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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark ) by M Never (39)

“ELLIE, WAKE UP.” I FEEL something cold run over my lips, and I flinch. “Kitten, wake up, I can’t watch you sleep anymore.” The cold wetness drips over one of my nipples, and my eyes fly open.

“Morning,” Kayne smiles hedonistically as he massages the ice cube against my clit. I suck in a sharp breath from the freezing sensation.

“How long have I been sleeping?” I rub my legs together and glance out the door. The sun is already setting.

“A while.” Kayne pops the ice cube into his mouth and stares down at me with ravenous blue eyes. It’s a gaze I recognize immediately.

“You’re wearing me out.” I smirk.

“I haven’t even begun to wear you out. Up.” He pulls me by my hands, and my body willingly goes. “Go to the bathroom and then come right back.” There’s authority in his voice. The kind that reduces me to just sensitive nerve endings.

I hurry up and do my business—my butt still so sore from last night—and immediately return to the bedroom. Once standing in front of him, Kayne runs his fingers reverently up my neck, over my collar, and then threads them into my hair. Controlling my head with a firm grip, he tilts my face up and spears his tongue into my mouth. I melt against him as the kiss consumes me.

“Kitten,” he says once he pulls away. It isn’t a question; it’s a statement, a fact. Part of our foundation. “Do you still want to marry me?” he asks so vulnerably.

“Of course, I do. Nothing will ever change that. I’m yours,” I reassure him.

“Good.” He drops a chaste kiss on my lips. “Because I’m dying to play.” His eyes burn bright and so does my core. This is what I’ve been missing, what I’ve been craving. Kayne in complete control—control of my mind, control of my body, control of my pain, and my pleasure. Am I crazy? Maybe. But isn’t that what love is? Insane. I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t snooping. I found the collar exactly the way I said I did, by accident. As soon as I saw that little silver heart, I knew it was mine. The first time Kayne fastened a collar around my neck, I hated it—I hated him. But after a while, things changed. I changed. And once I held it in my hand again, felt the leather under my fingertips and read the inscriptions on the tag—one side Kayne’s Kitten, the other side, Loved, Collared, and Owned by Him—I couldn’t resist. It was like I found a missing part of me.

I never knew that second inscription existed. Maybe if I had, things might have ended differently. Regardless of past outcomes, it’s the truth of the present that’s important now.

And the truth is Kayne has always owned me, since day one. I’m pretty sure I would have done anything he asked whether I was wearing a collar or not. That’s the claim he has on me—the power, the authority, the domination. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love every part of him—the Dom, the thrill-seeker, and even the broken man—I couldn’t stop myself even if I tried.

I breathe heavily with anticipation. He hasn’t even touched me yet and I’m already coming undone. Kayne pushes me back until I’m crushed between his hard body and one of the bedposts. “Put your hands up and hold on.”

I raise my arms and grasp the square post with both hands. Kayne steps back and looks greedily at my scantily covered form. I’m dressed in only his soft white undershirt and black collar, my nipples sharp as nails under the cotton material.

“Stay,” he commands, and then leaves the room. I wait anxiously as I grip the bedpost trying not to combust.

Kayne returns with a small bundle of zip ties of various sizes and a silk tie. I look at him curiously, but don’t say a word.

“Some things you just don’t leave home without,” he says haughtily as he pulls out several plastic ties. My heart rate speeds up as I watch Kayne fasten one zip tie around the top beam of the canopy bed directly above me. Then he connects another to that, and so on, until he’s constructed a plastic chain link. Finally, he takes the maroon silk tie and wraps it around my wrists. “So it won’t leave any marks.” He winks as he binds my hands with a zip tie, tightening it so my wrists crush together. Once secure, he pulls my arms up until I’m forced to stand on my toes, and attaches my bound wrists to the hanging zip ties.

“Perfect.” He admires his handiwork. Me, hung like a fish on a hook, helpless and gasping for air.

Kayne takes advantage of my defenseless state, cupping my pussy and groping my breasts until he has me moaning.

“Don’t get too wound up, kitten. No more orgasms for you.”

I frown.

“At least for a little while.” I swallow hard, trying to keep my balance on my tippy toes. “Baby, I want you to understand. I’m going to punish you, tease you, and fuck you so hard . . .” Kayne outlines my lips with the tip of his thumb. “But I’m going to love you even harder.” He then shoves his thumb into my mouth forcing me to suck on it energetically. I moan, unhinged.

“Good girl.” He removes his finger from my mouth then grabs my chin. “Now hang out and think about what it means to be a good little kitten. I’ll be back.”

With that, he leaves the room and me dangling.

Anticipation is always what gets me. The waiting, the solitude, and the fear of the unknown are the worst kind of mind games and the most powerful kind of arousal. Kayne playing me perfectly each time.

After way too much time alone with my thoughts, Kayne returns wearing only a pair of white linen pants that hang loosely on his hips. No shirt, no shoes, but definitely ready to be serviced. I can’t help but stare at my demonic angel who’s capable of being as bad as he is good. I shiver from just the thought of what he can do.

“Still hanging around, kitten?” He stands in front of me holding a rocks glass with bourbon in it. I know this because I recognize the smell. It’s Kayne’s drink of choice.

“You haven’t given me much of an option,” I respond.

Kayne arches his eyebrow at me with the glass close to his lips. “Getting sassy are we?”

“No. Just stating a fact.” I wriggle in my restraints. My body is starting to ache from its overstretched position.

“How disappointing.” Kayne takes a sip of his drink then places it on the end table next to the bed. He then opens the drawer and pulls out what looks like a pocketknife. I jump as he flips it open and holds the blade up in front of my face. “Something else I never leave home without,” he says as he runs the tip of the knife down my neck. Holy shit. I know Kayne likes pain, but I’m not sure I’m prepared for this. I hold my breath as he continues to run the tip over my collarbone and down to the center of my chest right above the line of my shirt. He presses lightly, digging the blade into my skin until it pinches. I whimper as my heart completely stops.

“Trust me?” he asks.

I nod unsurely because, up till this moment, I have trusted him, but now I’m not so sure.

“Good.” With a quick flick of his wrist, he slices my shirt open, the fabric ripping right down the middle. I nearly pass out.

“Relax, Ellie. I’m not really into knife play unless I’m stabbing it into the heart of someone who deserves it.”

“Good to know,” I swallow hard, breathing heavily.

“I do, however, like to inflict a little pain.” Kayne reaches into his pocket and pulls out three little black things. It takes me a second to realize what they are.

“Binder clips?”

“Second rule of survival. Utilize your surroundings. I told you I didn’t come prepared for kink so I had to use my imagination.” He pinches one of the clips with his fingers. I think I go pale. “I found these in the workstation desk. I’m getting my money’s worth at this resort.” He smiles. I don’t see the humor, only little chomping metal clips with a death grip.

“You look worried, Ellie. Don’t think you can handle it?”

I shake my head.

“I think you can.” Kayne begins stretching the clips, testing them on the tip of his finger several times before he’s satisfied. “That should do. Now be a good kitten and stand still.”

Like I have any other choice!

Kayne leans down and sucks my left nipple into his mouth, pulling on it hard with his teeth until it stiffens into a firm pebble. I can’t contain the moan from the feel of his mouth and how he can make my insides spiral. Then, without warning, he clamps my engorged nipple. “Oh, God!” My whole body goes rigid.

Kayne tsks me. “Didn’t we have this conversation? Oh, Kayne,” he reminds me. “I’m your maker now, Ellie.”

I’ll never forget that conversation or that situation. Strapped to a table while Kayne clamped my nipples, very much like he’s doing now. I’ll also never forget the orgasm he gave me. I still feel it in my dreams. Even sometimes when I’m awake. “I think we need a refresher course.” He sucks my other nipple into his mouth, repeating the process. The second clamp is just as severe as the first. I’m panting heavily trying to channel the pulsating pain.

“Kayne,” I protest.

“I love that sound.” He leans in close to my ear. “That tortured plea.”

I look down to see him adjust himself, the head of his erection peeking out the top of his pants. “I’ve barely touched you, and I already want to fuck your brains out.” He circles my clit with the tip of his finger.

“Yes, please,” I mewl feebly, my head dropping back.

“Much better, kitten. You’re starting to remember your manners.” Kayne drops to his knees. “But this isn’t about pleasure. At least not yours. Not yet anyway.” He runs his tongue between my folds, lashing at my clit before he sucks it into his mouth. I groan noisily as my body tightens and a knot begins to grow in my stomach.

“Kayne, please.” My nipples throb, my arms strain, and my pussy clenches.

“Sorry, kitten,” he says as he clamps my inflamed clit, and I cry out. Holy shit!

