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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark ) by M Never (4)


My mouth is dry and my throat is sore. Where am I? Then I remember. The chain clinks as I move. I’m a prisoner. I pull on the collar and fiddle with the lock. Off. I just want it fucking off.

Suddenly the door opens and I instinctively huddle into a ball, naked and completely defenseless.

“Ah, you’re up.” A tall, nice looking man with turquoise eyes and a shock of blond hair saunters toward me. I recoil.

“There, there,” he coos. Pulling on the chain once he reaches the bed. I resist him. “Aren’t you a pretty thing? No wonder Kayne wanted you. Come here.”

“No. Who are you?” I fight him.

“Jett.” He yanks harder, forcing me closer to him. “I’m your keeper.”

“I don’t need a keeper. I need to go home!”

Jett grabs my face, ignoring me. He moves it around like he’s inspecting me.

“Sweetheart, the only place you’re going is into the shower.”

“I took a shower last night,” I say bitterly, recalling the way Kayne manhandled and spanked me.

“It’s time for another. You also need to be groomed.”

“Groomed! I’m not an animal!” I try to snap my head back.

Jett looks into my eyes, clutching my face tighter. “Technically you’re owned, so you’re the equivalent.”

Tears threaten.

“Ellie. I will tell you this once. Cooperate with me or I will tie you down and spank you until you do.”

“Is that my life now? Beating after beating?”

“It doesn’t have to be. But you have to listen and do as Kayne and I say.”

“Do I belong to both of you?” The words slice my tongue as they roll out of my mouth.

“No. You’re just Kayne’s. But I do have the authority to punish you if you don’t behave.” His pretty eyes flash with something dark. Jett looks like he belongs on a beach with a surfboard. But it’s clear he’s no laidback surfer.

“So, what’s it going to be sweet thing? We can be friends or we can be enemies. It’s up to you. Personally, I’d like to be friends. It will make things easier for everyone involved.”

I only stare up at him. I can’t bring myself to submit. It’s not who I am, it’s not who I was raised to be. After a few drawn out moments Jett nods, then pulls out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocks the padlock linking the chain to the collar. I just sit until he tells me to move. At this point I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want to get hurt.

“Bathroom?” he points. I get up and walk into the room. Covering as much of my nakedness as I can.

“Good girl,” he says in a condescending tone as he walks behind me. I hate it. Once in the bathroom, he turns on the shower. “We’ll groom you first, then breakfast.”

“Groom?” I repeat curiously.

“Mmmm hmmm.” He pulls out a table from the linen closet and opens it up.

“What’s that for?”

“You’ll see.” He pulls the key ring out from his pocket and unlocks the collar, removing it from my neck. I immediately rub my sore throat. “In you go.”

I step into the stall and allow the water to scald my skin. The temperature of my shower is about the only thing I have control over at the moment.

“Wash,” Jett instructs. I stick my tongue out at him as I turn for the soap.

“I saw that,” he says amused. I guess better amused than pissed off.

I wash my hair and my body slowly, elongating the shower as much as possible. The smell of eucalyptus engulfs my senses, but the calming scent does nothing to unwind the anxiety coiled around me.

“Done,” Jett announces. He opens the door and turns the shower off.

“Hey!” I immediately jump and cover myself. He pulls my arms away from chest. “Get over the modesty. And get used to being naked.”


“Because that’s how Kayne wants you.” He wraps me in a towel and dries me off. I feel like I’m losing all self-sufficiency.

“Why me?” I ask forlornly.

“He has his reasons.” Jett works to dry my hair.

“I wish someone would share them with me.”

“You don’t need to worry about his reasons. All you need to do is what you’re told.”

“What if I can’t be submissive? Then what?” I challenge.

“I don’t think you want to know.”

My lip quivers. “He’s going to hurt me, isn’t he?” An image of the table in the other room flashes in front of my face.

“Not if you listen.”

“What does he want from me?” I demand with my emotions bubbling over.

Jett gives me an I think you know look. “Don’t be naive, Ellie. It doesn’t become you. You know exactly what he wants.” Your obedience, your submission, your body. “You’ve been acquired as a sex slave.”

“Don’t use that word!” I scream with my head in my hands, tears bursting from eyes. The word slave sounds like nails being dragged down a chalkboard. “I can’t do this. You have to let me go!” I sob.

