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Ava's Thor(n) by R.J. Fletcher (14)




I groaned in response to her cries and slammed my hips into her supple hold. Her thighs tightened around my waist, trying to drive me deeper and harder. But I didn’t need the help. There was no way I wasn’t going to try to burrow myself as deep into her tight channel as possible. Her wetness covered my cock and thighs; I could feel her muscles contracting around me, sucking greedily.

“Fuck, yes! You want this cock, baby?”

When she could only reply through stilted moans, I pulled out of her. The look of surprise and desperation on her face at her newfound emptiness made my cock twitch.

“Answer me,” I demanded.

While Ava certainly enjoyed how I dominated her in the bedroom, I could always see the tiny bit of feistiness in her eyes. Little did she know, that’s what turned me on even more. Submission didn’t come easy to her, but she willingly made the effort when it came to me.

To tease her, I placed the engorged head of my erection against the slick lips of her pussy, rubbing at her swollen nub. “Tell me how badly you want it, Ava.”

She moaned, rolling her hips to increase the pressure against her clit. But I only pulled away in response. Damn, I love how needy she is for me. She better speak up soon, because I can only control myself so much when it comes to that tight, juicy snatch.

“Oh god, I want it so bad, Thor! Put it back in!”

I grabbed her hands and placed them above her head, putting my weight down on her while I thrust roughly back in. She screamed in ecstasy, her eyes rolling back into her head. I buried my face into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent and yearning to burrow myself as deep into her as possible.

Our sweat mingled together, our bodies writhing against each other in lustful desperation. I could feel the pressure in my balls building and had to force myself to think of anything else but the sexy feel of her beneath me, her soft moans in my ear, and her comforting wetness. Baseball. Baseball. Fuck, it’s not worth it. She feels too fucking good!

I released her wrists so that I could grab a healthy handful of her ass in both palms. I drove her into me, allowing her clit to rub roughly against me. At her squeals, I increased the pressure and was rewarded with a warm gush surrounding my thickness.

“I’m cumming!” she screamed into my ear.

I groaned, my back arching to get as deep as possible until I felt myself hitting her cervix. Fuck! I almost felt myself blacking out at the force of the orgasm she drew from me. It caused me to crash just as suddenly, falling on top of her petite form in utter exhaustion.

“Mm, Thor…” she moaned in the aftermath. I could feel her light pulsations on my cock. If only there wasn’t the barrier of the condom between us. I could already feel myself hardening at the thought of taking her raw. Maybe next time…

Her fingers burrowed into my thick hair, massaging my scalp. If this is her way of thanking me for the great lay, I’m down.

I dozed off for a bit, comfortable in her arms until I felt a light tapping on my shoulder.

“Thor, you’re too heavy,” she whispered to me.

Groaning, I rolled over. And then realization hit.

Had I seriously been cuddling her? What the fuck is wrong with me? I don’t cuddle!

In a slight panic, I reached for my clothes on the bedroom floor.

“That wasn’t a hint for you to leave. I just didn’t want to be suffocated by your gigantic body. Why so sensitive?” I heard her teasing voice at my back.

“Gigantic says the midget?” I gave a quick retort. A smile broke out when she hit me in retaliation.

“You know I hate that word.”

“Oh, you know that wasn’t my intent, Ava. Why would I ever do anything to displease you?” I rolled my eyes.

I felt the bed bounce as she leapt from its surface and made her way around until she was facing me.

“Okay, enough games. What’s up? Why are you leaving as if the place caught on fire? I thought we had been over this already.”

I looked up at her, my pants hanging from my hands. “Fine, I won’t leave. But are you ready to entertain me for the next couple of hours? I can be...insatiable.” I don’t know what caused me to give in so easily. And don’t even think about mentioning my growing appreciation of her company. Yeah, I’ll admit it. She’s funny and she complements my wicked sense of humor. But that was the extent of it. Good sex and sarcasm.

“And judging from the way I just tore that pussy up, I’m not sure you’re up for the challenge.” I’m a great instigator by the way. I know just what to say to get under that gorgeous chocolate skin.

