for another eight months and what would I do with all my furniture and my car?”

I wanted to laugh and chastise her, but it quickly reminded me of my mother. I didn’t want to be anything like my mother, although the older I got, the more I felt like there were things about her that I was turning into. I was fortunate enough to catch them and immediately change it. It didn’t stop them from occurring though.

“Those are easy things to handle. Learn now, beautiful girl, that money talks in all languages, so let me worry about that. You worry about nothing.” I smiled.

“You are absolutely gorgeous, therefore there won’t be much need for a makeover, but we will be scheduling one anyway. You will be waxed, polished, and primed. A diet plan will be established, as well as a workout regimen that you will follow extensively,” I stated. I know she was having her doubts about me, which was expected. I would change her mind and it wouldn’t take long to do, Ysabelle wanted control…that was the gateway to VIP.

“Keep in mind that not all of the dates will be sexual, it all depends on the wants and needs of the client. It could vary from being arm candy for the night to a week away on business, to just a good ole fashion orgy. The cost for you would vary, again on what the want and need is from the client. All prices are pre-established, and profits are split evenly between you and I. I tell you what is expected and you follow. There are times when the clients seize the moment and arrangements change, pricing changes after that as well. You let me worry about that. It’s all very simple, Bella Rosa. The more you learn the easier it will be for you. Within time, you can determine your own pricing and desires.”

“Ok…how much does a blowjob cost?” she asked.

I laughed so hard that it echoed in the room. She needed to learn the finer things in life began with a proper vocabulary. I would be scheduling her to take an etiquette class as soon as possible. My clients had a taste for the finer things in life and she would learn that when the time was right. That didn’t stop the yearning for it to be now. I was like a kid in a candy store just waiting…

“My beautiful girl, blowjob, really? Oral sex, as you so articulately called a blowjob is not what this is about. You aren’t rented per hour in a Motel Six, Ysabelle. You’re not a whore; you’re an escort. You need to realize that you, my dear, are a treasured jewel, not some slut sucking cock. The clients have you for an allotted time and if sex is requested then you will always be pampered and treated like a queen. My clients know how to treat a lady. You will never feel degraded or cheap. You have the authority, you run the show, you govern the room, you hold the power…do I make myself clear?” I questioned. I never wanted her to believe that she was anything less than perfect.

“Yes,” she replied with a little more ease. Her demeanor had changed; she was enticed.

“To answer your question so eloquently put, nothing costs less than $5,000, Bella Rosa.”

She choked on her champagne and I handed her a napkin.

“$5,000?! Are you for real?” she stuttered. “How…why…what…? Why would anyone pay that much?”

I needed to nip this in the bud now. I wouldn’t have the patience to keep explaining myself over and over again. I am fully aware, that to a girl raised like Ysabelle, all of this would sound surreal and shocking. I needed to have my best foot forward with her. As much as it pains me to take baby steps, I would do it for her. She was that important to me and coming from me, that means everything.

“Because they can. You need to get into the mindset that this is not your average run of the mill man or woman. This…my darling, is a craving for wanting the best, which is you. I know that you know you’re stunning, let’s stop playing coy, okay? I am very good at what I do, that’s why I am the best, and I’m not just referring to Miami. I am the best all over the world. I know how to pick my girls, this isn’t a sorority that anyone can pledge to, and I chose you…”

She looked down at her lap. I grabbed her chin and made her look back up at me.

“With the training that you will receive, you will be unstoppable, you have no idea what success awaits, and I cannot wait to witness it.” I leaned over and whispered in her ear. I didn’t want Brooke to hear me; she was in the other room waiting to be announced. I never pinned my girls against each other, but Ysabelle was different. I wanted to make her know and understand that now, so there would be no confusion about her place with me and VIP.

“You’re going to be my favorite.” I smiled, kissing her cheek. She smelled good enough to eat.

“To be quite honest they pay a lot more than $5,000. That is the minimum; it changes with the want or need. You hold the power and control of every date. The clients are aware of this, if something happens that is not supposed to, or you do not want to happen, trust me when I say that I will handle it. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, goes over my head. You will never be in harm’s way. You will always be safe; do not fret over that. You do not discuss your personal life, or whom you have been with. Discretion is mandatory on all accounts. You are whoever you would like to be for that night, a seductress in her own way. Any other questions?” She shook her head no and I knew she was lying. I could sense she had a million questions, but she either didn’t know how to ask them, or she didn’t know which one to ask first.

“You need to stop being so nervous. I need the cat to stop grabbing your tongue. I need to see the strong confident woman that I have appraised from afar. Do you understand?”

“Yes I do, I don’t know what is going on with me. I am normally very comfortable with my surroundings and myself. I’m just very overwhelmed with everything that is going on, I think. I know that I can do this though.”

“I know you can, too. I have full faith in you. Are you nervous, because you think I’m going to pry for information about your past? As you know, I am well aware of your past, your present, and your future.” I raised an eyebrow at her. I didn’t have to go into full detail about how I got her here; most things are better left unspoken.