“Shhh, Ellie.” Jett wraps me in his arms. “You can and you will.”

“Why?” I cry into his shoulder.

“Because—” Jett pulls away and looks into my eyes. I see compassion there. “Listen to me Ellie. You need to trust Kayne. I know that might be hard, but he’s doing this for a reason.”

“How can I trust him?” I ask with my universe in turmoil. “He puts a collar on me and forces me to walk around naked. And soon ...” I wipe my eyes. “Soon ... I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“The only thing I can tell you is things aren’t always as they seem.”

I search Jett’s eyes. “What does that mean?”

He just shakes his head. “Trust Kayne.”

Easy for him to say.

“Enough talk, Ellie. It’s time to be strong. Lay on the table.”

“What are you going to do?” I sniff.

Jett looks at me with an annoyed expression. “Here’s your first lesson in submission. Don’t ask questions, don’t talk back, and do as you’re told.”

I frown.

“Now go, or I’ll force you down and tie you to it.”

His eyes tell me all I need to know: Don’t fuck with me.

I lay on the table, naked with my hair still damp and my emotions spiraling out of control.

“Pull your knees up and spread your legs. Put your hands over your head.” I do as he says, panting nervously.

“Breathe, Ellie.”

“What are you going to do?” I ask again.

“Wax you.” He smears warm sticky stuff all over my pubic hair. I flinch. He holds me still with firm hands. “Don’t move.”

Then he covers the smeared wax with strips of cloth. I breathe heavily, anticipating the pain.

“Have you ever had a Brazilian before?” Jett asks as he rips the first strip off.

“No!” I shriek as scalding pain burns my skin and tears run out of my eyes. God, will I ever stop crying?

Jett rips off strip after agonizing strip, until I am completely bare. Bare physically and bare emotionally. “Aloe,” he says showing me a green blob of something on his fingers before he applies it to my sensitive skin. The cool gel eases the pain slightly, but not nearly enough. The way he handles me makes me feel like an object. Like my humanity is being stripped away layer by precious layer.

“Up you go.” He takes one of my hands, and I stand, a little wobbly, on my feet.

“Turn around and rest your hands on the table,” Jett instructs. “We’re not done yet.”

Dear God, what now? I reluctantly do as he says. Hating every second of this new life.

“Are you on any birth control?” he asks matter-of-factly.

“No, why?” I look over my shoulder. He’s holding a syringe.

“Good.” He stabs me in the ass.

“What is that?” I grit my teeth and wince as the needle penetrates my skin. How much more must I endure today?

“Depo-Provera,” he informs me, and the realization as to why I need birth control hits home. This is really happening. I’m becoming Kayne’s whore. I start to hyperventilate.

“Ellie, calm down.” Jett rubs my back. “You need to eat.” He takes my arm and leads me back into the bedroom. “Lie down, I’ll be right back. Is there anything you’re allergic to?”

“No,” I cry into the pillow. My ass is sore, my vagina is throbbing, and I feel like a humiliated mess.

I don’t know how long Jett is gone. But I’m still suffocating myself with the pillow when he returns.

“Time to eat.” He pulls me up and forces me to sit at the small table where a silver dome is waiting for me. Jett lifts it to reveal scrambled eggs and buttered toast.

“Eat it. All of it. It will make you feel better.”

I stare at the food with puffy eyes. As much as I don’t want to eat, my stomach rumbles loudly, so I pick up the fork and slowly take a bite. It’s good, really good, and still warm. I finish everything on the plate while Jett stands over me.

Once satisfied, he covers the dish then lifts the platter off the table.

“I’ll be back later to get you ready.” Ready? “Try to relax. You’ll need your strength for Kayne tonight.”

I look up at him callously.

“Retain that frame of mind, Ellie. Remember what I told you. Strong.”

Then he leaves the room. I hear the lock click and my heart squeezes. I’m supposed to stay cooped up in here all day? I look around, taking in my jail cell. It’s a room people like me only dream about—opulent and luxurious, with silk window treatments and expensive furnishings. I stare out the window at the rolling green hills. I’m high in the air with no escape in sight and nothing but trees and grass for miles. I see the future I worked so hard for slipping away. I’m a slave. Kayne’s slave. Tears roll down my cheeks. But they aren’t tears of sadness, they’re tears of rage. I’ll figure a way out of this mess.