To my surprise, she released a deep chuckle, choosing to look away from me with a shake of her head. “Oh man, that is one huge ego. Even for someone named after a god.”

That’s it! No one laughs at the way I throw it down in the bedroom. Acting quickly, I grabbed ahold of her wide hips and threw her back down onto the surface of her bouncy bed. With my larger thighs straddling her, there was no way for her to escape as my fingertips fluttered against the sensitive areas of her body. She writhed beneath me, squealing with laughter at how I tickled her.

“Who made you cum, huh? Whose cock made you cream all over these sheets?”

“Ah! Stop...stop! Quit it, Thor!”

I refused to stop until she said the words I wanted to hear.

“Okay, okay. I give! You did, Thor! It was all you!”

“I thought so.” My satisfied grin disappeared though as I took her in beneath me. There was still a light flush to her cheeks from our former sexual bout, and her natural hair surrounded her face in a sexy halo. I still knew next to nothing about her hair other than how much I appreciated its softness and density. I wouldn’t tell her this, but I found the differences with her hair to be so fascinating. I’ve been taking every possibly opportunity to touch it. With the springy curls, the many different hairstyles, and yes even that weird scarf she puts on her head, I’m just beholden with curiosity. But I digress…

Her laughter paused as our eyes connected and devoured the other. I felt myself being pulled down to her, overcome by her beauty. And then our lips met. It was unlike anything before; it was not a lustful meeting of lips. I wasn’t trying to dominate her in anyway. Instead, our lips plied gently at each other’s. This kiss was a gentle caress, not a usurpation of power. My heartbeat sped up and my cock immediately reacted to her lush mouth. I playfully plied at the seam of her lips with my tongue and heard her sharp intake of breath in response. But instead of lustfully delving into her warmth, I focused on awakening the sensitive nerve endings of her lips, and it was just as satisfying.

When we finally parted, I found her eyes closed in wonder. I could only imagine the expression on my own face having never kissed anyone like that before.  Assuredly, my eyes were slightly closed in wonderment and my face was completely relaxed in order to feel every light touch. Even as we slowly parted, I savored the softness of her lips until the very last centimeter of contact. I had never had the feeling literally leave my body at such a simple meeting of lips. It was in such stark contrast to our usual overwhelming physical passion. It denoted a certain level of intimacy I was unprepared for and had been unwilling to explore further.

Clearing my throat and trying to awaken my body from the romantic haze, I rolled off of her. “So...I’d be willing to stay for food.” My voice didn’t feel as strong, but I ignored the hesitation in it. I know what you’re thinking: “just lean into it.” But Ava and I had a deal, and there was no way I was going to consider anything else. I don’t do relationships, and even if I did, we could never work. We were far too similar; we’d kill each other.

Ava looked at me curiously but then shrugged. “Sure...but I’m no one’s maid. So either you help me cook or we starve,” she replied saucily.

I smiled at her. Now that’s a woman I can respect. “Of course.” I leaned over until we were only inches apart. “If you thought I was good in the bedroom, just wait and see what I do in the kitchen.”


“I hate to tell you this, Thor, but you suck in the kitchen,” she mumbled around a burnt strip of bacon. She paused and then added with a sigh, “Who am I kidding? I loved saying that!”

We were both now sitting at her dining room table with a plate in front of each of us. Even in these far from sexual moments, I couldn’t stand being too far away from her. So I intentionally took the seat next to her, slyly moving my chair closer so that I could still at least feel her body heat.

“Oh, fuck you, Ava,” I replied passionlessly.

She laughed even harder. “Aw, someone’s sensitive.” Ava reached over so that she could roughly dishevel the hair at the top of my head. I inwardly chuckled at her struggle to reach me with her shorter arms but complained nonetheless.

“Hey, you can touch it all you want when you’re beneath me. But the hair is off limits otherwise.”

“But what happens when I’m on top?” she whispered seductively.

