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Ava's Thor(n) by R.J. Fletcher (20)



“Umm…well this probably isn’t the best time to ask but are you on…anything?” My throat felt tight as I asked the question. But at the same time, my body was still overwhelmed by the pleasure I found being between her thighs. My gaze caressed their open position, noting the wetness that decorated the skin closest to her cunt. I loved how soft they felt around my waist, how they pressured me to thrust harder and deeper. My depleted cock twitched at the memory, clearly having forgotten our earlier interlude. I couldn’t be sated when it came to her. I just wanted more.

“No, I don’t take birth control,” her breathing became heavy, eyes glazed over in shock and fear. “Shit! What the fuck is wrong with us?”

I shushed her, gently touching her cheek to gain her attention again. “Relax, tomorrow we’ll just go and get something for you to take. And, if anything does happen, I’d be there for you, Ava. You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not a complete asshole; my parents did raise me with some values.”

Though my words clearly didn’t completely salvage her fears, Ava was at least no longer hyperventilating. To distract her, I added,

“Plus, I can’t be the only one who loved it.” I leaned over her until she fell back onto the mattress, staring up at me with her large, doe-like eyes. They gave her such an innocent appearance at times.

“Didn’t you like having me cum inside you, Ava?” I whispered.

She closed her eyes, reaching forward for me to kiss her. But I wanted to hear her answer first.

“Tell me,” I demanded.

“Yes, I loved it. Now kiss me,” she complained with a pout.

With pleasure, I did as she asked. Our lips gently plied at each other’s, a gentle caress that was in such stark contrast to the overwhelming and volatile passion that had just erupted from us both. Teasingly, I swiped her bottom lip with my tongue enjoying the soft sound of her gasp. She tried to entice me towards greater exploration, but I withheld my desire. For some reason, I wanted her to know that we were more than just fucking. It was possible for us to just enjoy the presence of the other. And I am definitely enjoying this.

“Are you going to stay?” she suddenly asked, interrupting the silent cocoon that had enveloped the both of us.

Without hesitation, my mouth formed the word, “Yes.”

Ava smiled up at me, a light flush could be seen slightly beneath her dark cheeks. A feeling of calmness relaxed my muscles as I laid down beside her, gathering her much smaller frame into my arms. It didn't take us long before we both succumbed to exhaustion.

When I woke the next morning, my arms were empty. I rubbed a hand across my face, trying to fully open my eyes despite my tired and sore muscles. Contrary to this, there was a noticeable tent beneath the sheets, and it made me wonder where Ava had disappeared. I can already think of several ways we can relieve one another. And in case you were wondering, yes, men do wake up thinking about sex.

It took some effort, but I was able to roll off the mattress. After freshening up in her bathroom, I walked to the front of her apartment. A smile immediately broke across my features at the sight that met me. Blasting from some hidden stereo was Wale’s “My Love” and dancing to the steady rhythm and beat was my very own Ava. I watched her hips entice me as they swayed back and forth, her ass jiggling in the leggings she wore. She was holding a spatula in her hand acting as if it was a microphone as she sang with the song.

“Show me my love…show me sweet love,” she yelled out of tune. Her movements were much better than her singing. In accordance with the afro beat-infused song, she rocked gently on her toes, swinging her arms.

Though it wasn't to my usual tastes, I could appreciate the song even more with her sensual gyrations. She was completely unaware of my presence, her focus on simultaneously cooking, dancing, and singing. The smell of the food on the stove wafted through the living room, making my stomach grumble in anticipation of whatever deliciousness she had in store. But at the same time, my body craved something more than food. And there was only one hunger I was truly interested in satiating.

While she was still oblivious to me, I walked forward and leaned down into her ear, my stomach stirring at the way she felt pressed up against me. Ava immediately froze but said nothing.

“If I ride with you, better know that I'mma ride for you…Better know that we can live for each other,” I whispered the lyrics against her, my arms beginning to circle her thick waist.

Ava noticeably shivered, setting down the spatula and slowly turning in my arms.

“You’re up,” she stated simply.

“In more ways than one.” I’m sure my eyes showed exactly where my thoughts were, but in case there was any miscommunication, I leaned down and claimed her lips. Holding her against me, I made sure there was very little space between us; I wanted her to feel how much my body desired her. I wanted her to know that I woke up thinking of her, wanting her.

“Mm, Thor,” she moaned against me.

I removed whatever she was cooking from the burner, turned off the stove, and then picked her up. With her legs around my waist, I brought her back to bed. Exactly where she belonged.

A few hours later, we finally made it back to the dining room. Even though I was far from done with her, my body began to protest with hunger. Did you know men can burn as much as three hundred calories from sex? How do you think I have this body? With Ava’s insistence, we decided to take a break enough to eat what she had been unable to finish cooking.

Pancakes. My favorite.

