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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance by Tia Siren, Candy Stone (132)

Chapter 18

The beautiful Sunday wedding went off without a hitch. In the beginning, I thought it was going to be a wreck, but I was able to calm the bride down. She’d pitched a fit over the color of her bouquet. Apparently, the blue perennials were “too blue” for the color they were using, so it didn’t match the sash on her dress. Honestly, I was over it, and I watched as her maid of honor ran around the resort trying to fix the issue. But I called the florist down the road anyway and told him what was going on, and he came up here with three different bouquets of blue perennials, and all was taken care of on the spot.

The bride walked down the aisle, she married a man who was crying at her beauty, and the reception went off without a hitch.

The wedding was a massive success. With some of the roadblocks I’d run into with weddings, the bouquet issue was the smallest blip I’d ever dealt with. At one point in time, a wedding I was helping coordinate had a disaster in the kitchen. Half of the bride’s family was allergic to dairy and the dessert had been made with milk. I actually had medical assistance on standby as I tried to collect all the desserts that had already gone out, and to this day that moment was forever etched into my memory as the most worrisome and stressful of my entire career.

“Thinking about the dessert debacle again?” Courtney asked.

“That obvious?”

“It’s always that obvious. Whenever you do, you get this reminiscent look in your eye before it looks like you’re about to puke,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said flatly.

“So, tell me about last night. How’d it go with the Junkie brothers?”

“The Jameson brothers were phenomenal,” I said.

“That’s right. The Alcohol brothers. Got it. How did they compare to the Mansion brothers?” she asked.

“Will you ever call them by their actual names?” I asked.

“Never. So, who was better?”

“Liam actually asked me that question,” I said.

“Mansion or Alcohol?”

“He’s a Castle, and I’ll tell you what I told him. They are both different and wonderful in their respective ways and I won’t choose because it’s not possible.”

“Wow. They must’ve given good dick,” she said.

“The Jameson brothers are incredibly intelligent,” I said. “They have this side to them that wants to just help people, educate them on their health. Kyle takes pride in taking care of the women who come into his office, and Kevin has a soft spot for the kids he treats.”

“Oh, yeah. Their doctors! Alcohol doctors, got it. Women, you say?” she asked.

“Yeah. Kyle’s a gynecologist who dabbles in ob-gyn services when asked, and Kevin’s an oncologist.”

“Oh, shit. Sick kids. I can’t imagine what that’s like,” Courtney said.

“He takes it hard, but they also save lives every damn day,” I said.

“Like the Castle brothers,” Courtney said.

“Hey! You got their name right. Good for you,” I said, smiling.

“Because I see how you care about them; that’s why.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Look, I’ll fuck up their names to make you smile until it becomes serious. I see that you’re actually catching feelings for all of them at once, and while I’m worried about you, I’m also happy for you.”

“Is that wrong?” I asked.

“Is what wrong?”

“To like them all at once? I mean, I can’t choose. Seriously. And I have a date with the Oakley twins on Tuesday. And I’m sure I’m going to love it, just like I loved it with the Castle and Jameson brothers. Is this wrong, what I’m doing?” I asked.

“I don’t think so at all. You spent three years with a creep who got increasingly possessive and manipulative. It’s about damn time you found men who know how to treat you right,” she said.

“Would it be—”

My mind started spinning as the last course started going out to the guests at the wedding. I thought about what would happen if I ever had to choose, if there ever came a point when one of the twins would get jealous and threaten to leave if I didn’t choose. I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I cared about all of them in different ways. I enjoyed their presences for very different reasons, and at this point I couldn’t see myself not communicating with all of them somehow.

“You’re wondering if it would be possible to be with all of them, aren’t you?” she asked.

“They’re all so wonderful, Courtney. Is that selfish of me to even think about?” I asked.

“Yes. But why does being selfish have to be a bad thing?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said.

Just then, someone in the kitchen turned on the television. The chef and the cooks were bickering about which game to play, bouncing it between the Rams and the Dodgers games. I smiled as I looked up at the television, watching the Oakley brothers play. I saw Cole run down a man on the field and tackle him, knocking the football from his hands as I cheered. I watched Cameron hit a homerun, smacking the baseball clear across the field as I jumped for joy. They were rock stars on television as I rooted for their teams, and Courtney and I stayed in the kitchen to watch the games.