“Perfect.” He tugs on the binder clip, and I nearly see stars. By the time he stands, I’m gasping for air, my whole body is on fire, and there is an ache growing inside me faster than the speed of sound. “Now let’s review.

Who owns you, Ellie?” He yanks on one clamped nipple.

“You do,” I draw in a sharp breath.

“When I tell you to kneel, what do you say?”

“Yes, Kayne,” I grate as he pulls on the other binder clip. The sensation shooting through my breast like a bolt of lightning.

“When I tell you to lie down and open your legs, what do you say?”

“Yes, Kayne.” I sag in my restraints.

“When I tell you go bend over so I can spank you, what do you say?”

“Yes, Kayne.”

“What do I want from you, Ellie?”

I look straight into his eyes. “My obedience.”

“And?” He lightly twists the clamp on my clit.

“My submission,” my voice pitches.

“And?” He does it again and every one of my muscle fibers constrict.

“My body.”

“Do I have those things?”

“Yes,” I pant.

“What about your heart? Do I have your heart?”

“Yes, Kayne. It’s yours,” I say exhausted.

“Good. No one will ever protect it better than me.”

“I know.” I smile weakly as he steps back and takes a long sip of his drink sitting on the nightstand.

He swirls the brown liquid while he gazes at me with piercing eyes, starving with desire and glowing like bright-blue orbs.

“I never had the chance to appreciate you, Ellie. To really take you in like I would have if things had been different.” He finishes the last bit of his bourbon, and places the glass aside. He then proceeds to just stare, absorbing every single clamped, tethered inch of me. It’s oppressive, uncomfortable, and highly erotic as he begins to stroke himself while looking at me.

“Fuck, Ellie.” He steps closer so our bodies are touching. I can feel the stroke of his hand against my abdomen as he jerks himself off. “See what your body does to me? All I need to do is look and you make me want to come.” He yanks himself harder, grabbing one of my tender breasts forcing a loud, torturous moan out of me as the clamp bites my nipple. True to his word, he loves my agonizing sounds, squeezing my breast again and again, using my strain, struggle and torment to get himself off.

“I’m going to come,” he heaves in my ear. “You’re going to make me fucking come.” A moment later, a warm blast of semen coats my stomach as Kayne lets go. I can’t do anything but hang there as he marks me, my arousal turning up a notch as I watch him explode.

With a few deep breaths, he composes himself, wiping off the ejaculation on his palm across my thigh like I’m a hand towel as he nuzzles my neck right above my collar.

“Time to get clean, kitten. But first.”

He leans in and kisses me, swiping his tongue roughly against mine as he simultaneously unclamps my nipples. I whimper and kiss him harder as all the blood rushes to the surface causing the sensitive skin to thump with returned feeling. He then unclamps my clit, and I bite down on his lip as it pounds and throbs with a dull pain.

“Easy.” He rubs between my legs gently, easing away the discomfort.

“Please don’t stop,” I sigh desperately as I drop my forehead to his chest, an orgasm so achingly close.

“Sorry, Ellie.” He removes his hand, and I nearly weep. “Only when I say.”

I slump in my restraints. Kayne gives me a few minutes to decompress—or so he thinks, my orgasm nowhere near tapering off—before he picks up the switchblade from the bed and cuts me loose, catching me before I hit the floor. My body is completely limp from dangling so long. He unties my wrists, then lifts my dead weight into his arms and carries me into the bathroom. He doesn’t put me in the shower or run a bath; he merely places me in the tub and turns on the water.

“Hands and knees,” he says as he sits on the edge. I frown at him.

“Aren’t you going to take a bath with me?” I ask.

“Nope. I’m cleaning my dirty kitten. That’s all. Now get on your hands and knees.”

I do as he says with a sulk. Kayne chuckles. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I do, too. He’s re-establishing roles. Master and slave. I suppose it has to be done for the order of things. It doesn’t mean I have to like it any more now than I did then, but he’s the only one who can give me what I want, what I need. And he’s making damn sure it’s clear I understand that.

Kayne lathers me up, not missing one single spot on my quivering body. His touch feels good and so does the warm water. He washes my back and my front as I stay situated on my hands and knees like I’m a dog at the groomer.

Kayne works his sudsy hands over my ass and I tense. Not because it’s still sore, which it is, but because he presses the tip of his thumb against my back entrance.

“I can’t wait to fuck you here, Ellie.” He pushes in and penetrates the tight ring of muscle.

“Oh,” I moan over the running water. It doesn’t exactly hurt, but it doesn’t exactly feel good, either. Not until he fingers my ass several times do my muscles relax and then tense up again in a completely different way.

“Mmm.” I push back into his hand as my orgasm starts to rapidly grow.

“You like that?” he asks as he slides his middle finger into my pussy and simultaneously fucks both holes. “It feel good?”

“God yes, please don’t stop.” I’m so fucking close to the explosion I desperately need I can practically taste it.

“That’s all you get, kitten.” He withdraws his fingers, and my body deflates.

“Kayne!” I whine. I need to fucking come!

He slaps me hard on the ass, and I yelp.

“Are you complaining, kitten?” he chastises me. I don’t have a chance to respond because he goes on. “You’re wearing my collar. And that means you do as I say. And I say when you come, understand?”

I shrink, “Yes, Kayne.”

“Good girl.” He spanks me again, and I clench my jaw. My backside is still overly tender. “Next time you talk back, I’m using the belt. And my dick won’t be in you when I’m done.”

“Yes, Kayne,” I answer softly as he rinses me off. I know I should feel embarrassed or put off that he scolded me, but it just makes me want him more. Want to please him more. I don’t understand it, and I don’t think I ever will. All I know is that I have an erotic compulsion to obey him. To make him happy.

Kayne rinses me, then turns off the water. The ends of my hair are wet and so is the rest of my body, except for my face and neck. He didn’t wash me there because he never removed my collar.

He helps me to stand, and once I’m out of the tub, Kayne dries me off, still feeling like a windup toy ready to race.

“There. All clean.” He drops the towel into the hamper. “But I’m not sure for how long.” He smiles wickedly.

I stare up at him, trying not to give away how needy I am. It’s his fault, by the way. He created the insatiable monster.

“Now stay.” He grabs my chin and lifts my face, dropping a small kiss on my lips, then walks out of the bathroom, with me completely naked and a soft breeze from the wide-open window caressing my skin. I have a feeling clothes are a thing of the past, at least for the time being. Kayne returns holding a leash, a thin chain with a light pink satin ribbon braided through it that matches the color on the inside of my collar.

“I told you I had no premeditated intention when I bought these, but since we’re embracing the moment, I figure I’ll use it.” He hooks the leash to the front ring of my collar. “No locks, okay? No locks ever again.” He runs his hand down the chain and I nod.

“You always have a choice, Ellie,” he reminds me.

“Always?” My lip twitches.


“Then I choose for you to fuck me.”

Kayne laughs. “I love when you talk dirty, but that’s not how it works. You chose to wear that collar, you choose to obey me. House rules. I tell you what to do, you say, yes, Kayne. You will please me. End of story.”

I just had a bout of déjà vu.

“So, are we doing this?” He yanks the chain.

“Yes, Kayne,” I answer taunting him. Bring it on.

“Good girl. Now get on your knees and crawl. No standing unless I give you permission.”

I sink to the floor, never taking my eyes off Kayne’s. His gaze morphs into a perverse approval. My arousal spikes as my hands touch the smooth wood. Jesus, this man makes me so hot my insides just sizzled to dust.

“Come, kitten. I want to pet you.” He jingles my leash, and then leads me out of the bathroom and into the living room. He picks up the back cushion of the chair and drops it onto the floor in front of the couch.

“Kneel there.” I climb onto the light cream pillow and kneel as I remember, with my feet tucked underneath me and my head bowed.

“Your refresher course in obedience training seems to be working well.”

I don’t know why, but I smile to myself. I like the praise in his voice.

I hear Kayne pour a drink, but I never lift my eyes to look at him. I just wait. Once he’s finished, he sits on the couch, making sure I’m situated right between his knees.

“Closer, Ellie.” He motions with his hand, and I immediately scoot closer, placing my head on his lap. Kayne smirks as he runs his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp as he sips on his drink. In some weird way, I feel closer to him like this than I do when we’re kissing or fucking or even making love.

“My kitten?” he asks as the sun sets, casting shadows around the room.

I nod as he lulls me. “You’re the only one who can make me purr.”

“HUNGRY, KITTEN?” KAYNE ASKS AS I crawl behind him out onto the sundeck.

“Yes,” I answer, but not for food.

“I figured. You had a long night,” he says with some amusement. Long is an understatement. I’ve been playing consensual sex slave for over thirty-six hours, and in that time, Kayne has licked, fingered, and fucked me, chained me to the bed and spanked me, and used my body as a canvas to paint with his cum, all the while denying me an orgasm. I’m about as fragile as a thin piece of blown glass. I need release so badly, I could shatter with slightest kiss of an island breeze.

