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Ava's Thor(n) by R.J. Fletcher (8)



I was working on a particularly detailed and intricate tattoo design in my workplace when I heard someone walk up behind me. Looking at the clock, I knew I should probably give the guy a break from the needle. The design would take several sessions, and there was no need to rush through the first one. I turned off the needle and gave him a pat on the back.

“Okay, dude. I’ll stop there for now. Now, listen carefully. You need to leave the cover on for about four hours. After that, remove it carefully and wash it with some gentle soap and water. Then you can pat dry and apply this anti-bacterial ointment.” I handed him the small bottle. “If you need more, it’s available in most pharmacies. Got it?”

He nodded his head enthusiastically.

“Good, you can pay at the front desk.”

When he left past the curtain, I looked toward Ruby with a raised brow. “What’s up?”

She bit her lip seductively and tilted her head, faking innocence. We hadn’t personally interacted since I walked out on her at the party. And, most recently, I was just not in the mood for playful flirtation. I didn’t get it. This was definitely not like me. I was usually chomping at the bit for some new pussy. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“What do you mean, ‘what’s up?’” she replied. “What happened the other night?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know what you mean.” Leave it to me to be difficult. I’m good at it, trust me.

Seeing that she probably wasn’t going to get anywhere, Ruby gave me a flirty grin. “Well, when you’re ready to finish off where we started, just let me know.” Her voice was husky as she walked past me, trailing her fingers against my exposed shoulder.

I was unaffected. And I realized I hadn’t actually spared Ruby much of a glance since the bathroom incident. She had been the epitome of sex for me as soon as she had walked into the parlor for an interview, but now watching her try to be seductive made me grossly aware of how my body had felt pressed up against Ava. For a moment, I allowed myself to think of her in Ruby’s place with wild hair encircling her round face, that mischievous and endearingly defiant gleam in her dark brown eyes. I loved the way her soft roundness felt against me. I didn’t want Ruby, I wanted someone else.

Later that day, when everyone had said their farewells, I stayed to double check the inventory and sterilize our supplies. When I heard the bell from the door ring, I walked out to the front to inform them that we were closed. Do people not read anymore? The sign clearly says ‘Closed’. But I halted in surprise at the person approaching me with a determined look on her face.

“Ava? What are you doing here?”

Instead of answering me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me back into my workstation. What the hell? Does this woman even know where she’s going? She had only been there once before, and if I remember correctly, I did ban her for good reason.

She stood with her hands on her hips, clearly unaffected by my look of confusion and suspicion. “Okay, so I admit it. What are you going to do about it?”

I had no response for her. I was too confused by her sudden appearance. It took me a moment to even realize what she was referring to. But once it did, the confusion left my face, and my familiar grin appeared. I wanted to laugh at the situation; I felt all my former guilt disappear. In its place was excitement for the chase. It looks like I still got it.

I had my answer for her, but first I wanted to hear her really admit it. Not this ambiguous shit. So I played ignorant, “I’m sorry. Can you elaborate?” I told you I could be difficult.

She could tell from the humor on my face that I was playing with her. But, unlike before, she didn’t run away from it. Ava narrowed her brown eyes at me and stepped closer, allowing me to place an arm around her waist.

“I want you. So, where do we go from here?” She whispered to me.

As soon as she spoke the words I took her chin into my other hand and bent down to fully capture her lips. Ugh, God! They felt amazing! She responded to me instantly, opening her lips so that I could fully explore her taste. My tongue swiped against hers before delving deep. This was lust, pure and simple. And from the way she moaned beneath me, I knew tonight was going to be fun.

I tightened my hold and lifted her so that she could wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms went around my neck without any prompting from me. Good girl. She knew exactly what she was doing, responding delicately to my rough exploration. When I felt her swipe at my bottom lip, it took all of my inner strength not to take her right there on the floor.

What was I thinking overlooking this woman? I could already feel the heat from between her legs begging for me. And I wanted to answer her silent pleas. With her secure hold, my hands were anxious to explore her curves. They ran from the soft texture of her hair down to the slight bow in her back and the sexy roundness of her lush bottom. I gave her cheeks a slight squeeze before moving up to her tits. They were a satisfying handful and I could feel the hard buttons of her nipples pressing into my palm. I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger, taking in her gasps of pleasure and the soft moans I swallowed.

I needed more than this though. So, reluctantly I pulled away and set her back on her feet. Ava gave me a look of confusion, but I calmed her with my next question,

“My place or yours?”

She bit her bottom lip, making me groan. I couldn’t help reaching down and taking it between my lips again. But I eventually had to let her go.

Ava took my hand and led me to the front door. I assumed she was taking me to her place then, and so I locked the door behind me, prepared to rock her world.