“This is amazing,” I groaned out loud.

Ava giggled and shrugged her naked shoulders. The only way I would allow her to leave the bedroom was if she did it uncovered. While I loved her ass in leggings, nothing beat her birthday suit with every glamorous inch of her dark, unblemished skin. I could tell it initially made her a bit shy, but she seemed to have easily forgotten it. After all, I was providing her the same view. And I know she was enjoying it as much as I was appreciating the beautiful and sexy woman before me.

“You still owe me a meal, you know.”

I grimaced at the suggestion. The kitchen was definitely not my strong suit. “As soon as I learn how to correctly boil water, you’ll be the first to know.” That’s a joke. I know how to boil water.

She smiled slightly but then turned serious. “Well, you can make it up to me by getting Plan B.”

A confused expression decorated my face. “Plan what?”

“The morning-after pill,” she explained. “We’ve officially had unprotected sex more than twice. And I don't know about you, but I have no intention of getting pregnant any time soon.”

“I’m pretty sure if I got pregnant, I’d be a medical miracle. So I’m good.”

She apparently didn’t like my joke, not even cracking a smile at my attempt to lighten the mood. Unlike last night, I had at least pulled out when I came this morning despite how much I wanted to stay inside her. Even just the memory of how her walls would tighten and caress me made goosebumps form on my shoulders, and I had to hold back a shudder of desire. I wonder if she even realizes how much power she has over me. It’d be dangerous if she did.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make light of a serious issue. We can go now. But…on one condition.”

She waited patiently with a raised brow.

“You let me take you out on an actual date.”

Even I wasn’t prepared for the mega-watt smile she sent my way. But it sent a warmth through my chest that was becoming more and more familiar as I spent time with her. Yeah, I definitely made the right decision this time.



I took the pill immediately, but I was able to ignore the nagging feeling that it wasn't enough with Thor as a distraction. He seemed completely unconcerned that our actions last night could potentially change the rest of our lives. I could only hope that same positive attitude would apply if I did find out I was expecting. I imagined it would completely destroy the fledgling relationship we were building together. But maybe that was simply me expecting the worst.

The situation made me realize how little I knew about Thor beyond the way he felt inside me, how he made me lose control of my body and just feel. Would he even make a good father? I could imagine a smaller version of him scampering around my small apartment, knocking into everything with the same mischievous temperament as his father. And to my horror, I felt a tad bit of yearning with the way my thoughts had turned. Along with fear and trepidation.

Ugh, I should stop thinking about this. We are completely safe from anything happening. Aren’t we?

“Hey, stop overthinking,” Thor interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up and was greeted by Thor’s familiar lop-sided grin.  The familiar dimple in his cheek appearing alongside it. We were currently waiting in line at Boston’s Public Garden. After he had heard of my inexperience with the historic Swan Boats that travelled down the lake in the botanical garden, he had been adamant that we should ride one together. While it definitely couldn’t exactly mirror the romantic setting of Vienna with strangers surrounding us on the boat, it was familiar enough, made even more so by our budding relationship.

“I can’t help it.”

Thor leaned forward, towering over me with his larger frame. “Do I need to distract you?” he asked suggestively.

I laughed nervously, knowing he would not be thwarted by our public location in trying to seduce me. Leaning toward him as well, my fingers gently plied at his belt buckle, teasing him with the possibilities and reminding him of how we had spent last night and this morning. It also unintentionally affected me as well; I could feel my stomach clenching with desire as I recalled how he had returned me to the bedroom while I had made breakfast.

Thor seemed to notice the hitch in my breathing and the rising flush to my cheeks. Our gazes locked, staring deeply. Our surroundings seemed to fall away as we both went down memory lane and dreamt of the desirable promise he had made. Gently, he stroked my cheek and pulled me into his chest.

“Later,” he promised.

I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and nodded my head, my cheek rubbing against the rough cotton of his shirt. It was hard for me to let go, not wanting to escape the warmth that emanated from his firm chest.

“So, tell me. How is it that you’ve never done this before?” he finally broke the tense but delicious silence between us.

I scoffed. “Look around us, Thor. We’re surrounded by tourists! What Bostonian actually does this?”

He playfully pretended to be insulted by my remarks. “What? I used to do this all the time as a kid. My parents loved it.”

I narrowed my eyes in disbelief. “Weren’t your parents from Denmark?”

“Yeah, so what?”

“They were essentially tourists!”

“Hey! I’ll have you know my parents’ blood bleeds the Patriots as much as any Southie.”

To my surprise, I replied, “If that’s the case, you gotta prove it to me. I want to hear it straight from them that little ole Thor would be beside himself about a swan ride. And that Tom Brady is their second Jesus.” What am I thinking suggesting that I meet his parents? This is like our first date. Ugh, can I crawl under a rock now?

