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Beauty Exposed (Zoe’s World Book 1) by Lillianna Blake, P. Seymour (14)

Chapter 15 

The thought that I would have to kiss Trent to figure things out plagued my mind over the next day. Luckily, I had my date with Ben to distract me. I decided to take him to the salsa club that I’d told Trent about. After attempting to dance with Trent, I’d longed for that special music and the way it made my body move.

I pulled out my favorite salsa skirt. It was a snug skirt that flared into ruffles at my thighs. Just the swing of it against my skin made me feel alluring.

I picked up Ben from his place, as I wanted to have the ability to steer the date.

When he saw my skirt he grinned. “Wow! I can’t wait to dance with you.” 

“Great.” I smiled and tried to return the enthusiasm, but there simply wasn’t much chemistry. I recalled what Noella had said about giving it time.

When we arrived at the club, it was crowded, as I’d expected it to be. I tugged Ben right out onto the dance floor.

We’d just started to dance when his phone rang. I expected him to turn it off, but instead he pulled it out and grimaced. 

“Sorry, I have to take this.”

“Are you serious?” I met his eyes as he unwound from my arms. 

“I know, I know. But it’s important.” He headed for the door to get away from the music. 

I was left standing alone on the dance floor. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed, but I was disappointed. Things got even worse when my favorite song—the one I’d been waiting for all night—started to play.

Not one to miss out on anything, I scanned the crowd for a man who wasn’t taken. As I did, I caught a glimpse of a familiar face. The sight of him shocked me. What was he doing here? 

Trent stood with his arms awkwardly around a woman’s waist. He tried to move with the music, but his body was used to square actions, not round, sensual movements. The woman waved him away and started toward another man.

As Trent turned toward the door, our eyes met and he froze. 

I smiled as I walked over to him. 

“Hi, Zoe. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight. I was—uh—just leaving.” 

“No way—no, you’re not.” I grinned and took his hand. I started to tug him back out onto the dance floor. 

“No, Zoe. Really, I can’t do this. Alright? I’ve already tried.” He tugged back.

I kept my grip firm, then turned to look into his eyes with pouted lips. “But this is my favorite song.” 

“It is?” He watched me as I began to dance even without his arms around me. 

“Yes, and I have no one to dance with.” I batted my eyes at him and offered a come-hither smirk. I had never had it fail me, but just in case, I added a swirl of my hips. 

“Alright.” His lips parted some as his hands slid around my waist. “But you have to teach me.” 

“Oh, I will.” I smiled as I drew him into the movement. I didn’t have to think about the steps anymore. I just let the music flow through me. I felt one hundred percent me when I danced. It was the only time that I truly let go of everything that held me back. 

When his foot landed on my toe, I was reminded that Trent didn’t feel the flow just yet.  


“Sorry.” He frowned. “See? I said I can’t.” He started to pull away. 

“Yes, you can.” I grabbed his hips and drew his body right up against mine. “Just feel it.” I gazed into his eyes as I guided his hips to move with mine. “It doesn’t matter how many times you practice the steps, you’re not really dancing until you can feel the passion coursing through you.” I closed my eyes as that now all-too-familiar electricity bolted through me each time his body grazed mine. I bit into my bottom lip as another wave of dizzying euphoria followed it, inspired by the combination of the music and the movement of his hands along my hips.

“Can you feel it yet?”

I noticed his muscles relax, allowing his movements to become more fluid. 

“Yes, I can feel it.”

His voice was thicker than usual and slightly deeper. I opened my eyes, a little surprised, and found him gazing at me with such intensity that for a split-second I wondered if he could see my desire for him written all over my face.

The music swelled and the other dancers around us followed the traditional steps, but we just moved together, instinctively following each other’s lead. It wasn’t long before I forgot where I was and what I was doing. I forgot about everything but who I was with. 

My heart pounded. I had to know. I couldn’t pretend anymore. If there was something between us, there was only one way to find out for sure.

When he drew me close after a spin, I tipped my lips up to his and sought a kiss. I closed my eyes just as my mouth should have grazed his, but instead my lips coasted across the curve of his cheek. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at him, stunned. I could feel the heat in his skin and could see the blush in his cheeks as he avoided my gaze.

I thought for a second that he might not have noticed my attempt, but then his hands tightened on my hips and his breath brushed along the sensitive skin of my earlobe as he nestled my body against his. 

“Zoe.” He whispered my name. 

“Uh, excuse me there, buddy.” Ben gave Trent a firm pat on his shoulder. “Thanks for stepping in.” 

“Excuse me?” Trent stared at him as I pulled back from his grasp. 

“Oh, Trent, this is Ben.” I glanced between the two men. “My date.” 

“Date?” Trent took a step back, his cheeks no longer pink, but crimson. “Wow, I didn’t realize I was interrupting.” He stared hard into my eyes, then turned to walk away. 

“Thanks for the dance, Trent!” I smiled at him, hoping that I’d imagined the shadow in his gaze, but his back was already to me. 

My heart still raced as Ben’s arms wrapped around me again. I was tempted to tell him the date was over and just pull Trent back out onto the dance floor. But I knew that Trent had noticed my trying to kiss him and he’d avoided it. I didn’t think the message could be any more clear.

Trent wasn’t interested, and hopefully we’d both be able to pretend it had never happened.