And Kayne fucking knows it.

The table outside is set up with breakfast; room service is a miraculous thing. It’s how we’ve sustained nutrition the last day and a half.

I kneel, naked except for my collar and chain, on the pillow he put down for me next to his chair. It’s another perfect morning, the sun shining brightly, the temperature warm, and the water sparkling. But it’s Kayne’s eyes that have my full attention. They’ve been on fire ever since I slipped my neck jewelry back on. It’s that look—that acute, heated gaze that’s so hot it could set the Society Islands on fire. That’s the look I live for, lust for, endure for. Because I know for as much punishment he inflicts, he’ll match it with an equal amount of pleasure, possibly even more. What this man makes me feel is above and beyond just physical. He reaches further inside me than anyone else, stroking my mind and caressing my soul; consuming me to the point that all I’m aware of is him. The outside world ceases to exist; I’ve become his willing captive, and I love every second of it.

I watch transfixed as Kayne picks up a piece of fruit from his plate, an orange cube of cantaloupe. He brings it to my mouth and rims it around my lips. I go to bite it, but he pulls it away.

He shakes his head, moving his hand down my naked breast to massage my nipple with the cold piece of fruit; it hardens to a painful point. I’m over-stimulated, moaning inwardly as I try to control the ravenous need flaring inside me.

Kayne pops the melon into his mouth then feeds me a piece. He repeats the teasing and massaging on each of my breasts until all of the cantaloupe is gone, and I am a panting mess.

“Please,” I beg. I’ve had enough. I’ve reached my breaking point; I don’t even care what I sound like, what I look like. I just need to come. “Kayne, please.” The tone of my voice is pathetic, broken down and desperate. He smiles because he has me exactly where he wants me. Which is dependent on him. And I am. His reconditional training worked. I’m enslaved, his bonded servant, trained to obey.

“Okay, kitten. You’ve been a very good girl, time for a treat.” He picks up a large strawberry from his plate. I stare half mentally removed as he brings it to his mouth and licks it with his tongue the exact same way he licked cream cheese frosting off a red velvet cupcake. Holy fucking shit. “Hmm, sweet,” he muses then reaches down between my legs. I gasp as the chilled strawberry tip grazes my sensitive clit.

“I want you to come, kitten.” He rubs the strawberry firmly against me and my need ruptures.

“Oh, God.” I sink my nails into my thighs as everything below my navel tightens. “Kayne,” I whimper as he rubs in a circular motion, making me crazy. I start to rock my hips as my orgasm takes on a life of its own, commanding me to climax.

“Who owns your pleasure, Ellie?”

“You do.” I suck in a ragged breath.

“Who owns your body?” he asks as he slips the strawberry into my pussy and fucks me with it.

“You do,” I moan deep in my throat.

“Who owns your heart?”

“You do!” I come so fucking hard and loud I’m pretty sure the neighbors hear as every ounce of pent-up frustration gushes out of me onto the strawberry and Kayne’s hand. Oh God, I’m destroyed. My body feels like Jell-O and I can’t hold up my head, but I stay kneeling until Kayne instructs me to move.

“Mmm,” I hear Kayne moan. I crack open my eyes just as he bites the last bit of the dark-red fruit. “You’re sweeter than whipped cream.” He licks his fingers, then plucks me up from the ground and straddles me on his lap. “Feel better?” He nudges my cheek with his nose and grinds his erection between my legs.

“Honestly? No,” I laugh. “I could use ten more of those.”

“Good.” Kayne slams both of his hands on my bare ass and I jump like a spooked cat. I’m still unbearably sensitive. “Because I’m not done with you yet.” He kisses me hard, spearing his tongue into my mouth and my arousal begins a countdown to launch.

“Go—” He starts to order me, but we’re interrupted by someone banging on the front door. Oh no, not again.

“Kayne!” We hear Jett’s voice. “Kayne, come on, man! Open up!”

“Shit,” Kayne mutters. “Next time, I’m taking you to a private island with no neighbors, no doors, and no interruptions.”

I giggle. “I’m in.”

“You don’t have a choice.” He yanks on my chain.

“Kayne!” Jett bangs again.

“Coming!” he barks so loud, I jolt. Jeez, he can be scary in so many different ways.

“Sorry.” He kisses me softly. “Go inside and clean up, then wait for me bent over the side of the bed.” He threads his fingers into the underside of my hair and grips tightly. “I want your ass, Ellie.” Then he kisses me again, deep and hard, and my body responds without delay.

“KAYNE!” Jett’s voice breaks us from our kiss.

“Go.” He spanks me with blatant irritation. I slide off him quickly and scurry into the bedroom. “Jett, this better be important or I’m going to rearrange your face.” I hear Kayne yell from somewhere inside the bungalow.

I quickly wipe off the cum dripping down the inside of my leg with a damp washcloth, then position myself exactly the way Kayne wants me—bent over with my ass in the air and my hands placed firmly on the mattress. I shake, still wanton with need and slightly distressed. I know what’s coming, and it’s going to hurt just as much as it’s going to be pleasurable.

“Fine,” I hear Kayne say loudly, and Jett laughs.

I can’t imagine what they’re talking about. A minute later, Kayne walks into the bedroom. I’m facing the headboard so I have to look slightly over my shoulder to see him.

“Damn.” He slows his pace as he walks over to me.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Fine,” Kayne answers oblivious, solely fixated on my bare, wide open ass.

“What did he want?”

“Nothing.” He caresses my left butt cheek. “We can talk about it later.” He squeezes, and I wince.

“Jesus, Ellie. You don’t know how many times I dreamed about you just like this.” He runs his finger along my ass crack, putting slight pressure against my hole. I hold my breath.

“Ellie, I love you.” It’s a statement, like a reassurance.

“I know.” I peer at him.

“Good. Because this is going to be intense. It’s going to hurt, and I’m going to like it.” He stares at me with manic lust.

Oh, shit.

“What’s your safe word?”

“Cupcake,” I automatically answer.

“Good girl. Stay.” He walks into the bathroom, and a few seconds later, returns with what I recognize as a very tiny bottle of lubricant. In that small fraction of time my anxiety has spiked through the roof.

“Another thing you never leave home without?” I ask shakily.

I hear the top pop. “When you’re in a committed relationship with your hand for a year, yes.” He drizzles the sticky substance over my tiny little hole. I glance back to see Kayne naked and fully erect, rubbing his length down with the lube as well.

“I’m going to stretch you with only my cock, Ellie. No fingers. We’ll go slow.”

He lines up behind me, and I feel the head of his erection poking against my tight little rose bud. I haven’t had anal sex in over a year, and it’s only ever been with Kayne. He penetrates me with the tip of his cock, the lube helping to ease it in, and the pain is immediate. I lunge forward, but he grips my hips and pulls me back.

“Don’t. Take it.” He pushes harder, and I whimper as he slowly rips me open. I claw at crumpled sheets, the bed a messy sea of white from last night.

Kayne relentlessly works himself into my behind, every inch a battle, every tear a victory. I heave air as he rocks in and out, the pain gripping me like a vice. I moan in agony as my body tries to reject the foreign object plunging its way into me.

“Let it out,” he grunts with a firm thrust, and my eyes spill over with tears. I press my face into the mattress and sob with his cock halfway inside me. When he pulls out, it only gives me one second of relief before he’s pushing back in, deeper than before. When he bends over me and grabs my collar, I know I’m done for. There’s no more reprieve, no more withdrawing, only a straight shot of hard cock directly into my ass. Kayne yanks at my collar as he thrusts, using it almost as leverage to bury himself to the hilt, reducing me to nothing but saggy bones and uncontrollable sobs. He takes over my body exactly the way he wanted—he invaded, enslaved, and then conquered it.

“I love your tears, Ellie.” His voice is rough, and his hips are relentless as I cry helplessly on the bed, letting the tears fall freely because I know that’s what he likes, what gets him off. I remember all too well, Kayne’s favorite things are pleasure, pain, and pushing me to my limit. Seeing how far he can take me before I finally crack.

“Fuck, I missed this,” he strains. “I missed getting strangled by your tight little ass.” His thrusts become jerky and erratic. “Touch yourself, Ellie. Touch yourself now.” He slams into me, and I cry out. With my face still planted on the mattress, I slide my shaky hands between my legs and do as he says, massaging my clit until my pussy relaxes.

“That’s it, baby.” He moves freely now, my burning ass completely stretched to accommodate his long length and wide girth.

