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Brand: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Cost: Book 2) by Eve R. Hart (27)












Cami and I were sitting on one of the couches in the common area of the clubhouse. She never seemed to mind just hanging out and I loved that. But there were times I felt like I should do more. She needed dates and flowers and to go out into the world. The thing that sucked was that at the end of the day we both seemed so worn out and we used the little energy we had for other things. Not that I was complaining. Nope, not at all.

I wanted to give her some sense of normalcy. I mean, my life was far from that. Times like this it felt normal, though. When we were just sitting around, playing with each other’s fingers as a subtle way of showing our affection without being too ‘in your face’ about it, and talking with whatever brother was passing on their way out the door. I wondered if she saw it that way too.

There was still the threat of whoever had shot up the shop. Sure the D13 leader had made it seem like he’d take care of it, but the thing was, we didn’t know if we could really trust him. It wouldn’t have been smart to drop our guard. I felt safe enough, knowing that Cami hadn’t been part of their plan, and that was the only reason I’d let her out of my sights at times. This whole thing played a big part into how we lived right now. We had to watch our backs just a little harder. Something that made me think too many times that maybe I’d only end up pulling Cami down in the end. Those thoughts I tried really hard to shake off every time they popped up. There was a conversation coming, I just wasn’t quite ready to have it yet.

But even with all that, I was pretty much at a ‘fuck it’ level and if I wanted to take my girl out, I was going to do it. There hadn’t been any word or attacks since the single one on my shop. And maybe it was stupid, but I wanted to hope that things had died down for good.

“Want to go watch a movie?” I asked, shifting so I could grab my phone from the arm of the couch to look up showtimes for the nice theater across town. “We could grab some dinner too.”

“Um, maybe?” That ‘maybe’ sounded hesitant.

But despite that, I checked to see what was playing. Truly nothing made me jump up and down inside with excitement. When I mentioned a couple to her that I wouldn’t mind sitting through, all I got was a little shrug letting me know she felt the same way. Sensing it was a no-go, I put my phone back down and tried to think of something else.

“We could go take a walk on the beach,” I suggested. It was too late to do the fun-in-the-sun thing, but that didn’t mean that we couldn’t sit around and talk and enjoy the sounds of the calming waves.

She sat up and eyed me, her lips turned up at the corners in the start of a smile.

“Are you…trying to take me out? Like, get all romantic and stuff?”

“Um,” I scratched the back of my neck maybe just a little embarrassed by the whole thing. Maybe that wasn’t what she wanted. Truth was, I didn’t really know. “Yeah? I just thought maybe you’d want to get out and do something. I don’t want you to get bored with me and well, I didn’t know if you were tired of just sitting around here all the time.”

“That’s, really, um, wow,” she said, her words coming out with tiny shocked pauses in between. “No one has ever really done that for me, or wanted to, I guess.” Her beaming smile was infectious, and no I didn’t miss the quick flick of her eyes to look at my dimples.

“You deserve it,” I said, interlacing my fingers with hers. “And so much more. Also, I’m kind of a date guy, I think. I mean I really like the idea of taking you out, spending time with you doing things.”

“I think I love that idea.” She popped a quick peck on my lips. “But I have to be honest, if we are going to watch a movie, I’d much rather do it in your room where we can watch it naked in bed.”

I laughed. She was so damn cute. I could agree wholeheartedly with that, though.

“Okay, so would you like to do something tonight?” I asked feeling a bit like the whole thing had gotten messed up. But I still wanted to get her out of this place for a bit.



“I can’t think of something I want to do,” she said and her face fell a little like she’d somehow disappointed me with her answer. “I know, I know. I’m lame, I’m sorry.”

“First off, you’re not lame. You are absolutely fucking adorable.” I kissed her simply because I fucking felt like it. “And second, it’s alright. I’ve been sitting here racking my brain trying to come up with something. For the record, I feel like the lame one.”

She giggled, then snuggled back down into my side. Figuring neither one of us could come up with something good, we talked about other things.

She filled me in a little on what it was like growing up ‘a Benson’ and she finally broke down and told me how her family, her mother especially, always treated her art like it was nothing more than a silly hobby. My heart broke for her. My dad had always encouraged me to chase my dreams and try everything even if I failed. I understood little things I’d noticed about her now. Like the way that she had that cute as hell way to avoid cussing. It was a filter, but at the same time, it was her way of sticking it to them. Because it was so obvious that instead of biting her tongue and swallowing down the frustration or whatever she was feeling, she let it out in more of a subtle, almost appropriate way.