My hands were shaking, and I had to take in a deep breath. What are you doing, girl? I don’t think this is the makeover Evie was talking about. But I ignored my inner thoughts. There was a gorgeous man waiting for me in my bedroom, and I was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. This was really unlike me, but maybe it was time for me to become someone else. Even if just for a night.

After we had jumped together in Becket, I had realized something that had gone unnoticed at the concert. The attraction wasn’t just one-sided between us. In the water, as Thor held my hand, I saw how much he wanted me as well. And my heart nearly stopped in wonderment. Why hadn’t it ever occurred to me that he could want me back?

When I walked into his shop, I had been intent on cursing him out for using me at the concert to make a point and then again when we went cliff diving. But I was also curious as to why it was so important for him to be right. And it all came down to the fact that he desired me as a woman. What had these adventures been if not to live life on the edge? As Thor so delicately put it, it was time for me to remove the chip on my shoulder. It was time for me to live a little. This was obviously not going to turn into anything serious, but maybe that was a good thing. I could never see myself with someone like Thor, but I just like any other healthy woman, had fantasized about sleeping with someone like him. The way I see it, this is just something else off my bucket list: being the seducer and not the seduced.

Fluffing my curly afro and spraying myself with perfume, I took in one last breath and made my way out of my bedroom. I found Thor sitting on the edge of my bed, shirtless waiting for me. His biceps bulged as he leaned against his hands with his elbows on his knees. Earlier, I had once again admired how he was dressed. I was coming to find that Thor was a pretty fashionable tattoo artist/shop owner. And who doesn’t appreciate a man who knows how to dress himself.

As I entered the room, he looked me over. His gaze caused my entire body to become heated, and he knew it. The cocky grin I was coming to associate with him made its spectacular appearance as I shyly stood in front of him.

Thor whistled softly and motioned for me to come closer. I followed his directive and waited. I loved my body, but that didn’t mean everyone else would. And judging from the woman he was laid up in the bathroom with, he preferred them skinny. So what would he say when he saw someone who had never had a flat stomach like ever? Someone with more than a handful of tits and ass? I was ashamed at how much I wanted his approval.

“Come closer, Ava,” he urged.

Only when I was standing between his knees did he reach for me. I jumped at the smack he placed on my ass.

“Oh, no you don’t. Where’s that woman who barged into my shop and demanded I put out or shut up, huh? The one who cursed out a stranger over a cup of coffee? That’s the woman I want.”

His words were a challenge, and I planned on meeting them. “Then shut up and fuck me,” I demanded with bravado.

In a split second, my back landed on the mattress and Thor had ripped through my underwear. No one had ever done that to me, and so I was not expecting the excitement that I felt at the dominant act. But there wasn’t even enough time for me to react before he placed his lips back on mine and efficiently explored my mouth. Now, in my lifetime, I’ve had a couple of bad and good kissers. But, damn, did Thor blow them all away. He was simultaneously gentle and rough, forcing me to submit to him but then rewarding me with the gentlest of touches for doing so.

I squirmed under him, reaching down for the zipper of his pants. As I shoved and pushed them down his hips, he began laughing against my mouth.

“What’s so funny?” I pouted.

He shook his head and asked rhetorically, “You’re hungry for it, aren’t you?”

In response, I shoved at his shoulders until we were able to roll and switch positions. Straddling his hips, I smirked down at him, now in control. We’ll see who will be laughing. I teased him by rolling my hips against the impressive bulge beneath me and trailing my hands up from my exposed core to the thin material still cupping my breasts. At my motions, Thor licked his lips and winked back. My stomach fluttered in delight at how sexy he looked when he winked. Seductively, I pulled the straps down my shoulders one by one, allowing the fleshy orbs to peek through. Before completely removing my bra I leaned down. I was too short for him so I had to scoot up further onto his stomach in order to place my breasts against his face.

Immediately, Thor growled between my cleavage, replacing my hands with his own. As he began to lick and suckle whatever his mouth could reach, I tangled one of my hands through his dark hair.

“You’re hungry for it, aren’t you?” I mocked him.

I knew he heard me, but he didn’t stop. He drew me into his mouth more and sucked harder until I was the one gasping for air. When I tried to get away, he effectively halted my movement with another slap alongside my rear. So, I stayed and felt my toes begin to curl. I hated when guys bit down on the sensitive tips, but Thor never did that. Instead, I could feel his rough tongue flicking them back and forth, and I felt a pull from my inner walls with every swipe. Soon, I was really pulling him into me, smothering him in the soft pillows.

It seemed Thor wasn’t unaffected either. He groaned and growled against me, seeking with his hands to touch me everywhere. I felt his large palms sliding down my back and tummy. He gently caressed the soft skin of my thighs. And with his long reach, he was even able to massage the soles of my feet. Thor completely consumed me, and he wasn’t even naked yet.