“I wish you could see it,” he groans as he fluidly slides all the way in and then pulls all the way out like he was always made to fit me. “How you swallow me whole.” He sinks himself inside me again. “And fuck, it’s so good.” He slaps my ass so that my muscles clench around him. “Finger yourself. I want you to come. I want you to come with me.” He starts to pump fast, and I have to bite my lip to absorb the discomfort, the tears a steady, constant flow. But even with all he’s put me through, the need for release is still as strong as ever. I need him to fuck me; I want him to fuck me. I sink my middle and ring fingers inside my now soaking wet pussy and press my palm to my clit. I rub and finger myself all while Kayne uses my body for his wicked pleasure, the three acts swirling together to become the perfect storm of desire. My orgasm comes on like a high-speed turbine, all pressure and velocity, intensely working its way through my system until I can’t contain it anymore.

“Please, may I come?” I scream out at the very last second before I seize, my muscles grinding like steel brakes as my insides splinter.

Kayne doesn’t respond, he just repeats ‘mine, mine, mine, mine’ like a broken record as he’s sucked down with me, stabbing into my ass so deep I swear I can feel my heart beating against the head of his cock.

He pins me against the mattress as we both collapse to our knees, breathing harder than I think we’ve ever breathed before. When he withdraws, I feel like an overused rag doll who has been taken off her stick. I am sore, battered, and I think half dead. I cry some more. I’m not even sure why, I think just for some cathartic relief. The past day and a half has been the most taxing of my life. Being denied orgasm after orgasm and then broken open like a coconut has depleted my mind and my body.

Kayne wraps his arms around me and licks my face the same way he has all the other times I’ve cried in his presence.

“Your body and your tears are the closest to heaven I will ever get.” He burrows his face between my shoulder blades. “You’re the purest thing in my life.”

“There’s nothing pure about me, anymore,” I giggle and sniffle all at the same time.

“Your love is pure.”

I glance at Kayne out of the corner of my eye. The ferocity of his gaze is what makes me love him so much. It’s always drawn me to him. His presence is all empowering. That stare tells me I’m his entire fucking world, and he would do anything to protect it. To protect me.

How do you walk away from something like that?

Someone like that?

The answer is simple. You don’t.

KAYNE PLACES ME IN A steaming hot tub, and my muscles whistle like a kettle. Oh, that feels so good.

He climbs in right after me, situating himself underneath me. The tub is quite large and looks out over the lagoon. There isn’t one lousy view from any room. Kayne massages my back, rubbing firm, hard circles over my spine as our bodies slip and slide together from the bubbles.

“You feeling okay?” he asks as he kisses my neck and holds me close.

“There’s a pain in my ass,” I reply drily.

“And I bet you love it.” He nips at me.

“Maybe just a little.” I rub up against him, the water sloshing, and slip my tongue between his lips. I suddenly break our kiss. “Oh! What did Jett want?”

Kayne frowns. “You’re kissing me passionately and thinking about Jett?”

That does kind of look bad.

“Not in the sexual, I want you to own me, rule over me, spank me kind of way.” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

“Well, thank God for that.” Kayne rolls his eyes, the brown lightning bolt prominent in bright sunlight.

I kiss him again. Hard, but playfully. He tickles me, sending more water over the edge of the tub.

“Hey!” I squeak.

“That’s what you get.”

“For asking about Jett?” I laugh and squirm as his fingers dig into my side.

“For asking about Jett while you’re naked and wet!”

“I’m sorry!” I screech. “It just happened! Kayne!” I try to claw my way out of the tub, but he pulls me back and kisses me, wrapping one leg around mine.

“Forgiven. Don’t do it again.” He spanks me, but the hit is broken by the water so I barely feel it.”

“Yes, Kayne,” I purr anyway.

“Good kitten,” he patronizes.

“So really, what did he want?” I ask again.

Kayne sinks deeper into the tub, locking his arm around my lower back crushing me to him. “He wanted to make sure we were both alive.”


Kayne nods. “Since he couldn’t get ahold of me all day yesterday, he wanted to check in. I think he was more concerned about you than me.”

“Me? Why?”

Kayne shrugs. “You were one of his girls once. For Jett, that doesn’t just go away. You were as important as any of them. Even more so.”

“Oh. Does that bother you?”

“No. I’m glad he cares. He’s the only other man I would ever trust you with.”

“I sort of got that impression.” I smile and hook my arm around his neck. The man did wax me, bathe me, and dress me up like his doll. “Kayne? Speaking of being someone’s girl.” I bite my lip. “How come you never made me call you Master?”

“What?” He eyes me surprised.

“Well, in the books I read and the research I did, most submissives call their Dom Master or Sir. You never made me do that. Not even now.”

“You did research?” He raises his eyebrows.

“I was curious. Being with you made me curious.” I blush.

“I guess that’s understandable. I did expose you to a lot of things in a short amount of time.” That’s putting it mildly. “Why didn’t I make you call me Master?” he considers. “To be honest, it felt too impersonal. I wanted us to have a connection, even if I couldn’t tell you that. I thought letting you call me by my name would somehow humanize me, even if I wasn’t acting very human.” He brushes his hand lovingly down my back. “And as for why I don’t make you do it now? It still feels too impersonal. I like hearing you say my name. It’s reassuring, and I need that,” he says apprehensively.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the very short time I’ve been with Kayne, it’s that he hates his vulnerability as much as he realizes it’s what makes him human. “I understand.”

“Does it bother you that I call you kitten?”

“No,” I answer honestly. “I like it. It makes me feel sexy.”

“You are sexy. And smart and funny and loved. You are so fucking loved, Ellie.” Kayne kisses me feverishly as if trying to personify his affection, but he doesn’t need to bring it to life, I can already feel its warmth and fluttering heartbeat.

AFTER A VERY LONG SOAK in the tub, until our fingers pruned and our muscles unfurled, Kayne and I lounged around the bungalow. It was a nice afternoon. Relaxing and stress-free.

Now, I’m just about finished with my makeup, swiping blackest black mascara over my eyelashes. I’m starting to get the hang of this, I think, as I inspect myself in the mirror.

Apparently, Kayne’s word wasn’t good enough for Jett because he insisted that he produce me at dinner tonight. If you ask me, I just think he and London miss us.

I catch Kayne leaning against the doorway staring at me through the mirror. He’s wearing a light-brown button-up shirt, tan dress pants, and a scorching hot expression, like he wants to devour me right where I stand.

“See something you like?” I ask him as I close the mascara and place it back in my makeup bag.

“Maybe.” He strolls up behind me. “These are a bit short.” He tugs on the hem of my white shorts.


“You know how I feel about you showing your body off to anyone but me.”

I turn to look at him, placing my hands on his chest. The material of his shirt so incredibly soft.

“I think we need to establish something,” I flirt. “The only place you get to tell me what I can and cannot wear is in the bedroom. Outside those doors, I’m my own woman.”

Kayne’s eyes flash with something I’ve never seen before, nothing angry, but excited, perverted almost. “Oh, yeah? That’s good to know because I do want to dress you up. I want you to really be my kitten. I want to slide a pair of ears on your head and plug a tail in your ass and fuck you while you purr,” he says groping my behind. My jaw drops from the vivid image.

“I didn’t realize you were into fetish,” I reply breathlessly as he kisses and tickles my neck with his warm breath.

“I never really was, but being with you makes me want to . . . explore.” He looks at me with ravenous lust in his striking blue eyes.

I’m trapped in place, my knees about to buckle. This man is going to be the death of me.

“So, is that a yes, Ellie?” He rasps in my ear while unbuttoning my pants and dropping them to the floor.

“Yes,” I gasp as he slips his hand into my panties and starts to finger me. “Oh God, yes.” My eyes roll into the back of my head. “If it will turn you on, I’ll do it.” He caresses me slowly, allowing me to feel every microscopic touch as he massages the walls of my pussy.

“Good girl. Shit, you’re wet. Looks like I’m not the only one the idea of fetish excites.” He presses his rock solid erection against my thigh.

“No,” I answer mindlessly, flinching as my orgasm flares like a wildfire. “Are you trying to make me come?” I breathe harshly.

“Maybe.” He fingers me faster. “Maybe not.” He withdraws from me completely, and I nearly topple over.

“Kayne,” I whine miserably.

“Sorry, kitten.” He slides his middle finger into his mouth and sucks off my remnants. I just watch with wide, transfixed eyes.

“Definitely sweeter than whipped cream.” He hums then fishes his hand into his pocket. He retrieves his switchblade and pops it open right next to my head. I jump.

“I would also like to establish something.” He runs the switchblade all the way down my body stopping at my hips. “I will always have some kind of say in what you wear.” There’s a loud tear as he slices through the spandex and lace of my underwear. “No panties tonight.” He repeats the motion on the other side, leaving me stunned. He picks up my mutilated underwear and discards it in the trash.

“Now what do you have to say about that?”

“Yes, Kayne,” I answer automatically like I’m conditioned to do.