I have to.

Or I’ll die trying.

HOURS UPON HOURS ALONE IS a tad bit maddening.

I tried the television, but there was no cable. There was, however, a porno DVD. I shut it off immediately when I heard the moaning and saw a girl being fucked from behind. I tried some books on the shelves, but realized just as quickly it was all erotica. Titles like Bound by Passion and Temptation were all I could find. It’s like he wants me hopped-up on hormones at all times.

My worst mistake was wandering into the adjoining circular room. I’m standing next to a table that reminds me of a torture device. The black cushions look unforgiving. The straps on the sides and on the stirrups are thick leather with silver buckles. They seem implacable. But the things that scare me the most are the whipping tools on the wall; a crop, a flogger, and a wooden paddle with a heart-shape cutout. I shiver with fear just looking at them.

The drawers under the table are full of sex toys. I can’t begin to imagine what you do with some of these things. Vibrators of all different shapes and sizes. Small bullet looking things with chains on the end. Belts, handcuffs, and ball gags that remind me of muzzles. I shake just looking at them. When the door clicks, I jump, slamming the drawer shut. I walk quickly back into the bedroom as Jett appears. His aqua eyes are wide as he regards me.


I look down timidly. “I was bored.”

“I see. Find anything that interests you?”

“No.” I wrap my arms around my naked chest begrudgingly.

“There’s an old saying. Don’t knock it until you try it.” Jett pulls my arms away from my body. “No hiding. Your body is beautiful, show it.”

“I know an old saying too,” I retort. “Easier said than done.”

Jett chuckles. “Smartass. Come on, kitten. Time to go back on your leash.”

Jett motions to the bed. Then he retrieves the collar and chain from the bathroom. I sort of hoped it was its final resting place.

Jett makes quick work of fastening the thick leather around my neck. The cold steel chain once again brushes between my breasts and dangles down to my knees.

“Stay,” he says. Then walks over to the dresser and pulls out a pair of black see-through panties. I have déjà vu as he slides them on me. Underwear seems to be the only article of clothing I’m allowed to wear.

“On the bed, kitten. Kayne will be here soon.” My heart rate quickens. I’m not sure I’m ready for this. I climb onto the huge opulent bed covered with rich, plush throw pillows.

“Remember what I told you. Behave. Listen to Kayne and you should be able to walk just fine tomorrow.” I pale as he fastens the chain to the elaborate iron and tufted headboard. “See you in the morning, sweet thing.”

He closes the door with a light click.

I’m alone again, chained to a bed like a scared puppy about to have her first obedience lesson with her new owner. What could this possibly entail? Nothing good, I conclude. I bring my legs up to my chest and curl into a ball, trying to cover up as much of myself as possible. I don’t know how long I sit and just stare at the door. The waiting is almost as maddening as the anticipation of what’s to come. Then the door clicks and my heart jumps into my throat. Kayne walks in to the room with an air of authority. His face is tight, his eyes are dark, and his presence is oppressive. I stare stoically as he approaches me like he’s stalking a wounded animal. I pull my legs tighter to my body.

He’s wearing black suit pants and a blood red dress shirt. His collar is open and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. I swallow thickly. He’s also holding something in his right hand.

“Evening, kitten,” he says in an even tone. It’s almost chilling. “How was your day?”

I don’t respond.

Kayne narrows his eyes. “I asked how your day was, kitten. When I address you directly, you answer. Lesson one.”

I stare him down with my defenses up.

“Kitten?” he goads.

“My name is Ellie.”

“Your name is whatever I choose to call you. And right now, it’s kitten.” He grabs me by the collar and pulls me effortlessly across the silken sheets, drawing my face close to his. I pull at his hand as he nearly lifts me off the mattress. “We can do this my way or we can do it yours. I’ll be fine with either. The end result will be the same.”

I struggle against his grip, my knees barely grazing the smooth fabric underneath me.

With the collar choking me I spit out, “Boring. It was boring.”

Kayne releases me, and I drop back down on all fours.

“There. Was that so hard?”

I stare up at him with hatred.

“Save your hostility, kitten. It doesn’t intimidate me, and it will only make things worse for you.”

He fondles one of my naked breasts. I cower away, but he pulls me closer.

“Time for your first lesson.” He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. “You only speak when you are directly spoken to. And even then it is yes Kayne, please Kayne, more Kayne, can I come Kayne.”