The guys would be in a good mood come Tuesday since both of their teams won.

“You are so fucking lucky. If one of these twins drops you, send them my way,” Courtney said.

“I can do that. I’m sure they’d devour you, too,” I said.

“Well, I need to get out of here. Got an early day tomorrow at work,” she said.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can say to convince you to come back to the apartment?” I asked.

“Lexi, get the fuck out of there. It’s not safe. Until they find Jeremy, coop up with one of these twins. I know I’ve been on you about getting back to your strong and independent self again, but this is serious. I’ll come back when Jeremy’s fucking behind bars where he should be. Go stay with one of the twins. I’m serious, Lexi.”

“Don’t let him chase you off. That’s just what he wants. That’s what fuels men like him,” I said.

“Aw, Lexi, you are insane in all the very best ways, but don’t do anything stupid, all right?”

“I promise. Let me know when you get back safely,” I said.

“I’m not the one being stalked. You text me, too,” she said.

I helped the kitchen crew finish wiping things down before I headed to my car. I slipped in and locked my doors, taking precautions as I sat in the parking lot. It was well lit and near a busy road, but what Courtney had said had gotten my head spinning. She was right. Jeremy still hadn’t been caught, and there was no reason to think he wasn’t still out there trying to get to me. I felt my skin crawl as I checked all the mirrors. Then my phone rang in my purse.

“Hello?” I said, answering the phone.

“Well hello there, Lexi.”

I recognized the voice instantly.

“Hello, Tony Wolf,” I said, grinning. “How are you doing this evening?”

“I’m here, too. Hello, Miss Lexi. Wonderful to hear your voice,” Terry said.

“And hello to you, too, Terry Wolf. To what do I owe this surprise?” I asked.

“I’ll get right down to the point. Terry and I are coming back to LA tomorrow, and we were hoping we could take you out while in town,” Tony said.

“The both of you?” I asked.

“The both of us,” Terry said.

“Well, I’d love to. I’m busy Tuesday evening, but I’m wide open the rest of the week,” I said.

“Oh, you will be for us, love. What is taking up your wonderful Tuesday evening?” Tony asked.

“Cole and Cameron,” I said.

“The Oakleys! I told you they enjoyed Lexi, too,” Terry said.

“That sounds fantastic. Wonderful to hear it. So, this means you are free Friday evening then, yes?” Tony asked.

“Wait, you guys are all right with me going out with the Oakley brothers?” I asked.

“Of course. They’re good men. I’m sure they’d treat you well. You’re a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties. This is the time of your life. Have fun with it,” Tony said.

“Friday evening there is a Christmas ball, a formal occasion, and Tony and I would love to have you on our respective arms,” Terry said.

“Well, that means I’d have to go shopping. I don’t have anything formal like that,” I said.

“No need. I’ve already had a dress tailor-made for you,” Tony said.

“Wait. What?” I asked. “How do you even know my size?”

“One of Tony’s many talents,” Terry said.

“Do you have any talents, Terry?” I asked.

“He’s a fine dancer. You’ll find that out on Friday,” Tony said.

“Well, I haven’t said yes yet.”

“The tone of your voice tells me everything I need to know,” Tony said.

“Cocky and suave. I can get behind that,” I said.

“That’s Tony’s job, too,” Terry said.

“Oh, you’re naughty. I very much enjoy that,” I said.

“Well, we will enjoy your company Friday evening. The dress will be delivered to you Wednesday morning. Try it on and let us know if anything is out of place. But trust me, it won’t be,” Tony said.

“I will let you both know how it fits,” I said. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“Keep yourself safe for us until we can get to you, all right?” Terry asked.

I could hear a slight twinge of worry in his voice, and it caused me to look in my mirrors again. I checked both the side mirrors before I looked in my rearview, and the sight I saw sent shivers down my spine.

Over at the corner of the hotel looked to be a figure, a hooded figure with its hands in its pockets. At first I thought I was seeing things—until the figure moved. The person slowly backed into the dark alleyway, covering itself with the LA night sky.

I thought I was going to vomit.

“I will,” I said as I cranked up my car. “I promise.”

“Wonderful, darling. We’ll keep in touch,” Tony said.