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Dark Passion by Botefuhr, Bec (4)




Two days pass, and I am beginning to feel claustrophobic in this room. I pace backwards and forwards, kicking walls and smashing anything I can find. I’m angry, desperate and ashamed that I let myself get caught. I think a lot about my Father, and I wonder what he knows that’s so important. My dad was a cop for a long time; I never thought he would do anything illegal.

Seems I might be wrong though, just like I’m wrong about a lot of things. I don’t know what’s real anymore, all I know is I’ve wound up in hell and I don’t know how to get out. I’ve searched every part of the room looking for a way out, but there’s nothing. Jagger has this room secured. I think about my Sister and Ava a lot, I know Ava will be blaming herself. I know she will be beside herself with worry, and I can only pray she’s gone to the police by now.

I think about the man holding me. How can someone so beautiful be so tangled up in this dangerous world? He comes in every day now and he feeds me reasonably well, though I don’t eat half of it. He doesn’t speak to me anymore and when he does, it’s simple one word answers to a question. I wonder if he’s really such an ass underneath that exterior. I personally think he’s got a gentle side; he protected me from that man after all. He didn’t have to.

One afternoon, I’m sitting by the window just staring out. I’m desperate for sunlight, for fresh air on my face. I hear the door open and I turn; Jagger steps in the room with my dinner tray. Today he’s dressed all in black, like he’s about to go to someone’s funeral. Heck, maybe he is. I can’t help the stupid flutters in my chest when I look at him; he’s the sort of man that can make any woman salivate, even if he’s being horrible.

Some women are strange like that; I know I can tend to be one of them. A man can be an absolute ass, but if he’s gorgeous, she will accept it. I mean, whatever happened to personalities and all that? I blame my lifestyle. My Mother wasn’t exactly going to win Mother of the year and my Father cared more about his job. Maybe it’s built into someone like me to go for someone like Jagger.

I stare at my kidnapper. I think Jagger has a personality; it’s just hidden behind his tough act. I nearly got him to smile yesterday when I sat in the room singing at the top of my lungs. I was trying to stop myself panicking and singing loudly really did release some tension. Isn’t it amazing how the simplest things can make one feel better?

“Food,” he mutters, pointing to the tray. I snap out of my thoughts and stare at him, all caveman like and grunting.

“Me caveman, you little woman…ugh ugh,”

His eyes widen and a ghost of a smile plays around his lips, but he quickly smothers it. Real Jagger doesn’t smile. The fake Jagger at the club that night, he smiled. I wonder if he’s in there somewhere.

“Joke if you wish, it beats your singing.”

I shrug. “What would you do if a crazy man was keeping you captive?”

“I wouldn’t be so stupid as to get caught.”


“That’s low, even for you.”

“Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to take drinks from strangers?”

“My parents weren’t the darling couple you assume. My Father was never home and my Mother was….never mind…it’s none of your business.”

Jagger leans against the door frame and stares at me. “I didn’t assume anything.”

“You assumed I’m stupid.”

“I just assumed you would know better.”

“Well excuse me for finding a man attractive. I didn’t exactly think that you were a weirdo out to kidnap innocent girls!”

He growls at me and steps forward. “Careful.”

“Or what? You’ll hit me? Beat me? Starve me? Go right ahead, I couldn’t care less. It beats being in this room!”

His face hardens and he steps forward. “Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?”

“I don’t care.”

He steps forward and I shuffle backwards, he smirks. I have learnt Jagger’s smirk is so far from a smile, it’s not funny.

“If you don’t care, then why are you shuffling backwards?”

“If you want to hurt me Jagger, just do it and get it over with. You’re either a nice guy, or a bad guy, no one can be both.”

He spins around and walks to the door, then turns and looks back at me. “Can’t they?”