I flinch in his grip. “Commands. Kneel. I expect you in this position every time I walk into the room. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing. You stop immediately and drop. Sit on your haunches, tuck your feet under your ass, splay your hands on your thighs and bow your head. Let me see.”

“No,” I snarl.


“I will never kneel.” My independence roars. I can’t do this. I’m not submissive. I’m not a slave.

“Fine.” In a flash he grabs me by the collar again and forces me forward. My face is hanging over the side of the bed, my ass is sticking straight up in the air. Then he hits me with the object in his hand. A rolled up newspaper. I cry out when it connects with my bottom. It’s concealing a stick of some kind. I can’t move in the awkward position as he hits me again. My ass stings painfully as he hits me a third time.

“Please stop!” I scream, and he hits me once more. Then he lifts me back up. Totally dominating my body with the control he has holding the collar.

“Are you ready to submit?” he asks authoritatively.

“Never!” I snap, even though my body is rebelling against my will. “You can beat me all you want. I don’t care if you kill me! I’ll never be yours!”

Kayne’s dark gaze bores into mine. His strange, majestic eyes calculating. He lets go of the collar and I grab at my neck, only feeling the thick leather under my fingertips. He unlocks the chain from the bed. “I would never kill you. But I will break you. I’ll give you one last chance to cooperate, Ellie.” He winds the chain around his hand. “Kneel.”

“Fuck off.”

“Fine. We’ll do it your way.” He drags me off the bed. “Maybe a night with my clients is all you need. I’ll string you up, gag you, and blindfold you. Then watch as they have their way with you. Just like you saw the other night.”

Images of the naked helpless woman spring unbidden into my mind.

“Kayne, no!” I screech as I fight against him, thrashing my body as he pulls on the chain like I’m a disobedient puppy who doesn’t want to go out in the rain.

“I gave you your chance, kitten.” He has me almost out the door. I drop to my knees. “No, please,” I beg with my forehead pressed against the ground. I would much rather kneel to him than be gangbanged and emotionally destroyed for the rest of my life. Tears stream down my face. I’m pathetic. Naked, on a leash, being commanded by a man who is going to use me as a living sex toy.

“Good girl. Now we’re getting somewhere. That position is called drop. Get used to it. You’ll be in it a lot. Don’t move until I say so.” I keep my head down as I hear his footsteps around me. He smacks my ass with the newspaper again and I cry out. The tears streaming harder now.

I whimper on the floor, my butt throbbing and my soul fractured. I stay in this drop position until my knees hurt and my back aches. Fucking prick.

“Very good, kitten. You can get up.” I raise my head and look around the room. I find Kayne sitting behind me in the chair at the table. He looks relaxed with his legs spread and large hands resting on his thighs.

“Come,” he says, crooking his finger at me. I move to stand.

“Crawl, kitten. Crawl to me.”

I pause on all fours. He’s being fucking serious.

“I’m waiting.” His eyes are cold, hard.

I begin to crawl across the room, over the plush white rug, past the bed, to the chair he’s sitting in under the large circular window. The night sky is dotted with stars, and the moon is full and bright behind him. Once I reach him I stare up, still on my hands and knees. He cracks a small smile. I want to spit on him. Then he leans forward and places a finger under my chin, forcing my face up to his.

“That fire in your eyes will dim. I promise you, kitten. I know it’s hard. Giving up control. But I want you to understand house rules. Listen carefully, I’ll only say this once. I tell you what to do, you say yes, Kayne. You will please me. End of story.”

I remain quiet but glare at him callously.

“Kneel,” he commands. My stomach rolls, my freedom fraying as I rise to my knees. I sit just the way he described. On my haunches with my hands splayed on my thighs. Right between his legs. An obedient pet. He groans approvingly. “My kitten.” He leans forward and fondles both of my breasts. Skimming his thumbs over my nipples until they are straining and hard. I breathe rapidly. I don’t want him to touch me, but my body responds involuntarily. The sensations networking straight to my burning core.

“You’re so perfect, Ellie.” He breathes hard as touches me. It seems my body isn’t the only one involuntarily responding. The bulge in his pants is undeniable.

“Another command. On your back. Lay down, bend your knees, spread your legs and place your hands over your head. Do it. Now.”