“Good, kitten. Now hurry up and fix yourself, I don’t want to be late.” He makes for the door, his erection uncensored in his pants.

“God forbid,” I snark.

He leers at me while he adjusts then disappears into the bedroom.


Pulling myself together like instructed, I blot between my legs with some toilet paper and pull up my shorts. I look in the mirror. I’m flushed and feel achy, and it’s all Kayne’s fault. I huff, throwing some of my hair over one shoulder as I leave the bathroom. He really is going to be the death of me.

Kayne opens the front door for me once I emerge from the bedroom.

“Our ride will be here any second.” We walk outside into the pleasant evening air fragrant with something sweet. Island flowers, maybe.

We see Matias driving a six-seater golf cart down the boardwalk, his white shirt and dark hair rippling in the wind.

He stops in front of us with a wide smile, and we climb onto the cart. I’m starting to get spoiled being chauffeured around like this. He takes off and stops at the large bungalow right next to ours where another couple is waiting. They’re a bit older and very well dressed, late forties I would say. When they see us, their looks are ones of curiosity, and I think disdain. I cuddle next to Kayne as they sit behind us, suddenly uncomfortable. He puts his arm around me and glances back at them. I’m certain he also feels the quiet hostility. The ride up to the main part of the resort is silent and quite uncomfortable, even with Matias’ best attempt at casual conversation. I’ve never been so happy to see a lobby in my life.

Kayne gets off the golf cart hastily, extending his hand to help. As he does, the woman comments offhandedly, “Women deserve to be treated with respect.”

Kayne and I both freeze as she pins us with her cold blue stare. If I was suspicious before, I’m confident now that these are the neighbors who called the concierge on us the other night.

Kayne smiles, without showing any teeth, but it’s contradictory to the vicious look in his eyes.

“I couldn’t agree more,” he responds evenly. “They also deserve to be fucked. Maybe you should let your husband try it sometime. Right in your opinionated mouth.”

The woman gasps in horror.

“Kayne!” I chastise as I jump out of the cart.

“Young man!” The woman’s husband stands up outraged.

“Let’s go.” I push him away before there is a brawl right before my very eyes. He steps backward, unable to remove his crazed stare from the couple.

“What the hell was that about? You should have just ignored her,” I say once we’re safely inside the lobby.

“I’m not going to let anyone accuse me of not respecting you. I respect you more than any other man ever will. What we do in our bedroom is our business. I won’t let anyone ruin that.”

“It’s going to take more than one ignorant comment to ruin what we have.” I try to placate him, realizing something very important. Kayne will become aggressive when he feels threatened despite where we are or who we’re with.

“I’m not going to let anyone take you away from me, Ellie.” Determination dripping from his tone.

“No one is going to take me away, and I know you respect me.”

“Good. You’re the most resilient person I have ever met.” He swipes his thumb across my cheek.

“And you’re the scariest.” I laugh.

“It’s part of my conditioning. I don’t take shit.”

“Clearly. But you can’t just pop off on people like that.”

“I can and I will,” he argues with me.

“Kayne,” I sigh.

“Ellie. This one you’ll never win. I’ll never roll over and play dead where you or we are concerned,” he says with an unyielding look in his eye.

“You’re crazy.”

“Yup. Mostly about you.” He presses a kiss on my lips. “Now come on.” He takes my hand. “We have to make a stop before we go to the restaurant.”

“Stop?” I repeat confused as he drags me down a white marbled hallway clustered with stores and enters the jewelry store.

“What are we doing in here?” I ask.

“Good evening.” A bright-eyed salesman in a dark gray suit greets us.

“Engagement rings?” Kayne asks, and I nearly fall over my feet.


“Last case in the back.” The man motions fluidly with his hand.

“Thank you.” We reach the case with Kayne still clutching my hand. “I asked you to marry me, and you said yes. You need a ring. I may not know much, but I do know that. So, go ahead. Pick whichever one you like. I want you to be happy.”

“What?” I repeat again an octave higher than before.

“Ellie.” Kayne laughs at me as the salesman steps in front of us. His name is James, according to his tag.

“What can I show you?”

I look down into the glass at the shimmering diamonds and truly feel like a cat mesmerized by the light.

“Let’s see a variety,” Kayne answers for me, and the nice looking man with salt and pepper hair immediately pulls out several different rings. Some with round diamonds, some with square, one with an emerald cut. If someone told me when I got on that plane a week and a half ago that I’d be shopping for an engagement ring, I’d have laughed in their face—like cackled loudly. Yet here I am, staring down at some of the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen, and it becomes a sobering reality.

“Hmm.” Kayne doesn’t seem impressed with any of them. “See anything you like?”

I’m overwhelmed. “Maybe you should just pick for me.”

“You deserve an opinion. You’re the one who has to wear it.”

“If I may,” James cuts in politely. “Not to offend you, but can you tell me your price cap?”

“We don’t have one,” Kayne tells him matter-of-factly. The salesman’s eyes glitter just as brightly as the diamonds in front of us.

“In that case,” he pulls out a ring from the far side of the case and places it in front of me, “you two seem unique. I can tell these things. I see many couples walk through that door, and I can usually read them pretty well.”

I glance at Kayne and blush scarlet. Are we that obvious?

“You should wear a ring that reflects your personality. Two-carat cushion-cut diamond with a half carat of pink sapphires haloing around the center stone,” he explains.

I immediately fall in love.

“What do you think, Ellie?” Kayne inquires.

I’m speechless.

He chuckles, taking the ring from the James’s hand, “I think she likes it,” and places it on my ring finger. “Will you marry me?” he asks softly, and my breath catches. I look at the perfect ring and then at the perfect man with tears forming in my eyes. Is this really happening? I reflect. First, Kayne was the man of my dreams, then he was a monster, and now he’s . . . everything.

“Yes,” I answer and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that regardless of what happened in the past, it’s the future that’s important now.

“We’ll take it,” he tells the salesman, then bends down to kiss me on the cheek, whispering, “Cupcake,” in my ear.

“There is also a matching wedding band. It’s a set if you’re interested?”

“Fine, yes, we’ll take that, too,” Kayne says still looking at me.

“And what about you, sir?”

“Me?” Kayne looks over at him confused.

“Yes. You’ll need a ring eventually. Would you like to take a look while you’re here?”

I cock an eyebrow. This guy has balls. He’s going to squeeze every dime out of Kayne he can, and Kayne totally knows it, too.

“I’ll take a look,” he says shrewdly.

“You look like a titanium man.” James pulls out a flat velvet board with a number of rings impressed in it.

Kayne looks them over and then shrugs at me.

“That one.” I point to a silver band with an extremely thin row of black diamonds.

“Ah. Very nice choice,” James comments with dollar signs in his eyes as Kayne slips the ring on and makes a fist several times, trying to get used to the feel.

“Make you anxious?” I tease him.

“Makes me excited.” His eyes flash with something sinful.

I bite my lip, knowing full well that look means trouble. A delicious kind of trouble.

“Done.” He slips the ring off and hands it back to the deliriously happy man in the gray suit. I can’t even imagine how much money he just spent, and frankly, I don’t want to know. Kayne is wealthy. That’s obviously no secret. He has been since I met him. I’m just not exactly used to him spending large amounts of money on me. I guess that’s something I’m going to have to get used to.

“I can have the two rings wrapped up and sent to your room if you’d like,” James says. “It looks like you’re going out.”

“That’s fine.” Kayne starts to peruse some other glass cases while I admire my new ring. This is really happening.

A few moments later, I hear Kayne ask James to see something at the far end of the store, near the front.

“Ellie,” he calls me over. “Stand here,” he says once I reach him, both of us positioned in front of a mirror. “Pull your hair back, please.”

I move my long, sun-kissed hair to the side. I blew it out straight and braided the front like a headband. Kayne drops something in front of my face, a necklace, and fastens it around my neck.

“Now you can always be collared,” he murmurs in my ear as the salesman watches us.

“The heart is Tiffany,” James informs us as I admire the sparkly pave charm attached to a black silk choker in the mirror. “We can change it up if you like. Maybe put the heart on a platinum chain?”

“No,” Kayne snaps mildly. “It’s perfect.”

I keep my mouth shut. This purchase is much more for him than it is for me. I secretly love it, and I’ll show him how much later.

“Very good, sir. I’ll add it to the bill.”

“Thank you.”

I glare at him over my shoulder. “This was your diabolical plan the whole time,” I accuse him playfully.

He shrugs. “A man always has to have a plan.” He tickles the heart on my ‘necklace.’ A prideful gleam of ownership shining in his eyes.

I barely remember the walk to the restaurant, and I’m pretty sure if Kayne wasn’t leading me by the hand, I would have walked straight into a wall.

This is really happening.

“Ellie? Earth to Ellie?” Jett waves his hand in front of my face.