I eyed the burnt bacon and watery eggs on my plate. Ava is right; this food does look like it’s not even good enough to feed a dog. But there is no way I can admit that to her. However, she is providing me with a mighty good distraction with the light seductive teasing. I can already envision the way she would straddle my hips. Or face. Her wide hips providing me with an anchor to thrust into her sweetness with my cock or my tongue. Yum!

I leaned over until my lips were only centimeters away from hers, which wasn’t difficult to do being how close we already were. My eyes gently scoured the smooth skin and light pinkness between their fullness. “You keep talking about it, baby...and you won’t be getting out of that bed any time soon.”

She smiled and closed the distance between us, making contact. We both inhaled with excitement at the feel of the other. It took all my strength not to pull her back into my lap and continue where we started only an hour before. I failed and did exactly that so that she could straddle me. With thick, voluptuous hips framing my legs, I explored her more deeply and took control. What is it about this woman that keeps me wanting more? I’ve had her in every way imaginable and yet I still can’t get enough. Even more, it’s becoming more than sex. I think about her all day. What’s happening to me?

“You promise?” she asked between light pecks.

“Have I ever disappointed?”

Ava’s hands caressed my broad shoulders. The light flicking of her fingertips against my flat nipples made me groan with desire. We really can’t keep our hands off each other.

“You know what gets me curious, though?”

“Hmm?” I was far too distracted by the sight of her luscious breasts pressing against the confines of her small undershirt. She wasn’t wearing anything beyond that except a frilly lace thong. Smart girl. She knew how much I enjoyed seeing her ass sashay as she walked around her apartment. Nothing could beat the way her hips swayed, and her cheeks jiggled from the gentle force. Mmm, I can’t wait to make love to her again. Whoa! I mean, fuck her again.

“How the hell did you get so big if you don’t even know how to cook scrambled eggs properly?” Ava pushed herself away though she still straddled me, forcing just enough distance between us to give me serious side-eye. “Breakfast is like the easiest thing to make. I mean, really, there is no excuse that a man of your age can’t scramble a couple of eggs.”

I laughed and shook my head, “I didn’t know cooking was a requisite to getting in-between your thighs,” I growled, playfully reaching over to bite her bottom lip. I recognized that once again, I was closing any sort of distance between the two of us like an addict.

She pulled away, “No distracting me. Answer the question.”

I groaned in frustration but acquiesced nonetheless, “You just want me to admit it, don’t you?”

Her smile was my answer.

“Fine. My mom occasionally provides me with leftovers, but I make do with the microwave and oven. And, I may not be able to make breakfast to your liking princess, but I am pretty good in the meat department.” I slyly thrust into her sweetness at the double entendre.

Ava laughed in my hold, and I thoroughly enjoyed the almost musical tone, desperate to hear it again. “Hmm...Is that why you constantly come over to my place? Is this really about sex or getting a free meal?”

“Oh, geez...well now that you bring that up…” I felt a slap across my shoulder at even the implication and chuckled. “Okay, okay, it’s only three-quarters of the reason, I’m here.”

Slap. This time, her palm landed on my chest. If I remember correctly from grade school, hitting is a sign of flirtation right? No need for you to answer, I am fully aware of how much Ava is into me.


She glared through narrowed eyes.

“A quarter?” My grin was widespread by this point. I refused to give in as long as I knew how much it irritated her.

As if sensing my intent, Ava decided to play her own version of hardball. I felt her hips slowly begin to rotate, providing a delicious friction against my semi-hardness.

“Is that really all you think of me?” she whispered with a delicious pout.

Instead of answering, I pulled her down so that our lips could meet. We made out for several minutes, enjoying the anticipation of what would culminate after enough gentle teasing. Eventually, the sound of stomachs growling became enough of a distraction for us to separate. Ava regrettably moved off my lap and turned to her phone to order us some food while I stood to my feet. With her voice on the phone in the background, I strolled around her dining room table, entering the living area. It had her feminine touch with multiple throw pillows on the loveseat and couch. Why do women waste space and money on pillows you never even use? She had chosen a gray color palette with hints of red and yellow from blankets, pillows, and trinkets.

