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Coming Home by Kelley, Aine (45)

Chapter 45


The early morning sun filters faintly through the bedroom window. There’s just enough light that you can see the dust floating in the air. Jack is snoring rather quietly, which is a good thing. His face looks peaceful and it’s wonderful knowing that I did that for him.

My eyes are still blinking and adjusting to the morning. I move my legs and my muscles ache, making me giggle softly. I’ll take this dull pain any day from him.

My body faces him and I can’t help but watch him sleep. Last night, we turned a corner and for the first time I actually believe we will be together forever. I always had hope, but there were obstacles at every turn.

He’s beginning to fight through his demons and become the man that exists inside him. I knew it was there, he just needed to realize it. Together we can do it. I know we can.

After our marathon love making session, he opened up more than he ever has about his mom. The guilt he carries for what she did has caused so much internal damage. He continues to feel responsible and he admitted it’s what has kept him from falling in love.

“Jenny, you are the only one that I want in my life and who I let in. I finally understand what love is. You know everything and you accept me. I’m letting you see all of me.” His arms pulled me in tight as I relaxed into him.

“You know what’s funny, Jack? My mom said the same thing to me the other night. Letting someone see and know all of you is what love is all about. I guess we are both there, finally.”

We fell asleep holding each other in comfort and peace. One of the best night's sleep I’ve had in a long time. Now as I look at him, I know what love is and I never want it to stop. He is my person.

My hand makes its way up his toned abs and bare chest. I love touching him. My body craves him like an addict. It’s not enough to be near or next to him. I have to feel him, too. My tickling fingertips start to stir him. He snorts as his lips turn slightly upward.

He’s trying hard to keep calm but I can see the pulsing increase in his neck. I’m his high, too. A soft moan escapes my lips as I feel his cock get hard. We barely touch each other but are instantly excited to be together.

I keep my hand on his chest, resting it there as his heart beat quickens. His eyes take their time opening but when they do they are locked on mine. Neither of us moves. We are content simply watching each other and speaking without words or movements.

His eyes tell me of an amazing love story. It’s one that begins innocently and grows to more than he could have ever imagined for himself.

It’s the story of us. The new chapter begins today and neither of us can anticipate what will happen next. But that’s all right. As much as I would like my life planned out, I can’t plan this. No one can. We need to let it happen and unfold the way it’s supposed to.

We both bring our own shit to the table. He has a past. I have trust issues. But opening up and being honest with each other is all we need to bring our story to the happy ending.

“Morning, baby.” His eyes break my story as he leans in for a tender kiss. I can only smile at him as I let my hand move up to his forehead. My fingers gently run through his hair, sliding down his cheek before stopping at his lips. He kisses my fingertips with such sweetness that my heart melts.

“Hi…” My lips are drawn to his. My kiss screams sin rather than sweetness. He reads me perfectly and matches my tempo and tongue. I have no idea how long we kiss. It’s like we are teenagers making out again. Stopping to stare and laugh then back in for more kissing. It’s perfect.

At some point, my stomach grumbles and it’s too loud to ignore. Chuckling he yells, “Damn, lady, you need food.” I hold my tummy as if that would keep it quiet. He smiles at my touch before stating, “Donuts?”

I shake my head excitedly. Jack knows my sweet tooth and rewards me with my cravings. I watch as his bare ass leaves the bed. I admire his body and I’m caught ogling. “You like what you see, baby?”

I nod my head as he starts to attempt some old school running man and cabbage patch. He’s bringing out the old school hip-hop moves. The loud cackle that escapes my lips can’t be helped. He looks ridiculous and I love it. He actually can dance.

“Are you laughing at my dance moves? Come on, baby, we didn’t get to tear up the dance floor last night. I was prepared to show you all my classic moves.” I sit up, letting the blanket fall so he can get a good view of my breasts and how hard my nipples are. “Fuck. You are so beautiful and sexy.”

“Well, baby, I must say, I love what you’re showing me now. You can dance, that’s for sure.”

He gestures for me to join him but I’m hesitant. But the more I watch him, the more my body naturally moves. Then he shakes and slaps his ass in my face and that’s all I need. He pulls me in. “Ok, baby, you aren’t the only one who can dance.” Well, so much for my donut. I’m going to dance and make an ass out of myself with my man.

I love it and I love him.

He grabs his phone and with a few swipes, music fills the room. For the next half hour, we proceed with an old school hip-hop dance off. Of course, there’s plenty of kissing breaks in between.

He’s such a goof, especially when he brings out the shopping cart dance and fishing rod moves. He catches me and reels me in. As he winds me up, a slow song begins to play. Our naked bodies naturally mold into each other.

He whispers in my ear that this is going to be our song, that this defines us. “Listen, baby. Listen to the words.”

I hold him tighter as I rest my head on his shoulder as we dance together.