“Huh?” I blink.

“I said congratulations.” His big aqua eyes sparkle.

Where the heck did I go?

I think the enormity of the last week and a half—hell, the last year of jumbled feelings, the love, the hate, and the confusion—is finally hitting me like a ton of bricks.

“Thank you,” I smile brightly because, for the first time in so long, I am truly happy.

Kayne pulls out my chair at the table and the four of us sit.

“You okay?” he asks quietly, concerned.

“Yes,” I reply in my most confident voice, because I am.

“A bottle of your best Prosecco, please.” I hear Jett order and see the waiter hurry off.

“Let me see again!” London grabs my hand and moves it so my engagement ring catches the light. “I love the pink! It’s perfect for you, Ellie.” She leans over and kisses my cheek.

“Thank you.” I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying for the last ten minutes.

The waiter returns with four champagne glasses and the chilled bottle of Prosecco. I suppose if you’re going to drink Italian champagne, the best place to do it is at a high-end Italian restaurant.

When our glasses are full, we raise them for a toast.

“I’d like to say something,” Jett announces.

“Oh shit,” I hear Kayne mutter.

“Shut up, idiot,” Jett snaps. “I just wanted to say that I’m elated this story has a happy ending. God knows we all needed it, not just you two.”

“Cheers,” Kayne says hastily.

“No,” Jett pulls his glass back. “Quit ruining my moment,” he spits.

“Fine.” Kayne drops his head and huffs.

“I want to relay something someone very wise once told me. A man’s most precious possession is the woman who walks by his side. And I don’t think you could have found a more perfect woman.” Jett clinks Kayne’s glass. Kayne stares at him idly with a glint in his eye and ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

“You couldn’t have said it at all. You suck at heartfelt speeches.” Jett gulps his Prosecco.

“I’m not so sure about that,” I grin behind my glass right before I take a sip. The champagne is delectably sweet, clean, and crisp. Delicious.

Dinner moves swiftly as we dine on flaky bread, fennel and aged pecorino salad, filet mignon with a balsamic glaze, and indulge in several more bottles of expensive Prosecco. By the time dessert rolls around, not only am I stuffed, but feeling no pain as well.

“You know what I think you guys should do,” London says as she drains the last drops of champagne from her glass, “and it may sound crazy, but I think you two should do it while you’re here.”

All three of us look at her strangely.

“Not that. I know you do that.” She sticks her tongue out and laughs. “I mean get married. You should totally find a deserted beach at sunset and get married.”

“I’m sure Ellie would want her family there,” Jett says.

I nod, glancing at Kayne. He’s staring at London stoically. A little tingle of worry runs down my spine. Did she just spook him? Is he coming to realize we’re moving too fast? Is he suddenly having second thoughts?

“Probably.” London drops her head into her hand dreamily. “It would be romantic, though.”

“We can always have a sunset ceremony. On Maui maybe?” I look at Kayne apprehensively.

“We can have anything you want.” He smiles, but it’s a distant expression.

I internally panic, but I’m not going to dwell. If there’s something to be worried about, I’ll find out soon enough.

Once the bill is paid, we move outside to the patio where oversized couches surround a large brick fireplace; dark-red lanterns hang overhead and sweet smelling cigar smoke lingers in the air. London and I park on a couch while Kayne and Jett stand by the bar and cut new cigars. I never found it appealing—a man smoking a cigar—until now. Until I watch Kayne wrap his lips around the thick brown Churchill and elegantly puff one O out after another.

“You happy, Ellie?” London asks as she lazily twirls a piece of my hair around her finger.

“Yes. Are you?” I ask surprised.

She smiles, her eyes glassy from all the alcohol. “Deliriously. Even if Jett and I never get married, he could make me happy for the rest of my life.”

“Well, that’s good to know. I’d hate for you to spend it with a man who makes you miserable,” I laugh.

She laughs, too, her head resting comfortably against the thick maroon cushion. “You’re funny,” she says as she gazes at me, the fire illuminating her dark-red hair and crystal-blue eyes. “And really beautiful, you know that?”

“You think?” I tuck some hair behind my ear shyly. It’s one thing to get compliments from a man, but a woman, a woman who you’ve had sexual relations with, is a whole other story.

“Can I tell you a secret?” She sits up and scoots closer to me so our bare legs are touching. I nod, having to keep my knees together to keep from being tickled by the nighttime breeze as it brushes up under my shorts and pets my unclad privates.

“Sure,” I shift.

She leans over to whisper in my ear. “Sometimes, when Jett makes me touch myself, I think about you.”

“What?” My eyes fly to hers.

“I’ve had a lot of sexual experiences, but that night with you was one of the best.” She looks down at my lips, and my heart skips like a scratched record.

“Do you think . . .” She runs one soft finger up the inside of my thigh, “you’d want to give Kayne an engagement present?”

I’m momentarily stunned. One, because she’s hitting on me; two, because the memories of that night are uncontrollably flooding my mind, and three, because suddenly I really want her to kiss me.

“Same sex is an acquired taste,” I hear Jett say, and he’s right. That night was one of the hottest, if not the hottest, of my life. I glance over at Jett and Kayne as my mouth and London’s hover closely together. Vance Joy singing about riptides and dark sides softly in the background. They’re both watching us closely, like two lions spying on a gazelle.

“I think he’d like that,” I tell her summoning my courage and stroking my excitement all at the same time. London brushes her lips against mine, and I inhale a sharp breath. She smells good, like some kind of spicy perfume, but feels even better. When our tongues graze, a million little tingles race all over my skin. For a second, I forget where I am, solely concentrating on the feel of London’s mouth and the smooth caress of her hand on my naked thigh.

Someone suddenly clears their throat very loudly, breaking the spell the two of us are under.

I look up to see Jett standing over us, with Kayne behind him, arms crossed.

“Time to go,” Jett informs us. “You two are drawing a little too much attention,” he says with a wicked gleam.

I glance around to see most, if not everyone, on the patio staring at us. Oops. Jett extends his hand to London and pulls her to her feet. Then Kayne does the same to me. I look up at him a little guilty. Should we have asked permission first? How does this work?

“Yes. You’re in trouble.” Fire dances in his unique, spellbinding eyes. I gulp.

“You told me I could fuck as many women as I want.”

His gaze darkens. I don’t think I’m helping myself here.

“I remember. I also told you I would be the only man who ever touches you. So don’t get any ideas.”

“Ideas?” I say as he pulls me in the direction of London and Jett. In no time at all, the four of us are crunched in the back of a golf cart.

“Bungalow forty-six,” Jett tells the driver, and he steps on the pedal. “Please.” He then turns to London and me. We’re practically sitting on top of each other. “Feel free to pick up where you left off.”

London doesn’t miss a beat, she dives her tongue back into my mouth and kisses me without any hesitation. I’m suddenly trapped, my back pinned to Kayne while she freely explores my body, her hand brushing down my neck, over my breasts, and around to my ass.

The golf cart suddenly jolts to a stop and I realize we have reached bungalow forty-six.

The four of us pile out, London yanking me eagerly behind her. I see Jett pull out a wad of cash and smack some into the driver’s hand. “Bet you don’t get tips like that every day,” he says to the wide-eyed boy. I giggle to myself; he so wasn’t talking about money.

The inside of London and Jett’s bungalow doesn’t look much different from ours; it’s just on a smaller scale.

“How come you aren’t staying in a big bungalow like ours?” I ask Jett as he turns on a light.

“I’m not ostentatious. Besides, this is enough.”

“All we really need is a beach and bedroom,” London says impishly. “The bedroom is this way,” she tugs me. I glance back at Kayne as I follow her. He’s been threateningly quiet, despite his howling presence. Images of him from the first night London and I spent together turn over in my thoughts, the way he touched himself as he watched us, the way he instructed us, the way he fucked me while I made her come. It was barely human.

Once inside the bedroom I stop, slipping my hand out of London’s. What was I saying about their bungalow not being much different than ours?

I was dead wrong.

There are shackles attached to each post of the canopy bed and a thick black collar dangling by a chain on the headboard. The nightstand is covered with an array of sex toys, a ball gag, lubricants, and wax candles. But it’s the long rope on the floor that has me looking at Jett strangely. He just shrugs. “I’m into Kinbaku.”

I draw in my eyebrows. “What?”

“Rope bondage.”

“Oh.” I stare at him blankly.

“It’s a very beautiful art form,” he tries to explain, almost like he’s defending it.

“Okay.” He doesn’t need to sell me. I willingly walked through the looking glass. This time.

“I’m a kinky bastard. What can I say?”

He brushes past me to the opposite side of the room, opens the sliding glass door and pulls in two chairs from the sundeck.

“It takes one to know one?” I jest.

Jett smiles entertained as he sits in one chair and Kayne sits in the other, suddenly making me feel like the main attraction in a private XXX show.