Kayne tracks my every move as I slowly lay on the floor and open my legs wide for him. I want to fight. I want to say no, but my stinging ass and the image of that woman from last night is a constant reminder of what will happen if I resist.

“Now we’re getting somewhere.”

He stares down at me for a very long time. His gaze feels heavy, and after what feels like forever, he gets up and walks into the semicircular room with the table of torture. My anxiety spikes tenfold as I hear the opening and closing of drawers. I almost get up and dart into the bathroom, but Kayne returns before I can force my limbs to move. He stands above my mostly naked body. Two pairs of handcuffs dangling in one hand.

“You’ve been a good girl. Time for a treat.” His breath is ragged as he drops to his knees. I squirm away, but he grabs my legs and fastens one handcuff to each ankle.

“Give me your hands.” I don’t move.

“Ellie.” He says my name harshly. “Do you want me to turn you over and spank you instead? Pleasure or pain. Your choice. It doesn’t matter to me either way. I like giving both.”

He reaches over me and grabs my right hand, securing it to the handcuff on my right ankle.

“Kayne, please,” I beg, as he repeats the motion with my left side. I’m bound.

Completely helpless.

No matter which way I move, the restraints act like marionette strings biting into my skin. Pulling one of my wrists up, my leg follows. Pull my ankle down, my arm gets yanked.

I’m gasping with fear.

Kayne hovers over me. My senses on overload.

I tremble as I stare up at him. His eyes are fierce, lustful, wanton, and unrepentant. I know exactly what he wants.


“Tell me you don’t want me to touch you,” he dares me.

“I don’t want you to touch me.” The words flow, but there’s no fire behind them.

“Are you sure, kitten?” He massages me over the thin fabric of my panties.

“Yes.” No.

“I think you do.” He slides my panties over and I squirm harder in the restraints. My heartbeat palpitating. The metal clinking as I shift. He circles his finger gently over my clit. I close my eyes trying to reject his touch. When he sinks his finger inside me, I gasp.

“You’re so fucking wet for me.” He slides his finger in and out, every so often spreading the slickness through my folds. My body tightens and aches, but I fight the urges he’s bringing forth. I will not come. I will not give this man my pleasure. Kayne works his hand faster, insistent. The sensations build and I clench my fists, fighting the orgasm he’s demanding. As if aware I’m resisting, he simultaneously rubs my swollen clit with his thumb while he fingers me relentlessly. I moan uncontrollably.

No! No! No!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Just before I explode, Kayne removes his hand, and I nearly weep.

“Not yet, kitten. I didn’t give you permission.” If I wasn’t bound, I’d slap him. “I tell you when to come. Understand?” I’m panting beneath him, burning a hole through his head with my stare. He smirks arrogantly at me. Then leans down and whispers, taunting me, “Ask my permission.”


“You’ll regret that.” There’s amusement in his eyes. This is all just a game. With no warning at all, he rips my panties. The thin material tearing right in two. I jerk, the metal cuffs cutting into my skin. He skims his tongue down the inside of one of my thighs, and then licks a slow hot drag over my slit.

“Fuck, you taste so good. Like cupcakes,” he pants. His specific description isn’t lost on me. A simple cupcake is how all this began.

Kayne swirls his tongue over my heated flesh, nipping and sucking, driving me mad. My body is bowing in ecstasy, my mind trying to reject the pleasure. If I give in, what will that mean?

Kayne stabs his tongue into my entrance, and I moan loudly. Oh God, an orgasm is looming; hot and fast.

“Ask permission.” His hot breath skims against my overly sensitive skin. I resist. Fighting him the only way I can. With my will.

He sinks a finger deep inside me and sucks on my clit, bringing me right to the breaking point. My heart is hammering and so is my core.

“Ask permission. The way I told you,” he orders.

I’m writhing in my restraints so hard I know I’m going to have marks, but I need to disperse the buildup somehow. I can barely breathe as he dangles me over the edge again and again, yet another form of torture to get me to obey. I feel the slightest caress of my orgasm, and I fracture, unable to withstand the torment anymore. “Please, Kayne, may I come!” I scream out.

He chuckles. That fucking bastard.

