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Coming Home by Kelley, Aine (53)

Chapter 53


I wake up just before sunrise. I can hear the seagulls squawking as they wake and search for their breakfast. Staring out the sliding glass doors, I take in the beauty and serenity of the early morning sky. The colors are a kaleidoscope that was created by Mother Nature and meant to be savored and enjoyed.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and let yesterday play in my mind. I want to take it all in and remember it. It was perfect. I didn’t need fancy, I just needed Jack.

The barn is my favorite place. In three days, we turned it into our special place. Fairy lights hung from the rafters while white organza silk draped the wooden beams. Tulips, daisies, and wildflowers in mason jars sat on top of the oak wine barrels. It was perfect.

I found a simple white silk off-the-shoulder dress. It fell softly to the ground with a slight train on it. I wore part of my hair up with a few flowers in it. Jack said I looked like an angel sent just for him.

We decided to write our own vows together. We both wanted to say the same things to each other.

You are my always and will always be. You are the one I want to share my life with. You are the one I am everything with. You are my other half and my person. You are my past love, my present love, and my future love. You are the one I want and need. You and only you. Always.

For being two complete disasters, we came together to make perfection.

A stirring from behind me interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see him moving in his sleep. I consider climbing back into bed with him and put my lonely lips back on his. But as I stand here, I realize there’s something serene with watching his silent slumber. The steadiness of his breathing and the peacefulness that shows across his face is something that we put there together.

I resist my lustful urges and watch him for a few moments longer. I recall last night. Each touch, lick, stroke, and kiss replay in my mind. The slow curve appearing on my lips can't be hidden. My hand reaches up and traces over them. They remember the tenderness of his lips and tongue as each kiss deepened until we devoured each other. We will always have this passion. It’s an intense balance of gentle and our kind of rough. It’s us.

The sound of early fog horns prompts me to look back out again. Seeing the sunrise, I decide to take a short walk and watch the sun reappear with a new day starting. A fresh beginning made for us, by us. A new chapter in my own book. One that’s a happy ever after ending. Jack and this baby growing inside me is my ever after.

Smiling and feeling complete for the first time in a long time, I trek outside quietly so as not to wake my snoozing man. I decide to try and search for a heart-shaped rock. My mom used to have us do this as kids all the time. She said that if you find one then it was an angel sending love to you and earth. She then added it would bring love to you.

I found several but gave up on the love aspect of it. But today is different. Today is the day I will search and find a new heart-shaped rock for me and my love.

I place my head down and begin scouring the rocky surface on a personal quest. I look down searching for a sign. An angel that blessed us, a sign that would represent and solidify our love, our new beginning.

Looking down I see it immediately. A perfect heart-shaped rock with just a little crack on it. The edges are smooth with different colored layers. It's simple and uncomplicated, with just a tiny simple flaw. It looks like us.

We are messy, crazy, loud, and flawed. However, we’re also loving, caring, unselfish, and giving. This rock is both. Smooth and uncomplicated for the most part, but on some weird level I like the flaw and the layers it shows.

We can explore and understand each other's layers. It’s the flaws and imperfections that make life and love interesting. It challenges and makes us grow.

We both have so much love and life to live with even more to give to each other. Squeezing the rock tightly in my hands, I can’t imagine my journey without him and thankfully I won’t ever have to. We have been connected by an invisible thread that always brought us back to each other.

Looking out to the ocean, I’m comforted by our love and the next page for us. My hands rub over my belly. I can’t stop myself from doing it. The happiness and peace I feel from knowing what our love made completes me.

I hear footsteps on the rocky path behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I see Jack approaching me with a blanket wrapped around him. He opens up his arms and enfolds me in it with him. That’s when I realize he’s still naked. “Jack, did you seriously walk outside with nothing on?”

Chuckling, he pushes his half-hard cock into my ass. “Hell, yes, baby.”

Turning around to face him, I place my arms around his waist and kiss him. “You are insane. It’s chilly out here.”

“That's why I brought a blanket. Besides, I have you to warm me up.” He raises his eyebrows several times and he’s too charming. “Come back inside, baby. I added some wood to the fire and laid out that fuzzy blanket you like.”

“Mmmmmm. You know how much I love fuzzy blankets. If you have donuts and hot chocolate, too, then I would be absolutely convinced to join you. I may even be your sex slave and do whatever you command.” I let my tongue graze over his nipples while sliding up to his neck.

“Fuck, yeah, baby. I love that idea. You doing whatever I say?” I nod my head while squeezing his balls. “Holy fuck. I love when you do that. Give me a minute, I need a head start.”

With that, he drops the blanket and runs back into the cabin. “Jesus, Jack, you’re crazy.” I love watching his body move.

Turning back from the door, he shakes his hips making his hardness sway. “Yes, baby, but that’s why you love me.”

I shake my head and laugh because he’s totally right. That’s my guy and he always will be. Grabbing the blanket off the sand, I make my way back up the path. God, I love him.

I hear the slider open with Jack holding a donut. The smirk on his face is priceless. He’s going to love ordering me around and the thought excites me. “Come on, baby. I’ve got your hot chocolate with whipped cream waiting for you.” Taking a bite of the donut, he then licks his lips before continuing. “Oh, and I brought the can by the fire. I’m going to enjoy making you lick it off me.”

Yup, that’s my Jack and I wouldn’t change our lives ever. My feet race up the porch as he holds out a bite for me. The sticky glaze is warm and sweet. “Mmmmmm yummy. I love you, baby.”

He takes his tongue and licks the extra glaze off my lips. “I love you, too, baby. Now get your ass in here and get on that blanket. I’ve got lots of naughtiness planned for that amazing body of yours.”

God, I love it and him. He’s it for me. My romance story with a slightly crooked crown and a broken heel, but damn he’s my ever after. My past, my present and my future, my love and my home.