“London, come,” Jett says, and she immediately drops to all fours and crawls to him. Once she reaches him, she kneels submissively between his legs. I automatically look at Kayne.

He just lifts his hand off his knee slightly as if signaling me to stay.

Jett lifts London’s face so she’s looking directly into his incandescent eyes.

“You’re a bad girl,” he admonishes her, “and I love it. Now stand up and take your clothes off.”

“Yes, Jett,” she hums, and for some reason I shiver with excitement.

London rises to her feet and slowly starts peeling off her navy tube dress that’s clinging to her body. I can only see her back from my angle, but Kayne and Jett seem quite invested in her little strip show. Once she’s left standing in just a black thong and high heels, Kayne looks over at me and smiles like the demon he is.

“Good robin. Now take Ellie’s off,” Jett instructs her.

“Hold it.” Kayne suddenly stops her in her tracks, and all three of us pause to look at him. I’m suddenly nervous. God only knows what’s going to flow out of his mouth. With all the apparatuses in the room, I could end up being fucked upside down while hanging from the ceiling. “Ground rules.” He glares at Jett. “London can touch Ellie all she wants, but you keep your hands off my fiancée.”

Jett grimaces, “You’re such a party pooper.”

“Tough shit, I don’t share.”

“I’m calling sexism. You’re discriminating against me just because I have a cock.”

“Exactly, and it’s not getting anywhere near her. Call it whatever you want. Accuse me of being prejudice, of being a chauvinist, whatever. You still can’t touch her or I’ll break your hands.”

Jett bristles. “I’ll still be able to use my cock.” He sticks his tongue out at Kayne.

“I could always break that, too,” Kayne informs him menacingly.

I know I probably shouldn’t, but I laugh.

“Do you find my jealous, overbearing side funny, Ellie?” Kayne asks, without looking at me.

“No. Kayne.” I clear my throat and find my composure. That’s his ‘do not fuck with me’ tone. London and I may have started it, but it’s clear Kayne and Jett are going to finish it.

“Good. Now, London, go undress my kitten.”

“Slow your roll,” Jett interjects. “I’m giving the orders. You’ve already driven one of these.”

Kayne rolls his eyes. “Fine. Be my guest.”

“London, go undress Kayne’s kitten,” he instructs with mirth.

These two.

London turns to me, displaying her mostly naked body. I almost forgot how perfect she is—tall, toned, and curvaceous. I felt a little inadequate then with my petite frame and small breasts, and I still feel inadequate now. But it’s a little too late for insecurities because London drops to the floor and crawls across the room to me. I feel, rather than hear, the collective intake of breath as she approaches me swathed in seductiveness, servile and obedient. I nearly come on the spot. I now understand the appeal, the feeling of power and domination, as one person freely hands themselves over to another. I also understand that in this position I would never want to hurt or take advantage of that person’s trust or safekeeping. It makes me see the relationship I have with Kayne from a completely different angle.

Once London reaches me, she rises to her knees. I gaze down at her and run my hands earnestly through her thick red hair, hoping she understands my subtle gesture of respect. I find it amazing that I can be just as sexually attracted to a woman as I can to a man.

London kisses my navel as she unbuttons my shorts, taking her time with her mouth as she lowers the zipper. She pulls the white material down my thighs and follows the path with her tongue until she realizes I’m not wearing any underwear. She moans softly, eagerly, but stops kissing me as she slides my pants the rest of the way off. She pushes up my shirt but can’t reach past my breasts, so I end up yanking the top over my head for her. I’m not wearing a bra, either, because of the tunic’s open back. As soon as my nipples hit the air, they harden, sending a ripple of excitement straight through to my core.

With her cheek pressed against my abdomen, London and I look over at Jett and Kayne now that we’re just as they want us. Both men appear composed, but if you look hard, you can see the quick compressions of their chests and the tightening of their forearms. Not to mention the carnivorous lust in their light eyes.

“Do you want to touch Ellie, London?” Jett asks.

“Yes, Jett,” she hums.



“With what?”

“My tongue.”

“You’ve wanted to do that for a long time, huh?”

“Yes.” She glances up at me.

“Ellie, do you want her to lick you?”




“So go ahead, bird. Show Ellie how much you want to taste her.”

London wets her lips before she presses her mouth to my pussy and tongues my clit.

“Oh.” The pleasure is immediate as she applies pressure and explores my slit, stroking and sucking rhythmically until my legs start to shake.

“She feel good, Ellie?” Kayne asks.

“Yes,” I strain, trying to absorb the dizzying sensation of London lapping me up.

“She making you want to come?”

“Yes.” My voice is engulfed by a panting whisper. My body feels so heavy, and I want so much more of London’s mouth, so without even thinking I sit on the edge of the bed, lean back and spread my legs wider.

Both men groan as London buries her head between my thighs, sinking her tongue deeply into my entrance. I gasp loudly, grabbing her head as she nearly eats me alive. Just as I begin to undulate against her mouth, Jett snaps, “Enough.” Within half a second London pulls away, leaving me a winded mess on the bed. “No one is coming yet.”

I grumble silently, my body feels like it’s being put through a wringer.

“Come. Both of you,” he commands.

London crawls over to Jett and I follow suit to Kayne. Sitting on our knees, we wait for one of them to instruct us.

“You like my little bird eating you up, Ellie?” Jett asks as he pets her reverently. I glance up at Kayne before I answer. It feels like his stare is going to drill a hole right through my chest.

“Yes,” I tell him truthfully.

“She is one of a kind.” He tilts London’s face up with one finger. It’s clear how much he adores her. I’ve seen many expressions on Jett’s face, but it’s the first time I’ve seen this one. It’s a mix of what looks like admiration, loyalty, and possibly a hint of fear, as if he’s terrified of losing her.

“Will you make her feel good, Ellie? I know how much she wants you to make her come,” he says.

I nod, stumbling into the intensity of Jett’s aqua eyes once he turns his head to look at me. I have no idea how London and Jett came to be, but something tells me it wasn’t just some casual thing. I recognize that gaze, that desperate love, because Kayne looks at me exactly the same way.

“Go sit on the bed,” Kayne finally speaks. I restrain myself from running my hands over his thighs and climbing into his lap. As much as I want London to touch me, I want Kayne to touch me, too. “Go.” He tickles the heart dangling from my throat, one of his new symbols of ownership over me.

I sit on the end of the bed like directed.

“Stand in front of her, London,” Jett orders as both he and Kayne get up and walk to each side of the four-poster bed. London positions herself between my legs. “Take her panties off,” he says from behind me. I move to slide the dainty lace thong off London’s hips and down her long legs. Once removed, I sit back further on the mattress. That’s when I feel it dip behind me and Kayne swiftly fasten a blindfold over my eyes. I inhale harshly from surprise.

“Relax, Ellie. Trust me.” He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear.

“You’ve never blindfolded me before.” I touch the lace-like material.

“First time for everything,” I hear Jett comment.

“It won’t be the last time. There are so many things I’m going to do to you, Ellie.” It’s a promise. “Now lay back.” He pushes me down. “Enough playing around. London, sit on her face.”

I nearly combust with need as I feel London crawl up my body and straddle my head, the fragrance of her arousal potent and heady.

“Lick her, Ellie. Slowly. London, don’t come,” Kayne instructs.

I flatten my tongue against London’s pussy, eager to please. The sound that escapes from her is pure delight. Although I can’t see, my sense of smell, hearing, taste, and touch amplifies, making me hyper-aware of everything around me.

As I lick between London’s folds leisurely, I feel someone grab one of my ankles. I flinch, but the hand grips me tighter.

“Easy.” Kayne placates me like he’s talking to a spooked horse. I relax momentarily until I feel him strap a restraint around my ankle.

“Don’t stop, Ellie,” Jett encourages me as the mattress dips above my head. I try to breathe steadily, concentrating on London, as Kayne fastens my other ankle.

“Does she feel good?” I hear Jett ask London between kisses, the bed teetering slightly from their entwining bodies.

“Yes,” she whimpers. “Oh God, yes.”

I reflexively stab my tongue into her entrance when Kayne tickles the inside of my thighs.

“Ellie!” she gasps, grabbing my hair.

I pull my tongue back and take a breath, giving us both a second’s reprieve. I squirm in the restraints, my knees slightly bent and my legs spread wide open.

Then I hear the distinct sound of a zipper and the rustling of clothes.

A moment later, I feel a light touch trace my lips. Jett? Then a finger is slipped into my mouth. “I want you to make my little bird come.” He pumps his finger in and out, coercing me to suck. It’s the most erotic gesture Jett and I have ever shared. I hold onto the moment as long as I can, picturing his face as I swallow his finger, wishing secretly that for just one second Kayne would share.