“Alright, so the SS is done,” Ky said, flopping down on the couch beside us a little while later. “Need to take it to the strip and test it out. Cami, you up for a little race?” His brows went up as a smile curved the edges of his mouth.

There was an old, private landing strip about a half mile outside of the city limits. Ky had claimed it as his spot and often took his rebuilt masterpieces out there to test them out.

This one was something he’d come across that was for sale. The condition wasn’t all that great and the thing wouldn’t even start when Ky got there to check it out. But he got it towed to the garage, made it his side project, and pretty much, turned it into something new. I hadn’t seen the final product yet but I knew it was nothing short of beautiful. I was half tempted to jump up and go look at it the second he said it was done.

“Yeah, okay,” Cami said surprising me only slightly. I could tell that there was a little gleam of curiosity in her eyes every time he’d mention to her about going out there.

“Yeah?” I asked just to be sure.

“I really want to,” she said not holding back any of the excitement she felt.

Looked like we found something to do then.

“Hell yeah!” Ky roared and slapped Cami on the knee as he stood. “Let’s go!”

I kissed her, then pulled her to her feet as I got up.

Both cars were parked right out front of the compound. Cami’s Charger was looking like it could have used a rinse off sitting next to the seventy-nine Chevelle that I had no doubt Ky had spent half the day waxing it to make it shine.

“Hey, Chris,” I called out as I saw him walking across the lot, presumably coming from the bar. “Are you done for the day?”

“Yeah, man,” he answered as he stepped up between the two cars. His arms crossed over his chest and I wondered if he’d had a bad day. Well, good thing we were off to do something that would take his mind off of everything.

“Ky’s taking Cami to the strip so she can test the limits of her baby.” I didn’t have to look over at Cami to know that she was smiling. I pulled the door open just as Cami sunk down into the driver’s seat. “Come with us. Ride with Ky.”

I ducked into the car without giving him a chance to back out. The engine revved and then Cami reversed slowly, so as not to run over Chris. Her window was down and I looked out wondering what the hell the two of them were waiting on.

“Get in the damn car. Let’s go.”

Cami waited until they were ready to go, then pulled out behind Ky even though I knew where we were going. I knew Cami wasn’t a speed demon, and that Ky would most likely beat us there. And sure enough, halfway there, Ky’s car took off like a bat outta hell.

“Well, this should be fun,” Cami said, watching the taillights of the SS fade in the distance.

“Just do what you feel comfortable with. I know you’ve thought about it, just let go and go for it, beautiful.”

“I love you,” she whispered, her eyes glued to the road.

“Love you, too.”

We pulled into the dirt lot that led to the strip. Chris was leaning against the SS looking a little like someone had kicked his puppy. I guessed he really must have had a bad day. Damn. I needed to get a moment to talk to him, but it might have to wait because I wasn’t going to let Cami go at this alone.

Ky was a ways off, walking down the semi-worn paved strip that went on beyond where my eyes could see, especially at this time of night.

“You good?” I asked Chris as I walked up to him.

“Yeah, fine.”

“What’s going on?” I pushed a bit harder.

“Ky’s checking to make sure it’s clear.”

Before I could say anything else, a bunch of the brothers rolled up on their bikes and parked a little ways off.

We all stood around making conversation until Ky walked back up.

“Is it clear?” I asked and received a pinched brow of confusion in return. “The strip, is it all good?”

“Oh, yeah. Good.”

“Chris you ride with Ky. I’m sitting in with Cami.”

“No,” Chris said taking a few steps away from the SS. “I think I’ve had enough of Ky’s speed for one night. Lake, you’re up.”

I shrugged and dropped down into the seat.

Technically we were in racing position, but I knew that it wasn’t really one. I’m pretty sure we all knew Ky would smoke Cami, and not in a mean way. That was just how he was and Cami, I imagined, would be a little shy on pushing the pedal to the floor. But that was alright, as long as she was having a good time, that was all that mattered.

Engines revved, gears shifted, and tires squealed, leaving behind a cloud of burnt rubber. Ky took off like a shot and Cami, well, she did better than I expected. She handled the car perfectly and accelerated much faster than I would have imagined. But she decided that eighty was a good cutting off point, though we both knew the car would go faster.