My heart was beating in anticipation of what would happen next, but I didn’t have to hold my breath for long. He reached down and finished removing his pants and boxer briefs. I quickly took a peek of what had been pressing against me before and was not disappointed in the slightest. Instead, naively, I wondered whether he would even be able to fit inside me. I guess the stories really are true about a man’s foot and hand size. And here I thought it was an urban myth. Well, all naysayers should meet Thor.

“Jesus, you are a god,” I whispered in awe.

At that, Thor let out a roar of laughter. “You just wait, baby. Open up.” He lightly slapped the outside of one of my thighs.

I obeyed. At his subsequent look of disapproval, I spread myself wider than ever before and a wave of heat travelled up from my center to my cheeks. I had never been so exposed before. But the way his lustful emerald gaze darkened in arousal, all potential embarrassment on my end disappeared, and my body responded immediately. Noticing how much I wanted him, Thor brought his hands up against my swollen lips and gently caressed the hidden treasure between them.

“You’re so wet for me.”

I moaned at the way he touched me. His fingers were long and thick as he tested my entrance. And he masterfully played with my sensitive clit. My eyes closed in wonder at the feelings he generated with the simplest touch. Sometimes, he barely even had to physically touch me. Just the anticipation of it and the intensity of his gaze could take me over the edge.

My quickened breath and continued whimpers signaled my impending release, but I should have known he would not make it that easy for me. With quickness, he removed his hand from my pussy.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he chided. I watched as he brought a condom packet to his mouth and ripped into it with his teeth. When the latex was free, he handed it to me with a daring look in his eyes. I was more than willing to meet his challenge again.

I wanted to show him that he wasn’t the only one who could rock worlds. His brow lifted in surprise as I placed it gently on the tip of the monstrous beast, and then instead of using my hands, I encircled him with my mouth. Using my lips, I brought the condom further down his engorged length. Because of his size, I couldn’t take all of him. So I gently used my thumb and forefinger to lightly tease it down to the base of his cock, but with my mouth still on him.

When it was fully placed, I looked up at him with playful innocence. And he responded just as I hoped. The intensity and heat in his emerald gaze had increased exponentially, but I nearly fainted when he did that sexy jaw thing. Jesus, take the wheel! Thor gently shoved me onto my back again and settled himself between my spread legs. We both inhaled harshly once we touched. Despite the urgency I felt in the air, Thor took his time to tease me with it, rubbing his cock between the cleft of my wet lips. Until I couldn’t take it anymore…

“Thor, put it in! Stop playing!”

He chuckled lightly but did as I commanded. And if I thought I had known pleasure before, my mind and body were ill-prepared for just how much it would blow me away to have him inside of me. I had never had my walls spread so much to accommodate someone. But while there was discomfort, I leaned into it and didn’t allow myself time to adjust.

“Baby, slow down,” he said as I moved my hips beneath him. “God, you’re so tight.”

Because of his height, I was looking up into his chest as he began to rotate his hips, grinding deeper into me. I used him to muffle my screams of pleasure. Holy shit! I thought I had taken all of him!

“Almost there,” he told me. Thor groaned and in one quick thrust, implanted himself the last few inches until I could feel the hairs of his groan against my soft skin. “Fuck!” he gritted out.


I wish I could fully see all of him because man was he working it. Just like at the concert, our bodies moved in sync. His thrusts were broken up by swift grinds against my clitoris that had me seeing stars. I could feel our body heat increasing, but I enjoyed the feel of his slick skin as he surrounded me. I tightened my legs around his waist to get enough leverage to thrust back at him. But he took the back of my knees and shoved my legs into my chest. Yoga for the win! Their promotional tool should be sex with Thor!

I looked up at him as he pounded into me. His teeth were gritted, but his gaze never left mine. Geez, he even looks sexy making ugly faces! On the other hand, I’m sure I look worse for wear. I knew with the change of position that we wouldn’t last much longer. The desperation was in his eyes as he felt himself reaching his peak, and I’m sure it was in mine. He was deeper than ever and my walls were going insane with their sporadic spasms against his length. My body jostled each time our hips met, but my body was so overwhelmed by the pleasure of it all I never once thought of how sore I would be the next day. Instead, I found myself screaming for more.

And then it happened, my toes curled and I reached up to pull him against me. I needed something to hold onto to stay in reality. I felt like I was in another universe, and my body was no longer my own. The spasms were not limited to just the point of his invasion but throughout my entire body. My fingers tore at his hair as I screamed.

Buried in my chest, Thor groaned and pounded his hips into me one last time. Grinding his cock deeper into me, he roared his release. And the powerful pulse of his thick length sent me into deeper aftershocks.

With our heavy breathing and dazed eyes, we collapsed.