“Yes, you may, kitten.” He attacks me, fingering me swiftly while lavishing my clit. I splinter in every direction, my climax shredding me to pieces. I pull on the handcuffs—the pain as potent as the pleasure—as I writhe and moan. When the quake dissipates, I’m left limp on the floor, breathing raggedly and close to tears. Kayne brushes his face against my inner thigh, smearing my arousal all over my skin.

“Good, kitten,” he patronizes, rising to his knees, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. I stare up at him dazed. Inch by inch, he bares his chest, then tosses his shirt on the floor. He’s sculpted and lean, a demonic perfection. Several tattoos adorn his body, a compass on his left pec, barbed wire dripping with blood around his arm, and a quote written across his rib cage. ‘A certain kind of darkness is needed to see the stars.’

When he starts to unbuckle his belt, I tense. He doesn’t say a word as he sheds the rest of his clothes, but the energy in the room is unmistakable. It’s thick with sex and lust.

He said he wouldn’t rape me. He said he wouldn’t rape me. I repeat the mantra trying to stay calm. Once he’s as bare as me, Kayne hovers over my bound body, bracing his hands on each side of my head.

“Who owns you, Ellie?” He stares down at me with his majestic eyes.

“You do,” I answer reluctantly.

“That’s right.” He kisses my jaw softly.

“What do I want?”

I swallow hard. “My obedience, my submission, my body.” The words barely come out as a whisper.

“Right again.” He brings his mouth to mine, skimming his tongue along my lower lip.

“Can I fuck you, Ellie?”

“No, Kayne.” I fight back the tears.

“Fine.” He kisses me tenderly. Rolling his tongue against mine, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.

His change in demeanor is unexpected. I don’t understand it one bit. My defenses stand at attention. Kayne then shifts, grabbing his erection with one hand and moving down to take one of my nipples into his mouth. Swirling his tongue against me, he strokes himself, lightly at first and then more urgently. As his jerks become stronger, so does the pressure of his mouth, nipping and sucking my nipple as he works himself to a climax. There’s nothing I can do. There’s no place I can go tethered beneath him. He bites my nipple as he comes, sending a shock of pain straight through my body. I strain, helpless as he comes on my stomach. His groans vibrating against my breast. He releases my abused nipple once he’s finished. It’s red and swollen.

“Mine,” he declares victoriously against my lips, like he just marked his territory. Then he kisses me hard and unapologetically, making my head spin.

When he’s finished with my mouth, I drop my head to the side, exhausted. My emotions are a shitstorm inside of me. There are too many to even process at the moment. So I just shove them all away.

Kayne admires his handiwork on my abdomen for a few perverted seconds before he unlocks the handcuffs. Once removed, I immediately stretch my arms and legs. They’re stiff. He rubs my ankles then my wrists, kissing the inside of each one softly.

“Go clean up, kitten.”

I jump to my feet and disappear into the bathroom, desperate to be alone. I grab a hand towel off the rack and run it under some warm water. When I look into the mirror, what I see startles me. There are red rings around my wrists, my hair is a mess, and my cheeks are flushed. With the collar around my neck and ejaculation on my stomach, my lip quivers uncontrollably as I wipe away Kayne’s remnants. I discard the towel on the floor then grab another and clean between my legs. I feel so odd—disconnected, alone, abused—light and heavy all at the same time. I don’t understand what’s happening.

I prolong going back into the bedroom. I wish I could escape, just hurl myself right out the window. I spy the door to my freedom. It’s visible from the bathroom. I wonder idly if it’s locked. Could I make a run for it before Kayne grabs me? Where would I go if I made it out alive; collared, chained, and completely naked?

“Ellie?” Kayne calls, pulling me out of my reverie. My legs start moving before I can process what I’m doing. I bolt to the door and grab at the handle, jiggling it for dear life. It opens!

“Son of a bitch!” I hear Kayne bark as I escape down the dark hallway, sprinting toward the staircase. Just as I reach the first landing on the stairs I hear Kayne behind me. I keep my eyes on the front door as we both battle downwards, me strenuously trying not to tumble and fall. I jump the last five steps and hit the foyer floor with a thud, managing somehow to remain on my feet and keep oxygen pumping through my lungs. I dart across the cold marble with my heart beating out of control. When I reach the front door, I haul it open, even though the fucking thing weighs a ton. Just as I feel the cool breeze of outside, the door slams closed.

“No!” I scream as Kayne throws me over his shoulder, kicking the air and punching his back.