“I think it can go unsaid that I am a very powerful woman, Bella Rosa. Have peace of mind to know that there is nothing you need to tell me that I don’t already know. I did a background check on you, both legal and personal. I know all about your past, it doesn’t ever need to be discussed. Let’s bury it; from this day forward, you are now anything you want to be, my beautiful girl.” I pecked her on the lips and moved over to the camera setup.

“Now that we have established a comradery, how about I answer your question from earlier,” I suggested. “This camera setup is for you, darling.” I smiled. “Well…not just for you, it’s for you, and Brooke.” It was show time; this was the moment that separated the VIPs from the regular women.

As soon as I said her name, in walked my beautiful Brooke. She was wearing the same silk robe that was lying on the couch, only hers was black. She was completely naked underneath which made her nipples hard as stones. She sat right next to Ysabelle, poured herself a glass of champagne, and refilled Ysabelle’s glass.

My two most valued girls together at last. We were finally one big happy family. If I would have died that second, I would have left a very fulfilled and happy woman. My life had always been leading to certain points, certain moments in time and I knew with everything I had that this was one of them. This would make or break her.

“Ysabelle, this is Brooke. She is another one of my beautiful girls; she has been with me for almost four years now. You two will make friends. You will essentially make friends with the all the women, however, tonight she will be an instructor for you.” Brooke took her glass and handed Ysabelle hers. She clinked their glasses together and then each took a sip.

“She is going to teach you how to please your clients. The camera is going to record this scene in order for you to watch what you look like when you’re with a client. It will be sort of a tutorial that you can study and grow from. Brooke is very good at what she does. She is actually one of my top girls.” I turned to Brooke.

“Brooke, baby, will you go get that robe.” She slid from the couch to retrieve the robe.

“I know that Brooke is a woman, and although we have mostly men clients we also have a few women. Plus you know how men work…a threesome is a very popular demand.” Brooke and I snickered at that statement, I moved back to sit behind Ysabelle.

“Now, I also want you to learn how to be with a man. It will be crucial for your success. I know you have only been with one sexual partner; by the way, it makes me so proud that you would sacrifice yourself for such a good cause. Poor boy needed you and you were there for him, I think you knew then that you were meant for a life of pleasure.”

“What do you mean? What guy?” she asked confused. I was letting her know too much, however she needed to know how long I’ve wanted her. Ysabelle had never been loved and she was about to get a crash course on everything. I was eager to get it started.

“Bella Rosa, my love, I am going to elaborate on this one piece of information from your past and then we are going to move on from that. Do I make myself clear?” I asked in an authoritative tone that she knew meant business. She nodded.

“Like I said, I’ve been watching you for a long time. I just happened to be there the day that you started at the club. I watched you get out of that old blue Ford pickup. Once you thanked the boy for the ride and left his presence, I stood in front of his car, keeping him from moving.

“I wanted you then. I know a VIP when I see one, and you, I wanted. The young lad volunteered all of the information I was after for a dime bag of weed. He told me that you had graciously taken his virginity. What a noble soul you are, my Bella Rosa.

“Like I said, I do extensive investigating on all of my VIPs, way before you are even aware that I even exist. I talked to five of your fellow…what did you call it?” I asked, tapping my chin in deep thought. “Oh, yes, blowjobs. Pro bono blow jobs if you will. Every one of the boys that I spoke with assured me with attitudes that there was something wrong with you. They informed me that you gave a hell of a hand-job, and a mean blowjob, but that you wouldn’t put out for anything. I like that about you my sweet girl. You stand your ground.

“You were a young lady when you came here; I needed to wait until you were a woman before I made my move. I am aware that you have not been with a single man since you have arrived here. I am also pleasantly surprised by that…impressive.”

“How did you know where I came from?” I could sense she was starting to feel a little apprehensive about it all. I’m sure I wouldn’t trust anyone that told me they knew everything about me either. But she needed to know that I wasn’t just anyone.

“Bella Rosa, where did we agree to leave history?” I felt disappointed that I had to repeat myself.

“In the past.”

“Good girl. You did a boy a favor and gained a little pleasure for yourself. Let’s leave it at that.”

“Well that’s not the only reason I did it, and I wouldn’t exactly call it pleasurable.”

“Now now…I know that. Let’s call it baby steps toward the right direction.” I kissed her shoulder in an effort to calm her some.

“So in essence, being with a man might feel uncomfortable for you the first couple of times. I would like to leave that for another day, from my experience, being with a woman first is much easier. It’s better.”

Brooke brought me the robe. I took it and began to lower the zipper of Ysabelle’s dress. I felt lost in the moment, like it was a dream. I had waited what seemed like an eternity for this to become a reality, and now it was. I was on a high, feeling euphoria that I had never in my life felt before.

“I don’t want you to think of this as taboo, or put a label on it. Straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, it’s all so gauche. We’re in an open-minded era, Ysabelle. This career will let you embrace all of life’s pleasures, the pleasure of pleasing your clients, and most importantly…the pleasure of pleasing yourself.” I paused to let it all sink in. She needed to understand that in this life, there were no labels or boundaries.

“Are you ready?”

She took in a deep breath at the same time I let one out. It was a symbol of me giving myself to her and her breathing me in.





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