“That was fun,” she said, voice full of excitement, as we rolled to a stop. “Can we do it again?”

And so we did, three more times. Then we all packed it up and headed back to the compound.

She was still riding high on adrenaline when we burst through the door to my room.

My hands were in her hair, her lips were against mine and her fingers fumbled to release my belt. I barely had time to kick the door closed behind us before she was ripping the thing free of the loops and tossing it across the room without a care. Then she was working the buttons of my fly. Like she couldn’t wait another second to touch me, her hand slipped into my boxers and stroked over my stiff cock.

I was rock hard and waiting. I couldn’t help it. It seemed like I was that way constantly when she was near me. And it wasn’t her perfect lips, or her cute little ass, or even the sexy noises she made when she ate, although those were all amazing too. It was the fact that when she looked at me she bared her soul to me, and only me, every fucking time.

A hiss escaped me as she gripped my throbbing cock and did one slow pull, her thumb swiping over my leaking tip. Her teeth lightly raked over my bottom lip as she snagged it and pulled away from my kiss.

“I need you, now,” she said as she looked up at me, her eyes shining with a burning intensity that told me she couldn’t wait another second.

Hell, I was right there with her.

But I was determined to take my time and draw this out for the both of us. Sure my lower half was screaming at me in protest, but I didn’t care.

I stripped her down, my hands ghosting over her creamy skin, loving the way my simple touch would make her skin prickle.

“Brand,” she moaned, her head falling back as I kissed my way up the column of her neck. “I need to feel you, please.”

Her fingers slid under my shirt and in the blink of an eye, I was rid of my cut and shirt. I pulled her close, her tight, stiff nipples brushed against my bare chest and now it was my turn to feel the shiver humming through my skin.

My hands firmly palmed her butt and I hauled her up and carried her to the bed with lightning steps. I gently laid her out, her hair fanning above her head so perfectly. Her chest arching up, her knees falling away on one another. She was raw and open for me. Only for me. Never had I seen something that beautiful in my entire life.

She trapped her bottom lip In between her teeth and her hooded eyes peered directly into mine.





I didn’t care if I ever left this room again. I didn’t care if the world was burning around us. I didn’t care about anything but this woman and this moment right here.

This was forever. I knew that in my heart and in my soul.

It was time she knew that too. And I was about to show her exactly that and yes, I had every intention of ruining her for anyone else. If she didn’t know if before tonight, she would when I was done with her.

She was mine.

I was hers.

This was only the beginning of us.

My fingers ghosted up her thighs, as my head ducked down. That first swipe of my tongue was always the best. The remembrance of her taste. The milk and honey slapping my taste buds alive. It was something I’d never get enough of.

She moaned as her fingers tangled in my hair. She was wet and needy and I didn’t hesitate to lap her juiciness up. Her body jerked, her hips rolling against my mouth as I sucked and licked her swollen clit. Her breaths came out heavier and faster.

And then I backed off, pulling my mouth away, releasing the pressure I’d had around her clit.

There was a whimper-whine hybrid that ripped from deep inside of her and I tried my best to hide my amusement. As her body started to sink back into the mattress with a rigid sort of tension, I went full force again. Diving in there and really working her clit with my tongue. I sunk two fingers into her slick heat and her grip tightened on my hair as she panted out my name over and over again.

“Shit. Yes. Don’t stop. Don’t you fucking stop this time,” she called out as her body began to shake around me.

She came hard, her pussy clamping down on my fingers so tightly it felt like she could break them.

I waited a fraction of a second before pulling them away from her quivering core. Then, for good measure, and because I just loved the way she tasted, I licked over her pussy, my mouth tipping up at the sides as her cream coated my tongue.

I stood, looking down at her. This was everything. This post-orgasm high she was riding—I did that.

“We’re not done right?” Her voice soft and held a tinge of worry.

“No, beautiful,” I said with a huge smile as I dropped my pants and stepped out of them. “We’re just getting started.”

So I made love to her until she knew that she had my soul.

Then I fucked her until she couldn’t come anymore.

And after I cleaned her happily sated body, I crawled in between the sheets and wrapped her up in my arms, tangling every part of me that I could with every part of her.





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