Jett grunts as he withdraws his hand, leaving me wanton.

“Put your mouth on me,” I hear him say, and London leans forward, situating her clit at an even more accessible angle to my face. “I want to feel everything she makes you feel.” There’s more shifting over my head, and then a loud moan from Jett. Just listening to him is arousing as hell. “Make her come, Ellie.”

The room almost feels like a pressure cooker of elicit desire as I begin to lick London, sliding my tongue in and out of her slick folds and circling it around her clit. I’m completely lost in her soft feel and the carnal sounds of Jett’s panting breaths when Kayne brushes something up the inside of my leg. His fingers? His nose, maybe his lips, I’m not sure. But the added sensation makes me jerk on my restraints and apply more pressure to London’s pussy. When Kayne sinks his tongue deep inside me, I spasm, spurring a chain reaction—me to lick faster, London to suck harder, Jett to moan louder.

“Shit! London!” Jett hisses as she lets out a jagged, muffled cry, suddenly coming uncontrollably. I writhe beneath her, yanking at the leg restraints as she floods my mouth, while Kayne at the same time dangles me right over a razor-sharp edge. I fruitlessly kick and squirm as my own orgasm converges in the dead center of my thighs.

“Fuck. I’m coming,” Jett groans while the sweet taste of London’s arousal stains my lips, the bed dipping rapidly over my head, as he fucks her mouth.

“Please, please, please!” I hear myself beg as London is suddenly pulled off me and replaced by the brute force of Kayne on top of me. I recognize the fresh smell of his cologne and feel of his skin as he breathes wildly in my ear, slams into me savagely, pulls my hair, and sinks his teeth into my neck like a blood-starved vampire.

There’s no time for even a sound as I follow Kayne into the light. My clit aches and my pussy throbs as my orgasm tears me apart, limb from quivering limb.

The last thing I remember is hearing Kayne’s jagged lungful of air, seeing shadows move on the ceiling, and then darkness sucking me under.

I WAKE UP IN A tangle of bodies.

“Ellie,” Kayne whispers, nudging me with his nose.

“Hmm?” I respond lazily, realizing I’m sandwiched between him and London.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go,” he speaks softly.

“Go where?” I open one eye.

Early dawn is just peeking over the horizon. It’s still mostly dark, but a crack of light is allowing me to see.

Kayne slides out of bed first and shrugs on his pants. I reluctantly follow, as he moves me away from London and drags me up into a sitting position. I then follow suit by sleepily searching for my shorts and top as London and Jett lay soundlessly in bed. Her hair is a mess of red against the white sheets, his hand over her stomach almost protectively.

“Oh.” I put my hand on my head once I stand up straight. “I think I’m hung over.”

Kayne laughs quietly. “That’s what happens when you drink three bottles of Prosecco yourself,” Kayne whispers.

“We were celebrating.”

“That we were,” he says happily, picking up my shoes.

“Did you like your engagement present?” I ask, knowing I look like a hot mess.

He nearly burns a hole straight through me with a blistering glaze. “What do you think?”

“I think I need medical attention because someone tried to gnaw through my neck.” I touch the sore spot right above my necklace, where I’m sure I have a bruise.

“It was a love bite.” He takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom, through the living room, and into the warm morning air.

“A love bite by a crazed man with a loaded erection.”

“That’s what happens when you feed my addiction.” He puts his arm around me and draws me tightly into his side as we walk back to our bungalow.

“I like to feed the beast,” I tell him lasciviously.

“So I’ve noticed.” He kisses the top of my head firmly and cuddles me tightly. “Brat.”

“It’s all your fault.” I giggle accusingly.

We continue to walk while the sun comes up. It’s a showy display of golden rays over the aquamarine water and clouds colored different shades of orange and blue.

“Ellie?” Kayne says tentatively. “I’ve sort of been thinking.”

“Yeah, about what?” I reply dreamily, a mixture of exhaustion and happiness.

“What if we did it?”

“Did what?”

“Got married while we’re here. Just the two of us.”

I stop walking. “What?” I stare up at him, and he stares back. I open my mouth to say something then close it again.

“You’re being serious?” I finally muster.

He nods like he’s holding his breath.

“Kayne,” I sigh.

“That’s a no, I take it.” He sounds disappointed and starts walking again.

“No, it’s not a no,” I scramble, grabbing his arm. “It’s an ‘I don’t know.’ I mean, it’s one thing to get engaged, but it’s a whole other thing to rush into an actual marriage.”

“You think we’re rushing?”

“You don’t?” I actually laugh.

“No. I want to be with you, you want to be with me. I don’t see what’s so complicated.”

“It’s not complicated, it’s just—”

“Just what?” he asks anxiously.

“We haven’t really talked about anything.”

“What’s there to talk about?”

“I don’t know? Kids,” I blurt out.

“Kids?” he replies incredulously.

“Yes, like, do you want them?”

“I don’t know.” At least he’s being honest. “I never really thought about it. I never thought I would get married. Do you want them?”

“Yes, I think. Eventually.”

Kayne ponders this. “Okay, so we’ll have them. Eventually.”

“Just like that?”

“If it’s what you want, Ellie. If it will make you happy.”

“Will it make you happy?” I counter. “It’ll never work if it’s all give and no take.”

He looks at me strangely. Like he’s seriously considering my words. “I think I take plenty.” He grins.

I snort. “I don’t mean take like that.”

“I know. I think kids would make me happy, especially if they’re half of you. I sort of like the idea of giving someone a childhood I never had.”

I frown immediately. I never took into consideration Kayne’s past when I brought up the subject of kids.

“Oh . . . I’m sorry . . . I wasn’t thinking,” I stumble over my sentences.

“It’s fine.” He smiles. “You’ve got me looking forward to first words and bedtime stories.” Although those are two very happy thoughts, the sound of his voice tells me he thinks differently.

“Did anyone ever read you bedtime stories?” I ask carefully.

His expression turns grim. “Yes. Once. I was about nine. There was this older girl in one of my foster homes, she was about fifteen or sixteen. She would read Peter Pan to me and the two other boys who lived there. She read it mostly every night before our foster father would come home drunk and rape her.”

I look at him horrified, and suddenly can’t help but wonder if all his childhood memories are laced with such atrocities.


“It’s all right, Ellie. It’s in the past.”

My heart literally breaks for him.

“Okay, let’s do it,” I announce hastily.

“Excuse me?”

“Let’s do it. We can get married under one condition.”

“What’s that?” The corners of his mouth curve up.

“We can have another wedding when we get home. One with our friends and family.”

My parents and sister have to attend at least one ceremony. Even if it is a second one.

Will they be upset when I tell them I ran off and got married to a man they never met? Probably, but not surprised. If anything they would expect it. I have always been somewhat impulsive.

“That’s fair. And I kind of like that idea,” he agrees.

“Okay, good.” I nestle up against him and stand on my tippy toes for a kiss.

Kayne’s face feels warm and soft, despite the little bit of stubble growing on his cheeks.

“Sealed with a kiss,” he says.

“I have a feeling we’re going to be doing a lot of kissing Mr . . . Rivers? Is that your real last name? Would we have to use an alias?”

“Ellie. Shhh.” He pulls me close. “Yes, it’s Rivers,” he whispers, “and I don’t know. We can use that for now.”

Ellie Rivers. I can live with that.

“Okay.” I yawn. “Good talk.”

“Tired, kitten?” Kayne chuckles.

“Yes. I’ve had a very trying night. Prosecco, foursomes, weddings. I’m pooped.”

“So let’s go get some sleep. We have a few more days before I have to share with you with the rest of the world. I plan to take full advantage.”

“I bet you do,” I purr as our two-story bungalow comes into view. Looking at it now, it does seem a bit ostentatious compared to all the rest.

I fall back and melt into the mattress once inside. I lift my hand in front of my face and inspect my engagement ring, noticing how the white and pink stones glimmer even in dim light. I’ve barely had a chance to admire it with everything that went on last night.

“It’s perfect.” Kayne lies down next to me. “It’s just like you—unique, brilliant, and strong enough to cut glass.”

I snuggle up next to him, realizing I will be sharing a bed with this man for the rest of my life.


Our original bond was one built with bricks of deception and lies. The bond we share now is fused by love. A single strand of twine, woven together with trust, and stronger than steel.

“I love you,” I sigh sleepily.

Kayne moans in appreciation. “You have no idea what those words do to me. No idea how much I need to hear them. How much I need you.” He tickles kisses across my cheek.

“You have me. Till death do us part.”

Kayne clutches me protectively, and for a split second I think I’ve said something wrong.

“Go to sleep, Ellie. We can talk nuptials later.” He embraces me firmly, yet tenderly, banishing everything else in my life except him.

“Yes, Kayne,” I murmur against his lips and let slumber have me.