Next to her television, a flash of something bright caught my eye, and I looked over to see a mirror mounted onto the wall. Beneath it was a stand with pictures placed neatly upon it. Curious, I walked over and immediately felt a familiar warmth spread from my chest. Ava’s smiling face in every photo, innately made me follow suit. Here I am grinning like an idiot at her photos. There was a younger version of her in a cap and gown, bordered by an older black couple. She was a beautiful mix of the two of them, inheriting her mother’s eyes and shape, but her father’s smile. For a moment, I couldn't help but wonder what she would’ve been like in her formative years.

Silently, I chuckled at the thought of Ava in high school. More than likely she was a quiet student who others mistakenly presumed to be boring or taciturn by nature. But when they finally spoke to her directly, they discovered her quick mind and outspoken opinions like they were a breath of fresh air. I nearly dropped the photo as the thought passed through my mind. Because that’s what she is to me: a breath of fresh air. And for the first time in a long time, I felt a certain level of queasiness, wondering if I was the same for her. Staring at the photos of her from childhood to adulthood, I realized I wanted to know more about her. And I wanted her to know more about me.

Ava had yet to ever actually meet me at my own place. It was something I had a hard rule about. Sleeping in someone else’s bed kept me in control of escaping. But it also prevented her from the same curiosity that had me snooping through her photos.

“Hey, thunder boy. What’s got you so deep in thought?”

I turned around and saw her watching me with an amused smile. “I always get contemplative when I’m being starved,” I replied dryly.

My arm easily blocked the throw pillow she threw at me in response. See? I told you she is really into me. But for the first time, I wondered whether there was more to that interest than making her experience powerful orgasms. Listen to me, I sound like a chick. Get a grip, Thor!

“You’re the one who couldn’t cook!”

As she continued to rant and complain about my audacious comment, my eyes glossed over her in appreciation. How could I possibly want more when we both agreed that is impossible? Implausible even, given our personalities and history.

I could rationalize it all I wanted, but nothing stopped the smile I sent her. And the gentle stutter in my chest as she came closer, and my arms surrounded her waist. Nor the quickening of my heart as I bent down to take her mouth in another gentle kiss. Hmm...I’m really growing to like these sensuous pecks. Maybe even more than the passionate lust that often overtakes us. It feels more...permanent.

“Since you’re so judge-y, maybe you should come to my place and cook for me next time. It only makes sense since I already come just for the food. Help a brother out.” Real smooth, huh?

Ava took a step back and shook her head frantically. “First of all, don’t ever call yourself brother in my presence again. I hate to break this to you,” her voice dropped down to a whisper as if she was telling a secret, “but you’re more Vanilla Ice than Eminem.”

I clutched at my chest in mock shock, gasping for breath. “How dare you!”

Obviously holding back a smile, Ava continued, “Secondly, instead of being a cook with benefits, I’m being demoted to just a cook? And you expect me to say yes to that? Boy, you must be out your white-chocolate mind!”

Did she really just...damn, I love this woman. know what I mean. It’s just an expression!

“Who said there would be no benefits? We could have so much fun in my playroom?”

One of her brows rose at that, clearly skeptical and suspicious. “So not only does your mom still feed you, but you have your own playroom?”

“Yuck, don’t ever mention my mother and sex in the same sentence again.” I visibly gagged and it took some effort to continue my seductive method of persuasion. “Have you ever tried sensory deprivation?” I finally recovered.

She shook her head. “No, I’ve been lucky enough to avoid any torture tactics from my lovers.”

I ignored her sarcasm and continued, “Well, just imagine...I’d have you tied up, your eyes blindfolded as I fuck you into the wall and give you the best orgasm of your life. Then I’d have you spread-eagle on the bed while I eat you and make you cum again...and again…” I approached her slowly, closing the gap she had put between us in her protest from before. I could clearly see her heightened breathing and the flush that spread from her chest to her cheeks despite her darker tone.

“Does it sound like you’d still be a cook without benefits?”

She shook her head with a grin, “But I can’t help but wonder why I’ve never been invited before.”

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. “Well, you have proven yourself to not be a stalker or crazed lover.”

“That you’re aware of.”

“Ha-ha, very funny.”