“You’re a fast little thing. I’ll give you that.” He smacks my naked, vulnerable ass.

“Oww!” My whole body jolts as the hard slap echoes around the opulent foyer.

“You’re going to pay for that, kitten.” He huffs up the stairs in bare feet and boxer briefs.

“Kayne, no!” I squirm with tears threatening.

The trek back to my cell is a terrifying one. Kayne doesn’t say a word as I dangle over his shoulder, fighting for my life. Once back inside, he marches straight into the circular room with the table of torture.

“Kayne!” I cry.

“You brought this on yourself, kitten.” He grabs something off the wall. I nearly go slack from the stress. The only thing keeping my body moving is the spasms of fear.

Kayne tosses me on the bed face down with me begging and pleading, and holds me there by my collar. “Don’t do this. You don’t have to do this!”

He ignores me as he positions my body; my feet spread on the floor, my chest pressed into the mattress. My behind exposed for the spanking.

“Kayne please! I’ll be good!” I implore one last time.

“You’re goddamn right you will.”


He hits my bottom with something hard and the sound rings out through the room. “Ouch!” I yell.


“Please! Please!” I beg some more as the object lands straight across my behind.

“You were a bad girl, kitten. You need to be punished. That’s how it works around here.”




He paddles my ass continuously until I’m choking with tears.

“Please stop!” I fight fruitlessly against him. His grip on my collar impenetrable. My behind on fire.

“What I really want to know, is where do you think you were going to go butt naked and collared?”


“Anywhere is better than here! I’d rather be lost in the wilderness!”

“You think so, huh?”


“Yes!” I screech.

One more immobilizing hit, then he stops, with me heaving for air. I hear the object fall to the floor.

Kayne yanks at my collar, flipping me over, and then crawls on top of me. My tiny frame nothing more than a weightless rag doll to him. He pins my sore wrists to the mattress with a tight grip, bringing his face an inch from mine. His eyes are wild and scary as hell. My tender butt screaming in agony, pressed against the bed.

“Don’t try that shit again,” he snaps. “There are monsters way worse than me on the other side of that door. The next time you think about escaping, do it at your own risk.”

I stare back at him with choppy breaths, tear-soaked cheeks, and a stinging behind. I have no response. He made his point. I broke the rules; he showed me who’s boss.

“You’re mine now, Ellie. Just accept it.” He lingers over me for a few long beats, our eyes locked, our breathing labored. A zap of something rousing passes between us in that moment. My heart flutters and so does my pussy. Traitorous body.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him, I remind myself.

“Have you learned your lesson?” he asks still restraining me.

I nod.

“Answer correctly.”

My lip quivers. “Yes, Kayne.” The words barely leave my mouth.

“Good girl. If I let you up will you behave?”

I nod again, silently. My eyes still locked on his.

Kayne pushes himself off me with a huff.

You’re mine now, Ellie. Just accept it.

I’ll never accept I belong to him. I belong to no one. Do what you want to this body, hold it captive, beat it, pleasure it. But my mind he can never have. It’s the one thing I can still control. The one place he can’t penetrate.

“Time for bed.” He jerks my leash, forcing me higher on the luxurious bed. I look down and catch a glimpse of what he used to beat me. The wooden paddle with the heart shape cut out. Kayne locks the end of the chain to the white vining iron in the center of the headboard with the padlock. The click pierces through me. It’s my reminder I’ll never be free.

“Lay down,” he orders.

I stretch my body out, placing my head on one of the golden pillows. The satin sheets are a welcoming cold against my heated skin. I’m so tired, completely drained, and totally defeated.

“Listen to me, Ellie, you need to behave,” Kayne reiterates. “I’d much rather shower you with pleasure than torture you with pain.” He runs his thumb across my bottom lip. “But I’ll do what I have to do to make you submit.”

He bends and kisses my naked shoulder. The gesture is almost sweet. It makes no sense to me at all. A minute ago he was pummeling my ass. This man is a walking enigma. “Get some sleep.”

All I can do is watch as he turns and heads for the door.

“Till tomorrow.” He looks back at me with infiltrating blue eyes. Eyes that promise, eyes that threaten. My emotions feel like they’re about to capsize.

When the door clicks, I let it all loose. The frustration, the sadness, the emptiness, the rage; sobbing inconsolably in the dark, desperate for slumber to take me.




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