But Thor’s eyes didn’t darken with disconcertion as I expected. Instead, the corners of his eyes crinkled in humor, and he reacted as if my suggestion was a welcomed suggestion. Whoa! Is it?

“I’m sure they’d be happy to show you all my naked toddler photos as well. In fact, you’ll probably be begging to leave my mom’s clutches after she stuffs you with traditional Danish food.”

“Mm, I’ve never had Danish food before. Unless you count the pastry!” I giggled at my own joke.

Thor simply rolled his eyes and replied, “Yeah, we may have made that famous but it’s actually Austrian. No, middag is a very special meal, and frikadeller is my favorite.”

At my raised brow of confusion, he continued,

“They’re Danish meatballs. My mom usually serves them with stuvet hvidkål, which is essentially boiled cabbage in this white sauce made from butter, flour, and milk. It’s amazing. My mouth is watering already!”

“That does sound good actually. Maybe I’ll try to make it myself one day. I’m always down to try new recipes.” Don't give me that look. I’m not just going to make it because he told me it’s his favorite. “So…I’m assuming Danish was your first language when you were growing up?”

He nodded, “Yeah, English was very hard for me. I ended up being kept back in school because all I heard at home was Danish. Though my dad was fluent in English, my mom was still learning. And since my father was away at work most of the time, she didn't bother speaking a language she was still unfamiliar with. But when I entered school, we ended up learning the language together. I’d force her to do my homework with me because I could see how embarrassed she was when she went to school events; the other mothers would point and gossip about how stupid she sounded in her broken English. I got into plenty of fights defending her and myself at school.” As he reminisced, a sad smile spread across his handsome features, revealing the sexy dimple that always made my body grow hot and bothered.

But my body’s reaction wasn’t the only change that came over me while listening to him. I found myself suddenly imagining what he was like as a young boy. Thrown into a foreign world not knowing much of the language, and then being forced to not only teach himself but his mother as well. I was beginning to see Thor as more than just the sexy, muscular stereotype of a tattoo artist. And it’s making it even harder to not fall for him.

“Though it doesn’t look like it much anymore, I fully understand what it’s like to feel like a foreigner. Like you somehow don't belong. Those first couple of years in America were not easy in the slightest. But I’m Boston through and through.”

His eyes widened in surprise when I reached up and took his face between my hands, forcing him to look down at me.

“I’m sorry if I made you feel that you weren’t. You don't have to defend who you are to me, Thor.”

The light in his eyes grew serious. Their emerald gaze gently explored my face, but I didn’t so much as blink at their intensity. I wanted him to know just how serious I was. I knew what it felt like to doubt yourself, to feel as if you didn’t belong in your own home, your own country. And while our experiences were still very different, existing on two different spectrums, the shame and doubt created were equally potent. 

It seemed that my message got across to him though. His muscles relaxed and his eyes softened, leaning into the hold I had of his face. It seemed so sudden considering the relatively short span of our relationship, to have such deep moments where we suddenly felt just as connected spiritually and emotionally as we could physically. But that’s exactly how I felt since Thor came barging into my apartment last night. From the way he cuddled me through the night, how he made love to me this morning, to his demands that we actually go out on a date…in less than twenty-four hours, he had shown me that what I had imagined we could be was possible. More than possible. It was happening.

Our moment was interrupted by the sound of the announcer, asking us to board the boat in an orderly fashion. Grabbing my right hand in his and interlocking our fingers, Thor led me on. And I was giddy with excitement about what I had seen as silly mere moments before.

The day wasn’t over after our boat ride. Yes, I’ll admit that Thor was right about the Swan Boats. It was surprisingly soothing, made even more so by his gentle caresses and whispered flirtations in my ear. I can still feel my body shuddering, anxious to rip his clothes off. He told me our next stop was a surprise, but I immediately paused on the sidewalk and burst into laughter when we were at the storefront. No, he didn’t!

“Are you serious right now?” I asked between chortles of laughter, holding my stomach.

He shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Well, I don’t want you holding it over my head. You did say I owed you one, right?”

Yes, I had. We walked together into the store, passing the spot of our infamous confrontation. Maybe it’s all in my head, but I could swear I saw a distinct coffee stain on the sidewalk.

But this time, when we ordered, I didn’t drop my drink. And when we walked out of the store, I wasn’t chasing him in an angry tirade. Instead, I was holding onto his arm, pressing my smaller frame against his side. Now, I’m usually not the overly touchy-feely type but, with Thor, I can’t help but want to constantly touch him. Especially when I can feel the hard muscles of his arms beneath his jacket. 

“You better drink that shit because when we get back, I’m not letting you get a wink of sleep tonight.”

I nearly spat my drink out at his sudden announcement. I looked up at him and saw the same serious and heated expression from earlier. Yup, it is so on when we get back. And I did exactly as I was told, gulping my cappuccino down because I was just as thirsty as he was.




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